Chapter 1: Cat's Corner

Thanks for clicking on this, I just really wanted to write something smutty for Garycato, and this is the product of that. I'm not sure how long this'll be, maybe a few more chapters if there's good reception for this, I do have more ideas if it's popular. Anyway, enjoy the read :)

Gary strode down the sidewalk, the cold drizzle splashing against his face and bare arms. His stomach ached and his fingers stung with the cold. This whole day just sucked, first he got evicted from his apartment, then he lost his only suitcase of belongings after leaving it unattended for only a minute so he could buy a hotdog, only to lose half the hotdog after being confronted by a vicious stray dog. The irony wasn't lost on him.

He thought things couldn't get any worse, so he went to an acquaintance's place in the city to see if he could crash on his couch for a night or two, only to find him in the middle of a deal with a pair of Brass Snakes, a group of not so nice people Gary may have slighted in the past. He had meant well when he called one of their executives "Dashingly handsome in a monkey-like way" while being interviewed about a $400 debt, but it wasn't taken as such. He had learned very quickly that African Americans of any vocation didn't appreciate being called handsome by another man. He'd need to keep that in mind if they ever met again.

The pair his friend were with had invited him in to partake in their little deal. Gary had refused, knowing that the looks on their faces meant anything but a warm social gathering. He ran. They ran after him. They'd caught up to him, grabbed him by the hood of his jacket so he slid out of it, managing to lose them by running through busy traffic and going through a few elusive alleyways.

That left him in the state he was in now, cold and wet, with nowhere to go and only the clothes on his back to his name.

"Goddammit." He grunted, shoving his hands into his armpits, the force of the rain hitting his face intensifying. He took shelter in a nearby alley, one a bit too narrow considering the garbage bags he was sharing the space with.

A blinking neon sign shining from the other end of the alleyway caught his eye. He went towards it, seeing a pink martini glass with the words "Cat's Corner" glowing a bright green beside it. He took a deep breath, knowing that he only had about $30 to his name and spending it on drink was not the best idea. Gary wasn't paying attention to the little voice telling him that though and instead listened to the one saying he deserved a pick-me-up after the absolute train-wreck his life had become in the last twelve hours alone.

"Train-wreck would be an improvement." He mumbled to himself, knocking on the door. A slot opened up, and a pair of green eyes glared back at him. He was about to take out his passport to show he was over twenty-one when the door opened for him, a black-furred Ventrexian with the buff chest of an Olympic god standing there, nodding him in.

He gave the man a smile, grateful to be out of the rain. It seemed to be a rather nice place, quaint, with a purple ambience, jazz music in the background and more than a few Ventrexians around. He guessed this was one of their popular hangouts. Still, there were other humans and different races around so he wasn't getting any odd looks just for being there.

He took a seat at the bar, the busty calico woman asking his order.

"Long Island Iced Tea." He answered, not wanting to waste any time in forgetting his woes. Going on top of an empty stomach, the drink didn't take too long to get to him as he was feeling tipsy by the time the glass was half empty. By the time he had nursed his second glass he was swaying in his seat, lamenting that he only had enough cash on him for one more.

One more drink and that was it. He couldn't pay rent. He couldn't buy clothes, or food, or anything else he'd need, not even a blanket to wrap himself in. He didn't have any friends to crash with, his only vague option was in cahoots with people who wanted to break his legs, he had no family on this side of the country, and even if he did they were all on his mother's side so he wouldn't even know them if he saw them.

Gary Goodspeed, son of acclaimed astronaut John Goodspeed, high-school dropout, friend of nobody, hobo.

He sniffed, unable to keep the horrible thoughts at bay anymore. It had finally happened, he was homeless with no prospects, no direction, no allies or anything to his name. This day always seemed to be so far in the future to him, something that would never actually happen to him. It happened to other people, but not him!

The full reality of the situation bore deep into his chest, making him tremble out of more than just the ice cold cling of his t-shirt to his skin. The second he let that first tear fall, each one after it fell easier and easier, until eventually his whole body was being wracked with sobs, and he didn't care who saw him do it. He was too low to be concerned with the thoughts of others right now, he had a right to be so upset at the ten-foot hole he dug for himself. He deserved it really, he could never hold down a job, he always pissed off the wrong people and he always made the stupidest decision available to him. He'd once heard one of his teachers say he was so thick-headed that he could be told to go left to the place he'd always be happy or go right to the place he'd never be sad and still find a way to walk straight ahead into a ditch.

Well, here was his ditch, and now he'd have to live in it.

"Hey man, you okay?" A deep, sonorous voice asked from behind Gary. He looked over his shoulder. Standing there was another Ventrexian, this one with mostly black-ish fur, except for around his mouth and a stripe going down his face, which was white.

"'M, 'm fine." Gary stuttered, not even believing himself.

"You don't look it at all. No offence." The cat-man said, pulling up the seat next to Gary. "What's eating you?"

Gary couldn't look him in the eye. Instead he just looked at his hands, then to his nearly empty glass, then to what was left of his money, then to the space in front of him, and then finally at the one who asked him the question. He could feel the spiel of everything that was going on in his shambles of a life trying to force its way out of him, to vent at this stranger, to tell him every last miserable, self-inflicted detail of how he royally fucked himself ten times over.

But he didn't do that. He didn't tell his life story and he didn't scare away the only person in the world who wanted to talk to him. Well, talk to him and not break something inside him.

"Just, just…" Gary tried to think of something fast, which was hard considering how much alcohol he drank in the last five minutes. "just a few things, is all." He slurred. His back began to hurt, being hunched over and all, so he tried to lean back. Forgetting he was on a stool he felt a shock of dread as the stool's legs left the ground and suddenly, he was falling. But then he wasn't, a large, warm hand on his back kept him in place. He looked at the one it was attached to, that kind Ventrexian. Gary was surprised he was still there, being able to tolerate his fuck-up of an existence, his trash-eating, worthless, inexcusable waste of a life.

All those horrible feelings just bubbled themselves anew, another wave of sobs threatening to build up in his chest and spill onto this nice person. He pushed them down, absolutely refusing to let any of his hollow life leak onto anyone else, let alone the closest thing to a friend he had in the world right now. That mere thought only made the horrible, heart-crushing feelings intensify. The closest thing to a friend he had after 25 years of life was this bar-stranger he'd known for thirty seconds and who had only said fifteen words to him.

"A few things, huh?" The man seemed sceptical, not taking his hand from Gary's back. "Let me guess, love-life got you down?"

Gary would've laughed if the truth hadn't been so depressing. He hadn't been able to hold a steady relationship his whole life. Any woman he'd been with would get sick of him after a month or two, then after he realised he was gay he thought that was the reason, and that he'd be able to find a steady boyfriend. It turned out that his sexuality wasn't the issue in the equation, it was Gary himself who managed to annoy anybody willing to give him the time of day away.

But it provided a good excuse.

"That's, that's about it." He sighed, swaying closer to this warm-handed stranger.

"I'm sure you'll be able to work things out between you and her, if she means this much to you." He said, that hand going farther down his back.

"H-him." Gary hiccupped, wanting this fictional breakup to be at least somewhat based on real-life.

"Him, I'm sure you'll work things out with him." The man comforted.

Gary shook his head defiantly. "Not, not a chance, they never come back."

"And it's your own fucking fault!" He added to himself.

"That's a shame." The Ventrexian said, his hand, snaking closer to Gary's waist, not that he minded, the steadying hand kept him from falling off his chair. "I'm Avocato, by the way."

"Gary." Gary burped, giving up on balance and falling against Avocato's chest. He was so warm and soft that Gary could've fallen asleep there and then had he not willed against it. God only knows where he'd wake up, and whether or not he'd have all his organs.

"So Gary, you live close by?" Avocato asked, making no move to push Gary away.

Live close by? Gary didn't live anywhere at all. Just thinking about that made him sob again. Being this close to another person, feeling so warm and so safe made him less bothered whether or not he kept everything bottled inside.

"No." He answered simply, wanting to stay right there, against the kind Avocato with his strong arm around him forever.

"Well I do, wanna come see the place?" Avocato whispered right into Gary's ear, sending a shiver down his spine.

Oh, he was being hit on. Gary groaned internally, annoyed at himself for not noticing sooner. Still, not like he was in any position to be picky. If this person was willing to take him home for the night, fuck him and let him sleep in his bed, then who was he to refuse, seeing as he had no other bed to go back to. Even drunk Gary was smart enough to know it was a good deal no matter how you looked at it, sober Gary just would've noticed a bit sooner.

"I'd love to." He said back.

They stood, Gary relying mostly on Avocato for support. He made sure to remember every coin of his change, not quite drunk enough to forget the only money he had to his name.

Gary was only vaguely aware of his surroundings as they walked. He recognised the black-furred doorman, then as the door was opened he felt something draped over his shoulders. Avocato had put a jacket over him, a jacket that smelled like Avocato and cologne. It was so big on him that his hands were completely covered by the sleeves. Still, it kept him dry in the rain as they power-walked to Avocato's car.

The seat was comfortable, almost too comfortable as he had to will himself not to sleep. The AC warmed the car, the wipers cleared away the rain and the music defused the tension. Driving at night was always better than driving during the day. There were fewer people about, less honking and shouting, and he could just enjoy the nightlife.

When they stopped at a red light, Avocato lightly lay his hand on Gary's leg, just above the knee. He blushed, knowing he was a bit out of practise. He spread his legs and leaned lower in the seat, inviting the hand to trail higher. It did, higher and higher up Gary's thigh until it grazed his half-hard member underneath his jeans.

Gary mewled, forgetting about the terrible day he had for just an instant. Then the light turned green and Avocato's hand was gone.

Every time the car stopped for a light the hand would be back, and it was driving Gary crazy. He was too pent up for this, but he didn't dare tell Avocato to go further. He was the one doing Gary a favour here, the favour of a warm bed and a little genuine companionship, so he could do what he wanted when he wanted for all Gary cared.

Before much longer the car came to a complete stop. Wiping the condensation from the window, Gary could see that they were in a suburban neighbourhood, if the mowed lawns and picket fences were anything to go by. The garage door in front of them lifted open and they parked inside. It was colder outside the car, but Gary soon forgot about that when Avocato pressed him up against the door, pushing their lips together. He was startled at first, especially when he felt a knee against his crotch, but he quickly gelled into it, his hands going to Avocato's shoulder's as the Ventrexian's hands grasped his waist.

"My room!" Avocato whispered loudly, pushing the jacket from Gary's shoulders and onto the floor. He felt hands grasp his ass and pull him up. He wrapped his legs around Avocato's waist as their tongue's fought in each other's mouths. It was wet, it was sloppy and it was delicious. Gary's hands roamed the soft fur on Avocato's head, brushing the base of his ears. The Ventrexian moaned into his mouth. His soft lips pulled away. Gary missed it instantly.

He was dropped onto a bed, the springs crying out under him. He looked at Avocato as he pulled his top off, showing Gary his sculpted chest and chiselled abs. It made his jeans all the tighter. Suddenly Avocato was on top of him, hands riding up his sides, pulling his wet tee with them. Gary couldn't help but blush when his tee was taken off all the way, Avocato was so good looking in comparison to his scrawny and pasty self.

Avocato didn't seem to notice that yet, and went straight for Gary's neck, sucking and biting with those sharp teeth of his, Gary let out a moan when he felt the sensitive skin get scraped and sucked, wishing it would go on when Avocato pulled away. He didn't stop with his mouth though, and moved onto Gary's left nipple, sucking and biting at it too. Gary threw his head back and clutched the quilt in his fists. Those were always sensitive spots for him.

Avocato soon went down again, pulling at the hem of Gary's jeans, fumbling with the zipper. Gary felt it go over his hard-on, springing out through the fly in his underwear.

"You're really excited." Avocato teased, pinching the head of Gary's cock, breathing warm breath onto it.

He bit his lip. It really had been too long since he'd gotten some. Avocato didn't waste any more time and pulled Gary's pants and underwear down to his ankles, taking his shoes with them, leaving the young man completely bare. He blushed again, watching intently as the Ventrexian lowered his own pants. Gary gulped upon seeing the size of Avocato's own cock, itching to feel it inside him, to stretch him and wreck him and make him feel all sorts of things.

Avocato crawled on top of him again, their tongues battling again as Avocato grinded their lengths together. Gary could feel precum dripping out of him, dirtying his stomach as it mixed with Avocato's.

"You wanna lie on your stomach or back?" Avocato asked desperately, pulling away and reaching into the drawer in his bedside cabinet.

"Stomach." Gary answered, flipping himself over onto his hands and knees. His heart began to thump faster and faster in his chest. He mentally prepared himself for the penetration, hoping Avocato would be gentle when barrelling into him and not just tear him like others had done in the past.

A breeze made him shiver, and he suddenly realised how exposed he was, how much Avocato could see and do to him in his current state. Gary sighed into his folded arms, simultaneously looking forward to and dreading what was coming. It hurt, but it just felt so. Goddamn. Good!

He heard a slight squelch from behind him, but before he could look and see he felt something cold and slimy poke at his twitching hole.

"You good, Gar?" Avocato asked, gently massaging between Gary's shoulder blades.

"Yeah!" He answered, pushing back onto the finger.

"Good, I'm just gonna prep you a 'lil, maybe milk you a bit." He chuckled, breathing right against his ear. He pushed his finger deeper into Gary's tightening entrance, making him moan again.

"Do, whatever!" Gary panted between breaths, just wanting Avocato to do more to him, to show him whatever 'milking' was. It sounded amazing.

He felt that finger go even deeper, just a hair's breadth away from making Gary see stars. The finger curved, nearly making Gary scream into his arms. He was barely able to contain himself, his hole tightening, his cock surging and his body quivering.

"You like that?" Avocato asked, using his free hand to knead and scratch one of Gary's rear cheeks.

"Yessss!" Gary hissed, trying to push back more, but Avocato was out of finger. "More!" He demanded, not caring if he sounded greedy.

"If you insist." Avocato purred, drawing out his finger and thrusting it back in before squeezing another finger into Gary alongside it.

Gary was nearly exploding with impatience, the two fingers were just edging their way into him at a snail's pace. He tried to push back onto them but Avocato just drew them back out of him, giving his bum a slap for good measure. It took more than a few times for Gary to learn his lesson, leaving him with pinkened prints on his right butt-cheek only. The asymmetry was driving him mad, he'd have to ask for it to be evened out later. Somehow he didn't think Avocato would mind.

He mewled out as his insides were scissored apart, his sweet spot being ravaged and tremors racketing through his body. He was so close to cumming, but knew he needed to restrain himself for the main event; that monster sticking up from between Avocato's legs.

"Put it in me!" He begged, wiggling his backside and shooting Avocato the best puppy eyes he could muster.

"Well I couldn't possibly resist that." Avocato smirked, pulling his fingers out. He heard another squelch and then something big and blunt was pushing against his twitching hole. Slowly but surely, Avocato's bulbous head pushed into him, stretching him way more than the fingers that came before it. Gary bit into the quilt, needing to stop himself from pushing all the way back and hurting himself for the next two weeks. Avocato knew the pace he needed to go, and Gary was willing to let him go about it.

Further and further in, Gary was becoming more and more breathless as the Ventrexian's shaft almost split him apart, accompanied by grunts and whispers of "Fuck" and "So tight" from Avocato. Then it grazed agonisingly slowly across his sweet-spot, almost making Gary sob out of pure pleasure. Of course it hurt, but it hurt so goddamn good!

With a final, intoxicating thrust, Avocato was all the way in, his hips slapping against Gary and the bottom unable to keep his moans and groans to himself.

"Move!" He demanded, needing to be fucked, needing to be used and wrecked and everything else he couldn't think of.

Avocato obliged, pulling out fast. Gary cried out but didn't have time to readjust to his emptiness before he was filled again, the sweet spot inside him being pounded to the point that he almost came. Again and again, these paused retreats and thrusts nearly made Gary cry out of desperation until finally, a well-aimed thrust hit him dead on. He groaned out a long drawn-out, euphoric moan, spilling his seed onto Avocato's sheets as he tightened around his thick member. It was a beautiful, heavenly moment that Gary wished could last forever, even though it was drawn out even longer when Avocato reached around and began to pump his weeping cock, milking Gary for everything he was worth.

Gary clenched as tight as he could as Avocato continued to drill into him, he cried out with every thrust, his cock hardening painfully after minutes of this beautiful pain.

"You fine with me finishing inside?" Avocato grunted through grit teeth, his nails digging into Gary's hips as he clapped loudly into his ass.

Gary couldn't answer more than a brief "Yes!" between prostate-bashing thrusts.

"Good, 'cos I can't stop now!" He growled, lowering himself over Gary as he exploded inside the other man. He thrust everything he could out of it, helped massively by Gary tightening because of his second orgasm.

They paused, breathing raggedly as Avocato leaned on Gary. After a moment he pulled out, his seed leaking down Gary's thighs.

"Man, you got a great ass." He said, separating the soft cheeks and watching as the hole winked out more of his cum. A few flecks of red made guilt pool in Avocato's chest. "You sure you're good?" He asked, sitting against the headboard and pulling Gary tentatively onto his lap. "I wasn't too rough or anything?"

"No," Gary breathed, cuddling limp-legged against the other man. "you're the best I ever had." He admitted. No-one had ever made him cum twice before, nor had anyone been so thorough with him.

"Always am." Avocato boasted, reaching over into his nightstand again, this time pulling out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. "You're not asthmatic, are you?" He asked, the butt between his lips and the lighter's flame only inches away from igniting.

Gary shook his head, thinking he could go for a drag too, having been used to the odd smoke now and then before it became too expensive.

Avocato sighed in relief as a puff of smoke passed his lips. "You want some of this?" He asked, holding the cigarette butt just inches away from Gary's lips.

"Sure." He nodded, leaning forward and taking a too satisfying drag. "Can't get used to this." He thought to himself. "Thanks." He coughed, a bit out of practise.

"No problem." Avocato took another drag and puffed another cloud. "I don't do it too often, just when I'm out after a few, and after some smackin' sex like that." He said, shooting Gary a more than friendly grin. He grinned back, nuzzling into the soft fur. "Besides, it ain't good for the kid."

That piqued Gary slightly out of his tired nuzzling. "You've a kid?"

"Yup, just turned thirteen. You know what they're like at that age." He chuckled.

Gary could guess. It had taken him more than a few years to grow out of his thirteen-year-old self and was still struggling to get passed his seventeen-year-old self, but all he could say was; "Yeah.".

A few minutes and a second cigarette later, Avocato hit the light, pulling back the covers and holding Gary close. Gary was glad he was a cuddler, to him there was no better way to spend a night after sex than in the arms of the one who just ploughed you near to death. Avocato was just as happy to have Gary there, warming the other side of that big bed.

If you enjoyed this chapter and would like to see more, please leave a review, favourite and follow, if I know there's a demand for this I'll be more inclined to write another chapter.