(Hello everyone, and welcome to Chapter 6 of Fire Emblem: Twisted Truths!
I know it's been quite a while since I last posted anything of merit on here, and especially anything related to this fic. But I finally managed to crank something out that I think will be a nice addition to what I've got so far, so I hope you all enjoy.
Just want to give out a shout-out to a few friends who gave me ideas and feedback for this chapter. Those rad dudes being Harri, Konner, Gamma, Emblem, and Forrest. Thanks a bunch, you guys!
So let me know what you guys think of the chapter down below in the comments. Is this chapter as engaging as the others despite being from different perspectives? Does it fall flat compared to the previous ones? Or is it actually better?
[CIU] A Duel of Wills
BG: Homesick Light
From: (FE:Fates)
Right of Kings
A sacred trial taken by both Hoshidan and Nohrian princes to earn the right to wield their respective family heirlooms, yet these trials differ between the two nations. Despite this core difference, the weapons that these royals often pine after representing a sign that they are deserving of the royal title they command.
It is often a sign of a poor country if their crown prince has not passed the Right of Kings by the age of 18 and does not wield their respective heirloom of choice.
(This being the Raijinto, Fujin Yumi, Brynhildr, and Siegfried.)
The sites on which these trials take place have changed throughout the years, though they are fabled to take place on locations that are the supposed birthplaces of the 5 dragons.
For Hoshido, the birthplace of the Dawn Dragon supposedly took place on Mount Fujin, with the Dusk Dragon being born in the heart of a nearby volcano near Krakenburg.
"Faith fades away in the pale dim moonlight of dusk, sweeping away everything that clings close to man's heart. Faintly and sweety, until there is nothing but the sobering corpse of a blind and foolish man. The question is…"
"How long does it take until it is all withered away? How long must it be until the evil in human hearts is finally broadcasted for their comrades to see in broad daylight? When the sun can no longer bathe them in it's purifying light?"
The leaves had gently rustled behind the woman, a soft orange glow fluttering in from the small creeks and cracks that lie along with it. It painted the room a much lighter brown than normal and offered a bit of warmth in what would have been otherwise called a "chilly" night.
A lone woman had been sitting inside the shack, taking a sitting position by crossing her legs underneath her torso to support herself up. Her hands were clasped together as she silently whispered a pair of words under her breath, as faintly and quietly as the wind that blew around her.
Her blue hair had gently swayed in the wind itself, almost moving along as if it were a boat that was sailing out to sea as she sat down, her hands folded neatly in her lap.
"And yet, here I stand alone. Bearing witness to such malcontent tragedy as the world I once cherished is turned black and barren. That...I have always been."
Her piercing, golden eyes had come to rest on the familiar sight of the crystalline lake that lay before her, in all of it's clear and tranquil beauty. That very same lake which had been her escape so many times, yet every single instance only hiding and pushing away the hell she would have to endure upon her journey back into the city.
"It's time to get up witch! The Queen requests your presence immediately!" A hoarse voice called out from outside the small shrine, quickly causing her to clench her fists in response.
The very sound of those soldiers had always been the firm slap she needed to be pushed away from her dreamscape; lovingly being shoved into the cold and harsh hands of reality and fate.
Slowly, with little to no enthusiasm did she rise from where she stood. Her eyes now turned to the sight of the Hoshidan soldiers with contempt and disgust as easily as their eyes looked upon her in the same manner.
"Did we say for you to take a century to do so? If the Empress requests your presence, then you had best answer it with the utmost haste. Tarry any longer and we'll be forced to come and get you ourselves!"
All the blue-haired woman could do was simply laugh in response, before finally appearing at the opening to her little shrine.
"I don't answer to your goblin of a queen, and I surely do not answer to the two of you. What foolishness this is, to be harassing a young maiden with not so much as a bit of hesitation. Though I suppose that soldiers tend to have little conscious, do they?"
Her words had been quick and swift; such is the nature of her silver tongue. Though her words were misplaced, as both of the soldiers around her began to grow frustrated at her tone.
"You dare insult the Empress!? I had thought you to be a cruel murderer when the Empress gave mercy to you, but it would seem you're nothing more than a reprobate. I'd even imagine you'd make for a terrible night, lest that be the only path to you besides prison." The man fired back, his voice seething with restrained anger.
"She has shown me no such kindness to my recollection. What you believe is nothing more than falsehoods spread by your people, and falsehoods that you will readily accept over the much more darker-"
"That's quite enough, Azura."
A single serene voice had echoed out above the other soldier's crude voices, causing Azura's eyes to widen in a mixture of surprise.
The songstress had looked behind her to see the visage of a single woman approaching her. One was decorated with various ornaments and royal colors of gold, white and blue. Her long flowing gown had matched her long black hair fashioned in a ponytail.
Her stance had been relaxed but attentive, all showing the convictions of a queen. A queen that was confident in her existence and ruling.
"My Empress! You shouldn't be standing so close to this riff-raff! Anankos knows what kind of foul tricks she's hiding behind her sleeve!" The soldier from before announced, now quickly falling to his knees to show gratitude towards his liege as he bowed his head.
"Riff-raff, am I now? And what happened to the prestigious title of being your adopted daughter?" Azura countered with a fake sigh, shrugging her shoulders as she leaned her back onto a nearby tree.
Mikoto had chosen not to answer the question, instead of letting the gentle swaying of the leaves and the wind be her response.
Her eyes had been closed with a tight and controlled expression on her face; her palms behind her back so that none could see how clenched they were.
"Good sir, you have my permission to leave. I can handle her myself without your assistance. I'm sure you must have other duties to be tending towards that are far more important than this."
"But, Empress Miko-"
"Tut-tut-tut. Now I gave you an order, didn't I? You'd best not over exert yourself, soldier. While I appreciate your concern, I could certainly do well against my husband before in combat. And that has not changed as of now." Mikoto said with a raised eyebrow.
After the soldier had left, the serene empress finally raised out her other hand to reveal a small box hidden behind her back. It was a barren white of a regal nature, adorned and embroidered with lacings of gold to resemble that of dragons.
Ever so slowly did she walk to the front of the shrine, a gentle smile on her face with her hands tucked under the box. A few birds had been chirping around her happily, almost overjoyed to have her present as they hopped from tree branch to tree branch.
"Would you care for a cup of tea? That expression of discontent barely suits you after all, and it is a common courtesy."
"I'm not one for tea, much less anything that you would be serving me. And would you please drop the pleasantries? Your siblings have no problem showing them how much they hate me, so I would expect that you would do no less."
Azura's answer was quick and dismissive, the bluenette turning away from Mikoto as the Empress simply took a heavy sigh.
"Even though you are no longer a welcomed member of our royal line, I felt it necessary to at least speak with you."
That single word had caught Azura's interest quickly, causing her to arch an eyebrow in intrigue; before the feeling quickly faded away into cynicism. Her arms had come to rest in a crossed manner above her chest as she briefly blew a bit of her hair out of her eyes.
"Now isn't that a rich thought. What could a noble queen like you ever have to talk about with a deranged individual like me? Unless-"
Azura quickly turned back to Mikoto with a small smirk, her eyes flashing with a certain mysterious air as she looked into Mikoto's.
"-you require something from me. That could be the only possible reason you would even dare approach me while sending the guards away. I see that even our noble queen has dubious intentions behind that tranquil smile of hers."
There had been another moment of near silence for the tranquil sounds of the forest to reign supreme, the rustling of the nearby leaves and distant murmurings of the nearby lake all but present.
"I might answer that if you happened to be sitting at the table. I happen to dislike discussing any important details unless it's with a good cup of tea. It does happen to stimulate the mind and body." Mikoto answered back in an even tone, a small smile on her face while she focused on pouring both her and Azura's cup of tea; a hot bog of steam rising from her kettle as she did so.
Azura had sighed to herself once more, lowering herself down to where Mikoto had set her teacup up, sitting down with her legs tucked underneath her waist.
Slowly, she took hold of the teacup in her hands, raising it to her mouth to take a quick sip.
"...Jasmine." Azura noted after her initial sip, looking towards Mikoto with a slightly perplexed expression.
"It was your favorite, was it not?"
Azura had only looked towards Mikoto once more, her grip of the teacup becoming slightly gruffer as time went on as her eyes fell upon the steaming mist and the gentle ripples that stirred within it.
"So who did you ask?
The question had caused Mikoto to look up from where she was sitting towards Azura, the queen of Hoshido now showing a more perplexed expression as well. She quickly placed down her teacup before responding to Azura.
"What do you mean? Isn't this your favorite?"
"Who told you that information? Because from what I recall, we never dined with one another. Let alone spent time with each other to know and commit to memory what the other's preferred tea of choice is."
The songstress hadn't meant to be as curt in her response, but her point had still stood on it's two metaphorical feet.
There was no answer once again, with Mikoto clamping her mouth shut as her eyes had slowly fallen upon her teacup as well. Her hands had been folded in a tight manner in her lap, though anyone could tell that they were knotted and balled up.
"Oh wait, no. It must have been the young man who comes around and delivers my daily food to me. He's a good man if nothing else loyal to the 'kind samaritan' that took him in."
"Azura...please stop."
However, the songstress had no intention to do so as she rose to her feet and began to stride and pace about the shrine, her golden eyes now piercing into Mikoto's own.
Her stride had been slow, but menacing, as her hands had been behind her back.
"I feel the utmost pity for him. To know that you're a replacement for a failed replacement can weigh heavily on one's psyche; something which I can relate to so very well. So when will you toss him aside, Mikoto? When he finally disobeys you and learns how to think for-"
"Enough!" Mikoto spat, a scowl on her face as she glared daggers back at Azura, her teacup almost shaking within her hand.
"Oh dear, it would seem I've upset you. My deepest apologies, Empress Mikoto. I was merely wishing to express the truth in the matter, that is all. For you to get so frustrated over a confrontation such as this reflects poorly on your leadership, I might add."
Azura had been smiling nearly ear to ear upon the sight of Mikoto grumbling and scowling at her sight.
[I]"Good, let her be angry. I would love to see that nearly impervious face show the true monster hiding underneath a fair complexion and nice tone. A pleasant smile makes a betrayal that much more hurtful than an expression fixed into a permanent scowl."
"You're treading upon thin grounds Azura. He is one of my most beloved children, though we happen to not share blood ties with one another. My love towards every one of my children has been just and understanding where others have not." Mikoto answered back, now slowly letting out a long exhale to regain her wits and composure.
At that very moment, every pretense of satisfaction and intrigue in Mikoto's words had ceased as if there were a solid wall of steel blocking it. That same word had rattled inside her head for a moment more, with each repeated listening of the word slowly causing her to grow more and angrier.
"Equal….? What would you know of equal?"
"Why do I sit here, in chains? In this pathetic shrine, you built, to house a criminal that has been falsely convicted?"
Her voice had been firm and unyielding for just that short moment, the authority in her voice ringing clearly to Azura.
"Do not try and abscond yourself of blame. It doesn't matter what your reasons were, but you did kill him. And from the words of several shrine maidens, his death was all but quick. To act like a child and hold a petty grudge for your own transgressions is the very reason you stay here. Not out of punishment, but atonement for your sin"
Once again, another pair of words materialized themselves into Azura's head, rattling about in her mind as if they were some annoying gnat. Steadily, the buzz grew louder as time went on, her fist slowly balling up and turning pale from a lack of blood flow.
"My sin…?"
"My SIN!?"
Her voice had been loud enough for the rustling of the leaves and the gentle song of the songbirds to be utterly ceased, only accompanied by the sound of flapping wings.
She had quickly slammed both of her palms onto the small table housing their teacups, causing their contents to spill onto the hardwood floor.
"Ah yes. I should have expected this from you, blaming everything that happened on the choices I've made. Yet you fail to recognize just what your precious and loyal guards do to me without the watchful eye of any upstanding individuals, which ranges from lecherous to craven at best."
"That soldier deserved every bit of what he deserved for the pain and suffering he and his comrades brought me. Though you may fancy me a tool for you to use as you see fit and a maiden of ill intent, I will not relinquish my purity to those monsters you call soldiers!"
"Your claims are bold Azura, but I know the nature of the soldiers that guard you day in and day out! Your fabrications wound me, just as your harsh words do now."
"Then let them be harsh and striking! Anything to see that high pedestal that you're on be knocked down so that you others can see you for the woman you've become! The queen that would dangle about replacements like stray puppies, only to leave them by the dirt if they weren't wholesomely obedient!"
Another bang at the table had come, with Mikoto meeting Azura with her own palms plastered on the small table, her face eye to eye with Azura's as the two stared each other down.
"I did everything I could to prevent the worst that could have happened to you. I even assuaged the people's and my kin's doubts as best I could, but surely you should have known the precarious situation you were in! Yet you stepped out of line on numerous occasions despite that very fact!"
"Well, your efforts did nothing to save my life from being a living hell thanks to your "gracious and understanding citizens"."
"I...have a proposition for you then."
"Oh? Forgive me. After the harsh words you uttered in the last few minutes, you'll find that my desires difficult to be satisfied by any sort of arrangement set by you."
"...Come back with me."
"Come back with me."
In all of her years, she had never expected such a fine lie as the words she had just heard. Never would she, or her mending heart, have expected such a dubious choice of words to tug at her emotions.
Surely it was a jape.
Surely some kind of misconception.
"...Come again?"
"I meant what I said. Come with me, and I will see to it that your status is reinstated. I will speak to Ryoma, Hinoka, Sakura, and yes...even Takumi will be urged to show you the respect and admiration that you deserve."
Azura couldn't believe her ears as she heard Mikoto's sentence, her mind now trying to refocus and resteel the walls that surrounded her heart before she said anything rash. It was nearly impossible though.
For a moment-
A single brief moment-
She had desperately wished that she could live out the dream that Mikoto had promised, where her "siblings" and her "Mother" could truly live alongside her and offer an apology for her long imprisonment.
Where she could put aside her feelings of hatred and bitterness to the world in favor of kindness and optimism and live out her days in relative happiness.
To be held by a mother once again, burying her face in her bosom to hear the lulling sound of her heartbeat.
But it was only for a moment that she wished this before logic took control back from her passion.
"And why would dare tolerate the presence of someone so hated among the family? Why would you ever go to such lengths to include me back in when your royal court when you haven't shown much motivation to do so in 6 years?"
Mikoto had slowly brought her two hands together over her midriff as she paced about the room in a slow, methodical manner.
"...These are trying times Azura, as you can plainly see. War is at our doorstep, and the Great Wall of Hoshido cannot take the brunt of a Nohrian invasion. We need peace talks and treaties as soon as possible, but no side is willing to take that humiliating first step. I'm...at a loss of options to avoid warfare."
And for the first time during their conversation, she actually seemed...worried. Truly sincere in her mannerisms, rather than the self-important and dutiful tone that she had taken throughout their talk.
"And who's fault is that? Only the nation of excess that lives sheltered off from others. Besides, what could possibly be gained with the prospect of having me be renamed as a Hoshidan royal?" Azura asked with a disapproving nod, placing a hand on her hip while looking out of the shrine and into the forest that surrounded it.
"Nohr is less than fond of me, seeing as I'm already treated like a plague there, as well. Not to mention that they already detest those born throughout the Concubine period and will actively seek out to mar extra successors to the throne. If you were looking to find some sort of sympathy and regret in them by using me as leverage, then that will earn you as much as it did before."
"You misunderstand my intentions, Azura."
Suddenly, the wind around the two began to pick up as Mikoto had looked down towards her hands for a moment, her eyes seeming strangely different than before.
"I know you have no such bond with the Nohrians, that is to be sure. However, I mean the other precarious bond you've formed with another being. Specifically…" Mikoto said before she narrowed her eyes, casting a look of scorn to the songstress.
"That beast you call a master."
Finally, it was Azura's turn to wear an expression of shock on her face as her eyes widened upon hearing her.
"Do you play the part of a mad queen now, Mikoto? I at least that you were a cold-hearted wench and nothing more, but I see now that insanity tends to convict insanity to save their own ski-"
"There's no need to lie when the truth is obvious, Azura. Since you seem intent on dropping any pretense of the bond we might have had, I shall do the very same. So I repeat again, this is not so that I might have you appeal against the Nohrian forces."
The wind from before only seemed to add to the tenseness of their conversation, as neither woman seemed too keen on portraying either of their reactions to one another. Each bated second seemed to drag on for nearly a day, as both studied each other's expressions for any sign that they were beginning to crack.
"So you would really conspire with him? I might say, you're certainly desperate for victory if you're turning to him like a stray dog. Yet I find that he has little patience to accept people like you, let alone hear your demands."
"So what is it you desire then? The soldiers or manpower to fight back against the cruel invaders in Nohr? I could surely see you needing extra manpower." Azura commented, her initial shock fading back into her cynical smirk once more.
"...I mean to make sure that this kingdom will not fall to such a threat under my or my son's guidance and care. This merely acts as insurance to see that it won't, but I see no other reason to involve the likes of the whole kingdom. After all...our blood dictates that I should have ties with your master."
"How dubious of you, Queen Mikoto. But how can you be so sure that "Father" will be willing to keep you alive for so long? After all, fate has a nasty way of biting back at the deceitful. And it would seem you and your family have inherited and worsened quite the debt to pay."
At that, Mikoto had simply turned away from Azura, now beginning to make her way out of the shrine. Her head had been held high, still holding on to the pride in which her title displayed her.
"He has his goals and people to protect, however sinister and rotten they may be. And I have my own people to protect and cherish. Though I abhor the idea, I will cross the tainted line to ensure that the people around me will never face the horrors of collapse."
There had been another brief moment of silence before Azura stood up one more at her full height and brushed a lock of her blue hair aside that was obstructing her vision.
"Hmph. First offering a truce to a criminal, and then even to "Father". I'm only wondering how far you will go to cross that line Mikoto, and who you'll leave on the other side."
BG: Phantoms
From: FFX Remastered
"Papa! Papa!"
The snow had gently began to fall down towards the white earth, gracing the land and causing the world to glisten as if it were made of some illustrious glass. Ever so softly did the wind blow, bringing it's refreshing breeze to the inhabitants of the royal family estate.
Yet, all the same, the manor inside had been plenty warm due to the roaring fire that had been burning in the fireplace, wrapping the room in it's calming presence and warming heat.
Another wood had been placed in the fire, the flame having been brought to life once again with the vigor of and magnitude of a volcano.
"Yes, Takumi?" An elder voice had said, it belonging to a grown man sitting alongside the fire; a tempered smile and gentle demeanor as he sat beside his wife.
The serene woman had been sitting close to him, most likely gently laying her head on his chest as most couples would do with one another.
"It was so much simpler back then. Back when I could run into Father's arms and give him the biggest hug I could; back when I could savor every bite I had without a single care in the world. Where did they go?"
Takumi had come running up to his Father, his arms spread wide apart and ready to receive his affection from his parents, something in which they were readily willing to give. His father's head pat had been all he needed to show that goofish smile of his, his teeth shining like diamonds as he beamed up at his parents.
He gently leaned into his mother's embrace, taking solace in the warmth and comfort that it had brought. Every single pulse of her heartbeat matching his won, and soon calming down his breathing and thoughts to that of the same tempo.
"Now war arrives at our doorstep, and we still have no...no King that is left to govern the nation. I fain to imagine life without you Father...but it is through the strength of Mother that I-...
I...fight to live up to your deeds.
And yet, I still remember those days that we all would go through together. The days when we didn't have this dark looming cloud hanging above our heads like an anvil ready to drop."
As soon as he did so though, the gentle and rhythmic pulses of his mother's heartbeat had suddenly started to warp and twist into something accursed and irregular. Slowly but surely, each beat came at an odd time interval, as her body quickly began to spasm out.
Her hoarse coughs had rang through the room as his other family members looked on in surprise and horror.
And then, came the blood. Copious it was, spraying her divine white tunic a scarlet crimson and forever tainting the purity it once held. Her form had been hunched over as her expressions of her face had twisted and changed into an expression of fear and pain. The faint and subtleties of her complexion had taken a ghastly color, as the very light within her eyes had seemingly faded away.
[CI]Yet to Takumi, he had been the most horrified out of all of his siblings.
The woman, whom he had just recently warmly regarded, now seemed all the more unrecognizable. With every second, her face slowly distorted into an unintelligible blob, with barely any human characteristics at all.
[CI]A completely unknown face, no matter how hard he pictured it.
"Even now, I still can't picture her. I STILL can't remember her despite the promise I made to her grave all those years back. The grief of the others, sure. But her face eludes me...every time.
All I can see is...Mikoto. "Mother", as we've taken to calling her now."
"Some son I must be then. Standing on these hallowed hills like I've been faithful to you since the beginning, and I can't even recall your features.
"By the writ of the fallen Warrior of Lightning, Fyujin, it is to all who bear his holy blood that we impart the ability to take part in his ritual. It is his will and with his onlooking from greater plains that we stand here to welcome you to the realm of manhood and royalty."
"Yet holy blood does not make the Fujin Yumi subservient alone. It will choose its wielder based off whether they can overcome the Trial of Flames. A test to showcase one's inner desires, darkness, and trepidations to be laid bare for all to see; with the attendant having to conquer and admit to each one.
Should he fail, he shall be denied the weapon for a year to receive more training and discipline. However…whatever manner of injury he may sustain is that but the fate of the great Anankos."
The wind had begun to blow with a malignant and foreboding air to it, the sakura petals surrounding the group all but adding to Takumi's anxiousness.
His hands had desperately clasped against the rim of his tunic, nettling and rubbing against the wool in a desperate attempt to reclaim the warmth that his body craved.
His teeth could not help but chatter in response to such fierce elements, yet he had still stood proud and tall in front of the others with a determined expression plastered across his face.
"Are you sure you're ready to endure such an arduous task at such a young age, Takumi?" Ryoma had asked, his voice coming from a place of concern rather than entitlement.
The elder Hoshidan prince had trudged his way up the slope alongside his brother, now placing a steady hand on his shoulder to offer whatever comfort he could.
"The trial itself is far more than anything you've ever experienced before. It is something that few men and women could ever hope to quell and conquer as many are devoid of the purity that is needed to be deemed...worthy." Ryoma stated, yet it had done little to dissuade the younger brother.
"Well, I would certainly love to have you fetch me a blanket and cocoa while we watch the first sakura petals start to fade with the winter wind if that's what you're implying. But I'm not just going to quit when I've come so close brother. You know me better than that." Takumi said with a confident smirk, pointing a temple to his forehead before facing back up towards the plains that would house his trial.
"I can't sit by and watch you and Hinoka lead the country all by yourself. It's up to me to be there when you two start to slip up a bit. And my job to snide and make remarks on it while doing so." Takumi said with a light-hearted smile as he gently pushed down Ryoma's hand, now balling his other one behind his back.
Ryoma had been slightly stunned by the response, but he nonetheless had mirrored the smile and laugh that Takumi had just given him.
"Thank the gods you managed to bring a bit of levity to the situation at hand. You're right. Grim words like the ones I just spoke are best left to the sombering young men who walk into the cavern unprepared. You are far from those men though."
"Oh? So I'm finally more than your bumbling little brother? I'd consider that improvement and affirmation, then." Takumi had briefly chuckled, the young man meeting his brother's congratulations with a small jape of his won.
"You make steadfast progress every day, Takumi. Now you had best do them proud, lest you upset your adoring audience." Ryoma said with the faintest hint of a smirk, his eyes now pointing to another young woman who had been sitting in the distance.
Her light brown hair, fashioned in a short bob-weave, had been gently nestling up and down in the fierce winter wind as she watched the two from afar with a curious expression. Her mouth had been slightly parted as she couldn't help but shiver from the intense cold.
"My adoring audience? I think I fail to see what makes them adoring in the slightest, especially considering one of them could easily put me in a headlock in a matter of seconds." Came his retort, the young prince chuckling once more as she looked over to Mahiru and Ryoma.
"I'm just casually warning you that there are others watching, nothing more. Though I will admit that your blush is bordering on either laughable or adorable. So you might want to fix that before you enter the challenge, that being a suggestion of course. Not an order."
Takumi's face continued to deepen in its shade of pink as he quickly scrambled to calm him and his facial features down before another saw, silently whispering a pox upon his brother's teasing.
With a firm pat to his cheeks, he quickly reassured and refocused himself as he turned to face towards Reina; the General having apparently been waiting for the two to finish their conversation.
"I...take it that you're ready then?" She had asked, the ongoing snow doing a good job at hiding the faint smirk that rested on her lips; threatening to spill out with a small chuckle at the prince's earlier behavior.
"Just look at the two of them. Whispering and messing with each other like you were still infants wielding play swords and shields. It's honestly adorable just to watch from a distance."
She then quickly turned towards her companion, another young woman with a fierce attire and even more fierce hair color.
Her eyes had been a cool amber with her hair a scarlet red, her long naginata strapped to her back and ready to be drawn at the slightest mentioning of danger; yet the minute she heard Mahiru's voice, she quickly returned to a more docile expression.
The snow had begun to quickly to quicken it's pace to it's compacted brethren, the wind joining it's fastened pace with a victorious howl; this howl being plenty enough to have the entire party shivering from the chill.
"They do almost seem like little boys at the Jade Palace again." Hinoka had chuckled alongside Mahiru, placing a hand upon her hip as her eyes had drifted upward for a moment more.
She brushed a bit of her bangs out of her eyes before she let out a soft sigh, taking in the soft sound of the snow crunching underneath her boots.
"But this is a big moment for Takumi. Larger than anything he's ever done in his life, and Ryoma perfectly understands how he feels. The trial, as you've probably heard from Kaguya, is no small feat for anyone to take; let alone someone that's a year younger than when Ryoma attempted." Hinoka began as she looked back towards Mahiru with a small smirk.
"Of course, you and Master Reina whipped him into shape, so I think it should be a good show for all of us...to see how far he's really come and how strong he's grown."
Hinoka had casually crossed her arms over her chest before glancing back to Mahiru, gently blowing off a bit of snow that had accumulated on the top of her head.
In the distance, a few snow owls had perched themselves atop a nearby tree, as if to witness the spectacle that was about to unfold in front of them. The forest had erupted with life once more, before disappearing back into the quiet cold and restfulness that had long been associated with the wood.
"Me? I barely had any part within the overseeing of his training. I was just a fly on his wall that just so happened to become the object of that he made strides towards. As for showing him any lessons, I think you ought to lend Master Reina a wee bit more credit." Mahiru commented, now gently swaying her body to stave away from the bitter cold, folding her arms over her chest in a similar manner to Hinoka.
"Of course. Like I'm supposed to believe that you can be that humble Mahiru. Why don't you go ahead and drop the pleasantries already? I'm a princess of Hoshido, but I also consider myself a friend to you, at the very least." Hinoka chuckled as Mahiru's face slowly turned into a smirk.
"Ah yes, your majesty. How could I ever forget about your title as a princess, savior of the people and second-in-command of the Sisters of the Sky? Perhaps I should take better care over my language then?"
"For all that your silver tongue can spin and with every single fine word that you whisper to each other, you still can't afford to say a single thing to your liege." Hinoka said, almost enjoying the absolute look of shock and confusion that had come to Mahiru's face. The snow almost made the rest of her place seem pale in comparison, which made her blush all the more noticeable.
"...Well, you're a cold one. The icy tundra balks it's head to the ground with that comment alone." Mahiru said with a slight shiver as she now moved her hands to her hips before continuing onwards with her comment.
"Yet a rash decision, seeing as you are no different than me. I mean, you and your retainer are practically destined to end up in each other's arms. The way he acts lovey-dovey with you each day and spars with you is almost adorable."
Now, it was the red-haired maiden's time to blush, planting her feet to the soft snow with a small crunch; her blush now painting her face an even deeper shade of rouge than her hair could ever accomplish.
Her mouth had tightened in a small scowl as she glared at Mahiru before turning her body away from her.
A few moments of silence had occurred, the gentle tapping of the soft snow underneath her boots and the fierce sound of the coarse winter wind being the only rumblings of noise that could be heard.
"He's just training with me Mahiru. Nothing less and nothing more. Could you please save those musings for Kaguya when we get back."
"Training? Oh, others happen to do quite a bit of training themselves, but the manner of training can vary from person to person. Would it involve.."
"You're treading on thin ice Mahiru…"
"I'm kidding. Kidding! Just a little downtime conversation in the midst of the tundra, that's all."
Hinoka had shuffled for a moment more, her eyes no treading down towards the gray and low lying clouds that had been creating the gentle fall of snow that trickled about them. Her heartbeat had begun to pound a bit louder as she placed her hand over it, her mouth trying to not give any signs of emotion.
"Funnily enough though...I'm not too sure. We both have been close for so long, but I feel a slight rift growing between us. Not one of malice and hate, but of pure difference and mindset." Hinoka said as she turned back towards the Mahiru, the brunette looking on in confusion.
"He wants to know the truth about his life; his past. He wants to know why his parents suddenly disappeared, why he has faint memories of a sister that never appeared before him again. And I or Hoshido can't provide any of those answers. Yet if the time comes that he begins to start entertaining the thought of leaving Hoshido, he won't be met by any scorn or anger from my hand, at the very least."
"So resolved and ever the realist, aren't you? Just try and make sure that you don't let your duties overcome your own desires." Mahiru said with a teasing smile, now walking over to join the others that were gathering at the base of the long path.
This comment alone had been enough to give the pegasus knight pause for a moment, her mind reeling for any sort of answer she could find at the moment. Though try as she might, she couldn't find any simple retort or answer to Mahiru's previous statement, her thoughts now grueling over what she truly meant behind a statement like that.
"Hinoka. It's time."
BG: Might Guy vs Madara
From: Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4
"You do understand that this trial will test much more than just your wits within battle. It will test your very constitution of mind, body, and soul; testing the very limits of your patience, skill, tenacity, and valor." Reina had shouted out towards Takumi as she slowly offered her hands out towards the young prince, bestowing upon him a Bronze Bow and Bronze Knife.
The snow that had fallen atop had peppered the blade and her dark gloved hands as Takumi reached out to slowly grip the knife first.
The smooth texture of the handle had suited his hand perfectly, with it being the perfect weapon for any warrior in combat...had it been sharpened and made out of a more weighty material.
The blade itself was dulled, but would still cut into flesh easily enough. Certainly not to the point of life-ending injury, but enough to cause temporary debilitating damage to the opponent if need be.
"A fine blade that is. Take care to use it well during the trial, as I will not freely allow you the chance to use yours now during combat. As a prince of Hoshid-" Reina began before Takumi cut in, placing a hand upon his hip.
"I'm well aware, Master Reina. I must find a way to compensate for my lack of close range if I'm to lead the people through conflict. The very same as all other princes and emperors of Hoshido have done in the past."
"Well if our prince feels no feelings of hesitation, I implore you to take your place atop the path. I shall meet you at the very top of the path to conduct the final part of the trial. Gather your courage and strength, Prince Takumi." Reina had answered as she eventually turned towards her large kinshi.
"For centuries throughout time, many have walked up these hollow step with the desire you have now; to earn the right to wield Hoshido's family heirloom that grants the wielder the ability to command and lead both our nation and army into prosperity and peace. It is here that their ashes lay amongst the snow, the ground acting as centuries of fools and common men alike failing to truly test themselves in combat."
Reina's voice had rung clearly, even through the steadily growing tempest swirling about them; almost as if nature itself had bent to her will and allowed for such a thing to happen.
"Young Takumi."
She had stopped for a moment before she withdrew her naginata, pointing it towards the space next to Takumi.
"This is your opportunity to prove to the Great Anankos that you deserve the honor of wielding Fujin Yumi. It is your time to show everything you've learned through your arduous amounts of training. Blood, sweat, tears, pain, suffering; all of it cojoins in this very moment so that he might judge your heart and valor for himself."
Ever word that Reina had uttered with resounding volume had caused Takumi to quiver in anticipation, his hands nestling at his sides as he looked up at his instructor once more.
Where there were once eyes of unease, now held a fierce look and glimmer of determination; his eyes now shining with the vigor of nearly 3 men.
"I can't afford to fail here and now. Not when my people are in dire need of another to claim the right to command their troops. Not when I still have so much to work towards and avenge…"
Takumi had whispered to himself as he placed a hand to his heart, before drawing his own bow and placing it parallel to Reina's naginata.
"Let my spear speak as his divine tongue; my body his avatar to which he shall conduct his study of the man you've become."
"And let my bow speak for my heart; my body its avatar to which I shall profess the very constitution of what am I am!"
And with that, there were no more words exchanged between the two; the wind howling in a temperous roar that nearly would have been equated with a blizzard of some kind. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Reina and Takumi had eyed each other down for a moment more, perhaps trying to see into the other's soul to anticipate the other's next move.
This continued onward for a few seconds more before the two quickly jumped back from one another and entered a combative stance.
Both equal paces from one another; both of them preparing to end this fight in whatever means possible.
"Master Reina will make for a tricky opponent, and I've had little reward in firing any sort of arrow until this wind has died down. Learning how much it'll affect my accuracy might cost me too much time too. I'll just have to keep on my toes then."
Takumi thought to himself, quickly drawing the dagger that had been bestowed to him beforehand.
As if it were a sudden flash, Reina quickly disappeared into the growing blizzard in a split second; her features fading into the ever-present white that began to surround them.
There was barely any time for Takumi to react, however, as he could hear the approaching footsteps of Reina's boots, the snow crunching underneath them as she quickly ran up to gain the first strike.
"Damn it! She managed to sneak up on me!"
Quickly, the elder Kinshi Knight used the tail end of her naginata to forcefully knock the wind out of Takumi's body, forcing the younger prince to stagger for a moment as he raised his dagger to retaliate with a left uppercut aimed towards her face. However, his desperation tactic failed to stun his instructor, Reina easily dodging the initial swipe of his dagger and retaliating by elbowing his hunched over back.
With this, Takumi had quickly fallen down to the floor; quickly rolling away to cover a bit of distance between him and Reina.
"Gods...So this is how powerful she is when she chooses not to hold back. This is already looking even more like an uphill battle than I thought before, and it wasn't like my odds were looking good then. In terms of skill and speed, she's got me beat. Not to mention that I either have to get in close with my dagger, or stay away from her with my bow. But even then..." Takumi thought to himself before he could hear the sound of a high pitched whistle in the distance.
As if on cue, a few arrows had quickly pierced the snow around him at various points; this easily putting the young prince in a state of confusion.
"Firing arrows? The wind has only now just begun to die down, and even she would have a hard time trying to aim properly in all of this. So what gi-" Takumi began to say before his eyes widened with a sudden realization.
He quickly turned around while raising his dagger towards his lower torso, just in time to connect with the tip of the blade from Reina's naginata. The sound of bronze meeting bronze caused a resounding clash to be heard by all in the nearby area, forcing a few nearby birds perched atop the snow-capped trees to flee. Both weapons had rebounded a bit as Takumi had stepped back a few paces to reestablish his footing, nearly stumbling onto the snow as he tried to regain some footing.
Reina, however, had stood firm and had already readied her weapon once more to lie and wait for Takumi's next approach.
"Damn! So they were just a distraction to catch me off guard. Clever, which means she easily beats me in that department too."
The young prince was allowed no time to breathe as Reina's naginata had edged back into his vision once more, the weapon being thrust towards his upper torso once more as he scrambled to dodge it.
With every time Takumi managed to sweep past her strike, Reina followed up with a retaliation of her own as if they were in some sort of dance with one another. Every single strike and thrust barely either parried or dodged by the younger prince; every single sound of steel clashing almost sounding like a rhythm of some sorts, and he was far from any competent dancer.
She was toying with him, every step of the way.
"I can't afford to keep this up much longer, not when I'm completely on the defensive. I'll need to think of something…"
As fast as his body could allow him, Takumi quickly ducked under another one of Reina's strikes before jumping back to gain some more distance from her to formulate a plan of some sorts.
"I'll have to use whatever I've got to try and slow her down. Hmm…" Takumi grumbled to himself.
Yet as the fight had continued between the two, Takumi's mind couldn't dare think of something that would allow him to shift the fight within his favor.
His body was quickly becoming fatigued with every blow that Reina either landed or he parried, causing his stamina and confidence to shatter more and more.
Every single attack that Takumi threw was a desperate attempt to regain control of the fight, but they were half-hearted attempts at swings that easily were countered by a simple repositioning of Reina's weapon. Each one made a resounding clank in the distance, yet not with the ferocity that was originally displayed.
"Damn it! There's gotta be some way I can-!"
Takumi grumbled to himself as he continued to swing wildly, his hopes for winning slowly vanishing with every swing that was blocked.
"Why…? Why can't I just do this simple thing to finally prove that I can be as strong as the others!?"
Once again, he began his rage-filled assault onto Reina with all of his blows easily being blocked and their momentum being redirected back to him. Yet he still continued to swing, each one sapping away the rest of his energy.
"But Papa, you're so big and strong! I wanna grow up and be just like you!"
"Hahaha! Those are quite the shoes to fill. But I'm sure you'll do just fine, Takumi. As the years go by, you and your siblings will long surpass any of us in spades. And that means you'll grow up to be even stronger than me."
"Hehehe, yeah! And I'm gonna beat up those mean, stinky Nohrians. Just like you!"
"Well, son...we wouldn't want to beat up the people I'm about to meet with. One day, you'll be beating other people alongside them. At least...if this meeting happens to go as planned."
"Anyways. Let's say you and I just go for a special trip to the lake this afternoon in celebration for the peace talks. You've been asking me to go there for a few months now, right?"
"Really!? Yeah!"
[CI]"I wasn't strong enough to protect you Father. I was just a boy who blindly followed along in the shadow of others. I thought, just for a moment that I would finally gain the strength so I could make you proud. So I could...make Mother proud."
Before Takumi could react, he found himself slipping onto the snow from a leg sweep from Reina.
And as soon as his backside had hit the snow, so too did his chances for winning and his optimism quickly to diminish to zero. Reina's naginata had stood at his neck as the wielder looked down at Takumi with an expression that he knew all too well...And deeply hated.
Her eyes, peering at him in an expression of pity and possible disappointment. Perhaps for his poor performance, or perhaps she was regretting letting him take the test at all.
As if to support the theory, Reina's next words had sounded completely forced and foreign to her tongue, hesitation and confusion creeping up in her voice.
"Do you yield?"
And with all the venom and bitter disappointment he could, Takumi had finally answered with a low and growling.
The words felt like bile in Takumi's throat, with each syllable making a slow trudge up his esophagus with the energy of a man jailed for life.
"Takumi...It would seem that you would need further preparation to complete the trial. Though you fought valiantly today, you still lack both the skills, mindset, and clarity to confront me in battle and earn the right of Fuji Yumi. Until you can display the necessary tools you need in order to best me, you have not proven that you are worthy of Hoshido's family heirloom."
Not worthy.
He was not worthy, and in his eyes, he could see the exact reason why.
He had been utterly shamed in every conceivable way today, far more ridicule than he could imagine. His stake of power crushed, his title stripped away, and his name tarnished.
He chose not to stand up after Reina had brought her naginata to her side, before turning towards the approaching sounds of footsteps; these most likely belonging to Ryoma, Hinoka, and Mahiru.
He could not bear to look upon their expressions of pity as he dug his hands into the snow, shame overtaking his emotions as it quickly gave way to anger. His breathing became horse as he nearly wanted to slam the ground to release any of his pent up emotions, but his senses had held him back for the time being.
There was not a single whisper, or word spoken as Reina slowly offered up a hand to her student to pick him up from the snow.
Reina had retracted her hand upon feeling Takumi bat it away as her expression of pity turned to one of disappointment. She slowly let out a drawn-out sigh before giving Takumi one last look and turning to the others and making her way down the mountain path.
With a silent nod, the others had begun to follow before casting their own lasting glances at Takumi; each one showing a varying degree of concern for the young prince.
All that could be heard minutes after was the sound of the howling blizzard as Takumi had simply kneeled down onto the snow, his face towards the ground as the tempest roared around him.
And so that was the end of Chapter 6. So yeah, this is the very first chapter that doesn't focus on the Nohrian gang but instead focuses on Hoshido. As you can see, Azura and Takumi respectively.
Tbh, I was kind of worried about how well this would go writing the chapter, seeing as I sort of had to establish how these characters would work and act. But I think it came out decently enough in the long run.
So as you guys see with Azura and Mikoto, they are both going to be heavily changed in this version because of various circumstances involving how they were treated and how they came to be.
Mainly with both of them being much shadier. Though it remains to be seen who's exactly right.
Please do let me know what you guys think of the story so far and the chapter, and I hope you guys have a great day.