Holy sh*t it's been longer than I thought since I last touched this story, my bad y'all. Honestly I wasn't expecting this story to get the amount of attention it has so thank you to everyone. Well without further waiting, enjoy my friends.
Uraraka was never the type of girl who paid much, if any attention to boys. She would just spend her time focusing on her academics or on how to control/strengthen her quirk. Due to her parents unfortunate financial situation she made it her dream to help them and become a hero.
She was still very determined to help her family, however there was something that had started to distract her from that goal. Well, more like someone.
And that someone was none other than her best friend Izuku Midoriya.
It had all started when she was trapped by rubble caused by a Zero Pointer at the entrance exam, when she saw him selflessly and fearlessly charged the mammoth robot and K.O'ed it with a single punch. After she saw him risk everything he had to save her she felt like it was only right for her to put her dreams on hold to help him achieve his. When Present Mic revealed to her that he would be attending U.A. she was ecstatic, and her joy only grew when she learned they would be in the same class as each other. Originally she was confused as to why she felt like she needed to learn more about him, chalking it up to wanting to pay him back for saving her the way he did. It was around the time of the Sports Festival, more specifically when the support class student Mei took an interest in Deku, she realized that she might like her friend as more than just a friend.
However reality set in when she talked to her female friends one night about her feeling and how they confused her that Mina spelt it out for her, she was in love with her best friend. Originally she intended to ignore these feelings, shoving them down as far as possible as to not distract either of them from their dream of becoming heroes. However ever since she saw him walk in after a morning run, muscles glistening with sweat, the feelings came back and hit her harder than one of All Might's Detroit smashes.
She knew that he was always above average in the muscle department, but when she saw how ripped he actually was it made her mouth water. But as much as she loves that memory, there's a dark part of it as well. And that is remembering how the other girls in the class stared at HER man (except maybe Tooru, she couldn't really tell) like he was a piece of fresh meat. Seeing that caused her jealousy to boil her blood, making her want to kiss him then and there to tell them all to back off. Though she secretly did thank Mina for taking those pictures and sending them to her.
Uraraka kept this thought process as she walked down the dorm halls until she accidentally bumped into someone, and it just so happened to be the emerald child of her thoughts.
"O-o-o-oh Uraraka-san," Izuku blushed slightly as he stuttered "s-s-sorry I, uh, wasn't looking at where I was going." He extended his hand out to her and she smiled gently taking it.
"No, no it's ok Deku-kun. I was kinda lost in thought anyways" she laughed slightly and the two started walking together making small talk every now and again. Uraraka couldn't help but smile with a soft blush as they walked when she realized her hand felt a bit warmer than usual. Looking down her blush grew seeing that neither of them had let go of the other's hand. She quickly turned her head to the side, her face a bright shade of red with a huge goofy smile on her face. She closed her eyes memorizing the feel and warmth coming from Izuku's hand for as long as she could.
When they reached the elevator Uraraka saw her chance to pull her hand away discreetly, even though she really didn't want to. When Izuku shifted to press the down button she leaned back, slipping her hand from his grip. Frowning slightly at the lack of warmth she covered her hand with her free one and smiled imagining it was still her Deku holding it.
After the doors opened and they stepped in Uraraka spoke up "so what plans do you have for today Deku-kun?"
"Ara? O-oh not much, A-All Might is gonna be teaching me a way to get b-better at sharp turns with Iida later t-today" Izuku smiled at her which caused her to smile back. She always loved it when the hero otaku talked about his idol or other heroes and the million-watt smile he always got from it. It made her happy knowing that he was just sharing what he knows and has learned over the years. He was also a big help thinking of new and interesting ways that everyone could use or improve their quirks and cover their weaknesses. Just the other day he had helped Sero perfect his "Spidey-Tape Swing" as he liked to call it, by helping Sero to measure out how much force would be needed to shoot his tape out at the right speed.
Overall everything about Deku had made her fall head over heels for him, which made the fact she might have to fight for his affection soon a bit scary for her. After stepping of the elevator Izuku noticed how Uraraka seemed to be having some thoughts that unnerved her and he couldn't help but ask "Uraraka-san, is everything ok? You seem down."
Uraraka initially flinched, being taken off guard by his sudden question. She should have known better than to let her worries occupy her mind when Deku was with her, seeing as he could read what people are thinking from the look on their face. So rather than confess her feelings then and there, and she decided to fudge the truth a bit "oh it's just. . ." She paused, looking down at her feet before taking a deep breath and looking the emerald child in the eye. "Deku-kun. . .I'm scared. I know that we're close right now but what about later on when we become pros? Your my best friend and I don't want that to end. . ." Izuku stayed silent listening to her and noticing a small tear started to form in her eye. Seeing it caused him to do something that normally never do because of his natural shyness.
Izuku reached out and hugged Uraraka as close to him and as tight as possible. Uraraka's eyes shot wide open in shock, never expecting the resident shy cinnamon bun to suddenly hug her. She didn't complain however and simply wrapped her arms around him, closing her eyes breathing in his unique musky scent of (funny enough) katsudon and pine. She pressed her face deeper into his muscular torso smiling happily before she realized that Izuku was starting to float upwards.
Looking up at the blushing nerd as he started to float above her she couldn't help but start to laugh. She must have accidentally pressed all her finger pads on him during their hug and was enjoying herself to notice. Smiling wide Izuku started to laugh with her as she kept him anchored to the ground.
Kirishima, who had been in the next room the whole time, smiled brightly at the two nerds. Walking over to the two as Uraraka helped Izuku get on his own two feet again Kirishima smiled wrapping his arms around the both of them and picking them both up in a tight "manly" hug.
"Hey no hug-fest without me you two!" He smiled widely as he laughed bringing smiles and laughs out of both the two nerds. Even though Kirishima had intruded on a rather intimate moment between the two, neither really minded it.
Smiling with his two friends Izuku felt happy, as happy as he could be. That is until he looked at the clock and his eyes widened. "O-O-Oh no! I-I'm gonna be late! Sorry K-Kirishima, Uraraka-san gotta r-run!" Activating his Full Cowl Izuku took off in a large burst of speed leaving the other two coughing at the slight amount of dust that had been kicked up.
Both Uraraka and Kirishima smiled in the direction the emerald child bolted off in, thinking about how driven their friend was to make it on top. Uraraka turned on her heels and started walking towards the kitchen, keeping her wide smile when Kirishima's voice stopped her.
"Oi, Uraraka!" Turning to the spiky redhead Uraraka raised an eyebrow as he gave her a shark toothed grin with a thumbs up. "I'm rooting for you. Go get your Deku!"
Blushing a bright red Uraraka could only smile back at the hardening quirk user and give him a thumbs up back. "Trust me Kirishima, I plan to!"
Ta-Da! Love it? Hate it? Let me know what you guys think and I promise that I won't dip out for another five months. Now then about the whole "Stoner Deku" thing, yes I am very aware that weed is highly illegal in Japan but for the sake of this story and plot reasons (that will be revealed later) weed is legal just heavily controlled by the government. Doing this heroes in training would have access to it but it is only provided to those whom have quirks that physically harm them (i.e. Kaminari and Izuku) and those who have mental health issues. Added to that those with said mental health issues must pass several lengthy steps in order to obtain both a marijuana and hero license and are watched more closely than other heroes.
Hope you all enjoyed and understand the explanation! Till next time Kings and Queens, Peace Out!