Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Harry Potter world, which is trademarked by J. K. Rowling. All the characters are created and owned by J.K. Rowling, and I do not claim any ownership over them or the world of Harry Potter. The story I tell here is my own invention, and it is not purported or believed to be part of J.K. Rowling's story canon. This story is for entertainment only and is not part of the official story line.

Draco was sitting under the tree in the Hogwarts courtyard. It was his favorite spot to study, he found it so relaxing. But that day in November he wasn't too focused on his transfiguration book, in fact, something else had captured his attention: Potter.

He was with his girlfriend, Ginny Weasley. He would often see them making out all around the castle and he always found it rather annoying to witness. He grimaced at the sight of it. I can't stand them, he thought, I really don't understand what he sees in her. Always kissing her and laughing with her... that bloody redhead.

He stared at them as Potter ran his fingers through her hair, eliciting a giggle from the girl. It was nauseating to watch those lovebirds, if anything. They could get a bloody room, for one.

Ginny's laugh echoed through the courtyard and Draco could have sworn that was the most annoying sound he had ever heard, even more annoying than Granger's know-it-all interventions in class. "Draco? Will you pay attention to me? I've been calling you for minutes!" Blaise's voice boomed in his ears and that was enough for him to get out of his trance. Blaise was his study buddy for the day, he was a good fella, most of the times, but he had just interrupted his deep thoughts. "What do you want?" He asked, irritated.

"We need to study! Or we'll get a horrible mark in our NEWTs. What are you... are you checking out Weasley?" Blaise asked, with a hint of laugh in his voice.

He found it so ridiculous that Draco could ever like her and he was damn right. But the boy wasn't willing to risk letting him know that he'd been looking at her for so long because he imagined himself as her.

"Oh, she's hot, totally fuckable." He said with a shrug.

If Blaise had been drinking, he would have spat the liquid out of his mouth "What? Weasley? I don't understand your.. tastes! If you liked Potter, that would be the craziest thing ever." He laughed out loud. Oh how wrong are you, my friend, Draco thought.

"Potter? I'd rather sleep with bloody Gregory than Potter! You are so funny sometimes!"

Blaise gave him a disgusted look in response, but he seemed to be entertained. "So are you. Now, get to work!" He ordered.

"Ugh, Transfiguration is just so boring!" Draco lamented. It really was; the only subject that he truly enjoyed was potions.

If Hogwarts had only taught potions he would have been the happiest wizard on the planet. His eyes fixated back on the couple, who was now engaging in a full on make out session. This made him feel so, so jealous, though he hated to admit it, even to himself.

As Harry kissed his girlfriend he didn't feel the "sparks." Yes, she was hot and he loved her, but it just... didn't feel right sometimes. Or all the time, for that matter. He could have been kissing another girl and the feeling would have been the same.

"I need to get used to seeing Harry smooching my sister." Ron said to Hermione as they walked closer to the pair. "Oh Ron, let it go, if she's happy!" His girlfriend reprimanded him.

"Um... Harry?" Ron awkwardly called to his best friend, thus having them break the kiss. Ginny and Harry broke apart, blushing a little. Ginny was the most embarrassed one, though.

"Hi Ron, Mione!" Harry greeted them.

"And Ginny... Mione and I are going to study under the tree, if you want to come..."

"Sure!" Harry said. He mentally thanked Ron for interrupting the kiss with Ginny.

"Oh, I'm sixth year now... I don't study what you study..." Ginny said, sheepishly.

"You can study your stuff with us!" Hermione suggested. The red haired girl seemed to consider the offer for a second but then opted to do her research for the sixth year with Luna.

She said goodbye to Harry by lightly pecking him on the lips. "See you at dinner, babe. I love you." She said with a smile. "Love you Ron and Mione!" Then she left to go to the library.

"Love you too!" Hermione replied, then her attention fell on Harry. "Harry, you suck! Why didn't you say 'I love you too' to her?"

Harry didn't seem so sure of what he was saying, but he told her that Ginny knew he loved her and that he didn't need to say it all the time. Hermione and Ron looked at each other for a bit but brushed it off right away, they just made their way to the tree.

Draco looked at Ron and Hermione giggling at whatever Harry had told them, he found it so annoying that Ginny had just gone to leave her Potter seat to those two goons. "You just can't help yourself, can you?" Blaise said, thinking that his friend had been staring at Weasley's ass this whole time.

"Ah, a boy can look, no?"Draco winked at Blaise, the other boy rolled his eyes and then stopped as he saw the three friends happily walking towards their tree. "Ugh, look at the three little piggies. This is our spot and they want to steal it!"

"Let me deal with it." Draco smirked. He got up and walked closer to the trio, focusing on Potter. So I can get close to him... Oh the way he moves those hips...That unkempt beard...

"Get out of our spot, losers. We were here first!" Draco said to the three of them, eyes on Potter.

Hermione looked more annoyed than ever. "Get lost, Malfoy. That isn't your tree and besides we can all fit there!"

"But I don't want you here, you little mudblood." The pale boy said. He was sure that the word "mudblood" was what it took to push Potter's buttons. And so, it did.

"You little git! How dare you speak to my friend like that? If you don't stop, I'll throw you in the lake!"

Time to play, Draco thought. He walked even closer to him so that he was in his face.

"I'm the one that's throwing you, Potter!" He slowly put his hands on the other boy's chest, amused at his reaction to it.

Harry looked in his eyes and apparently stopped breathing. He kept eyeing his lips and his heart was racing. They looked as though they were about to kiss. But it wasn't what Draco had in mind, since he pushed the shorter boy to the ground.

Harry fell with a loud "thud".

"Ow! Malfoy, are you crazy?" He said.

"I threw you on the ground!" Malfoy sneered.

"Ha, ha... so funny, Malfoy!" said Hermione, annoyed. She then reached down to help Harry up. "Come on, boys," she said to both Harry and Ron. "Let's go somewhere else, it isn't worth it."

"Fuck you, Malfoy!" Harry yelled at the blonde boy. All Draco did in response was smile. Yeah, Potter, Fuck me, was Draco's thought.

That night, at dinner, Harry found himself lost in his thoughts as he looked over at the Slytherin table, where Malfoy sat next to his minions. All he could think of was how close he had been with him, how it seemed like they were going to kiss... He felt something weird in that moment, but he didn't dislike it.

"Aren't you in your own world, Harry!" came Hermione's voice.

He snapped out of his thoughts and looked at her. Ron was too busy stuffing his mouth with food to notice them.

"Oh um... I was just looking for Ginny..." Harry said, but Hermione must have known that it was an obvious lie.

"I saw her in the common room, she says she's too busy for dinner." Hermione explained Ginny's absence. Harry didn't feel sorry at all. He wasn't sad that his girlfriend couldn't see him.

Hermione noticed it. "If that had been Ron, I would have made sure that he would eat."

"Oh well, if she's busy she surely doesn't need me as a distraction, no?" Harry promptly responded.

"Mmm, do come around, though... and um.. avoid those things with Malfoy, possibly."

"What with Mal- what?"

"Those little discussions that are somewhat... hot."

"Oh, but he's the one who pushed me to the ground!"

Draco was very amused. He had totally fooled Potter into thinking that he would have kissed him... oh, that poor naive soul. At least now he had it, the confirmation that he was totally into him as well, despite him being with Weasley.

"You just control yourself ok? Don't want Ginny to be hurt... think of how Ron would react..." Hermione warned Harry, who just acted vaguely in response.

"I don't know what you need to worry about!" he simply said.

Oh, damn, Hermione knew of my reaction to Malfoy's thing today... Harry thought.

"Come on, it is obvious, Harry. Ron hasn't noticed yet...but we both know him. Just focus on your girlfriend, ok?" Harry nodded at that.

"What you looking at, Draco?" Said Pansy, as she noticed that her friend was looking directly at the Gryffindor table.

"Nothing." He replied.

"Were you checking out Granger?"

"None of your business."

"Anyone but me, uh, Draco? " Pansy whined. She has always had a crush on him and found it rather unfair that he would go checking out everyone else but her.

"I told you, Pans, you're like a sister to me." The boy grinned. She snorted. Sometimes he'd feel bad about this, but there was no way that he and Pansy would ever get together. Also, he couldn't tell her why. The whole school would have known faster than he could say "Potter."

"Potter!" Draco's voice called.

"What now, Malfoy?" Harry said in an annoyed voice. Damn him. Couldn't he just leave him alone for once? What did he want from him now?

"You're really disgusting, did you know that?"

"That'd be you, Malfoy." Harry replied sassily. Oh, how he loved his sassy come backs at Malfoy. He couldn't hurt him, really.

"Yeah, that's not what you felt earlier today when you thought I was going in for a kiss, eh?"

Ugh, that smirk, how he detested it. He scoffed, hoping he wouldn't see through him and know that, yes, he'd expected a kiss. "I would never kiss you."

Draco laughed. "Oh yeah, sure, you really can't lie, Potty." The taller boy shook his head and then moved closer to him and put his arms around his neck, this time. "Let's see if you hate it so much." And then he kissed him. Harry's eyes widened, he was surprised. After a few seconds he let himself go and dived into the kiss, too. It felt so good, so right... But it's Malfoy! The voice in his head said. But he didn't want to care, he just wanted to feel those lips on his.

After that, he woke up sweating. "Oh no..." It was only a dream and Harry hated himself so, so much for it. How could he just have dreamed of snogging Malfoy, of all people? And how could he let himself like it? It was just his mind playing games, cause there was no way that he could ever think those things in real life. He could only hope that he hadn't made a sound during his sleep. He was wrong.

"Dreaming of Malfoy, eh?" Ron's voice almost startled him. He looked at his best friend, who was sitting on his bed, giving Harry a blank stare. Oh shit, he had talked in his sleep. He didn't know what to say now, but he was certain that Ron would have killed him.
