Melinda May POV

My eyes were on the couple sitting in front of Daisy on the other side of the spy glass. A file was laying in between them and I could see how Daisy was going over what was in it. Hearing the door opening up behind me, I looked up a bit to see Andrew walk in through the glass. He walked up to stand beside me, from the corner of my eyes I could see how Andrew was looking at Daisy. "She reminds me a lot of you." Andrew commented after a few minutes of silence between us. Keeping my eyes on Daisy, I couldn't help but to smile just a little.

"She takes after the people she like." I commented, crossing my arms. This was a conversation I had been trying to avoid. "It's more like she is yours." Andrew added and I could feel how he was now looking at me. "Adopted." I answered the question he was trying to ask, feeling it would be better to just keep it short. "Seems like she is taking after your decision on kids then too." Andrew added and I rolled my eyes. "She grown up in the same orphanage where she found Daniel. She couldn't leave him there, not with the experience she herself had." I told him, keeping from giving out too much information.

"That is one thing I have been wondering about. I have been trying to get a hold of her file but there is nothing." Andrew pointed out and I turned my head to look at him for the first time since he entered the room. "That because there are no files on her. When we found out that HYDRA was hiding within S.H.I.E.L.D she deleted everything about her own past." I explained, turning my head to look into the room once more to see that Daisy was standing in front of the glass now. "And it's no use trying to ask anything. The few people that knows her full past will not break her trust." I then added, turning around to walk out from the room to join Daisy. It took Andrew a few minutes before he followed after me.

Daisy Johnson POV

Pacing back and forth in my bunk, I tried to gather up my courage for what was about to happen. Giving up on the pacing around I sat down on my bed, my head in my hands. A knock on my door made me look up and a few seconds later, the door opened, and I can see both May and Daniel on the other side. Smiling towards them I lowered my hands. "Hello you two." I told them, moving back in my bed so that I could lean towards the wall behind me. Patting the bed beside me, Daniel entered the room to join me. "I'll leave you two too it." May commented and I nod my head at this.

As May closed the door after herself, I could feel how Daniel was looking up at me. "You are sending me away?" He asked before I had a chance to tell him why he was there. I couldn't help but to laugh a little over how much we had in common and how much we think alike. "Trust me Dan, if I could I would leave this place with you I would!" I told him as I pulled him towards me. "But you need to work here to make sure no one else is in danger." Daniel commented and I nod my head at this.

"I have managed to find a couple that will be able to look after you. I will stay in contact as much as I can and I will always be a phone call away." I told him and this time it was Daniel who nodded his head. "However…" I started to say and Daniel looked up at me once more. "If anything would ever happen and you feel that you are no longer safe, I need you to head for the Avengers towers. Enter the building and head for the elevator, Jarvis will ask who you are. Tell him I have sent you. He will take you up to one of the floors and you will find my room there. Stay in that room until I come around, Jarvis will give me heads up that you are there." I then explained, seeing how Daniel's eyes grown bigger.

"The Avengers tower?" He asked and I could not help but to smile once more. "Yeah, I'm the one in charge of them." I told him, holing my had up at this. "That is so cool!" He commented and I laughed once more. "Glad that you think so." I told him, ruffling his head at this before silence took over once more. "Are you ready too meet the people that will look after you when I can't?" I asked him. Daniel looked down for a few minutes before he looked up and nodded his head. Moving from my bed, I held out my hand to Daniel for him to take it. As he does, I help him to his feet, and we started to walk down the corridor a few seconds later. I could feel how he was worried as we were walking down the corridor and I pulled him closer to me.

"May, Coulson and I have been going over everything with this couple. They are then ones we trust the most and we wouldn't let you out of our sight if we didn't." I told him. The progress on finding someone to look after him had been long and I had lost many nights of sleep over it. Reaching the garage, my eyes landed on Mr and Mrs Robinson, or at least that is what they were calling themselves now, waiting for us. The moment they see that Daniel and I entered the room they smiled. "You must be Daniel." Mrs Robinson asked, and Daniel nodded his head, suddenly a bit shy and half hiding behind me. "It's a pleasure to meet you, young man." Mr Robinson told him, holding out his hand too Daniel to shake his hand. Daniel carefully shook his hand and I smiled down at him.

Bowing down, I pulled Daniel into a tight hug. "Do you remember what I told you?" I whispered in his ear and I could feel how he nodded his head. "Good! Don't tell anyone about it." I added before letting him go. "Will I see you soon again?" Daniel inquired and I nodded my head at this. "Oh, we will. As long as you are mine, I will make sure to visit you as often as I can." I told him with a big smile and Daniel finally returned it. "Now of you go, make sure to call me once you have settled in." I told him, standing up once more and took a step back. Mrs Robinson walked forward, and she hold out her hand to Daniel. Seeing that Daniel look at the hand for a few second before taking it made me smile even more, I knew he would be able to handle himself. He had been given good training from the others and he was a smart kid.

Waving them of, I took a deep breath to calm myself down and my eyes fell close. Hearing footsteps from behind me a few minutes later made me open up my eyes once more. "Daisy, I could use your help with something very important." I could hear Coulson calling out, turning around I could see that he was standing at the door. "What is it Coulson?" I asked him, as I walked over to him, I started to build up my walls once more. "We have a prisoner that we need to question but we need someone new to do it. He won't speak to any of us." Coulson explained and I nodded my head at this.

"Where is this person?" I asked, already walking past Coulson. Interrogate someone sounded like a very good idea at the moment. "He is in Vault D." Coulson answered and I nodded my head at that as I started to walk. "Since when do we have anyone on Vault D?" I asked myself in a low voice, only to shrug my shoulders at it.

Taking hold of the tablet at the door, I opened up the door and started to walk down the stairs. "Let's see what we should be talking about today." I told the person in the cell, my eyes on the tablet as I walked towards the only chair on this side of the Internal Confinement laser barrier. "Daisy?" A voice from the other side of the room spoke, making me freeze up in horror. Slowly lifting my head up, my eyes landed on the last person I ever wanted to see.