The grave is small, almost unnoticeable if you're not actively looking for it. A vase - probably not bigger than Jane's hand - stands at the side of the path, holding a single white flower.

"Here," Maura's voice is soft. She points towards the gray stone, letting go of her wife's hand. "This is hers."

Jane inhales shakily, inhaling a cold December air before turning towards the small stone.

Ryleigh Davis, 29
"Remember me with smiles and laughter
for that is how I will remember you all
if you can only remember me with tears
don't remember me at all."

The brunette doesn't want to cry. She doesn't want this woman, now buried in the ground beneath her feet, to still have an effect on her after so many years. Right before the shooting, Jane thought she was finally over it. Ryleigh hadn't crossed her mind in months, finally, ten years after they parted ways.

Tears are now streaming steadily down her cheeks, but she doesn't make a sound. That is, until a gentle arm wraps around her waist, offering silent support.

The first sob startles the both of them, and Jane immediately covers her mouth with her hand.

Maura squeezes her wife's side, but doesn't speak. This is not the time and place, she knows. She feels Jane take another breath.

"I'm sorry," the brunette's voice is constricted with tears. "I'm sorry, Ry. It wasn't supposed to end like this."

Maura doesn't say it's not Jane's fault. Her wife knows by now, although she still doesn't fully believe it. But at least she knows.

"I thought for a long time that it was my fault you left. My fault you started dealing, way back in high school. But we both know it wasn't."

The blonde closes her eyes, shivering at the incredible sadness radiating from Jane's body. Realizing this is the only time Jane will let herself go, knowing there's no one around but Maura, and that they have all the time in the world. If Jane wants to stay right here for the rest of the day, Maura won't complain.

"I just wish I could've been there for you," Jane catches herself, "that you would've let me be there for you. It was just a stupid fight between the two of us. The way best friends have those." She trails off, staring at the four lines of text on the gravestone, unable to continue.

Maura does it for her. Because there's still more to say.

"I've always liked you, Ryleigh. You, Frost and Jane were the first people I got to know at Fenway. Even now, after the shootout, I don't blame you. You kept my wife safe, you didn't hurt her. I don't blame you for anything." Maybe her response is a little bit for Jane as well. The brunette sucks in a breath, and Maura falls silent immediately.

"You know I don't believe in ghosts, Ry, but I know you're out there somewhere," Jane whispers, pausing like she's waiting for an answer that will never come. "I'm not gonna cry over you anymore," she adds, straightening her back and wiping the tears from her cheek. "It's not going to change anything. Forgive me, Ryleigh, and I hope you're happy now. Wherever you are."

Jane kneels down and puts her hand on the ground, as if trying to connect with the spirit of her best friend. Maura lets her and waits, one supporting hand on her wife's shoulder.

Eventually, the brunette gets back up and looks at the grave one more time before turning to face her wife.

Maura pulls her into a hug, tight and warm and everything they both need. She feels Jane slip her hands underneath her winter coat and onto the skin of her back.

"I love you. I love you so much," she whispers into the brunette's ear, tightening her hold when her wife is about to pull back. "Tell me. Don't hide it," she adds firmly.

Jane shivers slightly. "Thank you for bringing me. I needed this."

Maura smiles. She knows.



Angela meets them at the front door when they get home. If she notices Jane's red rimmed eyes, she doesn't say anything about it.

They've just made up, they're not really fighting anymore. Angela isn't about to lose her daughter again to something stupid as red eyes from crying.

"Hey Jane, I was wondering if-"

The brunette puts her hand up immediately, stepping aside to let Maura pass, and meets her mother's eyes.

"One second, Ma," she shrugs out of her coat. "Where's Jonas?"

"In the living room," Angela answers. "We were playing a game. He made a drawing too. It was really good, Jane, and I didn't say anything to him you wouldn't have wanted me to say."

The brunette smiles shortly, not sure how to answer. She wants to see her son first. Angela follows her into the living room, where they find Maura hovering over Jonas' most recent creation. It's a drawing of the three of them, Jonas in the middle, and nearly the same as the past five drawings he's made.

"He's wonderful," Angela says, reaching out for her daughter but not actually touching her. Once Jane is satisfied, knowing that Jonas is fine and Maura's right there with him, she turns to her mother. "Thank you, Ma. For staying with him." For not betraying my trust.

Angela smiles, looking away. She doesn't quite know what to say, until she thinks of something. "Oh, Jane," she meets the brunette's gaze, "I've thought about something. I want to take the three of you somewhere, with Constance too if you'll allow it. I haven't discussed it with her, because I wanted to ask you first. Somewhere in the beginning of January, I was thinking, maybe the seventh? Are you free then?"

The brunette feels in her pocket for her phone. "What day is that?"

"A Saturday."

Jane nods, looking up at her wife. "I think that's alright. Maur, do we have anything planned on January 7th?"

Maura tilts her head, waiting for her wife to remember, although she's pretty sure Jane has already forgotten with everything that has happened in between.

"Uhh," Jane hesitates. "Judging by the look she's giving me, I think I'm forgetting something."

Angela scoffs. "I'm hoping it's not some kind of date or anniversary."

"It might be, in a way," Maura thinks. "Depends on how you see it. The soccer game, Jane?"

Jane's mouth falls open. She immediately knows what her wife is referring to, and she has to admit that she's completely forgotten. They were going to see her old soccer team from Fenway High on January 7th, and she wanted to invite Audrey (something she still hasn't done).

"Fu-shit. No, darn it," she shoots a look at Jonas, but he hasn't heard, still too focused on his task. "I haven't invited Audrey yet. There's no way she's gonna be able to come now."

Maura looks at her wife. "Let's talk about this later, alright?"

"I'm sure we can figure out a different day," Angela says, reaching for her bag, getting ready to leave. Jane scratches her shoulder, a little uneasy. "I'm sorry, Ma."

"No honey! Go to wherever you're going."

The brunette looks at Maura, who knows exactly what her wife is going to ask before she does.

"Ma," Jane starts, "do you want to look after Jonas that day?"

The little boy has jumped off his chair and made his way over to Jane, holding out his hands like he wants to be lifted. The brunette complies, shifting him to her left hip and pressing a kiss to his forehead. "Hey bud. Are you okay?"

"I like being with grandma," he replies. "But I missed you too, Mom." Jane's heart jumps at his small voice.

"I missed you too," Jane replies honestly, watching Angela. The older woman stands in the hallway, talking to Maura, and Jane feels a sting of guilt for being such an asshole towards her mother. But she deserved it, though, for a little while. "Show me your drawing."

She puts him down and he immediately reaches for her hand, pulling her towards the dining table.



Everyone shows up for New Year's. Maura has invited her mother, and Jane made sure that Frankie brought Angela.

Jonas is fast asleep on Maura's lap by eight thirty, and the blonde can't help but remember the day Jonas first came to their house. She remembers the way he had fallen asleep against her shoulder. Like he already knew he'd stay here. She glances around the room and meets familiar brown eyes.

"We should probably get him upstairs," Jane says softly. "I'll get him back here around 11:45."

Maura knows it's for the best, but can't help pressing a kiss to his forehead before Jane lifts him up. She looks at them, her wife and her son, unable to believe that this is now her life.

Jane stays true to her word and they all watch the fireworks together at twelve, celebrating the New Year.

It feels like a new start for everyone. Angela gets to have a second chance with her daughter and she'll get to know her grandson, while Frankie has a new nephew. Constance hasn't seen Jonas in a while and although meeting him isn't new for her anymore, this is the most time she's spent at their house. Maura thinks of the things they've been through, with rescuing Jonas, the shootout, their fights. The insecurities and late night worries about if it's worth it. It was.

And Jane?

She wraps her free arm around Maura's waist and presses a kiss to her cheek, while continuing to hold onto Jonas with her other hand.

Jonas isn't even afraid of the fireworks. He laughs and points up at the sky, just as a big one explodes, and the reflection flickers in his eyes. Maura gazes at him lovingly, and Jane looks at her wife, her expression nothing but affection and love. Frankie notices, and winks at Jane before pulling Jonas away from them and lifting him up into the sky. He giggles and wraps his arms around Frankie's neck, still smiling.

The brunette turns to Maura immediately. "We're not seventeen anymore," she whispers softly. "But I feel like I am right now."


"Yeah, Maur."

Two strong arms wrap around the blonde and Maura buries her head in the crook of her wife's neck, feeling whole.

"I'm so in love with you still. How is that possible?" she mumbles.

"You're the doctor," Jane chuckles. "You tell me."

"Mm," Maura replies, content. She wishes they could stay right here forever. The blonde pulls back to look into her wife's eyes, which are twinkling. "Will you be my New Year's kiss for the rest of my life?"

Her lips are immediately captured by Jane's, and that definitely answers Maura's question.



"I completely forgot about it, to be honest." Jane pushes a curl away from her face.

Maura smiles knowingly. "Of course you did. We had a hell of a month. A year, even."

"That sounds weird," the brunette laughs. "Coming out of your mouth." She nudges her wife playfully. "Anyway. It's too late to ask Audrey, right? The game is in a week."

Maura gives her wife a look and turns around, reaching for her phone on the counter.

The brunette looks at her suspiciously. "What did you do." She wraps her arms around Maura and tickles her, stealing the phone from her hand. "You did something. I can see it in your eyes."

Maura laughs. "Jane! Give that back. I'm trying to show you something."

"Fine," the brunette hands it over with a smile. "I'm not responsible for anything."

The blonde doesn't respond, but she's scrolling through her messages, looking for something. Eventually, she finds it, and hands the phone over to Jane.

From: Maura Isles
To: Audrey (HS)

Hi Audrey, it's Maura here. I know we haven't spoken in a very long time, but there's something I want to ask. On January 7th, your old soccer team from Fenway High is playing the final round of the state championships. My mother bought four tickets for Jane and three others. She told me she wanted you to come, but she's either going to forget or ask you two days before. That's why I'm texting you now and I won't let her know anything, keep it as a surprise. The championships are in Boston this year, so if you could make it, I'd be happy to pick you up from the airport. Jane too, of course.


From: Audrey (HS)
To: Maura Isles

Hey Maura! It's good to hear from you again. You're right, we haven't seen each other since forever! I'd love to come to Boston and I'll make sure to arrange things right away. Definitely won't tell Jane anything, all credits to you. I'll send you the flight details later!


Brown eyes flick up to meet hers. "Is this real?" Disbelief is evident in Jane's voice. "Are you serious? Is she really coming?"

"Yes," Maura smiles at her wife's reaction. "Audrey is coming. There's two more tickets left, so you can take Frost and Frankie too."

The brunette steps in and wraps her arms around Maura's waist. "Don't be stupid," she mumbles, unable to say much more due to her state of shock. "I'm taking you."

Now it's Maura's turn to be lost for words. Her wife's resolute answer makes her spine tingle. She remembers the tall, skinny brunette holding her just like this after a snow fight. Cold cheeks, tousled hair, and just as in love as she is right now. She would do anything to stay with this woman forever.

"But," she whispers against familiar lips. "Who's the fourth person if you're taking me?"

Jane pulls for a moment to think, only to find that the answer has been obvious all along.

"Frost," she replies. "It'll be the four of us again."

They stand like that until Jonas comes running into the kitchen. "Ma! School is tomorrow but I can't find my backpack." The two women separate and Jane bursts out laughing. "He's so me," she says to Maura. "I always lost everything." She then turns to Jonas. "Did you look in the closet in the hallway? Maybe Mom cleaned up your stuff because you left it somewhere." She winks at him before giving him a nudge.

Jonas runs off again, and it's not much later that they hear a "Found it!" coming from the hallway.

"I really don't feel like going back to work," Jane sighs, plopping down on the couch. "All those murders. Can't they just stop? For, like, a month or two?"

Maura laughs softly, sitting down next to her wife.

"You wouldn't be yourself without your job," she says. "You know that."

The brunette turns to face her wife. "I'm pretty sure you'd enjoy another month off." She entwines their fingers on her thigh.

"It's tempting," Maura admits. "But I wouldn't."

"Hmm," Jane pretends to consider, leaning in to kiss the blonde's neck. "You'd say no to spending a whole month with me, alone? We'll have the house to ourselves when Jonas is at school..." She lets her hand travel up her wife's thigh and Maura's eyes flutter shut. "I don't think you'd say no to that."

Her wife hasn't found the words to respond, and Jane smiles. She loves that she can still have this effect on her wife. She pulls away, pressing a last kiss to Maura's cheek

Finally then, Maura says. "How do you even do that?"

Jane smiles cockily. "I'm a wonder woman."

"... in a Red Sox hoodie," the blonde adds, and Jane bursts out in laughter.

"This is why I married you, Maura Isles."



After the game has ended and the sun has set, the four friends find themselves on the top of Mission Hill, in the exact spot they were right before their senior year ended. Maura is resting her head on Jane's shoulder and they're holding hands. Sitting next to Jane is Audrey and opposite her is Frost, so they're in a small circle.

"That was incredible," Audrey speaks. "To see them win like that." Their old high school, Fenway High, won the state championships again, just like Jane and Audrey did years ago. Back when they were still teenagers, young and inexperienced. Not knowing where they'd be in ten years.

Now Jane and Maura are still together, married, with their own son. Audrey is finally doing what she loves in California, and Frost is still Jane's partner in crime. Literally.

"Do you remember that time when-"

Frost starts talking and Maura joins in, but Jane doesn't join in. Right now, she's content to simply sit back and watch. Glancing at her friends and her wife, she realizes how grateful she is to be sitting here with the people she loves.

They made it. All of them. And Jane will stand by, protect and care for these people forever and a day.


This is it, guys. The end. I'm SO SORRY for how long it took, I obviously didn't mean for that to happen. This journey has been incredible and I'm so happy you all kept showing up to read and support this story, even with months between updates. There's loads more to come, other stories, one-shots, anything you can think of. I already have a one-shot written in this universe, so I might post that soon.

Every single one of your reviews has kept me going. To everyone who's been leaving reviews every time I post, thank you so much, and to everyone else who left one review or two or everything in between, really, thank you too. I loved writing this. I'll always love writing Jane and Maura.

Thank you. Thank you a thousand million trillion times (that's totally a number) for all your support! I will be back with more soon.
