Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and The Vampire Diaries

Ever since i was a child i knew that i was different. I have few memories of my mother and father telling me how beautiful and special i was and i remember loving every moment of it. When i was 2 ½ years old my mom gave birth to a healthy bouncing baby boy and introduced him to me as my younger brother named Harry.

"Iris meet your brother Harry."

My mom and dad announced when they got home from the hospital. I was busy lying down on the floor of my room painting in the picture book that they gave me for my birthday before standing up to take a look at the small bundle that she was holding in her arms with a big smile plastered on her face.


My dad laughed with happiness before picking me up and proceeded on to tickle me making me giggle.

"James enough." My mom said as she struggled not to laugh.

Our happiness was robbed on one halloween night when the boogeyman came and killed my parents with his wand. He then tried to kill my younger brother and failed leaving him with a mark, a mark that would one day unite magical witches and wizards in Magical Britain to rise up and fight against him leading to his downfall.

After finishing my NEWTs i was sent to live in a small boring town called Mystic Falls. To everybody who knew me, i was taking a few gap years but in reality i was in hiding from the Death Eaters and the big bad bogey man himself, Lord Voldemort. I wasn't exactly happy about this arrangement that Dumbledore and his Order enforced as a means of protecting me.

When our Godfather died in my Seventh year i was offered to join the Order of The Phoenix but i refused much to everyone's shock. I was powerful and they all knew that. I was sorted in Slytherin House because i was ambitious and cunning. I charmed, bribed and manipulated my way to the top and because of that i had the pleasure to be taught some of the magic not taught or otherwise banned at Hogwarts. Dumbledore knew that i was skilled at acquiring information using unorthodox means which the others would find to be repulsive.

My younger naive brother who had just finished Fifth Year demanded to know why i refused to join as this would have been an opportunity to siphon some of the important information and give it to him. I remember telling him flat out that they was no way Dumbledore would be that sloppy as to share vital information with me and i wasn't gonna join his following that abandoned us and Sirius in our greatest hour of need.

I didn't of course tell him the entire truth that i planned on visiting Grindelwald, the man he defeated in a duel. The information i managed to gather from him had been interesting.

…..Nurmengard Prison….

After paying the Prison Guards some galleons i was led up the stairs of a gigantic, towering building made of black rock and with high walls that could be described as jet black and a grim fortress. The cell that was being inhibited by Gellert Grindelwald was a dark ominous room in the highest tower, with a hard bed and a raggad, thin blanket.

I turned to look at the two guards

"Thank you, i will take it from here."

They stood to stare at Grindelwald with a certain level of distrust for a moment and then left.

"Hello Mr Grindelwald?"

Grindelwald who had been staring silently at blank wall turned slightly to observe his visitor. Iris observed that he was severely emaciated - a frail skeletal figure with a skull-like face, great sunken eyes, wrinkled cheeks, and most of his teeth were gone.

"To what do i owe the pleasure Mrs Potter?"

Iris wasn't really surprised that he knew her name being the sister of the infamous brother who survived the killing curse.

"I'm here because of my brother and the Dark Lord…."

She paused when the man laughed a little.

"Have you come to break me out so i can kill this modern age dak wizard and save your brother? Are you really that stupid?"

Iris took a single step forward. "You misunderstand me Mr Grindelwald, i didn't come to break you out and even if i wanted to, i doubt that i could actually succeed without triggering an alarm that would warn Dumbledore in advance and send him barreling over here. No."

Grindelwald stood up slowly and moved closer to the cell bars and stooped to stare down the girl who was a head shorter than him in the eyes.

"Then what do you want from me?"

"I need to know how Voldemort became to be immortal and why his mind is connected to my brother to the extent that he can dream about what he is doing. Dumbledore is a master of giving vague answers…."

"They are a few ways to be immortal that i am aware of as you well know if i believe. You don't strike me as a stupid person Mrs Potter but i really hate to have my time wasted."

Grindelwald was about to turn around only to stop when iris went on to speak hurriedly.

"Voldemort would never resort to turning into a vampire, he would consider it far beneath him and i highly doubt that he would have the time to waste his energy to try and create the sorcerer's stone. In my fourth year, a memory of his 16 year old that was preserved in a diary that possessed a young witch. It feasted on her soul and…"

"...As the girl grew weaker, the memory grew stronger. It left the diary manifested itself in the outside world as a sixteen year old boy didn't it?"

Iris was surprised by the appalled shock on his face before replying yes.

"I have committed unspeakable acts in my time before Dumbledore defeated me in that duel, but horcruxes..."

Iris raised a brow slightly at the last word that was spoken of with such hate.

"...it actually explains a lot when one thinks about it."

"What is a Horcrux, i never came across the term whilst reading…"

"Or i highly doubt you would with Dumbledore as the headmaster." Grindelwald replied before turning around and heading back to his bed.

Iris stared impatiently at the man as he sat down with a sigh.

"A Horcrux is an object in which a Dark wizard or witch has hidden a fragment of his or her soul for the purpose of attaining immortality."

Iris's eyes slowly widened in shock as her mouth dropped open at that revelation but grindelwald didn't stop there.

"It can only be created after committing murder, the supreme act of evil. The process for the creation of a Horcrux involves a spell and a horrific act is performed after the murder has been committed."

"How can there be destroyed?" Iris whispered when Gellert became silent.

"I believe you already know the answer to that, basilisk venom and fiendfyre…."

"That spell is dangerous to use and uncontrollable once cast…" Iris protested.

"Only by witches and wizards who lack the skill and power." He dismissed calmly.

It became silent again.

"So what other objects.." Iris closed her mouth and took a step back when Gellert gave her a dark look.

"Do i look like i know?! I have been holed up in here since 1945!" He spat before a curious expression replaced his fury.

"Your brother is a parselmouth right?"

Iris didn't understand why the conversation took on a different turn. "Yes he is, so is the Dark Lord's."

Grindelwald gave her a calculative look, "And did it ever occur to you how that could be possible?"

"I never really questioned it that time, but Dumbledore told my brother that he received some of Voldemort's powers the night he received the scar."

Gellert jumped quickly to his feet startling her before moving to stand and stare outside a small window bar.

He laughed a little before speaking, "this strangely reminds me of my past dealings with a boy named Credence Barebone. Dumbledore was half right but not entirely truthful."

Iris thought of what he meant.

"You mean to tell me that Harry is another horcrux? Parselmouth just like being a metamorphmagus is hereditary…"

"It can't be passed on yes, Dumbledore intends for Harry to offer himself as a sacrifice to Voldemort only after he has destroyed the other horcruxes, i'm sure of it."

No. Iris's heart began to thump loudly. He couldn't let his brother die.

"It's a diabolical plan but it is the only way. Only Voldemort can destroy the Horcrux lodged in his scar, no one else." Grindelwald concluded.

End of Prologue.