A/N: So I know I was all like 'not gonna start til January', but I failed. And I apologize. If you haven't read Power is Control... you're gonna be lost here. Big thanks to everyone who has stuck with me til now, and may I present: Gaining Power.
Chapter 1
"I am sorry to say that it would seem that Mr. Potter has left us."
Albus Dumbledore was seated inside the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix. The entire room was full so much so that the door was ajar and even people outside were listening closely to the headmaster's words.
"Does that mean You-know-who has him Albus? Is she going to kill him?"
Molly Weasley was incapable of holding back her worry. An unfortunate side effect of having seven children means one has more of said emotion than others.
"I am reasonably confident that Harry's physical well being will be more than adequately provided for in Lord Voldemort's care. It would seem that the two of them are, romantically involved."
Dumbledore expected shouts of indignation, but his statement was met with shocked silence. Molly wasn't one to take such a harsh truth so easily, however, and pressed onward.
"So, it's a love potion, or possibly a compulsion charm?"
"I understand it's a difficult thing to take in, but the truth is that whatever they hold between one another is completely consensual.. Harry is without a doubt in love with Voldemort and if he is to be believed, and might I add, that I do believe him, she feels the same way for him."
"Albus, that's preposterous. There is no way that Harry loves her. The woman killed his parents. Tried to kill him in his first AND second year at Hogwarts. There's just no way something like that could grow between them, it's impossible." Sirius voiced his own disbelief.
Albus remained quiet as the man gave his short rant. With a sigh, "I spoke to Harry about the issue at length before he fled the school with Voldemort. Their relationship has been going on for months. There is no way to coerce a relationship, through muggle or magical means, for that length of time without some obvious signs. Signs we would have picked up on."
The griseled voice of Alastor Moody silenced the muttering. "What we need to really think about is what our next step is. Voldemort has her claws in Harry bloody Potter, and if he is smitten with her, that means she can control him. Worst case scenario we'll be facing two dark lords, instead of one. And that scenario sounds like a bigger shit show than we have ever had to deal with."
The muttering resumed with an even greater intensity after Moody was done. Would Harry Potter now oppose them? Would he be a public enemy, aiding Voldemort in her effort to suppress muggleborns and push her own agenda forward?
"Everyone remain calm."
Albus allowed his voice to raise, quickly gaining the other's attention. "As I have said, Mr. Potter and I did discuss his relationship. He mentioned more than one instance where he completely opposed Emily's plans and ideas and told me that if it weren't for the oath he had been forced to make to her to keep her secrets he would have informed me of her ruse. I feel that Harry has no interest in championing her cause. Rather I feel as though he wishes to tame her."
"Tame her? Doing a good job isn't he. Bitch took off half of McGonogall's face, Flitwick is still in St. Mungo's and last we heard, Snape's missing half the organs in his upper body." Mundungous Fletcher had not participated in the final confrontation, but that didn't mean he wasn't aware of what transpired. Fortunately for him, Dumbledore had been able to retrieve his wand and possessions so he wasn't too put out about the event.
"Perhaps tame is a poor choice of wording. He wants to prevent the worst outcomes she is capable of bringing about. He seeks to protect the things she is willing to destroy. And a part of me believes he will succeed."
"Please don't tell me you are suggesting we do nothing, Albus? He's out there with that psychopath, we have to bring him home." Molly rejoined the fight, but once again the old headmaster overruled her.
"I have no clue as to their location, Molly. I would surmise that Voldemort would stay in the country as this is where her support base is. But that also gives her a good reason to flee to the continent, knowing we would focus our efforts here."
Arthur cleared his throat gently. "I believe what my wife is asking for is what we are going to do about the situation as a whole. Not just the idea of getting Harry back as soon as possible, but all of our efforts in regards to him and his... relationship."
"I have already taken all necessary steps I can in regards to his protection at the present. While those steps weren't many in number, they do ease my mind somewhat. What comes next is up for debate. I believe they will remain in Britain, as she will wish to continue her previous crusade against the muggles."
Dumbledore heaved a sigh, before continuing to a part of the conversation he didn't wish to speak of. "I made an attempt to sever the relationship between the two. Or rather, I was going to. It was my intention to place a memory charm on Harry, removing his memories of Emily in their relationship and replacing her with someone else. Someone who left him, though on good terms."
"Why not just remove the relationship all together?"
"His emotions were too strong. Had I removed the entire relationship, he would have been left a shell of himself. Imagine feeling such a powerful love, an intense longing for someone, but not knowing who or even what it could be. Best case scenario would have been a severe case of depression, the worst case being things I do not even wish to think of."
"Is that still the plan then? Get him back, and addle his noggin."
Moody's wording spared no ones feelings, though no one voiced any misgivings.
"I fear that approach is better left as a failed attempt. In trying that option I pushed Harry far away from us. Practically forced him into Voldemort's arms. He will likely now fear any contact from us as a way to continue my previous intentions. Something I have also taken steps towards mending, though I can not know how well they will be received."
Dumbledore took a deep breath, before steering the conversation through the rest of his plans. "Arthur, now that the ministry is aware of Voldemort's return, I want you to pressure your office into looking into the homes of Death Eater's for 'dangerously misused muggle artifacts'. We need to find where they have hidden away. Our main objective now is to reestablish a peaceful contact with Harry, along with thwarting Voldemort's agenda. I want you and your family to be the ones to reforge that connection with Harry. Harry left your son, and Ms. Granger ways to contact him, and I feel that if there is anyone Harry feels he may be able to trust, it's his friends, your family, and Sirius. Instruct your son to do whatever he must to ensure Harry is aware that he is on Harry's side, even if that means young Ronald must keep Harry's secrets from us."
Arthur didn't look too comfortable with the idea, but nodded his consent. Albus couldn't blame the man, considering Harry's current company. He had already spoken with the Granger family in regards to communicating with Harry, so Albus felt as though he had covered as many bases as he was able to.
The meeting continued with little fanfare. Death Eater activity had spiked with the attack on the ministry before immediately calming, though Dumbledore was already aware that the attack on the small muggle town was merely a diversion, so it was not discussed in depth. He concluded the meeting with a weary farewell, and left for Hogwarts. Things were about to escalate, he knew, but he did not know how.
It was the sunlight that woke Harry Potter from his sleep. It was brighter here than it was in Britain. He blinked his eyes slowly, allowing them to adjust to the light. Taking a deep breath he pulled himself softly from the bed, unwilling to awaken its other occupant. She needed the rest. Standing in the modest room, Harry looked down at Emily's face, which was the only part of her exposed, the rest being covered by linens and bandages. The sores on her face had faded to jagged pink scar tissue, and though Emily had told him they would heal fully in a day, the sight still pained him. She had gotten injured for his sake after all, he couldn't escape the guilt.
Gently tilting his head to her face, he gently ran his lips across one of her injuries, before whispering, "I'll be right back." She slept soundly through his words, but the need he had felt to say them could not have been ignored. Silently making his way through their rented rooms, he opened the door and walked downstairs to the inn's entrance. While Emily may have been capable of going without basic necessities, he still got hungry. He dreaded the difficulty he was going to face in having to get a meal in a foreign country, whose language he didn't know, but he would have to make do.
The night before, Harry had summoned three muggle's wallets. The first had been almost useless, but he took the small amount of francs and used the gemino charm to duplicate them. When Emily had told him this charm, she had expressly told him it was very unwise to use the spell on currency, muggle or magical. The charm would backfire terribly if used on galleons, sickles and knuts, and Gringotts had similar charms placed on all muggle currency that went through their hands. The spell worked fine, and Harry rushed after the man, telling the man he had dropped his wallet. The man gave him an odd look, before thanking him, or at least, Harry assumed it was thanks, before leaving. Two more wallets followed, and Harry's luck kicked in with the third attempt. After copying the billfold's contents and once again returning the item to its owner, Harry went back to the bench he had set Emily. Offering her his arm, he helped her make her way to the nearest inn.
Harry found that he didn't have to worry too terribly about the language barrier. He went to a small store and picked up a handful of snacks and cans of food, before making his way to the cashier. The elderly man greeted him politely, and Harry returned the phrase as well as he could, though the old man did give a small laugh, probably for his terrible accent. When the transaction was over, the old man spoke in English. "Have a great day." Harry gave the man a smile and a wave, and made his way back to Emily.
The two of them had stumbled into the inn the night before and Harry was certain he would have to imperius someone to get a room. As far as he was concerned, the best case would be that the two of them might be considered completely smashed. Though if someone got a look underneath Emily's hood and saw the condition of her body, he'd probably spend the night in a jail cell, since he wouldn't be able to communicate well enough to make up some explanation.
He should have been more aware that Emily was always prepared. She pushed away from him and made her way to the front desk. She had begun speaking in hurried French to the young lady behind the desk, though she kept her hood low. After a moment, she motioned for him to approach and when he did, Emily told him to pull out six hundred francs and hand the notes to the woman. Harry did so and was relieved when they were handed a key and immediately were left to their own devices.
Once again in their rooms, Harry breathed a sigh of relief. This trip had excited him in the past, but he knew he was out of his depth with Emily out of commission. He had food and water now, though so all he had to do was wait for her to recuperate. He had just sat down in a small chair by the window when he heard a sharp crack in the bedroom where Emily was sleeping. The sound of apparition. Harry was instantly on alert, grabbing the first weapon he could, which turned out to be a plastic vase. Not the best item, but he figured it could intercept a curse while he dove at whoever had come to either retrieve him or hurt Emily. Though, what if it was one of her Death Eaters? How much did Emily tell her followers? What would he do if Sirius' crazy cousin was in the next room? These thoughts all rushed through his head as he was opening the door and peering inside the room. He saw no one. Pulling the door wide open in one swift motion, Harry scampered across the floor, staying low, hoping that whoever was there had their wand aimed chest high. His gaze tore across the left side of the room and then went to the right, before the sight of a house elf shocked him so badly he kept moving straight into the metal bed frame with a loud thud.
"Is Harry Potter sir, okay? Does he need a healer? Oh, Dobby is a bad house elf for scaring Mr. Harry Potter like that."
Gently rubbing the already forming knot on his forehead, Harry pulled himself up, the relief making its way to his head just as quickly as the pain. Though he had a very short list of people he felt he could trust, he counted Dobby among them, despite the fact he was employed directly under the headmaster.
"I'm fine Dobby. Why on earth are you here though?"
"Dobby is on a mission from Headmaster Dumbledore, sir. Dobby is to give you this."
Though the elf's words did make Harry question his previous trust, he had to let Dobby know that he wasn't leaving. Harry wasn't too sure what the limit was on house elf magic, but he knew they were powerful little beings.
"Dobby, I'm not leaving. I need to stay here. Whatever Dumbledore told you, he doesn't understand that I am needed here. I can't go home."
The elf's floppy ears made sharp, slapping sounds as they hit Dobby's head when the elf nodded furiously. "Yes, Dobby knows you have to take care of Emily Riddle. The headmaster told Dobby. He said you be needing this." With another sharp crack, a familiar trunk now stood between him and the elf. "These are all of Harry Potter's things. All of them. And the headmaster wrote you a letter too."
The elf held out his hand to show Harry a folded piece of parchment, which Harry could only stare at dubiously. Harry shook his head to clear his thoughts. Had Dumbledore wanted to portkey him away, then Dobby would have slapped him with that letter by now. Or maybe he wouldn't, maybe Dumbledore didn't know if Dobby would side with him over Harry. In that case, it really could be a trap.
"Is it safe?"
As though Dobby knew just what Harry was worried about, he nodded again, "Completely free of any magic, Dobby promises."
Harry finally relaxed. While Dobby was an odd house elf, he knew that Dobby wouldn't lie to him. Pulling the parchment of of the elf's hands, he unfolded the letter and began to read.
Dear Harry,
Let me begin this letter as it should, with an apology. I am sorry for attempting to take away your memories last night of Voldemort, or as I am sure you know her, Emily Riddle. You must understand Harry, I only want to keep you safe, and that safety will always be questionable in her company. I hope you can see the reasons behind my actions and at the very least accept, that what I was trying to do, those actions came from the right place. Still, the woman you love is as formidable as ever and has managed to pull you away from us. This has caused all of us a great deal of worry. Harry, you know what she is capable of. You know of the terrible things she can do, and while I think you're an incredible young man for wanting to make her a better person, I think if you look deep down into your heart, you will know that Emily Riddle is incapable of change.
I realize now that you and I are doing the same thing, trying to put an end to the blood shed that Emily has brought upon us. We are simply taking different paths to that goal. I want you to know Harry, that I will not interfere with your relationship with Emily Riddle in that manner that I attempted to do so before, but I have no intention of letting her continue her plans as she sees fit. The Order's primary goal remains the same, stopping Lord Voldemort. We have simply added the second primary goal, though no less important, of keeping you safe.
Come home, Harry. Please. I know you've said she can be a better person with you, but we need you here. I'm sure your answer to my plea is negative, but I felt the need to make it anyway.
If you are certain you wish to continue down the unknown road that is before you, I have instructed Dobby to give you all of your belongings. You'll find your father's cloak, your wand, and even your Gringott's vault key inside your school trunk. I wouldn't be a very good educator if I failed to prepare my students for the challenges they face in life, and you are not an exception. Be careful Harry. I know that Emily will keep you safe physically, but I worry what an extended amount of time in her exclusive company will do to you, emotionally and mentally. Stay strong, and don't lose sight of our goal.
Albus Dumbledore
Harry sat down on the floor he had just been rolling around in pain on, and placed his head against his trunk. Dumbledore was sorry, huh? Harry could believe that. It was easy enough, after all. Really, what had he expected his headmaster to do, let him traipse across the world with a dark lord who killed and tortured because she found it entertaining? Just trust the word of a fifteen year old that she would listen to him. Perhaps Dumbledore could've tried locking him up, that way he wouldn't have been able to join her. Forgiving the headmaster was simple, because Harry couldn't have thought of any other way for Dumbledore to have handled that situation.
And what exactly did Dumbledore mean when he said the Order was still going to stop Emily? Surely the man knew Harry would defend her as well as he was able. Why couldn't the old man just back off and let Harry try things his way? Giving an almost silent laugh, he once again reminded himself, how could possibly the greatest wizard in the world leave possibly the most powerful dark lord in the world in a teenager's hands. He couldn't, Emily was never just Harry's problem after all, she was his entire nation's problem. Harry knew he was young and naive, but now he knew he had to start leaving that part of himself in the past. He needed to look at the bigger picture, not just what he could perceive around him. He would have to raise himself to Emily and Professor Dumbledore's strategic level if he wanted to be a major player in this war.
Pulling himself to his feet, Harry placed Emily's wand next to her, on the bedside table. Returning to his trunk, he opened it and found that his own wand was laying neatly on top of his invisibility cloak, which was placed on top of everything else. Picking up his wand, he reveled in the way his magic reacted to its old partner. He had been very dismayed when he had thought he may never hold his wand again. The feeling only grew each and every time he cast a spell with Emily's wand. Though her wand responded well to him, even feeling similar to his own, it just wasn't the same. Hearing the sound of apparation again, he knew he was once again alone with Emily, Dobby either deciding to leave them alone, or having been called elsewhere.
"Where, pray tell, did you stick your trunk while we made our way here, Harry?"
He turned around quickly, smile spreading across his face, to find Emily looking at him groggily from the foot of the bed. It was a first for him, really. Other than today and the day before, he doubted he had ever seen her in such a state of disarray, including after hours of sex. Things had simply been to hectic lately for him to have taken note of it. Even on the night of her rebirth she had presented herself as an imposing, if completely naked, figure. Now, however, she looked every bit of the tired young woman that her appearance would lead one to believe.
"Wish I could wow you with something crazy, but Dobby just dropped it off."
"Ah, your little friend. Already have him running errands for you then?"
Harry wasn't sure how he wanted to handle this line of questioning. Should he tell her the truth, that
his trunk was a sort of peace offering to him from Dumbledore? He knew she would hate that. She was all for driving a wedge between himself and the headmaster. She had not even tried to hide her preference towards that outcome. To conceal the headmaster's attempt of reconciliation would be more advantageous to him in the long run, an ally she would not expect him to have if something drastic came up between them. But he didn't want to play those games with her anymore. He wanted them both to work together to overcome the things that were in their way, and not necessarily through brute force alone.
"Professor Dumbledore actually sent Dobby with them. He also apologized for trying to tamper with my memories. Said it was the best case scenario he had at the time."
"Oh please, is there ever a situation where one can ever justify that action?"
Harry couldn't help but stare at his girlfriend. "Pot meet kettle much?"
"The situations were different. I always had every intention of restoring you memories Harry. I doubt that man would have done the same."
"You would've restored them when it suited you. It would have had nothing to do with me, outside of your own manipulations."
"Still means I would've fixed them. You and I both know he would've wiped you clean, then try and replace me with either that ginger whore or your best friend. Not that either of them could even hope to love you like I do."
"I doubt anyone could love me like you, Emily. Why do you think I'm here with you now? Its not just because I make what are possibly the worst decisions available. I also am, slightly, emotionally invested in you."
She rolled her eyes at him, before her gaze turned heated. "I'm feeling much better, and I'd really love to see what else you might want to 'invest' in me." She reached her hand to his shirt, bunching it into her fist at the collar, and pulled him onto the bed where they shared a passionate kiss.
She pulled away from him, lying her body down onto the bed, beckoning him with a finger. "Viens à moi, belle étoile. Je te veux."* Harry had absolutely no clue what she had said to him, but he didn't need to know what the words were to know what she wanted. Crawling on top of her body, he finally started to enjoy his first visit in a foreign country.
Lucius Malfoy made his way through one of his sister in law's many discreet residences. Bellatrix and her husband, Rodolphous, had taken refuge here after the break out at Azkaban. While the property was quite large, the years of inattention had left it in an almost intolerable condition. Still, it served its purpose well enough. The Dark Lord had relayed quite the detailed list of instructions to him and he was informing all of her followers of the plans she had laid. Though she would not return to them for quite some time, she had made certain her presence would not be forgotten.
* Come to me, beautiful star. I desire you.
A/N: While I do speak some french, don't expect much from me. In every country they go to, I plan on having Emily toss Harry a foreign one liner or something. Something romantic. This one won't be updated as fast as the last one btw. I'm still 'waist' deep in the busy season of work, but I will crank out what I can. Once again, I have a vague sense of where we are going, but we all know how that turned out last time, ya know. So lets just let them evolve as they deem fit and enjoy the ride.