Author's Note: This scene takes place shortly before the Poisoned Chalice feast of the past two chapters. So, shortly before Arthur shows Merlin his dress robes.

Arthur stood just on his father's right-hand side, a step behind the throne as he watched the slow progress of nobles march forward. Bayard's treaty with Uther was no small feat, and the size of the gathering nobles proved just that.

For though the great hall was too small for everyone to partake in the signing ceremony and feast, the inner circle would dine inside and the lesser nobles would take their repast in banquet style tables in the courtyard by lantern light.

These lesser nobles were getting their introductions out of the way before Bayard's party arrived, with all the pomp and circumstance that would crowd them out of the way.

Arthur recognized all the usual suspects, and so was happy just musing over thoughts in his head. It crossed his mind that he hadn't moved his face in a while, and the voice of his old tutor floated across the Prince's memory at that moment; "That arrogant smirk you're wearing might get stuck if you don't move it."

Shaking off the memory of his mentor with a grimace of annoyance, Arthur opened his eyes to realize he was looking straight at a face he did not recognize. Or rather, it was not a face he recognized as one of the usual nobles, but it was a face he recognized. Underneath the dark brown hair cropped short and the now heavier features, ruddy from time in the sun, Arthur thought he saw...but it couldn't be. Could it? His old friend, Eoin, the closest friend he had ever truly had. Of course, before Arthur ruined it all, got them in trouble and Eoin and his father left the court to take up business at the kingdom in the south.

He looked much as Arthur remembered, dark thick eyebrows pointed down over very keen darting eyes, but the dark complexion was no doubt because his father, Lord Maynard ruled a great farming estate and often was out in the fields overseeing work. The son was preparing to replace the father.

The prince felt a jolt of excitement so keen that it surprised even himself. How old had he been, 12? Over ten years had passed, it should be just a faint memory. But Arthur felt strangely giddy, overjoyed even to see an old friend. He knew he couldn't have friends like a prince, but surely a childhood friend overcomes those barriers.

A few moments later and Eoin Maynard stepped forward, he bowed to King Uther, who extended a hand in greeting.

"Ah, the house of Maynard, we are happy to have you once again in the halls of Camelot," Uther said smoothly.

Arthur realized with a bit of embarrassment that his father was more addressing the royal crest on the young man's tunic, rather than the wearer itself. However, Eoin paid it no mind and bowed once more deeply.

"Thank you Sire, my father sends his regards, but an illness has made it impossible to attend, so I have come in his place."

This made Uther examine the man for the first time his slate-gray eyes flicking up from the crest on the tunic.

"Lord Maynard's eldest boy... ah, of course. Is this your first time at court? I cannot remember. We always welcome fine young men such as yourself here at Camelot."

Eoin's dark eyes flicked up momentarily to Arthur, signifying what...Arthur could not say. Did he recognize me? Arthur wondered to himself.

" It has been many years sir, it is my first time at the court since Manhood," Eoin replied with respect, not directly contradicting his liege-lord.

"Well you must speak with my son, Prince Arthur, more knights are always needed for the royal guard," Uther said bemusedly, waving him off to Arthur as the next royal lady approached the throne.

Eoin bowed, spun on his heel and marched to Arthur, who flushed when Eoin went to bow to him.

"My lord..." He said.

"Rise, Eoin, please," Arthur said congenially, but it pained him to realize that Eoin followed the instruction as an order, not as a friendly request. "It is good to see you."

"And I, you, your highness."

Arthur wished to grab his old friend by the forearms and shake him warmly but felt restrained close to his father and the whole watching court.

So he leaned over to the king. "Father, with your permission I am going to take Eoin Maynard to the practicing grounds to talk about the qualifications for knighthood."

A distracted reply and a nod were all Arthur needed to grab Eoin by the elbow and sweep him down the hall. They walked casually in the direction of the training grounds as they spoke.

"Arthur felt he was grinning like a hunting hound but he couldn't hide the absolute joy he felt in seeing his friend again.

"It is so good to see you, Eoin. It's been too long." Arthur said, grabbing his friend by the upper arm.

Eoin strangely did not seem very affected and gave a polite smile as they walked.

"It has been a long time. So many fond memories attached to this place...I am happy to see it again and see if they are accurate."

"So many years have passed, however; I never forgot what happened when we were boys. You cannot imagine how sorry I felt, how much I wished that I had stood up and claimed responsibility."

Eoin laughed lightly, and though he meant it in a comforting way, that sound cut through Arthur like a knife.

"I appreciate that sire, but we were boys. Friendships come and go as children, people drift apart. Surely, it happened more suddenly than most friendships end, but it was bound to happen anyway what with you being a prince and all...I've made new friends, I've had a good life. To be frank sire, I have fond memories of our childhood but till I saw you I had not thought of them these past five years. I don't regret anything, and you should feel no guilt. I know you have had new friendships as well, so there's no need to try to apologize or make it up to me." Eoin gently clapped the prince on the shoulder in a friendly but cold gesture.

The knife twisted deeper. Arthur's friendship to Eoin had not meant the same as his to Arthur's. What was worse, was that all of this was said in a kind and comforting manner, because he thought that the prince had made new friends and memories. Arthur had not forgotten. Could not forget the closest friend he had ever made, a bond that was more real in Arthur's imagination than it had ever been in real life. Arthur felt hollow and empty, his footfalls echoing in his chest as they walked.

Eoin caught the look on Arthur's face and frowned in worry.

"I do not mean to imply, sire, that I was not grieved to leave. I only mean that it is in the past."

Arthur grimaced and then forced a quick smile.

"Well, I know it. I only wished you to feel welcome. Ha, come I will show you that the fields we only played at martial combat have been refitted for training knights. Knights old enough to hold a sword."

Eoin nodded and smiled politely, and with that, they passed out into the courtyard where Arthur felt the old persona of the arrogant and brilliant young prince coming over him. It was easier to fake that than to hide the pain.

The longer they spent together the more Arthur wished for the visit to be cut short. It was too acute of pain, with every familiar look and expression that crossed Eoin's face he was filled with memories, but at every word that escaped his mouth, Arthur was also reminded that he was no longer the same person.

Eoin spoke of his wife and his young daughter with paternal warmth and subdued pride, something which Arthur could not relate to in any way. The young man spoke of his fields and his plans for crop rotations, none of which fascinated Arthur try as he might.

"Arthur!" The sharp and disrespectful address of his servant Merlin instantly brought Arthur to the present. "You told me to remind you of the preparations!"

"Very well! Would it kill you to come over here Merlin? You do not need to alert the whole castle!"

The little head shook indignantly as Arthur saw the tiny figure point his hands on his hips angrily.

"Well, you're shouting!"

"That's because I'm the Prince, Merlin!"

"It's because you're a prat!" Merlin shouted back then ducked back into the castle.

Arthur caught a grin spreading across his face at his servant's impudence, so he turned to face the sun and changed the smile to a squinting grimace. Merlin must not have seen Eoin, else he never would have behaved so out of line before others. Still, Arthur would have to get back at him for that...

"Who was that?"

He saw Eoin had been watching this whole exchange with a somewhat mysterious expression on his face.

"My servant, Merlin. He's an idiot but he saved my life, so I'm stuck with him." Arthur led Eoin back across the grounds to the archway.

"Truly?" Eoin asked critically, stealing glances at Arthur's face as they walked.


"I can understand giving him that station when he saved your life," Eoin pressed, "but even though he's proved such an inconvenience, you still have to keep him around?"

"Indeed," Here Arthur spun and shook his old friend's hand firmly. "Well, it was good to see you again Eoin. I must take my leave now. I hope to see you at the signing ceremony, if not, please be sure to ask for an audience before you return home."

"I will my lord," Eoin said with a bow.

The prince forced a frosty smile on his face and turned around and left.

Eoin watched his retreat with a small flicker of regret and realization, but it too was gone in an instant as he sought to go find his quarters.

Author's Note: I hope you all enjoyed this little interlude in the Poisoned Chalice. I swear it will have some bearing on the Poisoned Chalice storyline. See you all later!