A/N: I'm rewatching The Dragon Prince again. Unfortunately, there's only nine episodes so there's not much to go off? I don't know if I'm going to do anything with this story. The title is from the song 'Pretty Girl' by Hayley Kiyoko.

Claudia wasn't sure exactly what she expected when they found them, thanks to the tracking spell, but this wasn't quite what she pictured.

When she and Soren had found them, a little bit away from a village full of angry villagers where they left their horses, who had been telling them about the elf who tried to borrow some guy's knife or something, they were kind of acting like... friends?

There were in a field, surrounded by some of the nearby mountains. It seemed they had decided to stop and rest for the night, and they were all talking. It didn't seem like she had kidnapped them or like they were in any danger, despite what she heard.

There was also someone else, a young girl who was sitting next to a wolf, gently petting its fur. On top of that, the egg was nowhere in sight. Claudia was a little bit confused, and concerned.

"Looks like we found them." Soren commented.

"Shh." Claudia shushed him, while they watched from behind a tree, planning on how to approach them.

"Let's go." She told Soren, and slowly moved towards where they had set up.

They noticed, naturally. The wolf barked at them and the elf went to pull out her weapons, standing up.

"Claudia!" Callum said, kind of surprised. Claudia was still kind of mad at him, given what happened last time she saw him, but she had a mission to do.

She kept an eye out for the egg, but didn't find it - there was, however, what looked a lot like a baby dragon roaming around. She gasped.

"It hatched?" Claudia looked over to Soren, and attempted to come up with a new plan, "Take down the elf, I'll get the dragon."

"Okay... Why do you need a dragon?"

"It's a powerful weapon. We can't let the elves have it." She explained briefly.

"It's terrifying." He joked.

Claudia went after the dragon. It couldn't be that fast, it was just a baby. Or at least, it wouldn't have been very fast, if Ezran hadn't picked it up and ran.

"Give it to me, Ezran."

Ezran shook his head, "We've got to return him to his mother."

The dragon looked kinda confused and happy, like a puppy. Ezran ran towards the girl with the wolf, and Bait followed.

"You can't just return it!" Claudia said, and briefly glanced at her brother and the elf to see how the battle was going. He seemed to be doing okay, but she'd still keep an eye on him, "I told you. The elves and dragons will use it."

"What would they use it for?" Callum asked, clearly not convinced, "It's a baby."

"And if we return Zym, then the war could be over." Ezran added.

"They'll use it for the war." Claudia said, just as her father had told her, "We can't let them have it."

"That's not true! Can we just sit down and talk?!" Callum suggested, which was sounding like a pretty good idea... But they couldn't, they had to complete their mission. They had to save the princes and bring the egg, well, dragon back with them.

"No! We came here to save you from the elf!"

"Well, we don't need to be saved from her. She's our friend!"

"Hey, didn't she try to kill you guys?" Soren asked.

"That's in the past." Ezran replies.

"Ah, aren't friendships so interesting?" The girl with the wolf says, and her wolf barks in reply.

They do end up sitting down and talking. Callum and Ezran keep trying to convince them that the elf is their friend, and it almost seemed believable.

"We've had some bonding moments," Ezran said, and looked down at Bait, who was in his lap, "Like that time Bait stole all of Rayla's moonberry juice and we caused an avalanche."

"You caused an avalanche?" Claudia asked, "Well... That does sound like a bonding moment."

"Yeah, nothing brings you closer than almost dying about... What, like five times?" Callum said, glancing at Rayla.

"It had to be more than that."

Soren was kind of... quieter than usual, she noticed. He told a few bad jokes, that very few people laughed at if any, but aside from that didn't really given much commentary. He was probably just thinking about the mission. Or maybe he was uneased since there was an elf, who he had just sword fought.

"So, you really think you can trust this elf?" Soren asked.

Ezran glanced at Rayla and smiled, "Seems pretty trustworthy."

"Plus, we're in this together." Callum adds, "We're all going to help bring Zym back to his mom."

"Hey, Claudia?" Soren says quietly, "Can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Okay." She got up and walked with Soren a little bit away from the camp. He tells her something... disturbing.

In return, she tells him something too.

"So, we should like, help them?" Soren questions.

"I mean, I guess that does seem like the right thing to do..." Claudia replies, "So I guess we should at least offer to help them. I am kind of questioning dad's motives, anyway."

"So, we're going to help Ezran, the step-prince, someone we've never met and an elf?"

"I guess so." Claudia shrugs, and smiles.

They were very quick to accept them into the group, though mostly Callum and Ezran. Which made sense, they had known them for years.

Rayla seemed a little bit unsure, which was understandable since they had been attacking her. The feeling was kind of mutual. Claudia wasn't sure if she was as trustworthy as they said.

A part of her was sure that she would betray them, and she kept an eye out. She was still an elf. But on the other hand, Ezran and Callum really seemed to trust her, and they even considered her their friend.

She had heard stories as a kid, but a lot of those stories had to be wrong. I mean, were dragons really supposed to be scary? Because if they were, she certainly didn't find Zym scary. He was adorable.

She almost wasn't sure if anything her dad had said was true. Was this dragon really that dangerous...?

Her dad had said it was a powerful weapon, and that if the elves and dragons had it then it wouldn't be good. That she had to return with the egg...

But it wasn't an egg anymore. It had hatched, and now it was a baby dragon. A supposedly very powerful one.

A very powerful one they were just going to return to the elves and dragons?

She was conflicted. Her dad was acting kind of weird and all, and he had told her to choose the egg instead of Soren if she had to... And with what he had told Soren, she really wasn't sure of anything.

Claudia didn't really know what to do, and neither did Soren. They talked about it when they weren't around the others, since it was... alarming.

"I guess we'll just have to go with it."

"Yeah... Should we be like, betraying our dad?" Soren asked.

"I don't know, but he did imply some weird things... What else are we supposed to do?"

Soren shrugged, "Guess we're returning a dragon. Although, it's a baby, so it's just like... Returning a miniature dragon."

Their conversation was interrupted by Callum telling them they had to get going. Guess they were returning a baby dragon to its mother.