Hey guys, long time no see. (I'm really sorry about that) Now that I've caught my other two stories up I'm coming back to this one and I am considering re-writing it completely. The reason for that is because I've lost almost all interest in Riverdale, so writing within that show is becoming a chore and I'm not enjoying it. So I'd love to get Lane out of it for this one and have it follow Chilling Adventures more. With the fun bonus of crossing over into Riverdale territory a few times (because I still love Fangs and Sweet Pea, just not season 3 Sweet Pea). I wanted to let you guys know what I was planning and see if anyone would even be interested.

The new story would follow the same premises in that something is after her, it's just going to unfold very differently in Greendale. This would be a different Lane than the one I've written so far (the basis of her character is the same Lane we all know and sort of love), her name is Samara Spellman. Yeah, Spellman. I normally hate when stories tack on an OC into the main family, but I kind of like the parallel of how involved in the human world the Spellman's are. And we all know Lane/Samara likes her humans. So maybe it fits, I hope so. But I can't wait to have her and Ambrose interacting, they're gonna be fun.

But Samara is more of a witch, so she does more magic than Lane in this story did. I'll actually go into her joining the Church of Night, how the weird sisters feel about her – because of her spanish roots she's considered a blood witch so not many like her. So I'm excited for that dynamic, of her magic being a little different.

Also, I guess witches are either celibate or polygamous with no in between. So Samara's going to have a few different relationships that will all be different for her. Obviously there's Sweet Pea and Fangs (which I might end up just doing Sweet Pea to simplify it for myself), I adored Tommy Kinkle so he's gonna be one and yes they are going to be soft and adorable, and then there's one more that I'm not quite sure of yet that I'd love you guys' opinion on (if you care)

My first thought was Prudence, because she has my whole heart I thought she was amazing. And these two girls would be something together. It would be a slow burn, emphasis on the SLOW, with a lot of sexual tension.
But then I see Agatha and I think she's the most beautiful cast member and I can never get her out of my head. It'd be a very similar dynamic to Samara and Prudence – but with Agatha it wouldn't be as slow. But I was hesitant to do both because I feel like the relationships Samara has with them would be too similar and I wanted to try my hand at building as different relationships as possible. Which is why I opted with one. So my question is, does one strike you more than the other?

Also I would love any feedback you guys have if you have any, if you completely hate the idea, if you'd like to see anything in the story, if you want anymore details that I haven't given. I'm always open for suggestions.

Or, if you just want to know the ending I had planned for Witchcraft on Her Lips, you can always message me and I can outline it (I can't respond to guest reviewers though)
I'm currently working on the first chapter to the new story, I'm considering calling it Black Magic Woman because I love the song. So if you are interested be on the lookout for that, when I have it up I'll probably do another update to this story to let you guys know – and then I'll delete this story.

If you got all the way to the end here, thank you so much for reading, happy new year, and I hope to see you in the rewritten story.