
I do not own any rights to RWBY nor do I have any affiliation with RoosterTeeth or it's related entities.


So this is a sort of preamble to what is going on with this story. It is being revised.

- Chapters will be rewritten one at a time so revised chapters will not synch with original chapters. So please bear with me while I work through the existing chapters.

- Any cannon events used will not be full written out, only the portions I am making changes to, if any will be fleshed out.

- This will allow me to hopefully address spelling, grammar and word choice issues that have been popping up through out my writing.

- It will also give an opportunity add more depth to the characters, their backstories and motivations.

- The changes should close up some plot holes and remove the ambiguity of some events to allow the reader to enjoy instead of having to fill in holes.

- Finally it will allow the cannon of my world to get further fleshed out.

As always I wish to thank everyone who is leaving me feedback, and those who are following this story. I hope the adjustments are worth your continued support

A side note to this preamble; I want Jaune to become powerful eventually. So he needs slower progression. The plan is also to show more of the supernatural and him out thinking his enemies more so then just straight up over powering them. I also want a cost to him using abilities, be it advance preparation of implements, or him taking a hit to himself physically for accessing an ability.

As for the pairing it will stand, but much like Jaune's growth it has be much slower. Just being thrust together is not enough, Neo has motives, as does Jaune. Those motives will clash, and trust will need to be earned.

I am also going to limit the OCs. Jaune's family for the most part is unknown as characters. I feel really that for what I intend in this story any OC should be a being from the Astral/Ethereal or similar plan. They should be guideposts or obstacles for my protagonists, not just filler, which was what I was using them as.

All in all if what I have in my head is able to translate to written word I hope the story will be much more engaging and deeper then the mishmash I have already presented.