Seth was kicking and wailing as the monster reached towards his eyes. "No No No No!" Seth pleaded. He liked his eyes. "You had your chance to tell the truth." the monster spoke calmly as scarily sharp digits came closer to his face. "Now I have to rip it from you." Seth's screaming stopped for a moment, and whispered something. Clyde stopped his fingers for a moment "What did you say?" he asked. Seth gulped and whispered again. "One more time, please." Clyde asked once more. "I-I s-said..." Seth trembled, "There's s-someone b-behind you..." Clyde felt a chill up his back, and turned around to see what Seth was talking about. He screamed.

At the end of the hallway was a D-class, grinning at the both of them. A squeak emitted from the D-class's crocs, and he seemed to grin wider at the noise. Seth coughed from the hand around his neck, and he grinned even more. "Oh my god...Oh my fu-" Clyde was cut off as Seth grabbed the arm in the attempt to set himself free. Suddenly, Clyde's arm erupted into a fiery pain, and Seth's hands glowed a dark red hue. Clyde recoiled from the pain, and examined his arm. The normally wispy, black wrist had deformed into a flaky gray scab. Clyde stared at it in shock, then in anger. "You little shit, what did you do?!?!" Clyde yelled at Seth. Seth looked as surprised as Clyde, and opened his mouth to say something, when a terrible laugh emitted from down the hall. The pair looked at the source as it gathered their attention. He was still laughing, and he wouldn't stop. "What...what are you laughing at?" Seth asked the D-class. He stopped laughing, but still wore a terrible smile on par with Clyde's mask. "Why are you fighting? You're both in this facility; you're gonna die anyways. Either from another breach or an earthquake or if they feel you're just a tiny bit too dangerous. But they wouldn't suspect a lowly D-class, just another human that they can kill off in their experiments. It would be merciful to just kill you now." The man stepped forward with intent in his eyes, and then stopped. He looked up, and a black oozing tentacle shot out of his mouth as it went through a vent in the ceiling and pulled him up through, quick as a bullet.

Clyde stared at the hole in the vent, processing what had just happened, and why the thing didn't kill them. He flexed his hands, and gasped. His radio was gone. He squinted at the darkened floor to find the small box, but to no avail. He heard a tune coming from the left right of him. He turned towards the noise quickly, and saw Seth holding his radio. His sickly pale fingers traced over it's switches and dials, then flipped a switch, resulting in the radio clicking off. The solid waves of music dissipated, and Clyde felt a harrowing weight in his gut. "Give me that." Clyde growled. Seth looked up, his reflective eyes squinted and Seth managed a poorly-made sneer. "Or what? You'll tear out my eyes?" Seth's hands glowed a familiar red hue, and the radio crumpled into pieces. Clyde felt a bolt of anger thrash through his mind. "Do you know what you just did?" Clyde clenched his fingers, hard enough to make any normal person bleed, but he wasn't a normal person. Or a person at all. "I don't think you deserve it after what you did to me." Seth replied calmly. He picked up one of the circuit boards and looked over it curiously, as if Clyde wasn't even there. Even more angered welled up inside of him; who was he to ignore him? This ignorant, pale, despicable moron. "Even if you DID stop me from using my powers," Clyde spat with a cold grin, "I'll still be able strong enough to rip your heart out."

Seth dropped the circuit board and fidgeted his fingers, as if he still had the green piece of radio in his hands, then looked up at Clyde. Any sign of the fear instilled by him before was gone. "To be completely honest," Seth began, "I'm am getting really, really tired of people like you being so mean to other people. My friend...049? Yes, that was his name; 049. He told me that there were people here that would hurt, if i so much as looked at them, and i always wondered why someone would do that, or what drove someone to act like that. And I know that, deep inside that dangerous exterior, you might have a glimmer of sweetness inside you; everyone does! So what's wrong with showing that emotion, that kindness? Maybe you have never shown it before, but i know everyone!" He smiled a genuine smile at Clyde. Clyde was taken aback, and looked thoughtful, almost considerate, before some strange black liquid seeped from the red mask. He then repositioned himself, and snarled. "Your view on this world is disgustingly ignorant, and the worst of it is that you won't live long enough to realize that." Seth face remained unaltered. "That's a real shame; I would have loved to be friends. But i'm afraid that i'm not the fighting type." He grinned and pointed behind Clyde. "HE is!" Clyde whipped around so fast that he made his head spin, fearing the D-class was back. instead, In front of him was an android with green eyes, and behind him, Wire. The false human's eyes lit brighter, and a voice rang from inside it; "Threat detected, running scan."





The android's eyes flashed between black and blue at a strobe-like speed. The androids left arm shifted into a sort of claw, and the other into an electric prod, humming with vigor. Without warning, W.r.a.t.h had tore across the floor to Clyde, who had been distracted momentarily by the flashing eyes. He had brought up his arms just in time for the claw to grab it instead of his neck. W.r.a.t.h's eyes flickered yellow for a moment, then jammed the prod into Clyde's side. Clyde gasped from the sudden pain, then thrashed his arm about until he had grabbed the shocking arm, then crushed it in his hand. The android pulled the arm away and slammed it's head into Clyde's face, dazing him. Then, rearing its arm back with Clyde still attached to it, threw the dark figure over its head. Clyde had hit the floor hard, and had made a shallow attempt to stand up, resulting in the android to sweep his legs out and throw him over to the other side of it. With a pissed-off grunt, Clyde suddenly released a burst of movement, reaching his legs up and grabbing his captor's robotic claw, then rolling forward and tossing the robot onto the floor. Then, with a knee on the android's arm, began slamming his fist into the shoulder joint of w.r.a.t.h.

The attack had worked; resulting in the clawed arm to pop out of socket and then severed by another swift blow. The android's eyes flickered for a moment, then shone yellow as it unexpectedly scooped it's legs under Clyde, then kicked him up into the air. As Clyde flew up into the air, he saw the bot roll backwards and land its feet on the floor, gaining footing. He was once again face down on the floor, and had a solid foot slam down onto the back of his head, once, twice, a third time, and more. He tried vainly to get up, only for a metal foot to slam him back down. One blow seemed particularly painful, and he heard something that flooded him with countless unexplainable emotions...


W.r.a.t.h had chipped his mask.

Fear of it breaking, anger of it being cracked, astonishment of it happening, and the pain of knowing that he could have protected it better. He was suddenly on his feet, by grabbing the leg that was breaking his head and his precious mask. He felt a dark, acrid sea of feeling building up inside him, and tried to keep it down as he held the android's leg. Clyde twisted the leg backward with raging ease, then slammed it down onto the ground. As the robot flailed it's other working leg, He slammed his boot onto the leg joint, resulting in another limb of the robot getting chopped off.

The robots eyes were a flickering red, and whatever circuitry was left inside of it was starting to give up. Clyde picked up what was left of the android, and spewed all of the emotions that had been swelling and swirling inside of his gut over w.r.a.t.h. The acidity of the unbridled feelings burned through the metal exterior of the synthetic human. A sputtering hiss sounded as the android, which spent months to make, filled with dark acid that melted it from the inside out. Clyde stood up and took off his mask. He inspected the ruby cover, feeling around the smooth edges, and felt a pang of distress as his fingers felt the tiny, barely noticeable chip. He looked down at the mound of metal that was w.r.a.t.h. "Nice job Wire!" He spat out dramatically, expecting Wire to be behind him as he turned around. He was not there when he turned around, and neither was Seth. Instead, there were around ten men, each with riot shields and cylindrical objects that Clyde had learned to hate. Three letters were on their densely armored bodies: MTF.

"Shit." Clyde whispered under his breath. Almost in unison the objects turned on, releasing ranged tasers and black and blue strobe lights. In an instant, Clyde passed out.