Author's note: This is Hiro and the gang watching Big Hero 6. There will be a lot of drama in this story. I cried the first time I saw this which was in the theater. No joke I had tears in my eyes at the fire scene and then was full out crying at the later scene with Baymax. My O.C that will be watching the movie with them will be my full screen name but then I'll have them call me Fan or like Fangirl. I don't own Big Hero 6. I have a new voting poll on my profile that I would like you all to check out please.


Hiro was standing outside of the collage that his brother goes to.

"I have to go here, if I don't I'll go insane."

That is when there is a big flash of light and the two brothers, Baymax, Tadashi's friends, Professor Callaghan, Aunt Cass, the police officers and the bot fighters that got arrested because of Hiro, disappeared.

They all woke up with a start in a big room and then they looked around. Hiro shrinks back and hides behind his brother when he noticed Yama and all the other bot fighters.

The police officers gave a glare to the bot fighters making sure they wouldn't try anything bad since they already noticed Hiro.

Before anyone can speak though another flash of light and a girl appears before them. She smiles and says,

"Hello! My name is Toonanimefan, but you all can just call me Fan or Fangirl. Also, before you ask, no Hiro, that isn't my real name and I'm not going to share my real name with you. Now the reason you all are here is that I'm going to show you a little bit of the past and mostly the future in the form of a movie called Big Hero 6. It's mostly about you guys."

She points over to Hiro, Tadashi and Tadashi's friends. They all looked at each other surprised. Tadashi speaks up, "Uh, Fan?"


"Why is Baymax here?"

"Oh, he's going to be watching the movie with you guys, I didn't want to leave any of you out. Oh, and you guys (she points over the Yama and the other bot fighters) better not give Hiro any trouble."

She smiles, and a big movie screen appears, and she says, "Now let's begin the movie! It starts out in the past and then will go into the future."


Author's note: I wasn't going to end it here but then I just decided to do it. I'll try to post the next chapter soon. Please check out my voting poll and R&R.