Waking up when you were completely certain you were dead is a very disconcerting feeling. Then coming to the realization that this is not your body and there are memories in your head that are not yours? Well, I can be excused for quickly descending into a full-on panic attack. Because yes it seems you have been reborn and are just now remembering your past life.
It was only after a good 20 minutes had passed that I had calmed down enough to notice that there was some very wrong with this…my…my body. Tsuna, my name is Sawada Tsunayoshi now. That's going to take a while to get used to. But it feels like there is something… missing. I can't figure out what it is. Frowning, I think back on my new memories trying to find the cause. The last thing I can remember is an old man poking my forehead and then nothing. I must have passed out after that. Whatever that old man did, Nono, my memories supply, he stole something from me and left only a freezing void in its place. I'll get it back, I need to. Hesitantly, I raise may hand and touch my sternum, a sigh of relief runs through me. The gems that prove the spirits I have contracts with are still there.
'Come forth and become the chains that bind us' I chant. 'Ruha'. A crimson red orb of light appears from the center of my chest and forms into a floating handsome man with long red hair.
'Rei' His face softens as he calls my name. 'This is quite the predicament you've gotten yourself into. Regardless, I'm happy to see you again'.
'It always seems to be me that gets wrapped up in this kind of thing. Do you know how this happened? What about the others?' I ask frantically.
He shakes his head 'I don't know how this happened. As for the others, the proof of your contracts are still there so you should be able to use their powers, but I am the only one that came with you.'
'I see' disappointment fills me 'I'll miss them. But, at least I still have you.' The other spirits I had contracts with, I'll never see them again. After everything we went through together, it leaves a lonely feeling. None, but the most powerful spirit, Ruha, was able to follow me. I look down at my hands dispasionatly. I feel the bed shift as Ruha sits down next to me.
'What do you plan to do?'
'I don't know.' I bring my legs to my chest. 'I never had a plan, or any dreams for that matter. I risked everything knowing I would die in the end. There was no after.'
'Your right.' He gently cards his hand through my hair. 'You never even got the chance to live, you were only surviving because you had no other choice. Maybe this is your opportunity. You still have your parents, even if your father has run off to who knows where. But you have people who love and care about you. Take advantage of that. You deserve it after everything.'
'It will take a while for me to accept that.'
'I know. I didn't expect you to accept it right away.'
'Let's save the rest of that conversation for a later time. Right now, what is most important is that there's something wrong with my body. The old man who was here earlier, he took something from me. I remembered everything when I woke up afterwards.'
He frowns, his hand stilling on my head. His golden eyes then glint with barely concealed fury as he's found what he was looking for. 'He sealed away your soul. That should have killed you.'
We sit there in salience letting that revelation sink in. Through the anger building in me I think about the last memories. I frown. 'I think it did. The more and more I think about this, the less it seems that I was reincarnated. It's more like I,'
'Took over' he finishes. 'It's possible. It could explain why you are here. Tsuna died and the world needed to find a replacement.'
'And I just happened to win the lottery I guess.'
'More than that. Your souls were similar enough that his body isn't rejecting your soul. This also means that he's important. He can't just not be present in this world.'
'So I took his place.' I sigh 'Wonderful.' I pause to think. 'What if you remove the seal? Would that bring him back? Can you remove the seal?'
'The seals, not the issue I can remove that no problem. But, he's not coming back. Once you took over, he was by all rights dead. And even I can't bring back the dead.'
'That's…' I trail off. I can't even find the words. Some old man he had only met for the first time kills him. 'His luck is right up there with mine.' I chuckle humorlessly.
'It's sad I can't deny that.' His hand is moving through my hair again.
'He didn't deserve this.'
'No, neither of you did.' He agrees.
'Ruha' I start looking at him for the first time since we started this conversation.'
'I decided what I want to do from now on.' He looks at me intently, waiting for my answer. 'I'll live for him. I'll give him a life that he won't have any regrets from. No matter what the world planned for this boy, I'll make sure he has a happy life.' Determination fills me. Tsuna deserves at least this, and I can give it to him. I think that I can be happy this way to. Arms slowly wrap around me and I briefly tense up before relaxing. Even now, I dislike people touching me like this.
'While I would prefer that you live for yourself, I understand that this is what your like.' He chuckles. 'I hope that you can find your own happiness eventually. What would you like me to call you now?'
'Rei, my name may be Tsunayoshi now, but I want at least you to remember my name.'
'Ok, I'll remove the seal now. You will probably pass out afterwards.' He pulls me back from his embrace and I nod. 'close your eyes.' I follow his instruction. I can feel his hand travel to right over my heart. And suddenly something inside me breaks, my eyes snap open and everything is covered in a brilliant orange fire. That cold, freezing void is finally filled. And the last thing I see before collapsing into Ruha's arms is his shocked expression.