"Okay runt lets get you a weapon." Clarisse said as he dragged Harry to the weapons shed and he had to look at what felt the right fit for him. It was like getting his wand all over again that took forever there were so many wands to try. For some reason Harry thought this was similar to the wands selection at Ollivander's for all eleven year old witches and wizards entering Hogwarts or any school of magic.

"This one." He picked up a bow much to the disgust of his sister but she couldn't tell him what weapons to use but she couldn't help but chuckle at the awe look on her little brother's face when he was looking at his weapon.

"Alright come on runt let's go we got training to do." Clarisse said and Harry nodded and trailed after his older sister. Is this what it's like to have an older sibling? Harry wondered to himself he was so used to having younger siblings but this was something else.

"Okay." Was all that Harry said as he followed Clarisse to get some training but something caught his sister's eyes and he followed her to where she was going to find some blonde girl and what looked like a newbie he wa too in a way but he knew a lot of things dealing with the gods and the new world.

"Whose that?" The other boy asked as soon as he spotted Harry the blonde girl with him didn't know who he was and couldn't tell him.

"His name is Harry Potter and he is a son of Ares." Clarisse said boasting her lattice brother who didn't looking like he was going to be tough but time will tell with this one anyway. "Who's the newbie?" Clarrise asked the blonde girl who glared at his sister who was she?

"Percy Jackson I would like you to meet Clarisse La Rue, daughter of Ares, and now we know the kids name behind her." The blonde girl said she sounded a lot like Hermione Granger and it was then that Harry hoped he would not have to see her here he did not think she would survive here.

"You know what we do to newbies Annabeth Chase." Clarisse said and Harry now had a name to a face but Percy was still looking at him. Why was he looking at him like that? Clarisse must have noticed as some other boys from his cabin was near when she said. "It's about time we took Prissy for the initiation." She said and the boys grabbed Percy. What initiation did she mean? Was he going to get it too?

The group dragged Percy to the toilet block. Why were they going there? What's so special about the toilets? Was there some magical loo? Hmm perhaps Harry should get a better look just in case they need a wizard! He could do spells like the levitating charm and others even though he really should not be doing magic out of Hogwarts.

Harry went to watch to see if he needed to reel his siblings in like he did at home with his dad, Harry had asked where babies came from when he was pregnant with the twins. He did not get an answer or the answer he wanted.

"What are we doing?" Harry asked them trying to figure out what they were up to his curiosity was going to get the better of him. And get him into trouble like last year at Hogwarts and that was something he did not want to do, especially what his dad promised when he did something like that again.

"Just something the children of Ares do to initiate the new campers." Clarisse said to the eleven year old Demiwizard who was Hecate's blessed like his dad but he would not tell anyone that. But he was also a son of Ares did that mean he was going to go through the same treatment as Percy?

"What about other Ares Children? Do they do this to us?" Harry worriedly asked what the Weasley twins did at Hogwarts and he really did not like the twins as they seemed like bullies and Harry did not like that. There was a difference between making everyone laugh and hurting people.

"Nah you just get brutal training." Clarisse said to the demiwozard and Harry nodded his head but still followed them to see if they were actually going to do it. Would Harry interrupt them if they did? Or would he walk away? O would something else happen?

"But isn't this bullying?" Harry asked them and they all sneered at the younger Ares child. He was naive at how this place worked. He'll learn though painfully.

"Well let's get Potter too!" One said and Harry was shocked they would do that but he was not sorted into Gryffindor for nothing he whipped out his wand they all laughed at him he would not laugh at anyone who had their wands pointed at him.

"What are you going to do with the stick kid?" A son of Ares said so that made him his half brother.

"Petrificus Totalus." Harry said as the one who asked him about his wand seized up and landed with a thud they all looked at him now how could he do Magic? How long could he do magic? Why was he using a stick? Wasn't he a son of Ares?

"Okay that was magic or what magic might look like. But what the Hades did you do to him?!" One of the Ares campers asked the Potter boy who had not yet lowered his wand at them.

"Full body-bind curse." Was all that Harry said they were weary of the latest Ares Camper but Percy thought it was the best thing he has ever seen. He told them someone who was smaller than he was, everyone avoided him and Harry who knew what Harry would do to them. "Don't worry it wears off I think." Harry comments to them with a grin he knew it wore off eventually some spells were not permanent.