A/N – Hey guys. Strap in! This is going to be a BIG one. Don has returned once again to host another round of The Ridonculous Race. All eighteen teams have returned once again to compete in the race of a lifetime. But that's not all! They will be joined by eighteen more teams for a grand total of THIRTY SIX teams! So that means double the fun! Double the excitement! Double the drama! And quintuple the work for me lol. (But I'm ready to take on this challenge... BRING IT ON!)

This story will take place one year after the Ridonculous Race ends and will pretty much be a continuation of everything that happened with the original characters. So all the relationships that started in Ridonculous Race will continue on as well (Devon/Carrie; Noah/Emma; Ryan/Stephanie) in addition to a few new relationships. In addition to this, this story will also take place in the same universe as "A Codette World Tour", so Geoff will NOT be dating Bridgette in this one and there will be certain mentions by certain characters.

WARNING – The story will be rated T. It contains some mild language, dramatic romance scenes, and grannies that kick ass! In addition to the seventy-two characters I am forcing myself to write, there will also be another certain character returning that I'm pretty sure you'll all be excited for. (I think old readers of mine will be able to guess who it is)

With all that said... here... we... go!


ROUND ONE – Union Station (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)

The streets of Toronto, Ontario were buzzing with excitement as citizens on Canada's media capital flocked over to historical Union train station. There were countless concession stands set up selling their goods to the anticipating audience. Everything from food, drinks, to merchandise for the upcoming event were flying from vendor's booths. 65 Front Street West had been blocked off by railing and security as if a parade was about to come marching by. But it wasn't a parade that the fans were anticipating.

Ever since the finale of last years hit reality show The Ridonculous Race, fans around the world had been begging for more. More action. More excitement. More adventure. More of their favorite contestants working together or trying to tear each other apart. Finally, after much public demand, the producers decided that another season would be a good idea. But, in order for this one to be even better than the last, they were going to need to change some things up. Including the number of contestants that were going to be participating. So when the news hit the streets that the network was looking for eighteen more teams to compete alongside the original eighteen teams, applications and audition videos came pouring in. It was a difficult process, but in the end, the network managed to select the eighteen teams they felt would be best for the show. Plans were made. Locations were selected. Challenges were tested. Finally, at long last, the second Ridonculous Race was about to begin.

At the grand entrance of Union Station, a familiar middle-aged man emerged and began to descend the stairs towards the roaring crowd. He smiled his bright smile and brushed his light brown hair with his hands (he wanted to make sure the fans got to see him at his best). This man was Don, the host of the event. He approached a podium that had been set up for him and proceeded to speak to the audience.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen," Don greeted the fired up crowd. "and welcome to the historic Union Station here in Toronto, Canada. Not only is this Canada's primary railway station that is responsible for carrying over 250,000 people a day to their destinations throughout the country, but it is also on these same streets that marked the beginning of an epic journey around the world for thirty-six people just one year ago. Therefore, we decided that it would only be fitting if we made this the starting point of this year's contest. Because once again, those same teams are going to be going on another adventure as they compete against each other in the greatest race to ever take place in the world... THE RIDONCULOUS RACE!"

Fans cried out in excitement and were more fired up than before. Almost as if they were anticipating the beginning of an amazing rock concert.

"That's right folks! Once again, your favorite racers are going to be racing around the world for another one million dollar prize! But this time, the race is going to be even harder for the contestants. Because as promised, the challenges are going to be harder; there will be new twists that will make things more challenging for our racers; higher risks that will either end in great reward of even greater despair... and as promised, the original eighteen teams are going to be joined by eighteen NEW teams for double the excitement, double the thrills, and double the action!"

Once again, the fans cheered. The anticipation of this year's race was growing to be more than the fans could bare.

"And we will meet those eighteen teams a little later on," Don announced. "But as for now, what say we bring in the eighteen original teams!"

The crowd roared with excitement.

"Very well then! Let's get right to it! Our first team didn't do very well last year, but these two young ladies have been looking forward to their chance of redemption ever since this season was announced. Please welcome back The Geniuses, Mary and Ellody!"

The two young ladies made their entrance from the train station towards the podium where Don awaited them. Fans in the audience cheered for them, which made the two girls blush somewhat.

"So ladies, are you ready for your chance of redemption?" Don asked.

"Indubitably, Don," Mary replied. "We've taken notes and learned from our mistakes last season. And we can both concur that we will not be making the same mistake twice."

"Precisely," Ellody concurred. "No more over thinking. No more relying too much on data. No more taking a strict scientific approach."

"Oh? So you've decided to just wing it this time?" Don asked.

"Negative," Mary replied. "We've already come up with formulas for numerous challenges and have calculated countless possible outcomes for numerous situations. We've prepared courses of actions for these situations before hand this time and are fully prepared for everything you could possible throw at us."

"Well then, we'll see if that pays off for you," Don chuckled. The naivety of the geniuses amused him somewhat. "Good luck to you both. Please, take your place at the starting line!" The two girls waved to the crowd once more as the headed for the streets. "Next ladies and gentlemen, please welcome one of the most dysfunctional mother/daughter relationships to ever be broadcast on television, second maybe to the Kardashians, Mother and Daughter, Taylor and Kelly!"

Kelly and her now seventeen year old daughter Taylor made their way from the train station to the podium. Along the way, Kelly waved to the crowd happily. But Taylor just focused on applying her lip gloss as she stared into a pocket mirror the whole time, ignoring the mixed reaction the two received from the crowd.

"So ladies. Have you two worked out your mommy/daughter issues?" Don asked.

"Well Don, we've been seeing a counselor for the past year," Kelly explained with a lighthearted laugh. "He says that we're making progress... slowly, but surely, we're making progress."

"It'd be a lot easier if you'd just admit that I'm right all the time," Taylor muttered as she brushed her hair back.

"Honey... we talked about this just last week," Kelly retorted somewhat sternly as she placed her hands on her hips.

"... all right, fine. MOST of the time. You have your moments here and there."

"That's better, hon," Kelly happily replied as she hugged her daughter. But Taylor didn't seem to care at all.

"Okay then... best of luck to you ladies. And best of luck to your counselor. Please join the geniuses at the starting line."

Taylor and Kelly waved to the crowd once more as they headed down to the starting line

"On to our next team!" Don announced excitedly. "They're the twins that constantly overcome adversity, thus properly named The Adversity Twins, Jay and Mickey!"

Said twins made their way down the steps of the Union Station as they were announced. At first, the roaring crowd startled them and the twins were almost overtaken by stage fright.

"Ugh... loud noise," Mickey whimpered as he grabbed onto Jay 's shoulders for support.

"Give it a minute, Mickey. It'll pass... or we'll pass out whichever comes first."

"Well... come on down guy! Your fans are awaiting you!" Don called up.

"F-F-Fans?" Mickey whispered.

"Y-Y-You mean... people actually LIKED us last year?" Jay asked.

"Of course! And some of them are... ladies, I might add," Don replied with a sly grin on his face.

As Jay and Mickey looked out into the crowd, Don's claims were proven true. There were indeed some girls in the crowd that were holding up signs in support of the adversity twins. And some of these girls were considered quite attractive. This gave the twins the motivation to overcome their stage fright.

"What do you say Mickey?" Jay asked, puffing his chest out. "Ready to overcome adversity one more time?"

"LET'S DO THIS!" Jay retorted, pumping his fists into the air. The two began racing down the steps of the station as the crowd roared in excitement for their arrival. Unfortunately, the moment was ruined as Jay tripped over his shoelace, bumped into Mickey, and sent the two tumbling down the steps and into the streets, knocking down the other two teams in the process.

"Ooh... that's gonna leave a mark," Don cringed.

When the dust cleared, the crowd's silence broke out in laughter as a humorous site awaited them all. Poor Mickey was caught in between Mary and Ellody in an awkward position that, unknown to the girls, was making the twin wearing the headgear blush fervently. Ellody was laying on top of Mickey with her chest area pressed against the back of his head all while his chin rested in Mary's lap. Poor Jay wasn't much better off. In the course of the collision, Taylor found herself laying directly on top of Jay, her face inches from his.

"EWW! EWW!" Taylor cried out, pushing herself off of Jay instantly. "Mom! Anti bacteria wipe! I need an anti bacteria wipe! Scratch that! Make it two! No! Three! Ten! STAT!"

"Right away, sweetie," Kelly said as she fished around her purse for some disinfectant wipes.

Jay moaned in pain as he tried to sit up. He felt a hand grab his and pull him to his feet.

"Ugh, thanks," he groaned. "I don't know what happened. I just..."

Jay's words were cut short when he saw who had helped him up. Unfortunately, he wasn't too happy to see this person again.

"Hey, are you all right?" Emma asked, looking concerned.

Memories of Emma sabotaging their chances during last years race come flooding back to Jay. The memories caused Jay to glare bitterly at Emma.

"What do you care?!" Jay snapped, pulling his hand away from the law student. "Or are you looking for any weakness to expose on us again?!"

"Look Jay, I know you're still mad at me for what I did to you last year," Emma replied, rubbing her shoulder uncomfortably. "But it wasn't anything personal against your or Mickey. I just wanted to make sure Noah didn't get eliminated and..."

"...you sacrificed US for YOUR gain!" Jay interrupted, visible upset.

At the podium, Don was just eating some popcorn as he watched the scene unfold. "You know, I was going to introduce The Sisters Emma and Kitty and interview them about their chances this year... but this is WAY better."

Meanwhile, Kitty had helped Ellody and Mary to their feet. After helping them brush their clothes off and making sure they were okay, she helped Mickey to his feet.

"Hey there. You okay?" she asked.

Mickey rubbed his head, a little stunned after falling down the steps. But when he looked and saw who was speaking to him, the pain seemed to instantly vanish. His face became red once more as he gazed upon the beautiful, perky girl standing there smiling at him.

"Y-Y-Yeah," he managed to whisper. "T-T-Thanks."

"You're welcome," she happily replied as she brushed off some stones that were on his shirt.

Mickey turned his head away shyly as Kitty brushed him off.

Mickey would have liked to continue the conversation, but the argument between Jay and Emma has escalated to a shouting match, cutting them both off.

"UGH! Why can't you let it go already?!"

"Oh! I'm sorry! You're TOTALLY right! I should just forget about the time you cost me and my brother a million dollars!"

"For the last time, I said I was sorry about that!" Emma snapped.

"Save it!" Jay angrily retaliated. "And stay out of our way this time! Or I promise you... you and your sister WILL be another adversity that we WILL conquer!"

Emma just glared at the twin as he yelled back at her. "Fine! Same goes for you and your runt of a brother! Kitty! Let's go!"

Emma marched over to her sister and then, without waiting for a response, dragged her by her arm away from Mickey. Kitty looked back at the twin with headgear apologetically and mouthed 'good luck' to him. Mickey mouthed back 'you too', a faint blush still on his face.

"Well, that was dramatic," Don said as he sipped on his soda. "But as the saying goes, 'the show must go on'. We've got thirty two more teams to introduce, so let's not waste any more time! Next folks, please welcome back a team that did surprisingly well last season, The Goths Crimson and Ennui!"

Crimson and Ennui both made their way down the steps of the Union Station towards the streets and cheering crowd. As usual, they wore the same, emotionless expression on their face that they had come to be famous for.

"I'm so excited for this," Crimson said in her monotone voice.

"I can hardly contain my excitement," Ennui added, also in a monotone voice.

As usual, Loki, the team's pet that had joined them last season back in Australia, was riding on Ennui's shoulder. The Gothic rabbit still looked as menacing as ever as he proudly wore his goth makeup and pumped his paws into the air. Much to his surprise, fans in the crowd were holding up signs with his name on it. The goth bunny folded his arms proudly and stood taller than ever on Ennui's shoulder.

"I would interview them, but if they're anything like last year then it would be a waste of time," Don muttered. "So I'll just wish the two of you good luck and ask you to go to the start line."

Loki growled at the host, causing him to gasp in surprise. The Gothic rabbit was quite offended that he had overlooked the team mascot.

"All right, all right. The THREE of you," Don said while rolling his eyes.

Loki lifted his nose at the host and folded his arms triumphantly as Ennui carried him down to the starting line.

"Let's just move on to the next team," Don continued. "Our very own Fashion Bloggers Tom and Jen are back for another round!"

Tom and Jen made their way down the steps next, waving and flaunting themselves to the audience. If there was anything they loved, it was a crowd giving them attention. After soaking in the cheers from the crowd, they made their way over to Don.

"So guys," Don began, "many people are saying that had it not been for your little spat with one another back in Transylvania, you two could have been serious contenders to win the race last time. Have you worked out all your issues this time around?"

"Most definitely Don," Jen confidently answered. "Just like we discovered last year, though too little too late, we've agreed that we can only work as a team. Without Tom, there is no Jen."

"And without my girl Jen, there cannot be a Tom," Tom added. "One cannot exist without the other. We can only do well if we work together."

"And this time, we WILL work together all the way to victory!" both bloggers cried out in excitement. This got the crowd excited as well and they cheered for the team.

"Well, good luck to you both," Don said.

"Thanks Don!" Jen replied. Then, without warning, she snatched the microphone from podium. "And to all the viewers out there, be sure to check out our online blog "Tom and Jen's Fashion Statements!"

Tom then leaned over Jen's shoulder and added, "Be sure to like us on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Instagram, Pinterest, BlogSpot, and DeviantArt! All accounts have the same name as our blog!"

Jen then handed the microphone back to the host and the two made their way down to join the other five teams.

"Hmph... rude and self promoting much?" Don muttered. "Anyways, let's keep things moving with..."

"Out of our way! We're being introduced first!" came an angry female voice.

"No way! WE'RE being introduced first!" came another female voice, though this one a little younger.

"And what makez you zeenk you're more worthy of being introduced first?!" cried out a male voice with a french accent.

"Symbolism!" came a gruff female voice. "Just like in the race, it's gonna be you two coming in AFTER us!"


"Hey! You DID get a little smarter over the past year, didn't ya?"

"Out of our way!"

"No! YOU get out of OUR way!"

"NO! YOU... ARGH!"


The doors of Union Station burst open as two teams came tumbling down the stairs, wrestling for control the entire way down. Don had to move out of the way to avoid being caught up in the mini-rumble. The other teams screamed and moved out of the way of the oncoming fight. When the teams reached the bottom of the steps, the struggle continued.

"OW! Hey! No biting!"

"HA! Ze race hasn't started yet! We can do what we WANT!"


"No way sister!"

The crowd just watched as the two teams continued to roll around, struggling to get the upper hand in the encounter. Some people were cheering for their favorite team while others watched in shock and anticipation. Finally, after a long minute that seemed to go on forever, the fight ended when a short, stout, but tough looking lady in a police uniform shot up from the fight and stood victoriously.

"HA! WE BEAT YOU!" McArthur cried out. "IN YOUR FACE ICE DANCERS!"

"Oh! I don't zeenk zo!" Jacques angrily retorted, shooting up from the ground as fast as McArthur had. "WE were ze first team to arrive on the streets."

"Oh! You wish!" Sanders snapped back, now on her feet and standing by her partner's side.

"We don't wish! We achieve!" Josee growled as she climbed onto her feet.

"Like how you achieved that silver medal at the Olympics?" Sanders slyly asked.

"Or the bronze during last year's race?" McArthur added, grinning wickedly.


"Save it for the race, you four!" Don shouted over the commotion. "Fans want to see you duke it out in the competition. Not beforehand."

The Ice Dancers and the Cadets continued to glare daggers at one another. It was clear that this rivalry was about to spark up once again.

"Do I even NEED to introduce The Ice Dancers Jacques and Josee or The Cadets Sanders and MacArthur?" Don asked.

"NO!" answered the other teams as well as everyone in attendance.

"Yeah, I didn't think so either. So let's move on, shall we? Next we have the Step Brothers Chet and Lorenzo!"

Chet and Lorenzo made their entrance playing their theme song to air guitar and horrible singing that made members in the audience cover their ears in agony.

"Step Brotheeeeeeeeers. Step Brotheeeeeeeeeeeers. STEEEEEEP BROOOOOOTHEEEEERS!"

The two continued to sing their theme song aloud, not caring that they were receiving negative reviews from music critics around the world. The two approached Don.

"You like it Don?" Chet asked. "We're making plans to release that song worldwide soon!"

"Great," Don chuckled somewhat sarcastically as he removed a pair of earmuffs he had put on during their act. "In the meantime, I wouldn't quit your day jobs just yet."

"No worries Don! We never had day jobs to begin with!" Lorenzo proudly claimed.

The host rolled his eyes at this comment and mentally pushed it aside so he could focus on his interviewing duties.

"So guys. Last year you argued and fought for the majority of your time together in the competition. But in the end, you made amends and discovered that you're almost the perfect team. With your rough past behind you, do you think you'll be able to make it further this time?"

"No doubt!" Lorenzo confidently replied. "We've already made plans on how we're going to win this race!"

"Yeah! And it helps that we decided that I was going to be the team leader," Chet added.

This caught Lorenzo off guard. "Ehehehe... funny Chet. But I'M the one that's in charge this time, remember?"

"Yeah... no," Chet rebuked chuckling. "I'M going to be the leader. We discussed this last night."

"No. You discussed that. I said no."

"Well, I said yes."

"No. I'm the leader."

"No. I am!"

"No. I am!

"I am!"

"I am!"

"I AM!"

"I AM!"

"I AM!"

"I AM!"

Within seconds, Chet and Lorenzo were wrestling on the ground and throwing punches at one another. The two continued their fight while rolling down the steps towards the street.

"Seriously! Are these steps greased or something?" Don asked as he watched the two roll down.

Down below, the other teams saw the oncoming brawl and quickly got out of the way once again. That is, except for the Ice Dancers and Cadets who were still glaring too intensely at one another to notice. But that would stop the instant the two teams were inadvertently pulled into the cloud of dust and fists. That cloud then continued to move along the street for a few yards as fists from both Chet and Lorenzo would be seen swinging every now and then.

"WAIT A MINUTE! WAIT A MINUTE!" Chet cried out.

The dust cloud disappeared and revealed the Ice Dancers and Cadets lying on the ground in agony and confusion.

"What the heck happened?" McArthur groaned. "Did I just get get to second base with someone?"

"You were right, Lorenzo," Chet said as he helped his step brother onto his feet. "You DID say you were going to be the leader... for half of the race."

"Oh yeah! You're right! I DID say half of the race. And that YOU were going to lead us the other half!"

"Yeah! DUH!" Chet exclaimed, smacking himself on the forehead. "Sorry, bro. I guess I got caught up in the excitement of the crowd and all that."

"Yeah... I'm sorry too Chet."

The step brothers then fist bumped to seal the truce, much to the pleasure of the crowd.

"Dat iz very touching and all... BUT CAN YOU PLEEZE GET OFF OF US?!" Jacques cried out angrily.

The step brothers glanced down at their feet. Sure enough, they were standing directly on top of Jacques and Josee, who were both groaning in agony.

"Oh... sorry," both Chet and Lorenzo apologized.

"...be... be sure to add them to the list..." Josee weakly said to Jacques.

But no one would hear her say that as everyone had turned their attention to the next team to arrive: The Tennis Rivals Gerry and Pete.

"Welcome back gentlemen," Don greeted the retired tennis rivals. "Honestly, I have to admit that I'm kind of surprised that you've decided to do this again considering you said last year that competing in this race was a bad idea."

"Yeah, it probably is," Pete agreed. "But what can we say? We could use the sponsors. Not to mention we've both agreed that we're just going through a late life crisis."

"Yeah. Most men do stupid things when they reach our age! Some old men go out and buy a motorcycle. Others try to start up their own business. We go on The Ridonculous Race!"

The two shared a laugh at this joke before joining the others on the streets below.

"How can anyone not like those two?" Don laughed. "And speaking of a couple which people can't NOT like, here comes the Ridonculous Race Best Friends, Devin and Carrie!"

Indeed, the crowd could not hate these two. The two waved happily to the crowd as they made their way down the train station steps hand in hand, much to the excitement of the crowd. Then, to play up to the crowd and to surprise his sweetheart, Devin suddenly swooped Carrie into his arms, leaned her slowly backwards, and gave his best friend a deep, passionate kiss. Carrie squealed in surprise at first, but was more than happy to return the kiss much to the crowds excitement.

"Where did that come from, Casanova?" Carrie asked when they finished.

"Nowhere," Devin replied. "I just felt like doing it. You know, years of catching up on that and all."

Carrie blushed greatly as Devin helped her back on her feet. Then, hand in hand, the two went down the stairs and met Don halfway down.

"So then... should we call you guys the Daters Version Two?" the host asked.

"No, that won't be necessary," Devin replied. "Even though we're dating, we're still best friends."

"Yeah. I'm just one of the lucky ones that gets to date her best friend," Carrie added as she kissed Devin on the cheek.

"Well, glad to see you two are doing well," Don replied. "Keep it up and maybe you'll be an even bigger reality television couple than Cody and Bridgette!"

"Oh! I don't think that's possible," Carrie chuckled. "NO ONE can outdo what those two went through in Total Drama World Tour."

"...though I wouldn't mind trying," Devin replied, pulling Carrie in close. "Hey! Speaking of which, I heard that some of the new contestants are former Total Drama participants! Are Cody and Bridgette going to be competing?" [1]

"Well, we DID extend the invitation... but Bridgette recently became pregnant and Cody doesn't want to leave his wife's side, so sadly no," Don explained. "But you'll see who shortly. In the meantime, go join the others, think about how you can outdo Cody and Bridgette as the ultimate reality couple, and for heaven's sake watch your step. We've had more contestants fall down these steps today than I care to see and we all know how accident prone you are Devin."

"Don't worry Don," Devin assured the host. "No distractions. Now that I've got Carrie by my side, nothing's going to keep me fro-AUGH!"

Devin spoke too soon. He had his eyes on his girlfriend at the time he stepped forward and misjudged the step. The poor guy tripped and went tumbling down the steps. This time, the victim at the bottom would once again be an unsuspecting Taylor who had been filing her fingernails. Before she realized what was happening, she was being knocked off her feet and falling to the ground.

"Seriously! Did someone jinx these steps today?!" Don asked as Carrie frantically raced after her boyfriend.

Down below, Taylor groaned as she rubbed her forehead.

"Seriously?! Again?! Why the heck can't you people watch where you're..."

When Taylor saw who had landed on her, she almost immediately lost her voice. Unlike Jay from earlier, she was quite content with who had landed on her and felt her face begin to flush.

"Uh... sorry about that," Devin chuckled as he stood off her.

"Um... yeah... forget about it," Taylor replied as she stood off the ground and brushed her clothes off. "No worries... like, forget about it. It's cool."

"Devin! Are you okay?!" Carrie cried out when she reached her boyfriend. She didn't give him a chance to answer as she was now worriedly checking him over for injuries.

"Carrie! Please! I'm fine," Devin laughed. He couldn't help it. Carrie was so cute when she worried about him.

"Aww... you've got a bruise on your elbow," Carrie softly cried as she looked at the now black and blue mark forming on Devin's left arm. She gently kissed it and smiled warmly at him. "Better?"

"Better," Devin whispered to her lovingly. He then led her away from the steps and towards the start line, unaware that someone was watching him walk away.

"Hmm... yum, yum," Taylor whispered to herself as she allowed her eyes to glance down at Devin's butt. "Me likey. How the heck did I not notice him last year?"

"Taylor? Sweetie? Are you okay?" Kelly snapped her daughter out of her impure thoughts as she checked her over. "Do you need another anti-bacteria wipe?"

"Huh?! Oh! Uh... no, mom. I'm fine...," Taylor answered, sounding a little happier than usual. But realizing this, she quickly changed her tone. "...though SOMEONE should SERIOUSLY do something about those steps before someone gets hurt!"

"Never fear, milady!" called out a familiar, geeky voice. "Your grand wizard and his faithful partner and bard have arrived to remedy the curse put on these steps!"

Sure enough, The Larpers Leonard and Tammy had appeared at the top of the Union Station steps. Though some people in the crowd were laughing at how ridiculous the two looked dressed in their 'Lord of the Rings' attire, they still got a decent reception from the crowd.

"Wait... don't tell me," Don called up, somewhat unamused. "You're going to try to cast a magic spell to lift this supposed curse on these steps, right?"

"Your assumption is correct, my lord," Tammy answered as she and Leonard approached the host. "Now stand back and witness our new abilities and skills we've acquired in the past year!"

The short, plump teenage LARPER then pulled out her signature seashell and held it up to her lips.

"SONG OF MAGICAL ENHANCEMENT!" she cried out. Then, she put the seashell to her mouth and began to play a noisy, yet strangely soothing melody.

"Well done, lady Tammy!" Leonard complimented the bard. "I can feel my powers increasing by the second. I shall now remove the curse from these steps!"

"Oh, this should be good," Don mumbled as he leaned against his podium, bored by the whole act.

The wizard teen then pulled out his signature staff and held it over his head. A mysterious thunder rolled in the background as he focused on the steps.

"CUMERSE! BEUM! GUMONE! NUMOW!" [2] his mysteriously powerful voice echoed over the crowd as that mysterious thunder continued to roll overhead. People raised their eyebrows suspiciously. This was either a very good show or the young teenager had indeed learned how to use magic. Even Don seemed a little impressed by this... but just a little.

"And viola!" Leonard confidently proclaimed. "The curse has left us! Observe as I-WHOOP!"

As good a show Leonard and Tammy had put on, their counter spell appeared to be ineffective. Poor Leonard had tripped over his robes and it was his turn to tumble down the steps to the street below. Some of the contestants were laughing at Leonard's misfortune while others raced over to make sure he was okay.

"And I am not the least bit surprised that happened," Don said aloud to no one. "Tammy, go make sure he's okay... and for your dignity and honor of this contest, try not to let this year be a repeat of last year."

Tammy didn't answer the host. She ran down the steps to make sure her teammate was okay. Mary and Ellody were already on the scene making sure he wasn't seriously hurt.

"Woah! Nasty fall!" came a chilled voice from atop the stairs.

Don turned his attention towards the entrance of Union Station. There stood The Surfers Geoff and Brody aka the winners of last year's race. Despite the loud cheers from the audience, the two dudes were more concerned with the well-being of their fellow racing contestant Leonard. They ran past Don and joined Tammy and the two geniuses that were already at his side.

"TOTALLY wicked crash, dude," Geoff said as he knelt down next to the LARPER. "You didn't break anything, did you?"

"Ugh... a good wizard does not break..." Leonard replied somewhat dazed. "...though a wizard knows not to stray too far away from a good healer too... are any of you experienced in white magic?"

"Well, we did take some online medical courses in preparation for university next year when we graduate from high school," Mary answered as Ellody examined him closer. "So I guess we would currently be the best qualified for the job."

"His pupils are properly dilated," Ellody diagnosed. "No ruptures in his skeletal structure. No complications with his speech... he should make a full recovery."

Geoff and Brody just stared blankly at Ellody. Clearly, the two had absolutely no idea what she had just said. Nearby, Mary rolled her eyes.

"He's fine," she dully explained.

"Oh! Cool!" Brody exclaimed excitedly. "Glad to hear it, little wizard dude!"

"Tchyeah! You gotta be on your A game if you're going to compete in this race magical guy!" Geoff added as he playfully punched the LARPER on the shoulder, not knowing he hurt him more than he did encourage.

"Surfers!" Don called over the microphone. "Welcome back to the contest! Glad to see you're still as friendly and sportsmanlike as ever!"

"Of course, dude!" Geoff called back. "It's called good karma! Besides, we won last year by running a clean race and we're gonna do it again this year!"

"Well, that's very noble of you two!" Don complimented. "Kinda boring, but noble."

Meanwhile, Brody had turned his attention to a certain police cadet that had been standing nearby.

"Hey, McArthur," he coolly greeted her. "Did'ja get any of those letters I sent ya?"

"Letters?" McArthur asked, sounding puzzled. "What letters?"

"You know, babe. Those love letters I wrote you all last summer after the first race."

"...I honestly have no idea what you're talking about, kid."

"You don't? Didn't you get, like, a lot of pink envelopes with your name on them? They should have been real easy to notice. Especially since I wrote your name on them in, like, REALLY big letters!"

Sanders, who had been listening to the conversation, knew exactly why her partner hadn't received any of Brody's letters.

"Brody?" Sanders chuckled. "Did you remember to put McArthur's address on those pink envelopes under her name?"

Brody stared at the cadets with a blank expression for a few seconds before his error processed in his mind.

"...Oh yeah!" he laughed while smacking his forehead. "I had a feeling I was forgetting to do SOMETHING."

"...and I'm gonna guess you forgot to put your return address in the upper left hand corner of the envelope and you didn't put a stamp on it either, did you?"

Brody's face had gone blank once more.

"Don't hurt yourself thinking about it too much," McArthur chuckled as she patted the bedazzled surfer gently on the back. "But thanks for making the effort. It's the thought that counts."

Meanwhile, back at the entrance of Union Station, the next team was being introduced. The crowd was quite excited when they noticed the two reality stars make their way down the stairs.

"Say hello to the Reality Television Pros, Owen and Noah! Welcome back gentlemen!" Don greeted the two.

"Thanks Don!" Owen excitedly replied while pulling him for one of his infamous bear hugs, ignoring the sound of the host's crushing bones and moans of pain.

Noah didn't bother to stop to greet Don or help him. Instead, he made a straight line for his lawyer girlfriend.

"Hey you," he nonchalantly greeted the Asian law student.

"Hey yourself," Emma replied, grabbing the bookwork by the cuff of his shirt and pulling him in for a kiss that could rival the one Devin gave to Carrie earlier. The crowd responded positively to this and cheered wildly for the reunited couple.

"WHOO!" Kitty cheered for the two loudest of all.

Owen had released Don and ran down to greet his buddies girlfriend and her sister. Once again, he pulled the three of them in for his famous hug. All three victims gasped for air as Owen squeezed them.

"So Emma... you and Noah gonna make kissy kissy this time around?" Owen asked as he released the three of them.

"We'll... (cough) (cough) see (choke)" Emma answered as she gasped for air.

"Wait... what do you mean 'we'll see'?" Noah asked. He didn't like this answer.

"I mean it depends on how we do," Emma replied. "Don't forget that this is still a contest for a million dollars. It's every team for themselves."

"Spoken like the woman I've come to love," Noah sighed as caressed Emma's cheek.

"So... you're okay with that then?" Emma asked, somewhat worried.

"Definitely. After all, there will be plenty of time for kisses and hugs at the chill zones, right?"

"Absolutely," Emma agreed. She then pulled him in for another great kiss.

Nearby, Jay just glared at the scene bitterly. Seeing the scene play out only reminded him more about what Emma had done to him and his brother last season.

Back on the Union Station stairway, Don had regained his breath and was recomposing himself as The Rockers Rock and Spud made their grand entrance. Before the team descended the stairs, the stayed on the top for a couple minutes to do an air guitar performance for the crowd, which loved every second of it. To help with the show, a nearby fan of the team began to play the epic Dragon Force song "Through The Fire and Flames" on his radio.

"DUDE! AWESOME SELECTION MAN!" Rock called out, upping the action of his air guitar solo. Spud also upped his air guitar and the two were in a serious jam session. Others in the audience decided they wanted to help out with the show, So in response, they pulled out some fireworks they had brought with them. (Why fans had fireworks with them, no one will ever know) Right as the song neared the big finish, the fans set off those fire works to go along with the amazing finish of the epic song. The fireworks ended right as the song ended, causing the crowd to go wild.

The Rockers then made their way down the steps towards Don.

"Rockers! Welcome back! And congratulations on the most epic entrance of these introductions so far!"

"Thanks dude!" Rock enthusiastically replied. "That was, like TOTALLY unexpected. We were up there like 'de ne ne ne na nuh ne deee duh de neee!' and then people were like 'YEAH! WHOO! ALL RIGHT!'. Then those fireworks went off like 'BANG BOOM POW BLAMMO!'... Yeah! That was epic!"

"Well worded," Don replied dryly. "So anyways, are you two ready for another adventure around the world?"

"...dude... what do you mean 'another'?" Spud asked, seeming spaced out. "This is my first time doing this."

The crowd went silent instantly. So silent that crickets were heard in the background.

"Uh, Spud? Dude? We did this last year. Remember?" Rock asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Spud's eyes remained half-opened as he tried to recollect the adventure from last year. After a moment of what appeared to be hard thinking, Spud's eyes suddenly lit with excitement. "Dude! You mean that WASN'T a dream?! I really DID all that?!"

"...um... yes," Don answered.

"...and you're telling me that I get to do it all again?!"

"Uh... that's why you're here."

"AWESOME!" The heavier rocker pumped his fists into the air in excitement."We're gonna ROCK! THIS! COMPETIT-"

Spud didn't get to finish this phrase as the rocker became the next unfortunate victim of the allegedly cursed staircase. The rocker hadn't been paying attention and missed the step before tumbling down to the streets below. The other competitors, now bored with the whole routine, just casually stepped to the side as Spud crash landed on the streets.

"Can we get a warning sign by this step or something?" Don asked into his earpiece as Rock raced to his teammate's side. "I'd hate to have to send a team home before the race even begins... all right, all right. I'll keep introducing the teams... yes I know there are thirty six teams. Just get that sign over here and I'll introduce the next team."

As Don finished speaking into his earpiece, the next returning team had already arrived at his podium; The Daters Stephanie and Ryan.

"Ryan! Stephanie! Welcome back!" Don greeted the two. "So tell us; are you guys going to be the daters? Or the haters this time around?"

"Well, we're still trying to work out a strategy that brings the best of both worlds," Ryan replied as he wrapped his arms around Stephanie from behind.

"Yeah. We're trying to figure out a way that brings out the best in our competitive spirits and our drive to win while keeping the love between us strong," Stephanie added as she caressed Ryan's strong chin.

"Hmm... sounds like my marriage," Don chuckled.

Ryan and Stephanie just gave the host awkward stares. "Uh... you know your wife is most likely watching this right now, right?" Ryan asked.

"No worries, my giant friend. It's a little thing called 'post-production editing'. This will be edited before she even realizes that-"

But his wife had realized. As was evident when Ryan and Stephanie saw the host's earpiece jump to life and bounce around in his ear as a high pitched voice from a woman could be heard screaming in the host's ear, paralyzing him in the process.

"OW! Honey?! You were listening?! I-OW! TOO LOUD! I-OW! No! Of course I didn't forget that you got hired in the control room! Yes I knew you were listening! It was a joke, honey! It was... Oh come on! Don't be like that! Just... hold on, will ya?"

Don quickly turned to the Daters/Haters. "Sorry, this could take some time. Feel free to join the others."

Ryan and Stephanie just shrugged their shoulders as they joined their fellow contestants. Among the first to greet them were Devin and Carrie.

"Hey you two," Carrie beamed as she gave Ryan a big hug. "Glad to see you're getting along well."

"Thanks buddy," Ryan replied as he lifted Carrie into the air in one of his warm embraces. "And thanks for all those letters you've sent me over the past year!"

"Letters?!" Stephanie demanded, seeming upset.

"Pen pals," Devin explained. "Ever since the race ended last year, Carrie and Ryan started writing to one another through the mail."

"I've always wanted to try it," Carrie added as Ryan set her down, "and Ryan was more than willing to write back to me. I think it's a lot more fun than writing to someone via email or Facebook."

"Yeah. It's got a more personal feel to it," Ryan said. "You should try it sometime, babe."

But Stephanie didn't seem to amused by this news. "And WHEN were you going to tell me you were writing her?!" she demanded.

Ryan seemed somewhat nervous by his girlfriend's sudden anger. "I-I thought I already had," he quickly explained.

But Stephanie wasn't listening. She had turned her focus to Devin. "Did YOU know about this?!"

"Um... yes?" Devin answered, not sure if it was the right one to give her at the moment. "I even threw in a couple letters of my own along with Carrie's."

Stephanie's rage was slowly building again. She turned back towards Ryan with a disgusted look on her face. "A whole year of sending letters to these two... and you DIDN'T TELL ME?!"

But Stephanie taking the time to talk to Devin gave the muscular man time to form a plan in his head to ease her rage. The big guy stood calmly, but firmly in front if his girlfriend with his arms crossed and spoke gently to her.

"You're absolutely right, honey," he calmly spoke. "It was very inconsiderate of me to not inform you of my writing hobby with someone else. Especially since that someone else is another girl that I have formed a good friendship with over the past year. I will try to inform you of these kinds of activities from now on."

Stephanie opened her mouth to retort, but couldn't find any words to say.

"But... I... UGH! I HATE it when you do that!" she snapped as she stomped her feet.

"I know," Ryan chuckled as he pulled her in for a gentle hug.

"Heh... you're not jealous of Ryan writing letter to little ol' me, are you?" Carrie chuckled nervously.

"NO!" Stephanie immediately snapped. Then, realizing her tone, she took a deep breath and calmed herself down. "I mean... no. It's just... I wish you would have told me because... I might have wanted to send Carrie and Devin a letter too, ya know?"

"Well, I'll do my best to remember these things from now on," Ryan said. Then, without warning, he bent her over and gave her a kiss right on the lips, which earned cheers from the crowd.

"Aw, they're so cute when they're like that," Carrie cooed.

"Hey Carrie! Uh... I mean... hey Carrie."

The sound of a younger voice caught Carrie's attention. The blonde haired friend turned around and was greeted by a boy in his early teens. She instantly recognized the bushy blonde hair hiding under the signature red hat.

"Hey Junior!" she greeted the young boy. "It's great to see you again!"

But before Junior could reply, his wildest dreams came true as Carrie had pulled him in for a hug. To say Junior's face turned red would have been an understatement. A great, goofy smile had spread on his face. He wanted that moment to last forever, but unfortunately for Junior, it would not. Carrie let him go and was now looking down on the young man that had formed a crush on her.

"So how have you been?" Carrie asked.

"Great!" Junior excitedly replied. But then, realizing the high pitch in his voice, he quickly cleared his throat and answered again in his 'deep' voice. "I mean... great."

"Junior?! Where are you little buddy?!"

Junior cringed as he heard his father call out to him. Indeed, Dwayne was standing next to Don by the podium. The host had just finished having his wife yell at him and was now trying to introduce Father and Son Dwayne and Junior

"He's already joined his fellow racing contestants," Don answered. "The little guy was so looking forward to seeing his friends again."

"Oh," Dwayne replied somewhat somberly. But he quickly chuckled it off. "Well, you know kids. They try to grow up so fast. But this father's still got what it takes to be just as cool as his son's friends! But that's beside the point I suppose. I'm just happy that I get to spend another whole summer with my son."

"Another WHOLE summer, huh? So are you making a prediction that you and your son are going to win this time?" Don asked.

"Oh you bet!" Dwayne excitedly replied. "This time, my son and I are going to go the distance and win this whole thing! And like the old saying goes: The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single ste- WOAH! WAH!"

Unfortunately for Dwayne, his first step of this journey had begin with him tripping and being the next victim of the dreaded staircase. The middle-aged man cried out in pain with every step he hit before he landed on the streets at his son's feet.

"Dad?! Are you okay?" Junior asked worriedly.

"...I'll... I'll be fine..." his father groaned.

"I'm starting to think the grand entrance on the steps of Union Station was a bad idea," Don said as he stared at the wreckage below. "Anyways, it's time to introduce the final returning team of this years race! Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the meat eating Vegans, Laurie and Miles!"

At their cue, Laurie and Miles came out of Union station and made their way towards the cheering crowd. Miles waved happily to the fans. But Laurie, however, did not appear to be as enthusiastic. In fact, she seemed rather cross about being there. Her expression did not change as she and her teammate reached Don.

"So ladies," Don greeted, "you're another team that didn't fare off too well last year. Any new strategies that you think will help you this time around?"

Laurie just continued to glare at the host, making him somewhat unnerved.

"Ugh... she's not going to pounce me again, is she?" Don whispered to Miles.

"I honestly don't know," Miles whispered back. "Ever since last year when she ate that meat and got eliminated, she hasn't been herself. Her aura feels... off. Very gray and gloomy."

Laurie didn't even bother to respond. The hippie just marched down to the street and took her place at the starting line, ignoring the other contestants in the process.

"Um.. well then, good luck with that," Don said as he let Miles go down to check on her eerily quiet friend. "And there you go ladies and gentlemen! Your eighteen returning teams for this year's Ridonculous Race!"

Despite the somber mood of the last team, the crowd cheered wildly for the eighteen teams that had taken their place at the starting line on the street. Most of the contestants soaked in the cheers, which pumped them up for the race even more. (The only one that didn't seem very excited was Laurie)

"But save your energy ladies and gentlemen," the host continued. "Because as previously mentioned, we're having double the teams this year! So then... who's ready to meet the eighteen new teams?!"

By round of applause, it was confirmed that everyone, audience members and contestants alike, were ready to meet these new teams.

"Tchyeah!" Geoff cheered. "I love it! After all, strangers are friends that you haven't met. And I LOVE meeting friends."

"Awesome!" Carrie added.

"I look forward to the competition," Sanders said.

"I look forward to crushing that said competition," Josee and McArthur said at the same time, which in turn caused the two to stare at one another intensely once again.

"Our first new team are somewhat similar to the Daters/Haters and the Daters/Best Friends," Don announced. "The only two differences that I can see so far though is that unlike the two teams mentioned, these two have been dating for nearly five years! So our veterans are rookies compared to these rookies in the ways of dating. Also, these two thrive on being in the great outdoors! Riding horseback, fishing, hunting, four-wheeling, you name it!. So please join me in welcoming our first new team, the Outdoor Survivalists Jamie and Jason!"

When announced, a young couple in their early twenties made their grand entrance from Union Station hand in hand. The crowd cheered as the rookies waved to them and made their way to Don, not letting go of the others hand.

"Jamie. Jason," the host greeted. "Feel free to tell the audience a little about yourselves."

"It would be our pleasure," Jason replied, adjusting his purple, sports jacket. "Jamie and I I first met when I moved from my old town and started at the same school as hers. On my first day, she was the one who gave me the tour."

"During the tour, he said he was looking for work, so I invited him over to my parent's house for an interview as a stable keeper," Jamie continued as she twirled her unusually long, brown ponytail in her finger. "You see, I live on a horse ranch with my mom and dad. I LOVE horses and convinced them to give him the job. We worked together for awhile before... well, before we hooked up." Jamie finished by giving Jason a gentle kiss on the cheek.

People in the audience cooed and awed at the couple's story and public showing of affection towards one another.

"Aw, isn't that sweet," Don replied, wiping a tear from his eye. "It's almost beautiful enough to write a book about... but it would need some more action like an apocalyptic setting with bandits and creatures of destruction or something like that. {3} Anyways, glad to have you here. Please go join the others on the street below."

"Will do Don," Jason answered as he escorted his sweetheart down to the street. But on the way down, Don noticed Jason's hand in his pocket. The young man was definitely fiddling with something in there. But what it was he couldn't tell. Anyways, the host didn't have time to contemplate what it could be as the next team had arrived at the podium.

"Joe! Fiona! The Opposites! [4]Welcome to the Ridonculous Race," Don greeted them.

These two individuals didn't look as though they were on the same team. They weren't even dressed in matching clothes like most of the other teams were. The bright green eyed Fiona appeared to be a beautiful, young hippie with beautiful, long, blonde hair wearing short jeans, a pale peach colored dress, a headband made of vines, and a warm smile. Joe, on the other hand, had the most unusually styled silver hair that anyone had ever seen. It seemed to grow straight out the sides of his heads. And unlike Fiona's more exotic wardrobe, Joe wore a plain, gray sweatshirt, plain blue jeans, and plain, white sneakers.

"So the producers have labeled you two as The Opposites," Don probed. "Fiona, the modern-day hippie. And Joe, the self-labeled retro geek. Tell the audience about that."

"Well you see, Don," Fiona gently spoke as she placed a hand on Joe's shoulder. "My dear friend here is what I like to call a late blooming flower. I met him one night while walking through the woods. He appeared to be somewhat distraught over something, so like an orphaned little puppy, I approached him. Sure enough, his aura gave off a depressing shade of blue. He was lonely, hurt, and had almost no friends in this world. So, having a weakness for puppies myself, I adopted him."

"Uh... you ADOPTED him?" Don questioned. "How can you adopt someone that's the same age as you? Let alone at eighteen years of age?"

"Not literally," Joe quickly explained. "See, she brought me into her social circle of friends and, for some reason or another, decided to make it her mission to 'help me bloom into the beautiful flower she knows I am' as she puts it."

"And once he does Don, he is going to be the most beautiful, rare flower of all. And I'm sure that this race is going to help him blossom," Fiona finished.

"Fiona, do you really have to call me a flower?" Joe grumbled.

"Well, what shall I call you then sweetie?"

"I don't know. Something that sounds cool! Like... like a lone, samurai warrior!" Now Joe was looking off in the distance with an intense and excited look on his face. "Wandering the earth, alone and determined to discover his true, inner self and seeking redemption for the failures of his past! His struggles making him stronger and more experienced for the next battle that he must engage in!"

The exciting image of being a samurai warrior had Joe lost in his own daydream. In fact, he had almost taken the same pose as a samurai warrior as he described his vision.

But unfortunately, the moment was ruined as Fiona pinched his cheek.

"Aw, you're such a cute, little puppy," she cooed.

Joe grimaced as Fiona pinched his cheek and called him something cute as opposed to something strong and mighty. Without another word, Joe marched down to the streets as Fiona followed.

"Hey now, don't let it get you down, sport," McArthur greeted the visibly upset dork. "At least she cares about your well-being."

"Yeah... she certainly does," Joe replied, his expression softening as he looked over at his friend warmly.

"That's the spirit, pup. You're such a good boy," McArthur added with a chuckle. Then, to add salt to the wound, she started rubbing his unusual silver hair while.

Before Fiona reached her teammate and friend, she came across the veteran vegans. Immediately, she sensed the gloomy aura coming off of Laurie.

"Oh dear. What's the matter with her?" Fiona asked Miles.

"Uh... I'll explain it later," Miles replied.

The new hippie girl held a worried hand to her bottom lip as she looked over at the depressed Laurie. She certainly didn't appear to be the same individual that she watched back last year. Something was definitely wrong. But she didn't have time to contemplate on this as the next new team was being introduced.

Making their entrance into the streets of Toronto from Union Station was a duo of extremely well-dressed individuals. One was an older-looking gentleman in a fully dressed business suit that included a dark blue jacket over a white shirt, red tie, and matching pants and dress shoes. His teammate was a much younger looking woman with dark, red hair. Her beauty was complimented by the tight, short, strapless red dress she wore that showed off her generous curves, luscious legs, and endowed chest. The two properly approached the host at the podium while properly waving to the crowd.

"Next we have the father/daughter business tycoons, Lauren and Donald! [5]" Don announced. "Uh, you don't mind that I call you Donald instead of Don, do you?"

"Certainly not," Donald responded as he straightened his tie. "After all, it does my image no good if I'm constantly being compared to someone else of lesser value on this show."

"Indeed not," the host retorted, somewhat irritated by this remark. "If I may ask you a couple questions before you join the others? First of all, what's with your choice of clothing? It looks more like you're ready to go to work, not run a race. And Lauren, I don't think you'll be able to run very fast in that dress and those heels."

"It's all about the mindset of success," Donald answered. "One must constantly dress for success if one is to succeed in the cut throat world of business. Do you seriously believe that anyone would cheer for us if we were to appear on this show dressed up like slobs like some of our fellow contestants? ….no offense intended, mind you."

The rest of the contestants just glared back at the older gentleman. They didn't take too kindly to being called slobs.

"Not to mention that it's proven that the better dressed you are, the more likely you are to win supporters and motivate people to get behind you," Lauren added as she brushed her hair aside. "You know the old saying: sex sells."

"...and you think that just by dressing for success and dressing with a little sex appeal, that will gain you supporters?"

"Watch and learn, Don," Lauren confidently replied. Then, without another word, she seductively brushed her dark red hair to the side and winked at the audience. The reaction from every male in the audience as well as some of the females proved her theory.

"Oh baby! I hope she sticks around!"

"What a sexy babe!"

"Can we form an alliance with her?" Lorenzo asked Chet

"You bet!" Chet excitedly replied, his eyes focused solely on the femme fetale.

Don was shocked to say the least as he watched Lauren attract attention for herself.

"I believe my daughter has proven her point," Donald chuckled.

"They don't call me the most successful business owner under the age of thirty because I'm JUST a pretty face," Lauren added with a chuckle. "Believe it or not, there's a brain under this fabulous hair. And it's ITCHING to make my family's business more successful."

Lauren brushed the hair out of her eyes and made her way down to the starting line. Then, after straightening his tie once more, Donald casually made his way down to join his daughter.

"Huh... I guess you can't argue with results," Don said aloud to no one. "But moving on, I would like to introduce you all to our second team of reality television pros! Like Noah and Owen, they've competed on numerous reality shows together including the hit series Total Drama. "

Down below, Devin's eyes lit up with excitement. As did Junior's eyes. Both had been big fans of the show.

"I hope it's Bridgette and Cody," Junior whispered to Devin.

Devin chuckled and repeated the conversation he had earlier with Don as he and Carrie were introduced. It was almost heartbreaking to watch the the smile disappear from the young teen's face as he learned they would not be competing.

"So without further ado, it is my pleasure to welcome to The Ridonculous Race... The Reality Show Rivals, Leshawna and Tyler!"

The crowd went wild as the two celebrity contestants came out of Union Station side by side.

"What's up, y'all!" Leshawna called out with her hand on her hips.

"Yeah! We're ready to rock!" Tyler added, pumping his fists into the air.

Down below, some of the contestants were excited to see these two pioneers of reality television. Particularly Owen and Geoff.

"WHOO!" Geoff and Owen cheered together.

"Oh joy," Noah rolled his eyes. Unlike the other two former Total Drama contestants, he wasn't as thrilled to see these two. After all, both had been former teammates of his and both had played a role in voting him off in each season he competed in.

Meanwhile, Leshawna and Tyler had joined Don.

"So. Leshawna. Tyler. You've both already competed together and against one another on a lot of reality shows including, but not limited to, Doctor For A Day, Extreme Chess, So You Think You Can Eat That, and of course, Total Drama Island/World Tour. Do you guys think that your experience in working together and competing against each other on so many reality shows together will give you two an advantage in this contest?"

"You'd better believe it, sugar," Leshawna answered. "And to the other teams in this race; we love y'all and wish y'all luck, but y'all better bring your A-game. Because we came to win!"

"Definitely!" Tyler added, standing tall and proud. "With our skills and experience, we are definitely going to be the team to beat! Brace yourselves fellow contestants! Because this time, Tyler and Leshawna are going all the w-WAUGH!"

Poor Tyler had become so excited that he had lost track where his feet were. And the reality jock became the next reality contestant to tumble down the steps of Union Station.

"Heh. Some things never change," Noah chuckled as Tyler landed at the bottom of the steps with his partner in hot pursuit.

Geoff and Owen were already there to help the jock to his feet by the time his partner reached him.

"Tyler! Leshawna! Great to see you two again," Geoff greeted.

"You too, sugar," Leshawna greeted back as she threw Tyler's arms over her to support her dazed partner.

"...yeah... good to see ya... bro," Tyler replied, still in his daze.

"Now don't you two think we're gonna go easy on ya," Leshawna teased. "Once this race starts, it's every team for themselves."

"Wouldn't expect anything less from you," Geoff pleasantly replied.

"WHOO! We're all gonna be racing together! I'm so EXCITED!" Owen cheered. Then, for old times sake, Owen scooped Leshawna, Tyler, and Geoff into his arms for one of his famous hugs. And, just like those old times, bones could be heard crunching as Owen squeezed his friends.

Just then, the reunion was interrupted by the sound of loud, revving engines approaching the Union Station streets. People in the audience could be seen moving aside as two motorcycles made their way past people and towards the starting line. Once both motorcycles reached the starting line, the riders on each bike revved their engines once more for show. The trick worked and the audience cheered wildly for the mysterious bikers.

"Oh... they look tough, don't they?" McArthur whispered to Sanders and Joe simultaneously.

"Do we have to compete against them?!" Joe shivered. "They look dangerous."

"Aw, don't wet yourself, kid," McArthur reassured the newbie as she slapped him on the back (unknowingly knocking the breath out of Joe). "Think of it as the ultimate challenge."

Meanwhile, the two bikers, still wearing their full biker uniforms and helmets, walked up to Don at the podium. One biker was more muscular and average height. The other was smaller, but the biker's actions seemed to show that this individual had a LOT of energy. Once they reached Don, both cricked their necks and awaited the host to speak.

"Ah, I thought you two wouldn't be able to resist making an impression on the audience," he laughed.

"Well, what did ya expect, sonny?! Ya only get one chance ta make a first impressio, right?!" the shorter biker said.

Everyone, audience and contestants alike, gasped as they heard one of the mystery bikers speak .

"Iz... iz dat biker... an old woman?!" Jacques whispered to Josse, who looked equally shocked.

To answer everyone's questions, the two bikers removed their helmets and confirmed everyone's suspicions. Underneath those helmets were the faces of two old ladies that appeared to be no younger than eighty years old.

"Welcome to the Ridonculous Race Cindy and Anna aka The Tough Grannies," Don greeted the two elder ladies.

"Glad ta be here," Cindy, the taller and bulkier of the two women, replied. "The question here is do ya think the other contestants here will be able to keep up with us?"

"Well we are known for attracting the best competitors in the world," Don retorted.

"Bah! Rubbish!" Anna retorted. "These young whipper-snappers don't look like they could keep up with a wild bucklin' bronco!" Despite Anna's frail appearance, she sounded more energetic and feisty than anyone else in attendance that day. "Why, they probably haven't even done their three hundred sit-ups this morning!"

"Did she just zay... dree hundred?" Jacques shuddered. Even he and Josse could only pull off a hundred sit-ups at once. And that was when they were fresh and rested.

"Well, I'm sure they'll all love to have the opportunity to prove you both wrong," Don chuckled. "Good luck to you both."

"Bah! Only wussies need luck!" Anna barked back before throwing her biker gear on the steps and marching back down to the starting line.

"My... she's a feisty one, isn't she," Don whispered to Cindy.

"Ah, don't let her frighten ya, sonny," Cindy assured the host. "But just the same, I's be careful not to get on her bad side. Ya might be wishin' for help from a less scary individual: a politician. HA HA HA!"

Then, while laughing at her own joke, she threw her biker clothes on the ground alongside her partner's, she followed after Anna while whistling an upbeat tempo tune.

"...I like those two," McArthur whispered to Sanders. But neither Sanders or Joe appeared to share her enthusiasm.

"Okay then," Don continued. "Now that that's over with, let's move on to the next pair! Junior! I seem to recall you wishing there was someone else in the race that was around your age! Am I correct?"

Junior's eyes lit up as the host addressed him.

"Well this year, your wish has been granted! Representing a charity program that I myself hold very dear to my heart, I am very proud to present to you a team that will be representing the Big Brother Program! Total Drama All Star DJ and fourteen year old Ryan; The Big Brother Participants!"

The crowd cheered as the next team emerged from Union Station. Everyone immediately recognized the gentle giant DJ as he waved to the crowd. Geoff and Leshawna were especially excited to see their old friend again. Standing next to DJ was a much smaller, black teenage boy. But unlike DJ, he didn't appear to pay much attention to the audience as he was more focused on the book he had brought with him.

"Psst! Ry-Ry," DJ whispered to him. "We're up little buddy."

Ryan, or Ry-Ry as DJ called him, immediately looked up from his book. When he saw where they were, he let out a small gasp and hid behind his mentor.

"Deej," he whimpered, "you didn't tell me there would be so many people here."

DJ chuckled and patted his younger teammate on the head. "Well, what can I say? This is a big event. And we're a part of it now little buddy. So what say we introduce you to the world?"

Ry-Ry peaked out from behind DJ somewhat timidly. Slowly, but surely, the cheering crowd boosted his confidence. Soon enough, he bravely stepped out from behind DJ and waved back to the crowd.

"Oh... isn't that the sweetest thing you've ever seen?" Stephanie cooed to her boyfriend, the much larger and older Ryan.

"Sure is, babe," Ryan smiled. "Just a shame he and I share the same name because I get the feeling that people are going to remember THAT Ryan more than me."

"Oh... I wouldn't quite go that far," Stephanie grinned as she held her man close to her. "...although he IS quite adorable."

DJ and the much younger Ryan were now being greeted by the host.

"Dj. Ryan. ...or should we call you Ry-Ry?"

"Ry-Ry's fine," Ry-Ry replied.

"Very well. Ry-Ry it is! Anyways, I don't think there's anything else I can add to that introduction other than to represent your program proudly with honor, integrity, and diligence!"

"Will do, sir," DJ replied as he shook the host's hand. But when the gentle giant went to pull his hand away, he found that the host held his grip. Then, without warning, he pulled DJ in close and whispered something into his ear that only he could hear.

"Seriously though, don't let this organization down," Don harshly whispered. "I'm not just saying this program is close to my heart for show. You dishonor the Big Brother Program and I will see to it that you never appear on any reality program again. Understand?"

With a heavy gulp. DJ nodded his head in agreement.

"Good. Well then, good luck to you both!"

DJ, suddenly very somber, led Ry-Ry down the steps towards the starting line. His spirits lifted when he was greeted by Leshawna, Geoff, and Owen. The three were also very welcoming of Ry-Ry. As were most of the other contestants.

While DJ and Ry-Ry were being welcomed, the next team had already made their entrance and were joining Don at the podium. This team composed of two men that appeared to be in their early thirties. Judging by their size, the two spent a lot of their time in the gym lifting weights. The wore matching black tank tops, matching cameo pants, and both had shaved their heads bald. One was Caucasian, a little more bulky, and had about five inches on this partner, who was black and was built more muscular.

"I would advise all of our contestants to not try any underhanded schemes with these two around," Don called out to the other teams on the streets. "Because this year we're being joined by The Bouncers, Marcus and Devon. And these two are not afraid to take matters into their own hands. Right gentlemen?"

Marcus, the larger of the bouncers, responded by snatching the microphone from Don's podium. He then turned to the other contestants.

"Question! Which one of you teams are the ice dancers?" he called out.

Josee and Jacques raised their hands nonchalantly, not looking very impressed with the new team.

"Step up here for a second," Marcus continued.

The ice dancers gave one another confused looks at first. But then shrugging their shoulders, they walked up to the Bouncers next to the podium. The size of Marcus was a little intimidating to say the least. Jacques was no small man and was known for his upper body strength, but Marcus had a couple inches on him and appeared to be even more built than the ice dancer. Devon, despite being a little shorter, appeared to be a lot stronger too.

Though Jacques looked somewhat nervous, Josee remained unimpressed.

"You're the two that caused a lot of trouble for the other teams last season, aren't ya?" Marcus asked looking down at Josee.

Josee, her arms folded and an quirking her eyebrow, just looked up at Marcus.

"Yeah, I suppose we are," she casually answered. "What's it to you two gorilla-looking-"

A sudden gagging noise silenced Josee. Devon, who had been silent the while time, had suddenly reached over with one arm, grabbed hold of Jacques by the throat, and lifted him effortlessly into the air. Jacques face immediately turned blue as he struggled to no avail to break free from Devon's grip.

"Hey!" Josee barked. "Let him go you-"

Devon growled at Josee, not breaking his hold of Jacques. His menacing glare alone forced Josee to back away from him.

"Don! Do something! Stop them!" she ordered the host.

However, Don was hiding behind his podium, too scared to even try to say anything.

"YOU make them stop!" Don retorted.

As Devon held a gagging Jacques high above the ground, Marcus turned his attention to the rest of the contestants down at the street.

"All right, everybody listen up! Because I'm only going to say this once!" he roared , causing the other teams to jump. "Me and my brother from another mother Devon are here to run a clean, honorable race! So if any of you's decide to try to screw us or any of the other teams over with your shenanigans, you're gonna deal with me and my brother!"

Among the contestants, Mickey and Jay were holding onto one another, shaking in pure terror. Tom and Jen were clinging onto one another, equally as scared. Elsewhere, Joe had found Fiona and the retro dork was hiding behind the modern hippie.

"And let me warn you two right now!" Marcus continued. "You may think you're tough and all that just because you ran this race last year. But let me inform you of who WE are! I'm Marcus! He's Devon! We're Bouncers! And together we've stopped the craziest of club riots! So if you think you're going to get away with any of that crap this year, you'd better think again! Because if you, or anyone else for that matter, try to scheme and cheat your way to victory, we're going to be all over you like a male dog on a female dog in heat! And I promise you, it's NOT going to be US that gets hurt!"

To emphasize the point, Devon lifted Jacques higher off the ground, still with one hand. The ice dancer's face was becoming more and more blue by the second.

Carrie squealed in terror as she hid behind Devin. DJ and Tyler found themselves trying to hide behind one another as Marcus threatened the other teams.

"We've done our jobs and given you all fair warning!" the bouncer began to wrap up. "Now it's up to you all to remember our words! Because this race WILL end badly for anyone who forgets our warning!"

Marcus then handed the microphone over to his, as he put it, brother from another mother Devon. The muscular black bouncer, while still holding Jacques by his throat alone, just looked out among the other teams with a fierce glare. That was all he had to do. The racers got the message from his glare alone.

But because he and Marcus were both somewhat shows-men, Devon lifted the microphone to his mouth and proclaimed his four favorite words to the contestants and fans alike:


The crowd, despite being terrified by what they had just witnessed, roared with excitement. Devon then dropped Jacques to the ground, who immediately began to gasp for air. Josee quickly ran to his side and helped him to his feet.

"Glad we understand!" Marcus snapped. "Now get out of our way, you pencil-necked geeks!"

Devon tossed the microphone back to Don and the bouncers pushed the ice dancers aside and made their way to the starting line. Needless to say, not a single team dared to stand in their way.

"Uh... all right then," Don shivered. "Didn't think there would be any other teams that could scare me as much as the goths, but I was wrong." Josee helped Jacques back down to the starting line, still shaken by what had happened.

"Anyways, let's meet our next team! Another contestant from Total Drama fame, this contestant is the first competitor to compete in this race from Revenge of the Island! Bringing along his fellow marine cadet, please welcome The Marine Cadets Brick and Emily!"

The said marines made their entrance at Union Station to a nice reception from the audience. Brick didn't appear to have changed much. He still wore his clothes that he had from Revenge of the Island s well as his military buzz cut. As the crowd cheered, he saluted them in response.

His partner Emily was about six inches shorter than he was. She wore a white tank top, cameo jeans, army boots, and wore a camouflage headband around her forehead. She also appeared to have some Latin heritage as her skin was slightly darker than Brick's and was complimented by her long, black hair. Like Brick, she took a moment to give a military salute to the crowd.

"Whoo! I was hoping I'd get to compete against him one day!" Tyler cheered. "Now's the chance!"

"Tch'yeah," Brody agreed. "That guy's, like, a hero!"

"Absolutely," Jamie nearby added. "I've always respected men who are willing to serve in the military... like my brother." She sighed longingly as she watched Brick and Emily approach Don.

"So Brick. You've been absent from reality television for a couple years now. What made you finally decide to come back to it?"

"Well Don, part of it has to do with my dream of going to fashion school," Brick explained. "And unlike Total Drama, which seemed to revolve more around scheming and manipulating, this contest is based solely on skill and determination. And with that skill and determination, I'm confident that my platoon's leader Emily and I will have no problem winning this race. Isn't that right partner?"

Emily gave Brick a most dirty look as he said this to her. Brick gasped, quickly realizing his mistake, and immediately stood in the position of attention.

"Uh, I mean... Ma'am! With your leadership and my determination, this mission will end with success. Ma'am!"

"Affirmative cadet," Emily replied with a faint smile. "And I have every faith that our teamwork will see us through to victory."

"Well, I certainly look forward to you two competing this year! Now if you'll please, go join the other contestants down at the starting line."

"Will do sir-GWAGH!"

Unfortunately, just as Brick's appearance hadn't changed, neither had his coordination. The cadet was just as accident prone as ever and proved it once again by falling down the Union Station steps to the starting line.

"Ouch!" Joe cringed as Brick hit his head on the streets. "I think he had the nastiest fall to date!"

"Bah! Shake it off ya big baby!" Anna cried out.

"Is he all right?" Jamie cried out as she raced over to check on Brick.

The brown-haired girl carefully turned Brick over on his back to see if he was still conscious. The cadet was, but his eyes appeared to be rolling around his head.

"...derrp... auntie Em? Is that you?" he dreamily asked. "...you sure have lotz of starz floating around your head..."

"Oh dear!" Jamie gasped. "He may have seriously hurt himself! We should call an ambulance!"

"No need for that," a rather calm Emily assured as she casually approached Brick. "Allow me to handle this."

The female cadet casually cleared her throat. Then, with a loud, stern voice, she exclaimed:


Instantly, Brick shot up from the ground and was standing in the position of attention as if he hadn't just hit his head on the concrete street much to everyone's surprise.

Emily continued speaking as she circled her partner.

"As your commanding officer for the duration of this contest, I hereby order that you will refrain yourself from hitting your head on the streets like that again. Also, you will keep yourself from getting knocked into a senseless state and worrying your fellow contestants like that ever again! Do I make myself clear?!"

"MA'AM! YES MA'AM!" Brick loudly replied.

"Good! Now apologize to the young lady here for worrying her!" Emily ordered.

On command, Brick turned to Jamie, saluted her, and spoke in his military tone.

"Ma'am! The recruit is sincerely sorry for causing you concern over my clumsiness and will refrain from ever worrying you like that again!"

Jamie just stared blankly at Brick. She had heard that those in the army were specifically trained to follow orders or else, but this was rather extreme.

"Well done recruit!" Emily complimented. "At ease!"

Brick relaxed and just waited as the next team was being announced.

Joining Don at the podium were two younger men who appeared to be about ninteen or twenty years old. One was taller and built, wearing a white sleeveless shirt and cameo pants while the other was smaller, scrawny, and wore a green t-shirt with a lightning bolt on it.

"The Roommates, Aaron and Greg! Welcome gentlemen," Don greeted.

"Yeah, cut the formalities, will ya?" Greg retorted. "Now where's the restrooms. I've got a brown dog barking at my back door if you know what I mean."

Don grimaced at the image Greg had painted for him. "A little less information like that would be appreciated in the future," Don shuddered. "If you need to go, there's plenty of port-a-potties down on the street for this event."

"Yeah, no thanks," Greg replied. "If I wanted to use one of those crappers, I'd go back to the Wild West. So go ahead and, you know, shove that idea right back up your ass. I'm going back in the station to use a clean bathroom. You know, like a human."

Without waiting for a response, Greg went back inside Union Station to find said restroom, leaving behind a highly annoyed Aaron to chat with the host.

"You'll have to forgive him," a mortified Aaron said. "He doesn't have a filter between his mouth and his brain."

"It's called having the balls to say what no one else has the balls to say!" Greg called back before disappearing into Union Station.

Again, Aaron rolled his eyes.

"Sheesh, he sounds like a handful. Why the heck are you partners with a guy like HIM?"

"Because he had the video camera to submit an audition and said I couldn't use it unless I allowed him to be my partner for the race," Aaron explained, sounding very unimpressed while reminiscing on the memory.

"Damn right," Greg said as he rejoined Don and Aaron.

"Um... that was rather quick Greg," Don said, somewhat confused. "I thought you had to use the bathroom."

"Oh, false alarm," Greg replied. "It was just gas... though I wouldn't go up there for a little while if I were you. That'll knock a buzzard off a cactus, if you know what I mean."

"All too well sadly," Don replied, disgusted. "Now for the love of all that is decent, get out of here."

"Ah, whatever." Greg just shrugged his shoulders and made his way down the steps. A mortified Aaron, his hand over his face in embarrassment, just followed him to the streets. Every time Greg passed by a team, he would either ask "The hell you looking at?" or "Hey babe! When you wanna hook up and do it?" Despite the question, Aaron apologized on behalf of his teammate.

Back on Union Station, Don was greeting the next team. Two young ladies wearing matching cheerleader outfits and holding their noses in disgust approached Don at the podium.

"Ugh! What WAS that awful smell?! Can't you control your gassy stomach for a day Samey?!"

"Amy, it wasn't ME!" Sammy snapped. "And stop calling me 'Samey'!"

"Relax ladies," Don intervened. "It was our last team. Let's just say I'm convinced one of them is a pig in disguise."

"Yeah, I'm sure," Amy retorted. "Producers probably told you to say that just so Samey here wouldn't look like an idiot on National Television."

"Actually, it WAS my partner!" Aaron called up. And the rest of us can testify to that!"

"Hell, I'll testify to it too," Greg added. "No way I'm denying a powerful smell like that one. That was a thing of beauty! Peel paint right off a building it will! Probably gagged a maggot or two. Who doesn't love their own brand, am I right partner?"

Aaron sighed and just continued to rub his forehead.

'My partner is a Neanderthal,' he whispered to himself.

"Anyways, ladies, welcome to the Ridonculous Race," Don greeted Amy and Sammy, the Identical Twins. "Now Amy. Sammy. I'm told you competed on Pahkitew Island and as a result of your constant arguing and bickering, your parents are forcing you to compete on this show again as punishment for embarrassing them, am I right?"

"No, it isn't" Amy snapped before Sammy could speak. "It's because SAMEY here can't let go of the fact that I'm the better twin!"

"What?! That's not true! It's because you're a controlling, manipulative bitch! And STOP! CALLING! ME! SAMEY!"

"Why should I?" Amy taunted. "Everyone else calls you Samey!"

"Actually," Don interrupted, reading his papers, "According to the submission form, her legal name is Sammy. So therefore, that's the one we're gonna go with."

"Whatever. Only reason it says on the form is because it's on her birth certificate. And that's because mom and dad wouldn't let the doctors fill in the more accurate name, which is Samey because she tries to the exact same as my, the better twin!"

With a great cry, Sammy tackled her twin sister, sending the two tumbling down the steps to the streets below. Even when they landed, they didn't stop fighting. They rolled around and tugged at one another's hair.

"I feel like we went through this last season," Don said, scratching his head.

"Shouldn't someone stop them?" Aaron exclaimed as the twin sisters scratched at one another.

"Why?!" Greg demanded. "Two hot chicks fighting. This is amazing! Someone! Get me some popcorn!"

Cindy and Anna went over and grabbed a twin each.

"Settle down fire crackers!" Anna demanded. "And save it for the race!"

"Why?! I don't even want to race with her!" Amy barked.

"Same here!" Sammy agreed. "Why should I even try to get along with that conniving, hateful spawn of evil?!"

"Ya dumb kids and your emotions!" Cindy huffed. "Didn'tcha forget the million dollar prize for the winning team?! You REALLY wanna give that up over a petty argument?!"

At that, the two girls ceased trying to grab at one another. The tough grannies were right. A million dollars at the end of this would be worth the struggle of having to tolerate one another... for now. Once they felt the twins had settled down, Cindy and Anna let them go.

"Whatever," Amy huffed. "Just follow my lead and try not mess up."

Sammy just rolled her eyes and didn't even respond. She turned her back to her sister and ignored her for the remainder of the introductions.

"Dammit. Just when it was getting hot too," Greg huffed.

"Put a clamp on it, you pig!" Came a new voice from Union Station steps.

Everyone's attention turned back to the podium where two young ladies that appeared to be in their early twenties had now joined Don. And like the twins before them, they were holding their noses from the smell of Greg's fart earlier.

"Oh boy, another farting machine. Just what I've always wanted," Noah dryly said to no one in particular.

"And we DON'T appreciate you relieving your bodily gases out in public like that!" spoke the blonde-haired teammate. "Have some decency, you pig!"

"THANK YOU!" Aaron called up.

"And you! Find a way to keep your partner in line!" demanded the brunette teammate. "You're just as guilty for that as he is!"

"What?! How-But I-"

"Amie and Rachel, The Activists. Welcome to the show!" Don greeted. "I understand you're very passionate about... um... equality?"

"That is right Don," Rachel, the brunette answered.

"We are here to continue to fight for equality for all people out there," Amie continued. "That's why all of our money that we win from this contest will go to all people who are in need of it. So that everyone has the same equal rights! And no one is left behind in famine and despair."

"Aww, how disgustingly unselfish of you," Don replied. "Now go join the others at the starting line."

Rachel and Amie did as they were instructed and made their way to join the other contestants. As they passed them, they strangely ignored all the boys that were there, but happily greeted the girls.

As Rachel passed by some of the girls that were dating, she whispered things to them like "You don't need him", "Trust me, you're better off without him controlling you" or "Be independent and show you're stronger without him."

Emma, Carrie, Stephanie, and Jamie just glared as Rachel whispered these things to them.

Back at the podium, another team, holding their noses from the wretched smell that still lingered at the top of the steps, had joined Don. These two young men appeared to be about seventeen or eighteen years old. And looked quite out of place in their overalls and work boots.

"Well, if it isn't Timmy and Dale, The Farmers. Tell me parders, how does it feel to be off the farm and in the big city among the city slickers for a change."

Dale and Timmy just looked at Don, quite unimpressed.

"You know, good sir," Dale retorted in a British accent. "Just because we're farmers, it doesn't mean we've spent our entire life on the farm and haven't ventured out into the world,"

"Precisely my good man," Timmy added, his arms folded. "Despite out time managing a herd of dairy cattle, we've also managed to take time to visit parts of the world."

"We've enjoyed the fine art on display in the museums of London and Paris."

"Sipped on the finest wines of and ales from Ireland"

"Danced to the melodies of Scottish folk songs."

"And even experienced some of the best Broadway musical's New York City has to offer."

Don's mouth, as well as a majority of the audiences, fell open in awe. For young farmers, they were rather well spoken and had many high-cultured experiences.

"Wow... I mean... that's great," Don spoke again. "It's just that I thought-"

"We were uneducated, dumb farm boys who only know about picking rocks and shoveling manure?" Timmy questioned, sounding offended.

"I dare say, these city slickers," Dale tutted. "Always thinking little of us farmers."

"Rather," Timmy huffed as the two made their way to the streets. "How closed-minded and stereotypical can city slickers be?"

"And do kindly do something about this loose step!" Dale called up to Don as he carefully stepped over the spot so many contestants had tripped over. "One could fall and catch a nasty injury."

Dale and Timmy properly greeted each contestant with a "Salutations" or a "Good day ma'am. Good day sir."

"And that's why this show is so great," Don chuckled. "People constantly surprising us. Anyways, let's keep things moving. Ladies and gentlemen, say hello to Alicia and Morgan: The Medical Students!"

The crowd applauded as two younger ladies, dressed in medical attire, came out of Union Station and made their way down to Don.

"So ladies, I'm sure you'll be happy to know that because of so many accident prone contestants we've had here today, your skills as doctors will be put to the test."

Alicia, the smaller of the two, just huffed.

"Please Don, if you think we're going to help the competition win any challenges, you're sadly mistaken. If they injure themselves, it's their responsibility to seek out other medical attention. It's of no concern to us."

"Uh... that's a little cold, isn't it Alicia," whispered Morgan, Alicia's tall and lanky Asian partner. "I mean, what if it's a medical emergency like... I don't know, a broken arm? Or something like that nature?"

Alicia glanced over at her partner, who was beginning to get misty-eyed at the thought of leaving a hurt contestant unattended. Soon, she could see tears forming in Morgan's eyes.

"Oh, for the love of..." Alicia groaned in defeat. "Fine. But ONLY if it's an emergency. Anything less, they're on their own."

"But... what about during rest periods?" Morgan sniffled. "Surely you wouldn't let them remain harmed when we're not competing. We'd go against our oath to medicine if we did, wouldn't we?"

Alicia tried to assure Morgan they wouldn't be doing such a thing, but seeing her watery eyes, how could she?

"Ugh... we'll do what we can to help someone in need," Alicia sighed.

Morgan excitedly squealed and pulled her partner in for a hug. She didn't see it, but Alicia just rolled her eyes at this.

"Glad to hear it," Don chuckled. "Now hurry up and join the others. We've had a bad case of people tripping down these steps today for some reason."

"What?!" Morgan gasped. "Where are they?! Do they need medical attention?! Hold on people! Help is on the way!"

Pulling out her medical bag, Morgan raced down the steps to find those that were injured from the fall.

"Morgan! Wait!" Alicia called after her. "Save your energy! The race is going to start soon!" Alicia raced after her partner quickly. When she finally reached her, she found Morgan already attending to the scratches on Sammy's face.

"Hey! She scratched me first!" Amy snapped. "You should treat my scratches before you do hers!"

"Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't know! I'll-"

Before Morgan could say anything else, Alicia cut her off and got into Amy's face.

"Wait your turn!" she snapped. "She'll aide you when she finishes helping out your sister!"

"Excuse me?!" Amy demanded. "Who do you think you are telling me when I can and can't get medical attention!"

"Oh, I think I'm the one with the other medical bag here... and right now, I see another set of twins that have some cuts and bruises on them. So now that we've cleared this up, you'll just have to wait your turn! Thank you for your patience!"

Alicia didn't wait for Amy to respond. She pulled out her medical bag and made her way over to Mickey and Jay so she could begin treating their wounds.

"I've got a feeling those two are going to come in handy throughout the entity of this race," Don chuckled.

"Then why wouldn't you have medical staff on hand right off the bat?!" came a highly annoying voice.

Don winced as the high-pitched voice rang through his ear. He turned around to see the next team standing there. Two older men in their mid thirties wearing basic t-shirts and jeans. Both had greasy hair and scowls on their faces.

"Well, I see out Internet Critics Doug and James [6] are here," Don sighed. "Not sure why we allowed them to compete."

"You're not sure why we're here?!" demanded Doug, the taller, dark-skinned of the two critics. "Well, you know what we're not sure of?! We're not sure how the heck you guys were able to do some of the things you did last season and walk away without dying!"

"Yeah!" added James, the shorter, paler Caucasian of the two barked. "Like how did Sanders survive falling at free falling speeds for seven miles and only end up with a broken arm?! In reality, she'd be dead! It makes no sense!"

Down below, Sanders folded her arms and scowled. She did not like being reminded of her injury from last season that almost cost her team the race.

"Or how did Dwayne only manage to go blind after eating that stew in Morocco?!" Doug added. "If food was really that hot, shouldn't his insides have bled out and put him in the hospital with an ulcer?! Gosh, it's like people don't even do their research anymore!"

On the streets, Dwayne muttered something he had to cover Junior's ears for.

"I know!" James exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. "I mean, how difficult is it for people to do research these days! Gosh, they're so lazy! Just like that episode where-"

"And I've heard enough from you two," Don muttered as he pushed James tumbling down the steps to the streets below, smiling at each yelp James made. He then turned to Doug. "I suggest you go down there too if you don't want to meet the same fate."

"Fine! Whatever," Doug snapped. "And speaking of these steps! If everyone's tripping at the same spot, why doesn't everyone else just take another route down?! It's not that hard people! If you go down over here, you won't trip and fall! Oh my gosh! It's like someone finally grew a brain around here! I mean-"

Unfortunately for Doug and to the pleasure of everyone else, Doug's theory proved flawed. The very first step he took, he tripped over his own feet and went tumbling to the streets below. Again, Don grinned and chuckled at each yelp he made.

Morgan and Alicia, who were now attending to Brick and Devin, glanced over at the Internet Critics. They were still moaning on the ground as they tried to gather themselves from the crash.

"Do we HAVE to help them too?" Alicia whispered to Morgan.

Morgan put a finger to her chin and thought for a minute. In the end, she told Alicia that they were still patients that needed their help, so they would be breaking their code to say no, much to the disappointment of Alicia.

"But... since they're the newest patients, they'll have to wait their turn," Morgan whispered to Alicia with a chuckle.

"Then why'd you help Amy and Sammy first?!" demanded James, who was still in a great deal of pain.

"Yeah! Shouldn't you have helped Mickey and James first?!" Doug added.

Nearby, the shrilling voices of the Critics had forced the bouncers to cover their ears.

"I'm telling you Devon," Marcus spoke. "If those two are like that and we have to share a bus or whatever with them, we're clobbering them."

Devon smiled, punched his hand with his fist, and replied, "Oh, my brother, testify".

Back at the podium, another team had joined Don. The two were in their early twenties and dressed in soccer gear. One was about six foot tall, white, and had brown fluffy hair while the other was about seven feet tall, built well, had darker skin, and had his hair in dreadlocks.

"Brandon! Micah! The Soccer Players! Welcome to the Ridonculous Race!"

"Thanks, man," Brandon, the shorter one, said as he shook Don's hand.

"So," Don continued. "As soccer players, you must be feeling pretty confident about your chances. Being athletes and all."

"Pretty good theory there Don," Micah, the tall Brazilian chuckled. "But you know, it's like my dad says. Even though we're physically fit with strength, endurance, and speed, none of that compares to our one secret weapon. The one thing we've got that will give us a distinct advantage over the other contestants."

"Hmm. Interesting," Don replied. "And that weapon is?"

Smiling, Micah pointed a finger to his head.

"Oh, your brain," Don said. "Your smarts and wit then?"

"Nope. Definitely not that. We're dumb as a box of rocks," Micah replied, still smiling.

"Um... excuse me?" Brandon questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"No Don," Micah continued, still point to his head and ignoring his partner. "Our secret weapon is the power of... Positive Thinking!"

"Um... say again?" Don asked.

Brandon rolled his eyes, but smiled just the same.

"It's his life motto," he explained to Don. "His dad is a motivational speaker and all his life, he's been taught the importance of thinking positive and... let's just say he takes it to heart."

"Ayup! My positive heart!" Micah added. "Nothing but positive vibes here! Positive mentality! Positive energy. Heck, even my blood is positive. AB positive to be exact."

Down below, Geoff and Brody exchanged looks.

"I like this guy," Brody said.

" 'Cha! Totally!" Geoff replied, fist-bumping his partner.

"That's encouraging and all," Don said. "But I'm pretty sure your size, strength, speed, and endurance will have a hand in this race."

"Are you positive?" Micah asked with a chuckle. He and Brandon then walked down the steps and joined the others at the starting line, saying hello to those who greeted them.

"I have to say," Don announced. "I'm pleasantly surprised so far. There aren't too many insane newbies."

"Ahem!" came a new, yet familiar voice. Don looked over to see a familiar face: a short, plump teenager wearing a gray outfit and sporting purple hair.

"Oh, great. I spoke too soon," Don grumbled. "Max, what the heck are you doing here?"

"Fool!" Max barked. "Have you forgotten that I, Max, the most evil contestant in the history of Total Drama, have entered the race to become the most evil contestant you've ever had on this show as well?!"

"Oh gee, how could that have slipped my mind?" Don replied sarcastically. "And I suppose the million dollar prize is of no interest to you?"

"Well, actually. I kind of need the cash," Max replied, tapping his fingers together somewhat nervously. "My baby-sitting job hasn't been meeting my expenses for taking over the world, so... here I am I guess. Plus, I've always wanted to see other countries."

"Mm-hmm," Don replied, unimpressed. "Well, I'm sure you already know this, but in order to compete, you need a partner."

"I am aware of the stipulations of this contest, you fool!" Max angrily snapped, pointing a finger to Don. "And rest assured. I have a partner for this." Max then turned to the audience and the other contestants.

"Foolish worms!" he began in his menacing voice. "Brace yourselves! For the most EVIL team in the history of this contest is making their way down the steps of this feeble train station! Beg for mercy as you stand before the presence of... TEAM EVIL! MAX... and my new sidekick... ZACHARIAH!"

At that moment, a lightning bolt impressively struck the top of Union Station.

"Weird weather today," Noah nonchalantly said.

As the smoke cleared from the top of the train station, everyone gasped in horror at the figure that stood atop the steps.

A pasty, lanky, greasy man stood there with no emotion to his face whatsoever. In fact, had he not been silently walking down the steps, one would have figured him to be in a vegetated state of mind with his eyes half closed and mouth half-opened.

At the podium, Don shrieked in terror and hid from sight. Down below, Mickey and Jay embraced one another in terror. Owen grabbed hold of Noah, Emma, Kitty, Rachel, and Amie and held them close in horror. (Rachel would have complained about not consenting to this, but the sight of Zachariah made her so scared, she completely forgot) Joe hid behind Fiona in fear, who was quite taken aback by the sight herself. And thought their expressions didn't show it, Ennui and Crimson too felt afraid.

"..ah..." Ennui spoke, indicating he was yelling in terror.

"...just avoid eye contact and stop showing fear..." Crimson said in her usual monotone voice.

Zachariah, the newcomer, slowly walked down the stairs and approached Max.

"Ah, my new sidekick! Striking fear in the hearts of the world already. I've taught him well, have I not?" Max proudly boasted. "Now, my minion, explain to the world why your terror will help me reign supreme."

But instead of stopping, Zachariah continued walking right past Max to the streets below, his expression not changing in the slightest. As if he were some kind of zombie. (Much to Don's pleasure and relief)

"Uh... minion?" Max called after Zachariah, who continued to ignore Max.

Don, who had come out of hiding, glanced down at Max.

"Uh... ha ha ha... he's still learning the basics of being evil," Max nervously replied. He then ran after Zachariah "Minion!" he called out. "Your master is talking to yo-WOAH!"

As Max ran after Zachariah, he unfortunately became the next victim of those who had taken a tumble down the steps and crashing to the streets.


Max landed painfully down below and groaned in pain. But at the same time, Zachariah had reached the streets as well. Again, still staring ahead with the same expression, he grabbed ahold of Max and dragged him to their position in the streets.

"...thank you, minion..." Max muttered while being dragged away.

Nearby, Alicia and Morgan, who were attending to Devin and Dwayne, stared in horror at the sight of Zachariah.

"Morgan... do we HAVE to treat Max's wounds?" Alicia shuddered.

"Um... wounds? I don't know what you're talking about," Morgan replied.

To this, Alicia sighed in relief. She didn't care to try and approach the fiendish-looking Zachariah. That guy was giving off all kinds of bad vibrations.

"Man, and things were going so smoothly too," Don muttered. "They've always got to get a couple wacko's on these shows, don't they?"

Then, without warning, a puff of purple smoke engulfed Don and his podium. Everyone could hear Don coughing and hacking.


"Greetings citizen!" came a bold, powerful voice.

As the purple smoke cleared, a young man who appeared to be in his late teens stood before Don at the podium. This young man wore a purple fedora, a purple mask around his eyes with the holes cut out, a purple sport jacket, black pants, and purple wrestling boots.

"Why can't we just get a season where all the contestants are normal?!" Don moaned. "Like, why is it that stupidity draws ratings?"

"Fear not citizens!" the newcomer continued to speak. "For I, Quinton, MASTER OF ALL STARS, have arrived. Your fears and worries run from me, for I am as brave as one can be!"


A smaller, meeker, voice that sounded like it was going through puberty spoke up interrupting the grand entrance of Quinton. Quinton looked down at his side, where a younger teen about fifteen years old stood. His hair was a curly red and his face was covered with freckles. His mask was green, but he also had to wear his glasses. He wore a white wrestling singlet and a green cape that didn't exactly compliment his overweight body. But despite his appearance, the younger crusader had a great smile on his face, which showed off his many braces.

"Ugh," Quinton groaned. "And this is my assistant Elroy," he lazily introduced his partner.

"Hi!" Elroy greeted the crowd, "I'm Elroy. I'm his sidekick." [4]

Down below, chuckles and laughing could be heard among the crowd and the other contestants.

"And I assume your superpowers are going to help you guys win this race, huh?" Don asked, unimpressed.

"Of course not!" Quinton snapped. "We don't live in some fantasy world where people mutate into super heroes! We train in martial arts every day! Run marathons! Work out in gyms... well, at least I do. Elroy here is still trying to find a good routine, but he's a rookie so we'll cut him some slack... but anyways, we're not SUPER heroes. We're EVERY DAY heroes!"

"Really? Because on my cue cards, it says you're The Superheroes."


Without waiting for a response, Quinton snatched the cue card from Don's hand and read over it. When he saw it did indeed read "The Superheroes", he glanced over at Elroy with an annoyed expression.

"Elroy!" Quinton whined. "I thought I told you to mark us down as the EVERY DAY heroes!"

"Gee, sorry Quinton," Elroy apologized. "But I mean, you said we were going to wear the costumes and everything. I mean, it would be kind of misleading other wise. Heck, you even told me I was a 'super-hero-in-training'."

Quinton smacked his forehead in frustration. "And this is why you never send the sidekick to do the hero's job," he muttered. "Elroy, just grab me some coffee before the race starts please."

"Yes sir!" Elroy saluted his partner and ran off.

Don just stared mystified by what he was witnessing. After realizing the silence, he spoke.

"So... dare I ask why you two entered the race?"

"It's simple, my good sir!" Quinton spoke, returning to his superhero like tone. "Because the world is in desperate need of a TRUE hero! And I, Quinton, MASTER OF ALL STARS, am that hero who will bring the world out of the darkness and into the light!"

Then, without warning, Quinton began to pull pictures of himself and other merchandise out of his backpack and giving them to Don. Such merchandise included a hat, a t-shirt, and a coffee cup all with Quinton's face on them.

"Now that's Q-U-I-N-T-O-N," he continued. "Autographs are usually ten dollars per picture and half off with the purchase of other merchandise. Here's my business card and my number. Call it if you ever want to hold a press release to advertise this show in the future."

"Gee... thanks," Don grumbled as he was covered in Quinton merchandise.


Quinton's heroic entrance was ruined as he tripped and tumbled down to the streets of Toronto. Each time he hit a step, the audience, the contestants, and even Don winced as Quinton let out a yelp each time. Finally, he came to a rest at the bottom of the steps, moaning in pain.

"Is it wrong to say I don't feel too bad for him?" MacArthur whispered to Sanders.

"Probably... but I won't mind this time." Sanders replied.

Elroy had returned to the podium with Quinton's coffee, only to find his partner and mentor missing in action.

"Quinton?!" he called out. "Where'd he go? I've got his latte."

Don pointed down to the bottom of the steps where Quinton lay motionless, being attended to by Morgan and Alicia.

"Huh... someone else tripped, huh?" Elroy asked.

"Been having a problem with that today for some reason," Don replied.

Elroy gave Don the latte and observed the steps carefully.

"Ah, here's the problem," he said after a minute of studying the steps. "Right here. This step's loose. Surprised no one did anything about it earlier."

Without waiting for a response, Quinton pulled come quick cement out of his backpack and went to work fixing the step. A minute later, the step was glued back in place. Elroy then pulled a "CAUTION – WET CEMENT" sigh out of his backpack and placed it by the step.

"Um... how much stuff do you have in your backpack?" Don asked, somewhat impressed.

"Super hero rule number 64 – Always be prepared." Elroy answered.

"I guess... and just in time for our last team too They... they... wow...!" Don's voice trailed off as he looked up the stairs.

Indeed the last team made their way out of Union Station and stated coming down the steps. The sight of these two blonde ladies managed to catch the eye of every man (and even some women) in attendance that day. They were both in their early twenties and both were incredibly fit and beautiful. Calleigh, the blonde with a red shirt and black jeans, wore her hair down whereas Sabrina wore a light blue tank top, blue jeans, and had her long hair in pigtails.

"Hey loves!" Sabrina called out to the crowd while blowing a kiss. "We may be last, but certainly not least, right babe?"

Calleigh, the more serious of the two, just rolled her eyes, but chuckled at the same time. "Of course not Sabrina... and don't call me babe."

"Oh, right. Sorry babe... I mean Calleigh."

"Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Sabrina and Calleigh, The Cosplay Models!" [7]

Down below, the crowd roared in approval as the ladies waved to them. Among the contestants, many of the men, even those with girlfriends, found themselves fixated on the two. Carrie nudged Devin to snap him out of it. Stephanie had to smack Ryan. Emma cleared her throat, which caused Noah to return to his senses. Even Jason found himself staring, much to Jamie's annoyance.

"...wow..." Ennui spoke despite showing no emotion.

"...stop drooling..." Crimson replied, also in her regular monotone.


"Tch. Typical of men," Rachel muttered. "They see two blondes with big boobs and their hormones take over."

Back at the podium, Elory was blushing feverishly as the sight of the two girls. Then, remembering his status as a super hero in training, he sprang into action.

"Careful, ladies," he politely spoke. "There's some wet cement here. If you'd like, I can escort you safely down the steps to the streets of Toronto."

Sabrina giggled at the sight of the younger teenager.

"Aww, such a gentleman," she teased and allowed him her hand.

At first, Calleigh refused. But after some pestering from Sabrina, she gave in and allowed Elroy to escort her down as well. With a beautiful girl in each arm, Elroy became the envy of everyone in Toronto.

At the bottom of the steps, Morgan and Alicia were attending to Quinton's wounds, ignoring the moaning and complaining from Doug and James when they had skipped them. (Apparently, they didn't take too kindly to their criticisms of their yin and yang friendship being too stereotypical) When Quinton came to, his eyes widened when he saw Elroy coming down the steps with two gorgeous blonde models.

"There you are ladies," Elroy said as he let go of their arms.

"Aww, thanks love," Sabrina cooed. Then, to repay the super hero in training, she bent down and gave Elroy a small kiss on the cheek, which caused Quinton's jaw to drop in shock.

"Think nothing of it ma'am," Elroy called after her. "After, Super hero rule #81 states: a good deed a day keeps negative vibes away."

Sabrina just giggled as Calleigh dragged her partner to the starting line. Elroy then proudly strutted away.

"But-But-But-But-But-But-But-But-" Quinton stammered.

"Save it, bud," Alicia chuckled. "I'm sure there'll be plenty of other opportunities for you to impress your adoring fans."

Quinton growled in frustration as he brushed himself off and walked over to his partner at the starting line. 'Should have been me getting those smooches on the cheek,' he grumbled. 'I'M the hero! HE'S the sidekick!'.

Back at the podium, Don looked over the thirty-six teams that were assembled at the starting line. Though he maintained his professionalism, he was very excited for this years contest deep down inside.

"One more time ladies and gentlemen! Let's hear it for all of our teams!"

The people of Toronto cheered and applauded all thirty-six teams, who waved at the crowd excitedly.

"This is SO cool!" Kitty exclaimed as she wrapped one arm around Emma and pulled her in close for a quick selfie, making sure to get the hundreds of adoring fans in the background.

Next to them, Jamie and Jason smiled and waved back to the crowd while holding hands.

"Did you ever think we'd get to go an adventure like this sweeite?" Jamie whispered to her lover.

"No... and I wouldn't dream of doing it with anyone else, either," Jason answered.

And though Jamie didn't see it, Jason's hand returned to his side pocket, where he began to fiddle with something yet again.

Elsewhere, Max laughed maniacally as the crowd applauded.

"That's right, fools!" Max cried out. "Cheer for your inevitable doom! For upon completing this race, I will have successfully... TAKEN OVER THE WORLD!"

As Max laughed, his partner Zachariah continued to stare off into nothing with the same blank expression he had had all day.

By this time, Don had made his way down Union Station's steps and stood next to the starting line.

"Now I know everyone can't wait to get this show on the road... but before we get things under way, I do believe that there is one more thing that must be done."

Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a remote control. After showing it off to everyone, he pushed the button on it. After a very light tremble, a hole in the street opened up. Out of that hole came a familiar sight: a small box shaped like the host. To this, everyone cheered and clapped their hands excitedly.

"There we go! And with that, all the Don boxes around the world have been activated! We are ready to get this race underway!"

"Hey! How did a small button like that activate all the Don boxes around the world?!" demanded James, pointing an accusing finger at Don. "That doesn't make any sense!"

"And how did you manage to get the Don boxes in place without having people on the other sights to make sure no one was there to tamper with them?!" Doug added. "That doesn't make any sense! This whole show has way too many things that don't make sense!"

Nearby, Ellody whispered to Mary. "I think the real question here is, who cares?"

To this Mary nodded in agreement.

Don had ignored the Internet Critic's complaints and was getting ready for the race to start. "Everyone knows the rules. When I say go, everyone run to the first Don box right over there to get your first travel tip. From there, your journey around the world begins."

"See? I told you this would be a great idea," Fiona whispered to Joe. "How many opportunities do you really get to see the world like this?"

When no answer came, Fiona glanced over at her partner. To her dismay, he was far too busy playing on the Nintendo Switch he had brought with him. Fiona nudged for her partner to pay attention and forced Joe to put the Switch away.

"As always," Don continued, "be quick. And be resourceful. Because unlike last year, due to the number of teams being doubled, every single jaunt of the race will result in an elimination. So if you're the last team to arrive, you WILL be eliminated from the race."

Sanders and MacArthur cricked their knuckles as they heard this. Nearby, Josse and Jacques glared at the cadets.

"Zis time, it will end differently," Jacques assured Josse. "It will be all ze other teams that finish behind uz."

'That they will, Jacques," Josse evilly chuckled. "that they will."

"However, the team that crosses the finish line at the end of this race will walk away with a grand total of... TEN MILLION DOLLARS!"

"Oh my gosh babe," Sabrina whispered to Calleigh. "Just think. If we win that money, we don't have to be models anymore. We can finally be full time cosplayers!"

"Speak for yourself," Calleigh retorted. "And don't call me babe!"

"Heck, with that kind of money, we don't have to worry about sponsors," Pete chuckled.

"You might have to if your old spending habits kick in, hence the reason you need sponsors in the first place," Gerry laughed.

"Race hard. Stay safe. Give it your all. Best of luck to you all. And of course... have fun!" Don concluded.

"Fun my ass," Greg muttered. "I came to win this thing! You know how much porn and beer I can buy with five million dollars?!"

Again, Aaron just smacked his forehead, which was now leaving a red imprint of his hand.

"We've got this this time, right Laurie?" Miles excitedly asked her vegan teammate.

But Laurie gave no response. She just stared ahead gloomily.

"And with that...Racers... TAKE YOUR POSITIONS!"

The audience went wild as all teams lined up at the starting line.

"Good luck you guys!" Owen called over to Leshawna and Tyler.

"You too sweetie!" Leshawna replied.

"May the best team win," Tyler called back.

"Don't worry, pencil-neck geek. We plan to," Marcus interrupted, cricking his neck.

"Oh, my brother, TESTIFY!" Devon cried out as he cracked his own neck, causing Noah and Leshawna to slightly gag.

"Racers... On your marks!"

Devin and Carrie gave each other one last kiss for good luck before the race officially began.

"Good lu- I mean, good luck, Carrie," Junior called over, trying to act cool.

"Aw, you too," Carrie replied.

Junior blushed slightly, but Carrie didn't see this.

"...Get set..."

Elroy took the runner's position, whereas Quinton posed heroically for the crowd.

Jen and Tom made the final adjustments to their clothing before taking runner position.

Cindy and Anna finished their twenty stretching routines and prepared themselves for the sprint of their lives.

Geoff and Brody high fived each other to pump up their adrenaline. Then prepared for the sprint.

In the audience, no one was making a sound. The entire crowd was anxiously awaiting the start of the race, completely sucked into the moment.

It was the calm before the storm. The final moments before the epic showdown that would take these thirty-six teams on an ultimate adventure around the world.

"Slowly building up a race with a quiet atmosphere?" Really?!" Doug complained

"That's a bit cliché," James added.

Brandon and Micah ignored the whiny critics and focused on the race ahead.

Then, after what seemed like an eternity...
















Don had given the signal and all thirty-six teams were off! The ULTIMATE RIDONCULOUS RACE was officially under way!

A/N – And there we go! The Second Ridonculous Race has officially begun. I hope you guys liked it. On a smaller note, I realize the task I have given myself here. Fortunately, I like a challenge and this sure as heck looks like one. Stand back y'all... THIS... IS WAR!

Also, I will try to focus on each team as much as possible. However, because there are so many, some may not get a whole lot of attention in certain challenges as far as character development goes in every single chapter. But throughout the story, I think you'll come to love each character as individuals competing in a race as opposed to a race with competitors in it.

Leave a review and let me know what you liked and who you think is going to be the first team eliminated. Until next time, peace!


1 – This is a reference to "A Codette World Tour", another story of mine. Like I said, it takes place in the same universe so if you haven't read that yet, go do so!

2 – Leonard's Spell is inspired by the spells Zummi Gummi uses in Adventures of the Gummi Bears. You just add an "um" in there somewhere... Likum Thisum!

3 – This is actually a plot of an original story I'm still cooking up. I'll let you know more details when the time comes.

4– Fiona is owned by Mother-of-trolls on Deviant Art.

5 – Donald here is inspired by Donald Trump. Or rather his reality television persona. Not his current status as president. I don't get involved in that political bullshit.

6- Doug and James are named after The Nostalgia Critic and The Angry Video Game Nerd. That is the only similarity between the two. Their personality comes from people who spend way too much time online complaining about irrelevant shit to the point they become annoying.

7- Calleigh is owned by MustacheSkulls on Deviantart. Go check out their work.

Quick Cheat List of All the Teams:


Devin/Carrie – The Best Friends
Mickey/Jay – Adversity Twins
Taylor/Kelly – Mother/Daughter
Crimson/Ennui – Goths
Owen/Noah – Reality Pros
Kitty/Emma – Sisters
Stephanie/Ryan – The Daters/Haters
Josse/Jacques – Ice Dancers
MacArthur/Sanders – Cadets
Geoff/Brody – Surfer Dudes
Lorenza/Chet – Step-Brothers
Rock/Spud – Rockers
Dwayne/Junior – Father/Son

Tom/Jen – Fashion Bloggers
Miles/Laurie – Vegans
Mary/Ellody – Geniuses

Leonard/Tammy – Larpers
Gerry/Pete – Tennis Rivals


Jamie and Jason – Survivalists

Joe and Fiona – Opposites

Sabrina and Calleigh – Cosplayers

Aaron and Greg – Roommates

Brandon and Micah – The soccer stars

Rachel and Amie – The SJWs (I know I said Activists, but no, they're SJWs)

Leshawna/Tyler – Reality Rivals

DJ/Ry-Ry – Big Brother Participants

Timmy/Dale – Farmers

Cindy/Anna – Tough Grannies

Amy/Sammy – Twin Sisters

Quinton/Elroy – The "Superheroes"

Marcus/Devon – The Bouncers

Lauren/Donald – The Business Tycoons

Max/Zachariah – Team Evil

Brick/Emily – The Cadets

Alicia/Morgan – The Medical Students