Something was tugging his hair. Hiccup wasn't sure if it was a phantom sensation from a dream as he rejoined the waking world. He breathed in deep, shaking off the cobwebs of his sleep-hazed mind and found the tugging was very real.

Lamplight gently flickered off the walls in a soft orange glow. Hiccup rolled over, squinting at the sight beside him. A round belly was at eye level with him, and he looked upwards to find his wife smiling down at him.

"What're you doing?" he asked, propping up on an elbow.

Astrid shrugged. "The baby can't sleep, so I can't sleep. I needed something to do to pass the time."

Hiccup felt the back of his head, finding several tiny braids. He chuckled to himself at the thought of how crazy his already unruly hair would be in the morning.

"I think the baby is practicing somersaults."

Hiccup laid a palm on Astrid's belly, leaning in close. "Are you restless to get out of there and see the world, little one?" The baby turned over with what felt like an entire arm and shoulder sweeping across the length of Astrid's belly.

Out of all the things Hiccup had experienced, this was the most surreal of all. A person was living and growing inside his wife; a person that would be half him and half her.

The baby pushed its foot out, and Hiccup was in awe that he could feel the shape of it's tiny foot. "It's not time for you to come yet."

"Yeah, so stop trying to escape," Astrid reprimanded.

Hiccup sat up, wrapping an arm around Astrid's shoulder. He drew her to him, pressing a loving kiss to her temple. "You know, if you're ever having trouble sleeping, I'll stay up to keep you company."

"I know you will," the way Astrid played with the ties on his tunic tickled his chest, "but being Chief and all, you need your sleep."

Hiccup turned her chin in the most tender way to face him. "Not if you need me more."

Astrid blinked, and a tear rolled down her cheek. She grumbled, wiping it away. "This pregnancy has my eyes leaking like a broken spicket." The baby kicked, making her jump. "Is this a foreshadowing of what you're going to be like after you're born?"

"Want me to sing the baby a lullaby?"

Astrid snorted. "I want the baby to calm down; not try to claw it's way from my womb."

Hiccup pulled back to mock glare at her. "Hey, I don't sing that bad!"

Astrid lightly punched his shoulder. "I'm joking, you dork." She kissed him on the cheek anyway as a peace offering. "I'd rather get back to braiding. I'm trying to set a record. Maybe get in the twins' world record book."

Hiccup grinned. "I'm all yours, milady."