I'm With You

By: Dark_T-K

(Gohan's POV)

After a few more hours I sent Bulma and family home. Goten protested but was dragged out by Trunks thankfully. I decided to stay just in case. Maybe have a heart to heart with my father.

I ponder over the past few months. So far everything was going great. I noticed dad felt more loved than he did before. You could see it in the way he acted, and in his eyes. Especially the eyes… At first he was very closed off and reserved. You could tell he was afraid and angry at us for saving him.

He held a grudge for awhile, not wanting to open up at all. I began to miss his old goofy grin he gave us. In fact, I missed everything about him. Dad was the best, never got angry unless our life was on the line. Never punished Goten or I for misbehaving. He practically stood up for me when I did. He was the greatest.

But to see a man like that, give you a stare filled with so much hate it can make any man run. I thought Vegeta was scary when he glared at you, it was only a small scowl compared to my father's. My father could make anyone drop dead from that piercing glare of his.

Now a days he's a lot calmer than before. I believe he now knows people do care no matter what happens. It's been harder on me though knowing my father sat in his room believing no one cared, when I came as often as I could to help him. He told me before that he thought I only came out of pity, and that I was only there to make sure his final days were the best he got.

After that I made sure he felt loved. He was grateful for it I'm sure. To know that he was happy once more, was more than I could have ever hoped for.

I remember though, so very clearly that he was in pain before. I never noticed before that night. He always managed to hide his emotions from everyone. Vegeta could read him like a book though. That's why he left, he couldn't bear to see one of the most powerful men in the state he was.

I know I sound like I'm contradicting myself. I've done it before. When mom first died, everyone knew of dad's pain. He showed it more clearly then. Now I have to read his eyes if I ever wanted to know what he felt. While he played the fool, his heart torn even more.

I really should continue my talk of his past. I want to start with good times not bad. My father doesn't need another person stuck in the past. It's bad enough he has to go to therapy as it is.

I decide I've had enough of waiting. I left me seat and headed for my father's room. I didn't care if he was awake or not. Just having his presence there was enough. I opened the door carefully so not to disturb anyone, especially dad. I closed the door quietly and sat in the chair next to dad. He was sound asleep.

"It's hard to believe you're back here again so soon." I said. It made no sense, but who'd care? I clasped my father's hand and held it in mine. "I really wish we could live like everyone else. Not having to fight or draw blood. But you already know that, don't you? You've been trying to live the way of a human you're entire life." I tell him.

He never moved though. I knew he wasn't listening. He was so drugged up on medicine I wasn't surprised he would be awake any time soon. I nuzzled my father's clasped hand and shed a tear. I truly wished we could live like we wanted to.

"Darkness lies all around us, and the only light is of love which connects us to this world. If you believe it then it's real. The question is do you believe it?…" I mumbled to myself. I sigh. I'm so pathetic.

"Believing is seeing. One must experience this form of light to truly understand." A voice said. My head shot up to meet my father's eyes. His hand slipped from mine and he calmly held my cheek. I pressed my face into his loving palm; wanting…no needing his touch. "I once thought my light had faded when your mother died." He whispered.

"But it didn't…" I replied. He smiled softly and nodded, stroking my cheek with his thumb. "I thought I'd loose you…again." I whispered.

"You cannot loose what is already found. " Dad said in his riddles. "I'm not going anywhere." He said reassuringly.

"The wise man never lies." I said jokingly. He chuckled at that.

"I don't know about wise. Let's just say I'm knowledgeable for my age." We both laughed at his joke. It felt good, it felt right; at last. Dad stopped as relaxed against his pillows. "You should go home and get some rest. Your exhausted." I raise my hand and run it through my hair.

"Is it that obvious?" I ask. He nods. I sigh heavily. "I stayed to make sure you would be alright. I didn't want you to feel abandoned again if we all left." I said. His hand sat on my head and ruffled my hair playfully.

"Sorry sport. I won't fall into depression just like that. It takes time, ask Vegeta. I won't pull a stunt like before because you all have proved I'm worth more than that. I'm not going to waste weeks of progress on one incident." He said reassuringly.

"That's good to know." I yawn. He pulls my chair closer and I lean my head onto his lap. He ran his fingers through my head like mom used to do. I felt so weary and relieved that I fell asleep in my father's lap.

(Goku's POV)

I sit there with my eldest sound asleep in my lap. He's stayed throughout the entire time I was here, and it's exhausted him. We had an interesting small talk before he passed out. I'm glad he worries, but he does it like his mother. Too much.

I never said worrying was a bad thing or too much is not good. It's just…I've been through a lot in my life and no one has worried this much about me. I'm glad they do though. It feels so much better to know I still have some one left who cares.

The nurse comes in for her hourly check. She took a pause as she noticed the predicament I was in.

"Is he sound asleep Mr. Son?" She asked me. I nod. She pulls Gohan off and leans him back. I protest weekly. "I'll put him back after we're done. Now open up, I have to change your bandages and examine your stitches." I sigh heavily and pull the top of the nightgown off and stiffen a little.

The nurse began to unravel the bandage clinging to my skin and gently un-taped the end. She began to examine the stitches and poked the are a couple of times. I winced since the pain shot through just a little. She smiled and put a pad over the stitches then taped it down.

"Well Mr. Son, I have good news for you. Your wound is healing nicely and should be done with the stitches in a couple of days. We'll release you this afternoon with medication and an appointment for the removal of the stitches. Until then don't do anything strenuous." She said. She heaved Gohan back into my lap and left very quietly. I couldn't contain my excitement til Gohan woke up. I shook him roughly.

"Uhhh…five more minutes dad." He moaned out weekly. I chuckled then did an impression of ChiChi I knew he'd get up to.

"If you don't get up now I swear you'll be studying for the rest of your life with no training with your father!" I mimicked. His head shot up and I burst out laughing. Gohan yawned then glared at me.

"I really wish you wouldn't use that on me. G-d did I panic! And you sound just like mom too, it was freaky!" We both sat there for a moment a burst out laughing again. "So what did you wake me up for dad?" He asked.

"The nurse told me I can go home this afternoon since my wound is healing!" I said gleefully.

"Serious?" He said. I bounced on the bed happily and he hugged me with glee. "No way. I'll call Goten and we'll take you home together."

"Yeah! And we'll pick up lunch on the way!" Gohan laughed whole heartily.

(Normal POV)

Goten and Vegeta raced back to the hospital. They too had to escort Goku home with Goten. They raced though the hospital as if there was a fire. They reached the room just to see a fully dressed Goku hopping off his bed and wobbling while standing.

"Hi guys! Glad you could come." Goku said happily as he griped Gohan. Goku hadn't walked in a week so naturally his legs were slightly weak. Goten raced next to his dad to help brace him.

"It's good to know you're coming home dad. Now we can have some more fun like before!" Goten said. Goku nodded.

"Just as long as dad makes sure not to do anything strenuous on his body. He's only getting out if he takes care." Gohan said. Goku glared slightly.

"What's wrong Kakarott? Can't handle a little rest?" Vegeta taunted. Goku smiled happily at him.

"I think I can manage a small break from training. Only when I'm back to full strength can I expect a full fair fight with you Vegeta." Goku said moving up to him. Vegeta smirked.

"I wouldn't have it any other way, Kakarott."

The gang all escorted Goku back to his house and fed him, to Goku's delight. They sat down to a table filled with food, and before you know it, the table was filled with plates, bones, and other dirty dishes.

"We'll do the dishes dad. You go lay down." Gohan said with Goten next to him. Goku nodded and stood up carefully. Vegeta followed behind to help Goku if he should fall. The two saiyans sat on the couch and Goku leaned back.

"What's on your mind Kakarott?" Vegeta asked. Goku blinked then looked over to Vegeta.

"I'm just glad I have friends and family who care. That's all." Goku said looking up towards the ceiling. Vegeta snorted.

"Yes indeed. I see what you mean. I've been alone so many years, it's nice to have someone to come home to." Vegeta said.

"It's better when you have friends as well. Then you can have fun like we do." Goku said sitting up.

"And what kind of fun do we have Kakarott?" Vegeta asked. Goku smiled.

"Us, we have each other. What more do we need?"

Goku and the rest of his family enjoyed many days together along with Bulma and Vegeta. Goku was up and around in no time and began to train with his prince again to make up for lost time.

Gohan and Goten went out on their own and started families, making Goku a happy Grandfather. Vegeta had to deal with a adult Trunks and a teenage Bra. Though he love them very much, Vegeta was driven off the deep end on numerous accounts.

And as for Goku, he lives in that small house all alone. He sits on his bedroom windowsill looking out on to the horizon smiling softly.

"Thank you ChiChi, for giving me a second chance. I may not be up there for awhile, but I'll love you all the same. I miss you still, but with all the friends and family I have, you're passing has become easier to bear." Goku said watching the sun set. Goku felt something press against his shoulder and smiled. Even if it was only a ghost of affection, it still was affection sent to him by ChiChi.

I'm standing on the bridge,

I'm waiting in the dark.

I thought you'd be here, by now.

There's nothing but the rain,

No footsteps on the ground.

I'm listening but there's no sound.

Isn't anyone trying to find me?

Won't somebody come take me home?

It's a damned cold night.

Trying to figure out this life.

Won't you…take me by the hand,

Take me somewhere new.

I don't know who you are but I…

I'm with you.

I'm with you.

I'm looking for a place,

Searching for a face.

Is anybody here I know?

Cause nothing's going right,

And everything's a mess.

And no one likes to be alone.

Isn't anyone trying to find me?

Won't somebody come take me home?

It's a damned cold night.

Trying figure out this life.

Won't you…take me by the hand,

Take me somewhere new.

I don't know who you are but I'm…

I'm with you…

I'm with you…

Oh, why is everything so confusing?

Maybe I'm just out of my mind!

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!

It's a damned cold night.

Trying to figure out this life.

Won't you...take me by the hand,

Take me somewhere new.

I don't know who you are but I'm…

I'm with you!

I'm with you!

Take me by the hand

Take me somewhere new.

I don't know who you are but I'm…

I'm with you!

I'm with you!

Take me by the hand,

Take me somewhere new.

I don't know who you are but I'm…

I'm with you…

I'm with you…

I'm With You…

By: Avril Lavigne "I'm With You"