I left the house with Melvin by my side.

"Hey cuz."

"Yes, Melvin?"

"Do you regret turning down Zoe's offer?"

"I regret not actually shoving something up her butt."

Melvin and I shared a chuckle as we walked through the neighborhood. Let's just say after the meeting with Zoe, Maria has been giving me strange looks. To be honest I couldn't care less what she and Zoe thinks. I made my choice and I am sticking with it, for better or for worst.

"I am going with the boys to make some more videos. if you manage to find some time, feel free to come by and visit," Melvin told me before he left.

I yawned as I pondered what to do. Usually, I would run around and see if anyone needs anything. To be honest the job isn't really that bad. I mean I was able to read and memorize most of the manual after reading it a few times the pass few days. Though, It does get exhausting at times. My respect for Bobby has grown, for being able to do this everyday. As I continued walking, I received a few waves from some random kids, before I noticed a few bushes around me shake. I debated whether or not to inspect the bushes for a few seconds, before sighing and moving towards them. Before I could look, There was a loud shriek.

"Oh it's you."

I step back as I noticed somebody leaving the bushes. I blinked when I realized it's Lucretia. I mentally groaned, as I recall the girl's disturbing and weird behavior.

"Were you spying on me?" I asked.

Lucretia looked down at her feet, "Yes, I... You have gotten close to the Harvey Girls, so I have to watch you too."

"I don't follow you."

"Well, you have made a name for yourself."

I scoffed, "Sure."

"You have!" She insisted, "Look, I have to keep an eye on anyone that gets close to the girls. Everyone."

I sighed, "Fine. Feel free to stay with me."

She gave me a questioning look, "What?"

"If you are going to keep an eye on me, I rather have you do it within my sight."


"You really seem to like the girls," I noted.

She rushed towards me and moved her face right up to mine, "Of course! They are simply the best. Without them things would be completely horrible."

Looks like I have opened the blood gates and set her off. Next time I will try and be more careful when making small talk.

"Yeah," I said awkwardly.

"You know it's a shame you haven't really seen them in action yet," She mused with a small frown, "Hopefully, you will and you'll understand."

"Yeah, I hope so too."

"You really mean that?"

I nodded, "I have become good friends with them and would like to see their heroics."

"You know after getting the painting from Lotta, I wanted to do something to thank them, but I don't really know how."

"Why not bake them a cake or something," I suggested.

her face lit up and she gave me a goofy grin, that made her look adorable. I closed my eyes and cleared my mind of the thought.

"That's a great idea. Together we will make the best cake they have ever tasted!" She exclaimed excitedly.

I opened my mouth to question her, when I realized I am obligated to help her. I closed my mouth and looked around the neighborhood. There was nobody that looked like they needed help.

"Ok. Let's bake a cake."

After a few minutes of walking we entered her house and went into her kitchen. I awkwardly stood beside her as she got the ingredients and put them on the counter.

"Have you baked a cake before?" She asked me.

I shook my head, "It shouldn't be too hard. Just follow the recipe."

She nodded as she prepped the oven. I carefully placed the ingredients into a mixing bowl. Hopefully, the cake turns out well. After thirty minutes, we took the cake out of the oven and sighed in relief, as the cake appeared to have turned out well. She took out some frosting and decorated the cake.

To my amazement she managed to draw the three girls, along with the words thank you. She gave the cake one last look before smiling.

"It turned out great! I just hope it tastes good."

"Relax I am sure it turned out fine."


We both left her house. To be honest it wasn't that bad helping her out. She isn't too annoying to deal with when she isn't going crazy over the girls that much.

"Thanks for the help. I can't wait to see the looks on the girls face," She told me with a smile before leaving.

I couldn't help, but smile back. It felt good to help her out. Maybe she isn't as bad as I was thinking before. I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard her shriek. I turned around and saw her on the ground, covered in cake and shaking in fear, as a boy was laughing at her. I rushed towards them.

"What are you doing?"

The boy shrugged his shoulders, "Oh this weirdo made a cake for her idols, who won't give her the time of day."

I looked down and saw Lucretia had tears in her eyes. I gritted my teeth and glared at the boy, who actually flinched.

"I spent thirty minutes helping this strange, yet sweet girl make a cake for her idols and you think you can just ruin it and make her cry?" I asked harshly.

"Yes?" the boy said nervously.

"Wrong answer. By what right?"


"Let me make one thing clear," I said before cracking my knuckles, "If I see you messing with her again, I will make you relive your worst nightmare and make it 10 times worst."

The boy ran off. I sighed before turning towards Lucretia, giving me a thankful look. I held up my hand and helped her up.

"Thanks," She mumbled.

"No problem."

She looked on the ground nervously and mumbled something.

"Did you say something?"

She took a deep breath, "You are my favorite hero, after the Harvey Girls of course!"

I nervously rubbed the back of my head, "Yeah, thanks. Let's get you cleaned up."

She nodded before we started walking back to her house. I didn't expect to start out the day by helping out a girl I thought was crazy and annoying and ended up finding them not as bad, but I don't regret it. We entered her bathroom and she started washing the cake off with a wet towel.

"Who was that guy?" I asked.

She sighed, "There are some kids that thing I am strange and crazy for liking the Harvey girls. They usually make fun of me, but that kid took it farther than most."

"That's terrible."

While I find her actions strange and unsettling, I would never bully her over them. I would just ignore her as much as I can.

"The girls help me out, but they can't be there for me all the time."

"There has to be something you can do."

"All I can do is just live with it and try my best to tough it out," She said with a frown, "I really wanted to surprise the girls with the cake, but it looks like that won't happen."

"We could make another one."

She shook her head, "I am not in the mood. Thanks for everything," She smiled, "I know it must be hard dealing with me, but thanks for being nice."

"Don't say that."


"I won't lie. I found you annoying at first, but I didn't really give you that much of a fair chance. You are really nice and sweet when you aren't thinking about the girls too much. Looking back I see more of that side underneath the devoted fangirl," I explained, "Please don't talk down about yourself."

She rushed towards me and gave me a hug, "That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me."

I awkwardly hugged her back with a smile. She will take more time to get used to, but I am going to give her a fair chance.

One of the things that has annoyed me for a while was Greg not giving Lucretia a fair chance, so I decided to do a chapter where he starts to see her more sweet and friendly side. One thing I have learned is that people have multiple sides or aspects and you have to look at the bigger picture. Lucretia may be crazy when it comes to the girls, but she is just so sweet and friendly. I am happy to see him learn this and not trust a book by it's cover, no matter how obvious it seems.