Story: My Big Fat Egyptian Wedding

Author: SweetMisery1

Rating: PG-13

Chapter: Misfortunate children of no fault

SM: The only thing I love about exam week is no classes. I finished typing this Please review

The sun was stationed high over-head, beating down upon the royal duo in the alleyway of the market. Yami, astonished that anyone so young would need to steal to survive, began making his way back to the market place with his guardian close behind. Now, not distracted with a chase, the young prince took note of the state of the city streets. Rats were in no short supply, beggars sat in rags that barley kept them decent, and children scurried everywhere. The children were fighting over scraps of food, playing in dirt, crying, and the older children tried to comfort the hunger driven little ones.

White, there, in the corner. Yami made a double take and sure enough the boy he met earlier was stashing what he stole before in an empty, broken-down house and passed another poverish boy. As he came to the boy, he 'accidentally' let a piece of his steal drop into the boy's lap, and when on his way.

I guess there is some good in him Yami thought as he witnessed the charitable act and continued on him way.

The two appeared at the market minutes later and disappeared into the congested crowd.

The rest of the day was filled with excitement as the prince took in the sight of the beautiful objects the merchants were selling, his over-protective monster close at hand. All was peaceful until he turned to his magician.

"DK, don't you think-" the prince said, as he turned around. He saw nothing but the dirt on the ground, and the sea of people. "DK?" he called. "DK, DK!" he cries became more and more frantic, as he called his monster's false name.

He turned back to the stall he was viewing, and came face to face with a group of grungy looking boys with sinister smiles and daggers in their hands.

"Well, well, seems this boy has lost his monster. Maybe we should help him out, and escort him to a safer place."

Course rope was felt on his wrists as he was 'handcuffed' and roughly shoved out of the safety of the crowd and into another eerie alleyway. As they rounded the corner of a narrow corridor, a tied, blindfolded, and gagged Dark Magician was spotted and seemed to be unharmed.

"DK-" Yami called, but was none-to-gently kicked in the ribs and shoved next to the purple robed monster.

"Sit down and shut-up," one of the boys said. The boy was tall, had spiky hair that unique violet eyes that were an open vortex to the owner's emotions. "You people think you are so much better, going around in your fancy clothes and jewels, not even giving a shit about us." He spat at them, and stamped into the group of boys behind him.

"Marik, calm down," one of them said to the blonde boy. This boy was said to the blond boy. This boy was much taller then the blond one who's name seemed to be Marik. This boy looked about mid-twenties, his head was shaved bald, all except a small patch that hung down in a long ponytail and tied with a leather strip. He had Egyptian markings on one side of his face. "Go get the boss," he said to yet another boy. The boy only nodded, and dashed out of the alley.

Marik stalked back to his captives, and smacked Yami in the head. "Its due time that those higher up gave a shit about us," he began. "I know what goes on in the palace, those pompous fools only strut around and do nothing that they don't receive a benefit in return. Heck! I used to be part of the big scam." Marik paced in from of the incognito royalty. His eyes were like a storm just brewing with hate and anger. "That's right, I was to be a priest, but as soon as I was initiated, that son of a bitch, Shabaka, threw me out for healing his goddamn child." Marik was turning red from anger. He ripped his shirt off and continued screaming, "I gave them my body, mind, and soul. What did they give me in return? To be cast out on the streets for a good deed, and my future given to Set. That's what I get." Yami huddled closer to his monster, as he looked at his past healer. He decided it was best to keep quiet about his true identity. "Maybe killing a noble is what someone needs to do to have their voice be heard," he continued, pulling out a dagger and pressing it to Yami's neck.

"Stop Marik," said a voice in the crowd of poor boys. The faceless voice stepped out, and it was the boy from the chase earlier.

"Why should I? He doesn't give a shit about us, just like all the rest of them," Marik said, pressing the dagger even closer to the prince's neck, still not drawing blood.

"Who says?" Bakura asked, his voice relaying that he had more to say. At that comment, Marik slowly took the dagger away from Yami's neck.

"Go on." Marik instructed, giving his full attention.

"He helped me." Bakura simply said.

"You're lying." Marik stated.

"No, he paid the merchants to stop tailing me." Bakura countered.

"Impossible. The gods must be playing with you." Marik said.

"Then they must be tricking us all," another voice stated, "No one was chased past the mouth of the alley when they stole from that merchant after Bakura returned today." At that comment, many voices began to concur.

Marik turned to his captives, "And why would you wish to pity us?" He undid the gag on Yami.

"Why not," he replied, "you have done nothing wrong in this life but steal for your own survival. It is about time someone shed a coin of pity on your behalf." Marik looked thoughtful.

"Give me one good reason to let you go," he finally said.

"Because just like you have done nothing to live the life you have, I have done nothing to sin against you except to be born a noble," the prince answered wisely, still not giving away just how noble he was.

With only a few moments hesitation, Marik cut the ropes, and set the two free. Both nobles stood, and looked to the sky; during their captivity, the son had slowly set. Now there were only a few rays of light left before dark.

"Do you have a place to stay?" Bakura asked as he saw the slightly concerned faces of the freeded captives.

"No," the Dark Magician answered. "We cannot go anywhere for we areā€¦not to be found."

"Ah," Bakura mused, "Then you shall stay with us. It is the least we can do for you generosity and patience" He offered, glaring at Marik

The magician thought it over for a minute, before accepting the offer. They followed the band of thieves to a run down shack, and entered.


A figure stood in front of a large crowd of darkly clothed men.

With his crimson eyes shining, he said, "We ride tonight!" The crowed got on their horses and rode into the night