Disclaimer: no one mentioned belongs to me, I guarantee it.

Author's note: A sequel to "Unexpected", if you couldn't gather by the title. I dont know whether this story really needed a sequel, but I've been working on this one, anyway. It takes place in their senior year at Hillridge High. In "Unexpected", it was entirely from third person Lizzie, but I think for this one I may fluctuate between characters. Hope you like.

Still Unexpected
Chapter One: New Year, Old Fears

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Senior year. Lizzie McGuire clutched at David Gordon's arm excitedly. "I've been waiting my entire life for this," she said.

He cocked one eyebrow. "I highly doubt you were waiting your entire life for the first day of school," he said.

"Well, you know," she finished lamely, and she hit Gordo when he smirked.

"Could you two be gross elsewhere?" Lizzie's younger brother Matt, starting as a freshman that year, said irritably.

"Could you be annoying elsewhere?" Lizzie countered. "I'm sure there are a few senior football players who'd love to beat the tar out of you. I could swing it, too. I have a lot of influence."

"I bet you do," Matt said, rolling his eyes, but Lizzie knew he was scared. All summer she'd been feeding him freshman torture stories, and she knew he believed them.

"Get lost, squirt," she said, a moniker not entirely fitting because he was as tall as she was already. Still, he got lost.

"Mean, much?" Gordo teased.

"Oh, that wasn't mean. And it's not like he doesn't deserve it. Mom made us pancakes this morning, you know, with fruit and whipped cream? And I was up in the bathroom a little too long, I guess, because he totally replaced mine with shaving cream."

Gordo laughed, and Lizzie put on an indignant face. "That stuff can kill you, you know!"

"That's what you get for being a bathroom-hog."

"I'll have you know, I was prettying myself up for you, not that you ever notice."

"Not notice? You're only all I ever think about, McGuire. Believe me, I notice. And it was worth it, 'cause you look gorgeous."

They smiled at each other.

They walked into the school, and entered the senior hallway with a considerable amount of pride and self-assurance. They'd arrived.

"If it isn't the wonder couple," someone announced, and Lizzie beamed at her best friend Kate Sanders. She never thought they'd make it this far. The girls had been the best of buds in elementary school, but after going to summer camp, Kate had become a grade-A bitch and they were worst enemies in middle school. Funny how two years of hatred could erase years of closeness. But in their freshman year, they'd reconciled when they'd both made the cheerleading squad, and Kate helped Lizzie deal with her more-than-friendly feelings for her best friend of all time, Gordo.

But three years later, she and Gordo were going strong, she and Kate were good friends, and hell, she was the newly elected cheerleading captain. What could go wrong?

"You know, what's going to happen come college when you two can't be joined at the hip anymore?" Kate asked.

Lizzie felt suddenly like she'd been punched in the gut. *That* was what could go wrong. It was the one thing she'd been trying to avoid thinking about ever since last year, when the college application process was really forced on students.

She loved Gordo. More than anything. And Gordo loved her. And they were good together, and they were happy together, and they were best friends.

Gordo had always been good in school. In eighth grade he was given the option to skip ahead to high school, and he even had the ability to graduate in only two years. Gordo was a prodigy. He was a genius. He'd declined that option, but that didn't make him any less intelligent than he was, and colleges knew it.

Lizzie, on the other hand, was smart, but not terribly good in school. She'd gotten better in high school under Gordo's guidance, and while she was maintaining a steady B average in all of her classes (A in English), it just didn't hold compared to Gordo's A+ average.

So Gordo could get into any college he wanted, while Lizzie didn't necessarily have that option. Furthermore, Gordo had full ambition to be a director, which meant going to film school. Lizzie, on the other hand, didn't really have any idea what she wanted to do with her life.

College terrified her. The very idea of Gordo leaving her behind, which he would essentially be doing, was frightening beyond belief. She could already see it happening: Gordo swearing he would be faithful and he'd never love anyone but her...getting seduced by pretty, ambitious, artsy college girls...eventually forgetting he'd ever known anyone named Lizzie McGuire.

She kept her fears to herself. Anyone she talked to would instantly spout the 'don't be ridiculous, this is Gordo, he's not like that, he loves you' story. Lizzie knew that Gordo loved her, but she also knew how much things could change. Four years ago, she never would've thought that she could like Gordo as more than a friend, or she would stop being friends with Miranda Sanchez. And look how that had turned out.

Lizzie's locker was amazingly sandwiched between Gordo's and Kate's. Talk about a stroke of luck. They laughed and talked about how much fun the year was going to be. Lizzie felt her anxiousness subside. She still had a full year before Gordo moved on for greener pastures.