The Girl Who Leapt Through Time

Drabble fic inspired by one of my favorite anime, "The Girl Who Leapt Through Time," directed by Mamoru Hosoda.

"Time waits for no one."


If I would have known, I would have done everything today so differently. This morning, I wouldn't have overslept; this afternoon, I wouldn't have canceled my plans in favor of studying; This evening, I wouldn't have changed course last minute, deciding to take the bus across town to see him.

Because today was my last day. My very last, horrible day.

When I awoke this morning, I should have known.

A notification from my bank was what had saved me from being too late to class. I had been overdrawn—again—but soon, none of that was going to matter. Soon, nothing would matter. I had bolted out of bed and had scrabbled to get ready for my early morning British literature class I had been so keen on taking last semester. Mr. Black had been a wonderful teacher, admired by many, and I had been wanting to take his class since my first year of college. Edward, of course, had been jealous of him. Although, I had never understood why. His jealously had been perplexing. I hadn't been his, after all. If he liked me like that, I supposed I would never know. It was too late now—far too late.

However, from the moment I saw him, I had known he was it for me. His smile, his infectious laugh, and the way I had been able to see past his seriousness to the warmth inside of him had caused me to fall in love in the first place. Time ticked on, and that love had never seemed to be returned. Perhaps the timing had never been right. Despite being in the right time and in the right place, we seemed worlds apart.

College separated people in the strangest ways. One moment, they were your everything, and the next, they were barely there at all. Edward had seemed to evaporate into the scenery; he had only ever been there as a friend when I absolutely needed him. I had been too busy to question it. But now, I wish I had.

In this moment, as I flew through the air, I saw my many missed opportunities. There were so many things I wanted to take back—so many things I wanted to do differently.

Today, Edward had made plans with me and, being so focused on school, I had canceled them to study for midterms. Although he had been upset, Edward hadn't stopped me. For a fleeting moment this morning, I had allowed myself to dream. What if today was the day Edward wanted to take things a step further? Did I just miss out on something wonderful? I had thought to myself.

I had stayed at the library for two hours before I became too skittish to sit still. With Edward's face in my mind, I had gathered my things and planned on surprising him. I had known where he was—his usual spot at a café close by. I had planned on meeting him there but of course, the universe had something quite different in store for me.

I had rushed across town to meet him, traversing the blocks while I ignored the bite of the late October weather. I had found him sitting in his usual spot near the window. His face had been illuminated by the laptop in front of him. I had smiled, seeing he was alone. However, that smile wavered as an attractive girl came to join him with two cups of coffee in her hands. I had stilled, feeling shocked by the sight presented for me. Have I made him wait too long? Has he moved onto someone else? I stood there for a long time, thinking, before I had realized he was staring at me, too. His eyes had been wide, and his expression had been taut.

Flustered, I had turned on my heel to run for it. I had barely saw the headlights.

Now, as the pain in my body became numb, the shock of the impact overtaking me, I knew I had wasted so much time. Air whipped through my hair as I catapulted through the sky. I felt like I was flying. Air was beneath my feet and the autumn wind tickled my bloodied face. The pavement came into my view and I closed my eyes, bracing for impact.

This is it. This is my last moment on Earth.


I heard him scream my name. His voice, which was a usual monotone, was hysterical as he rushed toward me. Despite his efforts, nothing could save me now.

I was going to die.

Today was my last day.

As my legs hit the pavement, I smiled; relief washed over me. All of my worries, everything which plagued me evaporated into the crisp air. I opened my eyes one final time, only to be met with his. Emerald eyes were wide with shock as they watched my descent to the ground.

I mouthed his name before my eyes closed and my head hit the pavement.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed! Hopefully this drabble helps me break through my writer's block. :). Please review!