A/N) So, I am just going to say, this is not a popular pairing. I don't think anybody even remembers the boy in this. He was in the comics though, Batgirl 2000 run. When Cass was starting out as Batgirl.

Tai'Darshan was in it for like four comics, very short lived, but I loved his character and story and always felt that he deserved to be integrated into her comics more. Not only did they have chemistry but he had the rare potential to become someone awesome.

Oh well, no use crying over missed opportunities for character development.

I've been wanting to write something like this for a while anyway. And I am only the second person to post with these two. I would have been the first if I wasn't chicken.

But I was inspired so - I hope you give it a chance.

Motivation is your Superpower.

"You'll do fine sweetheart." It wasn't like Bruce to be so - so comforting.

All his boys knew that.

But when it came to Cassandra? Well, they all knew how much easier it was for Bruce to show his love. Which would have sucked and been a perfect excuse for well earned indignation and jealousy if they hadn't all loved her just as much.

"She'll be fine B, just look at her. She's not even nervous. Are you?" Dick gives the short girl a nervous look of his own. "I mean, cuz if you are we can totally postpone this thing and you can just stay home where it's safe and out of reach of any - "


"Whaaat, I'm just saying. Cass has never been to public school - and the kids there can get vicious. Trust me, sixth grade sucked." Dick shudders, as if reliving a horror movie.

Jason snorts at him from the lounging position he has on the couch, feet crossed and propped unwisely on Alfred's shiny coffee table, he'd better fix that before the old mans sees or else. "Shut up. She'll be fine. if anyone gives you trouble, just sock 'em in the nose, 'Kay."

Cass sighs and nods firmly, brown eyes narrow in conviction.

"Hey, don't tell her that!" Tim snaps as he walks in, a black backpack dangling from his elbow because he has a hundred different things in his hands. "Don't listen to either of them Cass, just be yourself. Everyone will like you!" He smiles and sets everything down so he can put it in the pack for her.

Damian rolls his eyes, shoves Tim just because and dodges the arm swipe the older boy throws at him before sidling up to the girl. "Here. It's a switchblade. Just in case." He presses the shiny closed black weapon in her palm.

"My God you guys! Ok, when I said she might not be safe I didn't mean - that." Dick looks at Damián in mock horror - like where did he go wrong . . .seriously.

"All right boys, enough. Cassandra, let's go." Bruce cuts in, a vein throbbing in his forehead as the four boys start bickering more ways Cass should behave on her first day of school.

Cassandra just smiles adoringly at them all and takes her prepared pack from Tim. "Thank you. See you after school." She says gently and follows after their adoptive father.

"Don't take candy from any strangers!" Dick yell out after her for good measure.

"The hell Dick, that's not an issue. Avoid the seedy looking guys smoking behind the school dumpsters, even if you know their names! Drug dealers!" Jason yells over Dick.

"Cut it out." Tim groans.

"Just break anyone's nose if they try anything unseemly with you." Damian commands.

"Damian!" Dick shouts appalled.

"What - I saw on the three o'clock news this girl was - "


Cass giggles lightly at Dicks upset tone as Jason bursts into a fit of laughter. Tim just scoffs and then Damian starts ranting. Hah, those boys. She loves them to pieces.

Admittedly, on the car ride there, Cass had started to develop strange fluttering in her stomach that made her feel queasy. She wasn't so sure about this anymore. Ever since Bruce had adopted her from a refugee camp in Hong Kong she was kept and taught at his home, their home, by a series of special tutors and the like. She had a rare condition where she wasn't able to speak for the longest time. She could read people's bodies better than understand their words. She was more adept at sign language than she was at speaking. Nevertheless - it came time, she was fifteen now, she needed to go to school. Her therapist had insisted to Bruce that now would be a good time to let her evolve and learn with others her age, so she could fit into society better.

Bruce just agreed because he didn't want her to end up a fake extrovert like him. Everyone in this family knows how averse Bruce is to being social. It was only because he was under Gotham's spotlight as a Wayne that he faked it so well. Otherwise he'd never go out.

She was fine with this change, even if it was starting to make her nervous. What if she doesn't find anyone she likes? Or what if nobody likes her . . . she can't just blend in like Dick, because everyone was instantly drawn to his charm and smile. She can't just ignore everyone and behave any way she wants like Jason who is himself no matter what anyone says. She can't just force an image and be mentally prepared like Tim did whenever someone judges him. And she most certainly didn't have a blood title to protect her like Damian had . . .

"Bruce?" She speaks up, voice gentle, she didn't raise it unless excited or angry, which was rare for her.

"Yes?" He always lends her an ear, no matter how busy he was.

She takes in his imposing physic, large warm hands that have always comforted her on the wheel. Straight mouth that would smile as quickly as it would frown. His straight posture fit for royalty, his slicked back hair that she knows isn't perfect in the morning when he comes down for breakfast. Everything about Bruce was comfort and warmth for her.

He was the father she never had and she can't imagine anyone else filling that space. "I love you."

She takes in the subtle way he startles as they turn down a nice road. The car is silent except for the AC humming in her face. He always takes a minute before responding.

"I love you too Cass. What's wrong?" He asks immediately.

She sags. Leave it to him to notice her worries. "Nothing. Just - nervous." She almost smiles at that, her mind flashing to Dicks dramatically anguished face.

"That's normal." He sighs and slides into a parking spot in front of her new school. Rowen High. Named after a dead benefactor some ten decades ago, Tim told her that. It was pretty decent, nothing like the schools in lower end Gotham according to Jason.

"But like I said before. You are smart and I know you'll do great. Just pay attention and if something does come up - well - " His eyes flit to the milling students as they trickle into the building. "Punch them." His lips pull up into a smirk.

Cass giggles again.

"Don't tell Jason I said that."

"Ok." She smiles big. "But what if I get into trouble for punching them?" She says haltingly.

"Then they'll call me, reprimand you for your behavior and me for my lack of skill in upbringing and then I'll donate a nice check and they'll leave you alone." He says seriously, blue eyes flickering warmly. "Worked for the boys."

Cass always did wonder how Jason got to the end of high school without getting kicked out when he clearly got into fights almost everyday. And Damián too - how was he in fifth grade even being so rude and snarky with everyone, adults and kids alike.

Tim only rarely became violent and Dick was usually called in back when he was in high school because of his outspoken nature and people hating him out of jealousy.

"Ok, you'd better go before I change my mind." Bruce snaps her out of her thinking and leans over to press a kiss to her forehead.

Cass beats him too it and kisses his cheek before slipping out and grabbing her new pack. "Bye Bruce. Tell them not to worry. I'll be ok." She smiles and closes the door.

Her step is slow as she walks up the almost looming building in front of her. The car is still behind her, Bruce is waiting for her to go in. Cassandra lets out a breath, squares her shoulders, presses her white button up blouse down and walks in, ignoring the looks people are already giving her.

She did come out of Bruce Wayne's car after all.

"Hey, isn't that the deaf girl Wayne sponsors?" Someone hisses.

Cassandra feels sick suddenly, but she doesn't change face or pretend to notice. She heads straight for her locker. They think she's deaf? Why? Who ever said she was deaf?

"I think so - what's she doing here?" A boy's voice answers.

"She's hot." Someone else snickers.

Cassandra bristles but remains calm, from the outside, nobody knows she can hear them.

"Who cares, I hope they don't think we should accommodate her."


"Why? She's deaf."

"And a Chink."

"Shut up man, that's just rude."

"Tacky outfit though." The comments were getting ruder as Cass walks up the hall, eyes forwards, mouth relaxed, face straight. Not only could she read bodies well, she was very good at conveying false masks with her own.

"You know, I heard she's just an exotic sex toy the Wayne brats use on their free time." Someone sounds extremely bitter.

Cass colors, but her golden yellow tone doesn't let it show just yet. What sort of lies did people make up? This was - disgusting.

"Hey, if I had money, I'd buy me a sexy foreigner too."

"Ew, she's not even cute!"

"That ass sure is though."

Cassandra's chest shudders as she makes the eternal walk to her first class and slips inside. The heat from everyone's eyes still burning all over her, she itches and for the first time in a while she feels anger rise up. How dare they talk about her father and brothers like that! How dare they degrade her body just because they thought she couldn't hear . . . and even if she was deaf, who talks about a deaf person in front of them like that?

Bastard. Jason's voice rings in her head with he word.

Just ignore them. Tim's voice advises.

Smile Cass, you're beautiful. Dick always reminds her.

Nobody deserves to be your friend. Except me. Damian had a funny way of showing affection.

She takes a deep breath and closes her almond shaped eyes.

It'll be fine.

Nothing is wrong. People were often just ignorant. It was only a matter of rectifying that ignorance, then they were usually not so bad.

She could handle this. It would be fine.

By lunch time, the news of the deaf Wayne sex toy from China had reached everywhere. Nobody thought she was able to hear them. Not even the teachers. They didn't even call on her during class. They just assumed. One teacher signed to her instructions at least. Most just wrote them on the board. But her English teacher was an ass and didn't go to such lengths. Either he didn't care or he just wanted to be vindictive.

But his face when she had turned in a hundred on her first English quiz was worth putting up with him. Cass stays silent though. Nobody deserved to hear her speak. She didn't care - she didn't care - she keeps reminding herself whenever someone says something nasty.

Who cares about them. If they can't be descent humans in front of her, regardless of them thinking she was deaf than she shudders to think what they would be like when she wasn't even there.

She doesn't care.

She won't.

Who cares?

Not her.

She could break any of their arms with her in home training. Bruce didn't like his kids to be defenseless.

Who cares anyway.

Than they start to bully her. She's been here for a week now and she hasn't told anyone about the comments or that they think she's deaf. But then they start to bully her too.

It was the girls that started it.

Smart AP class girls that couldn't understand how she, a seemingly deaf Chinese girl, could get into their class by the end of the week.

"You little bitch, how dare you take my spot." A particularly nasty blond girl snaps at her.

Cassandra can see the discontentment, anger, and self loathing she has inside her. She feels pity, she stays silent.

"I worked my ass off for that score and you just came and took it away."

"Chill out Cara, she can't understand you." A strange goth girl rolls her eyes at Cass.

"Can she read lips you think?" A red haired girl with a crooked nose squeaks.

"Who cares. Beat her up." The blond sneers.

Somehow - somehow after all this was over, Cassandra ended up in the office for breaking two cheerleaders arms and the instigators got away with a few well placed tears and words. Bruce looked thoroughly worried when he was called in.

Despite giving her the advice . . . Cassandra suspects he didn't really expect to be called in for her. She sags in the plastic chair she's shamefully shoved into. She's sorry she's disappointed him.

"I don't understand it. Cassandra wouldn't - not without good reason." Bruce was defending her. He looks pretty imposing in his pressed black suit and tie, he'd obviously just come back from a meeting.

Mr. Smite, the principal, looks unaffected. "With all due respect, all parents say that. Now, I am all for self defense and what not Mr. Wayne, but a student can't just go around breaking other peoples arms because of a little bullying. It's out of proportion."

Cassandra seethes internally imagining Jason strangling this skinny snobby middle class man.

"Out of proportion? I think you've got this confused Mr. Smite." Bruce's tone is even, sever, it's the tone he uses on people who don't expect him to fight back, it's the tone his kids understand means - you're in trouble. " Bullying shouldn't be happening anyway. I don't need to tell you how sever some cases can get. And if my daughter has been subjected to this she is in the right for defending herself."

The smaller man pales a bit suddenly, realizing Bruce's tone. "She broke two arms." He repeats lamely.

"They ganged up on her." Bruce says back terrifyingly calm.

The young Chinese girl can't help but feel proud of him.

"I - I have no choice though. She is to be - "

"Think very carefully about what your next words could mean Mr. Smite. For you and your schools reputation." Bruce's fierce eyes narrow. "You are aware of how one unfavorable statement from me could - damage the schools image."

"Um - two weeks of detention."

Bruce's eyes stay slits of death.

Mr. Smite starts sweating. The room has suddenly become too hot for him. "One week?"

The air is so thick Cass swears Mr. Smite will choke on it.

"Three days." Mr. smite looks red and splotchy now.

Bruce stands. "Fine."

"It's the best I can do. Some sort of punishment has to be given!" Mr. Smite is pleading now.

"Very well. But if those responsible for attacking her aren't met with punishment then I - "

Cassandra sighs and tugs at his suit jacket. Bruce give her a quizzical look. She shakes her head. She doesn't want to make things worse. She'll take the punishment. Without making things worse.

Bruce understands and relents.

"I'll be taking her home with me now. Have a good day Mr. Smite." Bruce smiles sharply and gives the man a firm handshake before taking Cassandras shoulder and guiding her out of the suffocating office.

The ride home was just as suffocating for a completely different reason.

"You aren't going to talk about it are you?" Bruce speaks up, almost sadly.

Cassandra shakes her head. "No point. I just want to - not make trouble." She says slowly, upset with herself.

Bruce sighs, she can feel his sadness, he's not upset with her, she knows that. She's just sad because she disappointed his expectations.

"Well, I did tell you to punch them." He muses out loud.

She giggles softly, eyes turned to the window. "Yah."

"Do that if they keep this up. I'll fix it if -"

"No. I can fix it."


"I don't want you to fix it for me." She says calmly, her eyes staring straight ahead now. She refuses to let him fight her battles.

He relents. He understands. Thank God for that at least. Really - Bruce has four sons . . you'd think he'd have learned about that internal pride they had. She had it too - he really shouldn't be surprised.

Maybe he'd have hoped, because she was a girl, that she would be more willing to accept his help, more gentle in the pride department . . . nope. That was - definitely not the case.

"Fine. But no more breaking arms. Just punch them, ok?" He says tiredly. Like - is he the only parent on the planet that has to say that to his kids?

Cass finds that endearing and amusing. "Promise." And she'll try really hard to keep that promise.

Detention was boring according to Jason.

The boys had blown up when she'd walked in the other day with those scratches on her face and arms. Cheerleaders were strong but they still fight like weaklings. She didn't suffer too badly, just enough for the boys to notice and go into a rage fit about how they'd break every cheerleaders legs and arms - that was mostly Jason and Damian - Tim and Dick were a bit more conservative with payback, but no less angry.

But in the end, Alfred had forced them all to calm down.

"Tell me where they live!" Jason had yelled. "Tim, hack the computer. Tell me where they live!"

"Ok, give me a minute - "

"I'll go get the nunchucks." Damian was already going to the dojo.

Dick was silent but was in no mood to stop them.

That's why Alfred had to.

Cass smiles to herself at the memory, she feels warm. She really did adore those goof balls.

But now, here she was, standing in front of the lonely detention door, she was now the talk of the school, sneered and ridiculed and insulted - those cheerleaders get around.

She sighs, pushes back her shiny black hair and walks into, almond shaped eyes narrowing at the only other person in the room.

He was tall, and turned away from her. But she can read him easily. He hasn't seen her yet, she's quiet, even Alfred gets startled when she sneaks up on him. He has black hair, a short braid dangled with one bead at the end on the side of his face, he's humming something, his shoulders are broad and she can see the muscles in them under his black leather jacket because he has his arms crossed behind his head, his feet crossed and propped up on the large window seat. Completely at ease and immersed in his own thoughts as he balances his chair dangerously on the two back legs.

She feels funny just looking at him.

Maybe she should say something? But wait - if he was in here, doesn't that make him a bad influence? Dick says most kids in Detention aren't very emotionally mature people and tend to do stupid things for stupid reasons which makes them bad influences. Of course he'd looked pointedly at Jason at the time who was walking around shirtless looking for his pants. That had been a hilarious argument.

She comes back to her current problem.

The boy's chair drops with a loud sharp bang and he turns his head to her, his eyes were slanted and dark - very, very dark, something tingles in her chest making it tight suddenly . . . he had a warm beige skin tone and he was most definitely not from white descent. He was from an Asian region, like her. She found that a bit exciting, she hasn't met many people from there.

"Hello there little miss." His voice had an accent, a strange lilt that made his letters sound slightly thick in some places and light in others, it matched the slight gravel of his voice. She liked it. Made her think of honey over rocks.

She doesn't say anything. Maybe she couldn't even if she wanted to. But his eyes stay on her, follow her to her chair - she should be angered. Repulsed . . . but she can read him, she knows - with a shock that feels like someone pocked her with a live wire, she can feel what he feels at the exact moment she dares slip her eyes to his.

Her throat goes dry and she recoils a bit, suddenly afraid of what - what this was. She should be able to name it - she's seen it enough. Dick and Barbara . . . Tim and Stephanie - even Jason that one time with this girl . . .

But it's not the same is it? Tim and Dick know those girls. Cassandra has no idea who this boy is -

"Who are you?" She speaks, her voice low, eyes unable to look away.

"My name is Tai'Darshan. I'm obviously not from here." He smiles, it's sideways smile, not completely a smile - smirk, that's what it is, but it doesn't set her off like smirks sometimes do. It interests her, her eyes are drawn to the holes that appear in either cheek. Dimples, that's what they are and she never noticed those an anyone before, but she thinks - she thinks they suit him.

"You may call me Tai for the remainder of our sentence here." He speaks up and she suddenly feels like she could listen to him forever, but - but maybe she shouldn't.

"You are very beautiful Little Miss. Why haven't I seen you around here?" He muses boldly.

Cassandras heart flips unbidden, never has she been so out of touch with her emotions. Her slanted eyes widen as she takes him in - he - he was part of a gang. That was for certain now. His jacket had markings, it seems too specific for it to be just style. She could sense the danger on him.

But that doesn't scare her.

The fact that she liked it - that's what scares her.

"I don't - go to your classes." She says simply, she would most definitely have noticed him.

"I see. Younger student then?" He tilts his head in fascination, black eyes glittering at her.

She swallows and nods, stomach tight and churning, hands clasp under her desk. Wasn't there supposed to be a teacher here?

"Well. Nice to meet you. Even if I don't know your name." He says smoothly, a hint of teasing in his accented tone.

Cassandra lowers her head so her short hair hides the inexplainable smile that tugs at her mouth.

Maybe detention wouldn't be so bad after all.

She finds herself wanting to go to detention the next day. She wants to go and see if - if he was there. She thought about him all the rest of the day yesterday. Alfred had noticed her absent thoughts. She doesn't know why she can't get him out of her head. His smile, his eyes, his face, the sound of his voice, the tilt in the tones he used when he spoke and -

"Afternoon." He tilts his head back so it hangs over the back of the chair he's seated on. "The teacher just stepped out. I am fairly certain he's doing something unsavory on his 'bathroom' breaks." He mocks the would be overseer as she sits three seat away from him.

Any closer and she's afraid he will hear her heart.

She settles in her seat like she's planning on ignoring him the entire hour. She pulls out a book, Jason lent it to her, it's one of his favorites. And pretends to read, even though she's not in the least bit interested in abused orphans.

"Interesting choice in literature. " His voice is closer than she thought it would be.

She blinks once, continues to ignore him.

She hears his clothes rustle.

The air grows a tad thick. Cassandra swallows slowly, forcing herself to not look up, don't look up - don't, don't - she has this weird thought that if she does, she'll be betraying someone, probably Bruce. . . though she has no idea why.

A long finger hooks over her book and down the middle. She startles as he pulls it down, she barely resists. She can see him now, standing in front of her. He's not wearing that jacket today, but she's not sure if that's good or not. His arms are distracting with clothes over them, now she can see his muscles move under his bare skin. She gulps, her eyes tug upwards, like someone is pulling them with a string, and she meets his.

Her stomach flips when he gives her that tilted smile, his dimples marking his otherwise smooth face, that braid hanging on the side, mixing with his loose long bangs.

"Don't I get some of your attention today Princess?" The way he says the last word makes her clench onto nothing, like she's going to fall over and she's trying to catch herself.

"I - no. I have to read." She stumbles over her words nervously. What was this boy doing to her? She suddenly wants to punch him. Does this count as hurting her? Does it? Because she feels horrible but - but really good at the same time and she's scared crapless . . .. as Jason would say.

"Now we both know that's not true." He puts his hands on the edge of her desk and leans forward just a tad. She almost leans forward too - like something was compelling her toward shim. Her toes curl in her shoes when his space overlaps into hers, his face a bare foot away from hers. No boy other than her brothers has ever invaded her personal space before.

"I - what do you want?" She hopes the hitch in her voice isn't noticeable, her fingers dig into her bare thighs when he reaches a hand, it's a nice sized one she feels the warmth from it before he cups the side of her face and her jaw, tugging her forward, tilting her chin up.

"You know what I want." His dark eyes darken even more and Cassandra knows exactly what he wants. She's horrified. She wants whatever it is too. She licks her plump dry lips, his eyes flit to them when she does. She feels the cinders turn into flams that melt something in her stomach, let it trickle into her blood, speeds her heart up, her shoulders rise and fall, her chest aches the closer he gets. The electricity zips between the diminishing space and -

"What the hell are you delinquents doing!"

Cass squeaks and hates whoever barged in, Tai whips away, its like he rips something in two when he stumbles back. She aches and almost reaches for him.

"Damn teacher - " The dark haired boy mutters something in a language Cassandra has never heard before going back to his seat.

"Damn teenagers and their hormones." The teacher mutters loud enough for both of them to understand and sits behind his desk like he was supposed to.

Cassandra flushes and sucks in her tingling bottom lip, she shoves her face into her book and chances a glance at the boy who's seated only one seat away now. His feet crossed on the desk and muscular arms crossed over his chest, he glances at her too. She feels those same shocks go through her and she has to fight to look away. She hears him chuckle under his breath, the sound makes her toes curl in her shoes.

Damn teacher is right.

"This is the last day of Detention." She tells him the next afternoon. She is sitting on the teachers desk, he's left again, her legs crossed at the ankles as she slumps over, chin in her propped up hand. "

"Sad. I still have a week to go." He sighs and lets his heavy booted feet fall on the ground so he can stand. "I will miss having you around Little Miss." He smiles at her, she prickles watching him walk closer, sauntering actually, her eyes take in the line of everything because he has so many lines.

"May I have something to remember you by?" He husks, caging her on the desk with his arms on either side of her as he leans forward. "What do you think? May I?" He whispers, his eyes unmoving from hers.

She knows the answer before she even thinks it. Her eyes flit to his lips, his smile slowly fades as her eyelashes flutter and she dares to lift her chin on her own. She wants what he wants and neither knows why they want it so much.

It's like some outside force was just magnetizing them together, but they were fine with that. "Mh, you are beautiful. Silent and beautiful. Like the moon when it rises - " His hand raises up, warm against her face, she reaches and tangles her fingers in his collar.

"Please?" She's asking . . . she's asking him for something her body knows much better than her mind does.

"Anything for a princess." He says softly, laughter in his voice as he finally - finally - tilts forward and takes her plump bottom lip between his. She freezes when the electricity shoots through her so hot and fast her mind spins, the warmth bubbles in her stomach and her eyes slide shut. The damp heat of his mouth makes her ache. He pulls back.

She gasps, that was - it?

Then he comes back, takes her bottom lip again, one, two, three times before she gets flustered and hot. She slips her hands into his hair with a small groan, her head angles, she's never done this before, ever -

He smiles against her lips before he cradles her face with both hands, hers clasp around his wrists and she lets him take the control for a moment. His lips melt with hers, her body arches, toes curl from the severity of the shock waves, colors ignite in her belly, heart in her ears. The soft click of their mouth is the only sound in the silent room, his hand travels down to her leg, hot on her bare thigh, she lets him tug her legs open, her heart summersaulting when he steps between them, she wraps them loosely around his waist and he makes a sound -

Cassandra pulls away, eyes so dark they're almost black, he looks at her, hazy and his lips swollen from hers. She feels sparrows erupt in the stomach from that. He looks as delicious as he is.

"What was that?" She asks softly, voice hoarse.

He smiles and tug her closer, nose brushing her softly, lips ghosting over her top one. "The sound of the effect you have on me, Beautiful." He kisses her again and Cassandra is all to happy to let him.

Needless to say, by the time the overseer comes back, both are at their separate desks, Cass's blouse is unbuttoned a bit and Tai's hair is tousled. But otherwise they would have hid their feeling well if it weren't for the tingling electricity in the air that was so blindingly obvious, - the teacher doesn't need to even look at them to know what has happened.

"Damn hormonal teens."

Cassandra and Tai share a smirk.

That's when the petit girl decides - maybe school won't be so bad with him around.

A/N) So - I might continue. Maybe. See what the boys think of their little Cass's new attraction. She's never had one before - even in the comics Tai was her first love.

Hmmm . . . I kinda wanna write out Dick's reaction to this, ooh and Jason's'! Oooooh and Bruuuuce!

Yah - let me know what you think.