Author's Note - Twilight used to be an old favorite of mine. While it isn't as much now I decided to explore the waters of it once more. I've always been intrigued by the idea of crossing it over with the Percy Jackson world and I decided that I'd write a story involving these two worlds clashing. I hope everyone enjoys it! I don't own any of the characters in here - everyone belongs to Rick Riordan and Stephanie Myer!

P.S. Just so you guys kind of get a feel of what the time setting is for this story - it falls into place after the events that occurred in Blood of Olympus and after the events of Breaking Dawn so yes, there could be spoilers for both series in this story so be aware of that if you don't like spoilers!

Also I understand that this is the typical "hey we're related" sort of scenario, but I'm going to try my best to make it unique! Thank you very much for reading - feel free to give me any feedback if you'd like!

Through the Mist

Chapter One.

It all started out with a phone call.

I was home with my mom and Paul – after the war with Gaea I had decided to "kick back" for a bit and just rest. Everyone had been exhausted and sort of went their own separate ways to recover from the battle. Annabeth and I had decided to focus on our studies – we both agreed on the idea on enrolling into New Rome University someday together and preparing for it had soaked up most of our time ever since then. It was a good feeling though – having something to focus on other than the impending doom of the universe was certainly refreshing. On top of that, my mother was pregnant. Seven months pregnant to be exact. When she first had announced it to me, I had been nervous and excited at the same time – and somewhat relieved. Relieved because I knew that my unborn sibling would be born as a normal mortal being, but nervous because I hoped my presence around her wouldn't attract anything sinister. I would have to careful. Tapping my finger absently against my desk quietly, I sighed as I stared down at the blank word document front of me. The cursor was blinking slowly, almost as if it was mocking me, and I finally leaned back. I was never really much of a writer and this essay assignment was about to be the death of me. "Percy?" My mom's voice traveled through my closed door, "May I come in?"

"Yeah, go ahead."

The door opened and my mother walked in, a smile appearing on her face as she took in the scene of my messy desk. "I thought you could use a short break and I brought you these." She took a seat on the edge of my bed, offering me a plate of cookies. Did I mention that my mother was literally a gift from the gods?

Not wasting anytime, I plucked one of the cookies off the plate. "Thanks. Who was on the phone?"

"That's what I came here to talk to you about," She replied, still smiling. She seemed like she was in a light mood so it must have been good news, "You see, I've been putting some research into my own family lately. Paul's class has been working on genealogy and such and I suppose it just perked my own curiosity – I can't do much like I used to with this little girl at the moment." She gave her stomach a fond pat, causing me to smile. "Anyway, I found out that my father was briefly involved with a woman other than my mother," The thought of it caused his mom to frown a bit, "my father loved my mother deeply so it's a bit hard to believe that he was involved with someone else other than her. Uncle Rich always told me that the two of them had been inseparable, but I suppose there's quite a bit that I don't know. I never knew my parents too well." She nipping on one of her own cookies as she spoke. "All of that aside, though, I learned that I have a half-brother by the name of Charlie Swan. I don't know all of the details right now, but that was him on the phone a bit ago. We've actually been emailing back and forth for a week or so – just trying to learn more about each other before we decided on anything. He actually has a daughter who's close to your age – Bella is her name, I think."

It was nice hearing the happiness in my mother's voice. "That's really cool. What did he say on the phone, then?"

"Well, he wants us all to officially meet," My mom's smile widened, "I was hoping all three of us could go there together. It could be our little family getaway. I've already spoken to Paul about it a bit ago and he agreed that he'd probably be able to get the time off."

"Where would we be going?" I couldn't deny that I was curious about this side of my family. My mom didn't really talk much about her side of the family so I never really knew much about them.

"Forks, Washington."

"Washington?" My smile disappeared, "As in Washington? Not Washington, D.C."

"Yes. What's wrong?"

"Isn't that a bit far…?" I glanced down at her stomach. Sure she still had a few months ahead of her, but still – traveling all that way would probably take its toll.

My mom waved a dismissive hand at me. "Don't worry about me," Her eyes were shining, "I'll have to take it easy, of course, but I think taking some time in some new scenery will be healthy. I think it'll be a good idea for you too, Percy. All you've done since… well you know, is study and you've been working really hard. Doesn't a vacation from everything sound nice?"

"Yeah… can't argue with you there," I admitted, giving her a grin. It was hard to disagree with her when she was in such high spirits. "Okay, I'll go with you both. When are we leaving?"

"We'll be leaving in three days – I know it's a bit short noticed so I hope that doesn't cause you too much trouble, but I wanted to be on the earliest flight possible." She seemed to miss the grimace I made when I heard the mentioning of "flight". Zeus was going to literally murder me. Hopefully he'd tolerate it this once – otherwise I'd be arriving at Forks toasted. "I'm not sure how long we'll be staying – so may pack for at least a week?" My mom continued on thoughtfully, "I don't think we'll be staying any longer than that."

When the day had finally come, I was hurriedly stuffing a few last minute items in my blue suitcase. I had already sent an Iris Message to Camp Half-Blood and Annabeth just to inform them that I'd be MIA for a bit. Just to make sure that there wouldn't be some full blown panic if someone thought I'd been kidnapped or something. It was only six thirty in the morning when the three of us arrived at the airport and I could feel my nerves bubbling up a bit as I entered through its sliding doors. The only time I felt safe in the air was when I was on the back of Blackjack and the idea of getting into yet another aircraft was already making me feel a bit nauseous. "Are you okay, Percy?" The voice of my mother drew me from my grim thoughts, and managed a smile.

"Yeah… I'm fine… it's just," I made a helpless gesture, "I'm not really good with being up in the sky. Zeus and all." I lowered my voice a bit towards the last bit of my sentence.

My mother's mouth formed an "O" of sudden realization, and her gaze turned even more concerned. "Will you be okay? You should have mentioned this before!" She sternly stated, frowning in disapproval.

"Don't worry about it." I chuckled, "It'll probably be a rough ride for me, I won't lie, but I don't think even he would dare to strike down a jet that's full of innocents. He'd get a major backlash." In truth, I had almost been tempted to ask if I could ride Blackjack all the way to Forks, but decided on dismissing that idea. I wanted this family trip to be as normal as possible and as much as I loved my loyal steed, he was anything but normal. My reassurance didn't seem to completely convince my mom, but there wasn't really much we could do now as we boarded the plane. As I expected, as soon as we lifted off dark clouds were beginning to form as the jet lifted higher and higher into the air. I could hear rumbles of thunder through the glass of the plane's window and I gritted my teeth as the first of many turbulences struck the craft. This was definitely going to be a very long ride.

Paul and my mom did their best to distract me from the nausea that was creeping up my throat, but there wasn't much they could do with the worsening weather outside. I could practically feel Zeus' outrage seeping into the plane and I sent him a mental prayer to just allow me to pass just this once. I'd send for Blackjack for my ride home for sure – I doubt my uncle would tolerate me riding all the way back on top of it all. The turbulences seemed to grudgingly lessen after my plea, but not entirely. I took that as a sign that my life was going to be spared for now and almost sighed out loud in relief.

It took about roughly six hours for us to reach our destination, and when the plane touched the ground, I nearly sank off of my chair as all the tension lifted off of me. My mom gave me another look of concern, but before she could ask me if I was okay, I stood, helping Paul out with our luggage. Apparently we were going to stay in a nearby hotel for the duration of our stay and now that the whole flight was over I was actually looking forward to exploring a new place and meeting my newfound uncle and cousin. From what I learned, she was actually already married and had a kid. I wasn't one to judge or anything, but that news had surprised me a bit. Hadn't my mom said she was around my age? The thought did make me a smile a bit, though. It must be nice to already know where your life was heading this early on. "We're going to stop by the hotel first and check in," Paul told me as he waved down a taxi, "Did Charlie tell you where he wants to meet?" He glanced towards my mom who was unfolding a piece of paper.

"He said that we can just go ahead and meet him at his home. He told me his address," She lifted up the paper a bit. "But how about we take an hour or so at the hotel and rest a bit? It's been a long trip."

I was relieved when I heard her say that and as soon as we were up in our room, I faceplanted in the bed closest to the window with a groan. "You hanging in there, kiddo?" Paul chuckled, giving me a sympathetic pat on my back. "If you want we can save meeting Charlie for tomorrow," He glanced towards Mom as if making sure if that'd be okay and she nodded, "you look pretty drained."

"Nah," I smiled reassuringly, "I am pretty exhausted, but I'm excited to meet him – and from what I heard Charlie's eager too." In spite of assuring, I took that entire hour just to completely pass out and nap while they situated and unpacked everything. By the time I was shaken awake again it had already been a little bit over an hour and it was finally time to meet up with my uncle. Trying to fight off the urge to yawn, I decided to change and freshen up a bit. My hair was an absolute mess and my face was begging to be washed. I wasn't really sure what to wear, but Forks was cooler than I expected and ever since I arrived it had been drizzling so I opted for one of my hoodies and a pair of dark jeans.

My earlier tiredness was now lifting and it was beginning to be replaced with excitement as the three of us packed ourselves into our rental vehicle. Compared to Manhattan, Forks was shock to the system for us. It was just so small and felt more like a village than even a town, but maybe that was just because we were used to city life. It was fun taking in the sights, though, and I found myself lost in thought as I watched the scenery flash by. It took a bit for us to arrive, and as we pulled up to the address, I took note of the cruiser in the driveway. So he's a cop. I mused thoughtfully. There was still quite a bit I didn't know about him, but somehow it seemed appropriate. From how my mom spoke about him, he did seem like he'd be the reliable type.

By the time we parked and stepped out of the car, Charlie was standing outside ready to greet us. He was shuffling a bit, appearing a tad bit nervous himself – which I couldn't blame him, but he shook both Paul's and my mom's hands as we approached. "It's nice finally meeting you. I'm sorry that there isn't enough room for you here."

My mom smiled. "It's not a problem at all," She grabbed my arm gently, tugging me out from behind her, and I gave my uncle a shy, sheepish grin. "This is my son, Percy."

Charlie offered his hand out to me giving it a strong shake as I took it. "It's nice to meet you, son."

"Nice to meet you too." I could already tell that I was going to like him. He had a kind demeanor and all the nerves that had built up from before had eased away. Charlie invited us all inside and told us to make ourselves at home. Apparently Bella and her husband, Edward, were going to be joining us soon. They were bringing their daughter Nessie with them too. In the meantime, I listened to the conversation between Charlie and my mom. The atmosphere was still a bit awkward between all of us but not uncomfortable. As fun as it was meeting my uncle, I was interested in meeting my cousin the most. It'll be nice to have someone a bit closer to my age to talk to after being around adults all day. No offense to them, of course.

When Bella finally arrived, the front door nearly slammed open as a figure darted into the living room, jumping up in Charlie's arms. "Hi Grandpa!" The young girl greeted him cheerfully, pecking him on the cheek. I couldn't help but smile at her. She appeared to be at least four or five years old, maybe five? I wasn't sure – but she almost seemed to be even bit older than that.

"Hi, sweetie," Charlie gave her a hug. His features seemed to lighten upon her presence and the look made him appear even younger.

When Bella and her husband entered the room, however, it was an entirely different story. Almost instantly alarm bells went off in my mind – basically screaming DANGER. It was all I could do to not reach into my pocket and uncap Riptide. I'd brought it along just in case, but I had hoped to every god above that I wouldn't have a reason to use it. I really did need a vacation. Instead, I tried to calm myself and relax back against the cushion of the couch. Maybe I was being a bit too paranoid – their daughter seemed normal enough, after all. I knew those were close to famous last words, but jumping to conclusions would only complicate things. "Sally, Paul, Percy – " I turned my attention to Charlie as he spoke up, "This is my daughter, Bella and her husband, Edward."

"Bella!" My mom was the first to speak. She was beaming. "It's so nice to meet you. I'm guessing this is your daughter, Nessie?" She smiled at the little girl who was now staring at her curiously.

"Yes." Bella's voice was soft and nice to listen to. She was smiling at Nessie as she spoke. "It's really nice to meet you too."

It was Edward who finally acknowledged my presence first. He gazed at me curiously for a moment, his brow furrowed a bit in what appeared to be mild frustration. Realizing I was looking at him now too, he flashed a friendly smile. "Percy is it?" He held out a hand. "I heard about you a bit from Charlie."

Reluctantly, I took his hand, shaking it. It was ice cold and it was all I could do to stop myself from shivering. "Hopefully nothing too bad." I tried to smile in return. For my mother's sake, I wanted this little family reunion to go as well as it could. Even if it was possible that her "normal" family was not normal by any means at all.

I inwardly sighed.

There goes my vacation.