Chapter 3: Cato's House

A big thanks to everyone who has reviewed, favourited and followed this story in the 7 month gap since chapter 2! It really means a lot to me! Also, I would like to thank Baka-Liprikon for this story's beautiful cover! Please go to his tumblr and like and reblog his amazing art!

Gary woke up expecting to be on a cold, hard bench, just as he had for weeks before, but for the first time in a month he woke up warm, he woke up safe and unwilling to move. Those five seconds of blurriness passed, and he remembered; Avocato. He could smell him, his musk, he could feel his soft fur, the rise and fall of his sleeping breaths and his strong arms around Gary's body.

Gary didn't know what time it was, or how long he lay there, slipping in and out of consciousness, enveloped in Avocato's warmth, but by the time he heard an alarm go off it hadn't been long enough. He heard the springs of the bed give out and Avocato took his arms away. Gary blinked his eyes open, rubbing the sleep out of them as they adjusted to the sunlight spilling through the curtains.

"Morning." Avocato said through a yawn. Gary looked at him, the light pouring in from behind him making him look almost angelic.

"M-morning." Gary said, his throat too dry to speak. Avocato glanced at the clock on the wall, blinking a few times as if it were in a foreign language.

"Cato's probably up and about, getting ready for school right about now." He swung his legs around the side of the bed and stretched, his tail standing straight.

"Should I just wait here then?" Gary asked, a light blush dusting his cheeks as Avocato walked about the room in the buff.

"Probably." Avocato answered, pulling a pair of sweats on. "He's smart, so if he saw you he'd probably make an assumption about what was happening between us. Just better to avoid that before we talk about what's happening between us."

"That makes sense." Gary said, laying his head on the pillow again. A spark lit in his chest. Something was happening between him and Avocato.

"Knew you'd understand." Avocato said as he opened the door, giving Gary a coy wink.

He felt his chest explode into a swarm of butterflies. That man would probably be the death of him, and Gary was perfectly okay with that. The fact that Avocato would take him in and give him a bed to sleep in, not once, but twice, meant he could do whatever he wanted with Gary. If it meant he prolonged his return to the streets he'd do whatever Avocato asked of him, anything at all.

About half an hour later, Avocato walked back into the room and shook Gary from his nap.

"You feel like eating?" He asked, going to his drawers and pulling out a pair of elastic boxers and throwing them Gary's way.

"Definitely." Gary answered, getting up and slipping the underwear on. They barely stayed on his hips, but he was grateful to just have something fresh to wear with his oversized shirt.

The table had already been set and had a plate of toast, eggs, bacon and beans ready to be devoured. Gary did so with extreme gusto, unsure if he'd get to eat like that again in the near future.

"So," Avocato said, taking the seat across from Gary with a steaming cup in his hand. "you're homeless, right?"

Gary stopped chewing, forced himself to swallow and looked down at his plate, ashamed that his situation was being addressed so bluntly. But Avocato had the right to know, he's the only one who's been willing to help him at all.

"Yeah, since…since the night we met." He wanted to keep eating, his stomach certainly begged for it, but felt that it'd be bad form to stuff Avocato's food down his throat while trying to explain things to the man.

"Why?" Avocato asked, sipping his drink as if it were a completely casual conversation.

Gary wrapped his arms around himself, sickening memories coming to the front of his mind. He refused to cry, not here, not now.

"No job, no savings, debt. Things like that." He said, barely above a whisper. "Got evicted that night, all my stuff was stolen too."

"Shit." Avocato said, reaching a hand out to the middle of the table. Gary felt compelled to hold it, anything to feel a bit less alone. "What kind of debt? Medical? Student?"

Gary shook his head. The thought of confronting the Brass Snakes again made him want to vomit. "I, I owed it to a gang called…called the Brass Snakes."

"Was it a lot?" Avocato asked, holding Gary's hand tight.

"Four-hundred bucks." Gary answered. "It didn't seem like a lot at the start, but then I kept losing money, and interest kept being charged then I lost my job and then-" His own breathing cut him off. He was breathing in and out so fast it felt as if no air was getting into him at all. Just remembering everything that had happened, every feeling of dread and every sleepless night all snowballed together and crashed into him in that moment, and it was too much.

Avocato got up and pulled Gary into an embrace. "It's okay, Gary, just breathe with me, okay? In, out, in, out, in, out." Gary struggled to get his breathing under control. Every thought and every horrible feeling that thrashed about inside him coagulated into a vicious, gnawing blackness in his stomach and chest that refused let him forget. It bit and chewed at him, tearing his insides apart and making him feel hollow and as if he would have been better off throwing himself in front of a train one of those many nights he slept alone on the cold streets. Even the warmth of Avocato's embrace struggled to fight away this dark, amorphous thing inside him.

"You with me?" Avocato asked after several moments, rubbing circles into Gary's back. Gary nodded, grasping a fistful of Avocato's shirt in a vice-like hold. He waited several more moments to respond, refusing to let the build-up of tears in his eyes fall; he refused to be so pathetic again.

"I understand it's a lot to deal with. It's scary. So much pressure and stress that you don't know what to do with it, and it just seems like it'll never go away and just throw you down forever." Gary looked into his eyes, the purpose of the blackness wallowing in him surmised to a fine point.

"Yeah." Wanting to say more, but the words caught themselves in his throat. Avocato didn't want to hear every little nagging thing that made Gary want to curl up and let time eat him, not when even thinking about them made Gary himself want to throw up.

"Why didn't you come back?" Avocato asked after a pause.

Gary shrugged, knowing why, but unable to say it. Avocato was too good for him, undeserving of being shackled by his life for even a single night. "I just, I just thought that you, that you…"

"Yeah?" Avocato prodded, pulling Gary closer to him.

"I thought that you shouldn't have to deal with me, with all this." He buried his face in Avocato's chest, taking solace in his scent. He didn't deserve it, but he was too weak to pull away from that small indulgence.

"Well, now I'm really glad I brought you home with me." Avocato said, tilting Gary's head up to look at him.

"Why?" Gary asked, genuinely confused. Surely Avocato realised the kind of person he really was after that night, after he undeservedly spent a night in his bed, ate his food the following morning and stole his jacket. It was a miracle Avocato didn't spit on him when he saw him curled up behind that dumpster the night before, mingling with the garbage.

"Because no-one should have to go through this kind of thing alone, it does things to a person, things not many people deserve. If nothing else, I'm glad you could tell me." He leaned down and pressed his lips against Gary's. It wasn't anything carnal or lustful, it was just a kiss, one that let Gary forget for just a moment. Gary pulled away, the weight constantly bearing down on him disappearing for just an instant. He looked at Avocato, ready to cry for a completely different reason than before. Was he really so desperate for friendship, for companionship that a single, unpassionate yet caring kiss was all it took for him to want to stay beside this person for as long as possible?

Yes, yes it was. He would do anything Avocato asked of him, he knew that, even the most degrading and humiliating things. He would do anything if it meant he could stay with him. He didn't need sex, or even monogamy, just being there with him, being allowed to be near him was all he needed. It was more than he deserved but he didn't care, it helped to calm that black think that was eating away at him from the inside.

Gary looked down, and the sudden need to make himself useful washed over him, only, he didn't know many ways he could be useful, not really. Thinking quickly, he placed his hand over Avocato's clothed cock. The Ventrexian looked at him with a quirked eyebrow but didn't stop it from happening.

"I wanna return the favour for last night." Gary said, gently pushing Avocato onto a chair and dropping to his knees between his spread legs. "Is that okay with you?"

Avocato chuckled. "Be my guest."

Gary nodded and tugged at the waistband of Avocato's sweatpants, pulling them down to his knees. His cock was already half-hard. Gary wrapped his hand around it and stroked it until it was at full-mast. He licked his lips, brought them to the bulbous tip and wrapped them around it. Avocato, placed a hand on Gary's head, tangling his fingers in his hair, helping him bob up and down on his member.

Gary started slow, letting the up and down motions do most of the work before using his tongue to trace up and down the veiny shaft. Low purrs jumped from Avocato's mouth as his member slid down Gary's throat, the tight, wet chasm enveloping his cock. When he looked down he almost came at the sight of Gary's nose buried in the thick bush of white fur encompassing the base of his cock.

The human quickened his pace, and every time he swallowed Avocato's member he felt a tight tug on his hair that urged him to go even faster.

When Avocato finished, Gary swallowed all he could. Pulling off for air, Gary could feel a small dribble of cum drip out of the corner of his mouth. Before he could wipe it away, Avocato grabbed his chin and ran his thumb over the white trail. He didn't have time to ask what he was doing before the Ventrexian pushed his thumb between Gary's lips and smeared the semen over his tongue. It was bitter, more bitter than a human's, but he didn't protest, the ravenous look in Avocato's eyes compelling him to just take it.

He didn't just take it, he took hold of the other's wrist and, as if he had his cock in his mouth again, started to suckle and lick the digit. Avocato bit his lip, the sight almost stirring his member to life again, but he knew that if they didn't stop then and there, he'd get nothing done for the day.

After cleaning up, the two went back upstairs and Avocato got ready for work.

"What do you do?" Gary asked, lying on the bed as the Ventrexian brushed the fur on his head.

"I manage Cat's Corner." Avocato answered, spritzing cologne onto his neck. "Hence why I'm there a lot." He buttoned up a dark purple shirt, buckled a belt around his waist and gave himself a once-over in the mirror before deciding he was presentable.

"Now, Cato's probably gonna be home before me, but this morning I told him that I was having a guy from work stay over for a while since his place was being fumigated." Avocato explained, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Think you can remember that?"

"Yeah." Gary answered, crawling towards him. "Though, won't he suspect something? Anything?" He asked, not wanting to be in an awkward situation later on. Avocato shrugged.

"He is smart, so he'll probably have his suspicions, but I wouldn't worry about it." He leaned in and pressed his lips to Gary's cheek. "I'll see you later, at about eight. Probably."

With that Avocato left him alone. All alone in that rather big house. He didn't know what to do with himself. He could watch TV but something felt wrong about using Avocato's things while the man was away, working. He just wandered, not nosing around too much, just getting to know the layout of the place. He found his clothes on a rack in the basement, still damp after coming out of the washer.

He knew he'd need to find a way to get his hands on some newer clothes and fast. He'd been living in those for a month and knew that he'd need to be a bit more decent than that if Avocato was going to host him for any longer.

He put that out of his mind for the time being and decided to clean what messes he could find to fill the time. He started with the kitchen, finding the polishes and cloths under the sink. He wiped down the table, the countertops and said sink, put the pile of dirty dishes in the dishwasher and scrubbed the pans clean of dried bacon fat and other grime.

By the time he was done his hands smelled sweetly of lemon.

Somewhat proud of himself, he decided to continue on, finding the vacuum cleaner in the cupboard under the stairs, going through the living room, hallways, the stairs and upstairs rooms. He stayed out of the kid's room, deciding to respect his privacy.

It wasn't hard work, but it made him sweat and Avocato's admittedly thin shirt clung to his skin. He wiped his brow and decided to take a short break, falling onto the living room couch. He closed his eyes for what he thought was only a moment but he was startled to stand when he heard a door slam. He looked at the nearest clock, one that hung over the fireplace, thinking that Avocato's son would be home but it was too early. He wondered who it was, perhaps an intruder, or maybe a cleaner? All speculations were thrown out the window when he heard Avocato's voice.

"Gary?" He called, echoing through the house.

"I'm in the living room!" He called back, standing and walking towards the garage entrance from which he knew Avocato likely came through. Avocato got to him first though, bumping into him right at the living room entrance.

"You cleaned." Avocato stated, looking down at the shorter man.

Gary couldn't completely make out his expression, so he just nodded. "Yeah." His cheeks dusted a light pink. "I had time to kill and thought I should, you know, make myself useful." He chuckled weakly, looking to the ground. "Is that okay?" He asked, not daring to look up again.

"It's more than okay." Avocato answered, tilting Gary's head up to look at him, beaming at him. "You didn't have to, of course, but hey, I'm not complaining."

Gary smiled, glad to know he had actually been helpful. "So, what are you doing home so early?" He asked, glancing at the clock again. "Thought you wouldn't be back for hours."

"I'm on break." Avocato said, grabbing Gary by the hand and pulling him back onto the couch. "Thought I'd pay my little human a visit so he wouldn't get lonely." He pulled Gary onto his lap and buried his nose in his neck, taking in his musky, sweaty scent.

Gary blushed, feeling the feline's hand trail up his bare thigh, into the leg of the loose boxers and…

"Oh!" He bit his lip when Avocato lightly pinched one of his balls, his member stiffening to half-mast very quickly. "Do you have enough time for…" Gary breathed, barely able to keep still as his neck was bitten and sucked on.

"Oh I have plenty of time for a lot of things." Avocato purred, slipping his hands underneath Gary's thin shirt and sliding it over his head. The human flushed red at being so exposed while the Ventrexian remained completely covered. Part of him must've liked it though, as his own member was sticking through the fly of the borrowed boxers. "How 'bout I bend you over this couch and show you just what I have time for?" Avocato whispered into Gary's ear, sending tremors of anticipation through him.

"I, I'd like that." Gary stuttered in response, the idea of being filled by Avocato again seeming like a long forgotten fantasy. The last time he'd been done was when a stranger mistook him for a whore. Having Avocato fill him with his larger member would feel like a euphoric dream come true after all this time. If he was going to be left sore and unable to walk he'd rather it be by someone who at least made sure he finished too.

Avocato pushed the boxers down Gary's legs, laid him on his back and kneeled between his spread legs. The cat pushed three fingers into the human's mouth, letting them get wet and slick as he undid his zipper and pulled out his member.

He made a long and drawn out job of stretching Gary, fingering his tight hole, listening to his moans and feeling his anxious squirms. He tried to avoid hitting his sweet spot, wanting to tease his little snack for as long as possible. The faces Gary made when he almost struck it were wonderous, frustrated and cock-hardening. He wanted to plough into the smaller man as hard as he wanted, he wanted to go wild and lose all restraint as he barrelled into his tight entrance, bringing both of them closer to climax with every thrust.

Too soon, the daydreaming became too much for Avocato. He pulled his fingers out of Gary, pushed his legs further away and lined the head of his cock up with the human's pink hole.

"Avo-" Gary was cut off when he felt the Ventrexian push into him, filling him more than the fingers ever could. He let lewd and longing moans leap from his throat, reaching his hands out to reach around Avocato's neck, his fingers tangling themselves in his fur.

Farther and farther Avocato went, not stopping until his clothed hips met Gary's bare rear-end.

"You, you good?" He asked, looking down, directly into the human's eyes. His flushed cheeks, laboured breathing and heaving chest told Avocato everything he wanted to know.

"Move!" Gary demanded, not caring that it hurt to have Avocato enter him so deep, he only wanted to keep this filled feeling, he wanted to be rammed and used until he couldn't move, he wanted to feel Avocato's jizz leak down his thighs when he pulled out, he wanted to be left unable to walk, to be left weak and helpless and bedridden for days!

"My pleasure!" Avocato purred through grit teeth, his clawed hands keeping a tight hold on Gary's hips as he pulled out. He left only the tip in before pushing in again, slowly at first before quickening his speed. He wrapped a fist around his partner's leaking cock, coaxing precum to drip out before clutching it so tight he made the man attached to it gasp and writhe under him.

"Avo!" Gary moaned, his hips bucking, trying to throw himself back onto the member splitting him near in half. "Avo" became Gary's mantra for the following minutes, uttering the shout every time he felt the man's cock strike his sweet spot. That, along with Avocato's furious grip on his own member, left him perpetually on the precipice of release, only to be denied his finish at the last second.

"Avo, please!" He shouted, his every cell trembling, his grasp on Avocato's fur limp, his insides screaming for the satisfaction it was being denied!

"You wanna cum?" Avocato asked, leaning forward so close that his forehead touched Gary's. The human nodded desperately, wanting more than anything to be allowed to finish. "Fine." Avocato grinned, releasing his grip on Gary's member. He then grabbed both of his hips, raised them higher into the air and started to thrust down, hard and fast, into him. Gary's fingers curled around the bases of Avocato's ears, pulling him in closer as he felt his climax speed towards him!

A wave of pleasure shattered through Gary's body, starting from his sweet spot, pounded as it was, and reverberating to the tips of his fingers and the ends of his hairs. His stomach and chest were covered in white, his cock still twitching as Avocato grabbed it and milked every last drop out. Said cat continued to pound into Gary, gasping and groaning as he felt his own climax overwhelm him. Avocato shot his cum deep into Gary, humping and thrusting every last drop out until he collapsed onto the man under him, taking deep, ragged breaths.

"You, you good?" Avocato asked, raising his head to look Gary in the eye.

"Oh yeah." Gary sighed, feeling Avocato's warm, sticky seed spread inside him as the cat pulled out. He let his hands fall from Avocato's head, letting them rest on the cushions under him. "Not sure I can walk though, my legs feel like jelly." He chuckled.

"Ha! That's what they all say." Avocato bragged, sitting properly and pulling the still naked Gary onto his lap. "Damn, how deep did I go? Nothing's leaking out." He observed, thinking he'd have to wash a stain out of the couch.

"Pretty deep." Gary answered, laying his head in the crook of Avocato's neck. "I can still feel it in there, it'll come out in its own time."

"Guess there wasn't as much, seeing as you sucked most of it out this morning." The Ventrexian said, wrapping his tail around his human's thighs.

"Yeah, probably." Gary yawned. "How long 'til you have to go."

Avocato looked at his watch. "Not for another half hour." He answered. "Why? Wanna go for another round?"

"Okay, give me like, ten minutes and I'll be there, gotta let the batteries recharge." As he said this he shifted positions so that he was straddling Avocato's lap and had his arms wrapped loosely around his neck. "You'll just have to settle for this, for now." He leaned in and caught the other man's lips with his own, letting their tongues play as he grinded his ass against Avocato's groin.

Avocato was nearly an hour late getting back to work, by which time he was sure his testicles had been emptied and his knees wobbled. Gary, meanwhile, was left unmoving on their bed, naked with cum leaking out of him, his legs not functional and his insides quivering.

He didn't know if this is what he was to expect day in and day out in the Cato household, but he could get used to it very quickly. That thought brought a genuine smile to his lips, and for the first time in a long time, Gary felt like the weight of all of his mistakes weren't eating away at him, and when they tried to, he thought of Avocato, and everything seemed like it would be okay, well and truly okay.

Thanks for reading, I hope it was worth the wait!

Please let me know if you expect smut in each chapter for this story or if you're okay with it becoming more sparse as time goes on. Also, I'm torn on whether or not chapter 4 should delve more into Avocato's POV and explain his thought processes since meeting Gary, or if I should continue things with Gary and have him meet Little Cato? Either way, whichever one isn't chapter 4 will be chapter 5.