Diablo + DxD story

Character= OC

Abilities: When changed into Diablo

Abilities of Diablo is as follows:

Fire/shadow manipulation

Shape changing

Terror manipulation

Aura control (can choose to either release his demonic aura or to completely hide it)

Monster creation (can make/summon demons, as there is no demons left in the DxD universe, he/she/it has to make them first before they can be summoned. Also does not make sure that the creatures made are loyal, they are their own beings and not just puppets)

Shadow/terror duplication

Universal language comprehension (as a close person once told to me "I don't speak Japanese! How in the fuck should I be able to understand what the fuck they're saying?!", aaah, good times)

Author's note: This is a story I have wanted to see for, like, so long and I am quite surprised that no one have really done it. But hey, you know about what they say, "To boldly go, where no weeaboo has gone before!".

PS: OC is going to be really OP, how OP you ask? Well, he/her/it is going to be more powerful than Trihexa, so yes, quite OP, and no, I am not going to give him/her/it a harem, that's Issei's dream, not my characters.

Chapter 1: The lord of Terror is born.

I can only see darkness all around me 'I don't know what is going on but this is quite nice, I could really get into this…..'

'Okay, enough lollygagging, let's actually try to remember why, in the ass crack of god, I am stuck in this void' trying to remember my situation, I think about the events that happened before coming to the void.

'So, if I remember correctly I had just finished university and had been out partying with my friends, when I returned home and went to sleep….. and that's it.' Scowling to myself, I try to dig deeper into my memory 'Is that really all that happened? Nothing else at al-' suddenly a voice of great power filled the void

[Greetings, Mortal! I am the ruler of purgatory, and I have come to grant you 3 wishes, as has been commanded of me by mine sovereign!]

'Well that's convenient' I thought to myself 'But this is a bit cliché, like, am I in a story or something? Hmmm, maybe I should ask the- oh who the fuck am I kidding, let's GOOOO'

"Hi there, uhmmm, so, ehh, those 3 wishes? Can they be, like, anything or are there limits?" 'Not the best way to start but, hey, I haven't done this before, so I guess I am doing pretty good?'

[You are correct Mortal, there are limits to your wishes. First, you may not wish for the end of existence.] 'Yeah, wasn't gonna' go do that, but, sure-' [Secondly, you may not wish for omniscience, as that is a power reserved for the true gods,] 'Again, wasn't really going to do that, and who are these true gods?' [Third and final, you may not wish to become or wish to usurp a true god, as it would create discord in the hierarchy of the immaterial and material worlds.] 'Well, all of this sounds reasonable and doesn't really hamper me, so sure, sounds good. Let's do this!' Saying the first thing that came to my mind, I spoke my first wish.

"Okay, then my first wish is to gain the abilities and form of Diablo from the videogame series 'Diablo'"

[Your wish has been granted.]

Suddenly, a flood of power drew to me and I could feel myself change into the form that Diablo had in Diablo 3. 'Oh this is so fucking cool, alright, I should probably think a bit more about my second wish, cause' this was kind of stupid if Diablo couldn't shape change' floating through the void, I thought of where it was I was going to be sent, when it hit me 'Wait… I have no idea where I am going to be reborn? Okay, that just means I have to make my third wish the place I want to be reborn in. That then makes my second wish pretty easy.'

"For my second wish, I wish to be able to understand and write in all languages, be they dead or alive."

[Very well Mortal, your wish has been granted.]

Understanding flowed through me, I felt like I could speak a thousand different languages and I probably could. 'Oh. My. God. That felt amazing, though I have got a bit of a headache now, uhhh, should probably have worded that wish better, or maybe this is just the normal reaction of suddenly learning every language ever? Yeah, that's most definitely why.' Nursing my headache by touching my forehead, though I can't see anything so that's something, I began to think of where it was I wanted to go.

'Alright, so now that I have got the essentials out of the way, where do I want to go? It should probably be a place that has a thriving supernatural world, would be kind of awkward and weird to be stuck in a world without that. It should also be a world that I know and not too difficult, which narrows this down a lot, so the choice is between Highschool DxD or Game of Thrones….. Yeah I think I take the choice of not dying'

"For my third wish, I wish to be reborn in the world of Highschool DxD as a female student in Kuoh academy named Tengoku no mono and not being lodged in any club."

[Very well, your wish has been granted and you shall now be reborn in your chosen world, but as you have chosen already you will be reborn in 5 seconds.]

'…what?' and with that last thought I was born into a whole new world.

"Tengoku, come down and get some breakfast" 'huh, where am I and who just called me, I have only just chosen that name?'

I looked around and saw that I was lying in a bed that was covered in a horrible pink, the same as the walls, and roof. Lifting myself up I looked down and, yep, I had pink panties 'Damn that god works fast, wait… what was the god named? Oh well, it's not that important and I should probably get dressed and go down, though I wonder who is calling me?' After looking around the room for a couple of minutes I find the place where my clothes are kept and, yeah, all my underwear is pink. 'what is with all this pink? I am not a 13 year old girl, my boobs are too big for that, besides, Kouh academy is just that, an ACADEMY. *haaaah* oh well, I just have to fic it at a later point.' Putting on some clothes I go out of my room and go to the kitchen, which luckily was just right around the corner.

"Good morning Tengoku, did you sleep well? I have made your favourite dish, rice porridge with eggs and spring onion."

Looking around I find the source of the voice, a beautiful woman with long black hair and wearing an apron atop her clothes 'huh, she is quite nice, must be my mom…. Maybe…possibly.'

"Good morning to you too!" I say in a bit to happy a voice 'please god, don't let her notice anything stra-' I am cut of as I am smothered in a hug that would put to shame even the mightiest of wrestlers.

"Uuuuuuuh, my sweet little daughter is happy to see me! And she is just so cute!" 'well, mystery solved, she's my mother, but I should probably stop her as, OOOH GOD I CAN'T BREATHE!'

"Moooommm, I cn't brethe, plese stahpp!" I say while struggling to speak because of her choking me 'oh god, don't let me die just yet, I was just reborn.'

"Oh, sorry sweetie its just been so long since you have seemed so happy, after what happened to your father…" 'OH SHIT! I reeeeeaaallly got to find out what she means about that, maybe later, right now i have to find a way to redirect the way the conversation is going'

"So mom, what are you going to do while I am at school?"

"School? Oh there's still weeks until that starts sweetie, until then we can have so much fun together!" She said while giving a smile that could rival the sun in its splendor and happiness.

'well, this is going to be weird'

[4 weeks later]

'Okay, so I am really not comfortable with this' I thought while being stripped naked by my mom while she put op clothes beside my body, trying to find the best looking pair of clothes, which will fit with my school uniform.

'So let's recap what I have found out these last few weeks, number 1, I have no sense of taste when it comes to women's clothes, because it is apparently not okay to just wear a t-shirt and sweatpants. Number 2, this girl had a messed up life before I took over and I mean really messed up, dad first cheating on her mom and then dying in a car accident while having said lover he cheated with sucking his cuck, yeah it was a real douche move by him. Then she went into a depression for half a year and never really talked with her mother other than saying yes or no and locking herself in her room. Number 3, it seems I have a fairly small bust compared to everyone around me, and when I mean everyone I mean everyone, shit even girls my age have a bigger chest than me, oh I am also a 13 years old, yeah, go figure. And last but not least, number 4, my mom is a real grabby feely person, as in she needs to hug me All. The. Time. Not that I am against it, but it is really hard to breath when your face is forced into another's boobs.

"MoooM! It's just school, I don't need to have my underwear be matching with my shirt, they won't even be seeing my underwear so why should it match?"

"ooh sweetie, you don't understand, you're growing up and a young woman needs to look the part if she wants a suitable boyfrie-"

"MOOOM NO, I am not going to school just to meet boys, besides I am 13 YEARS OLD! I shouldn't even think about boys yet."

"Oh you're right sweetie, it's just, I worry for you. I want you to get the best experience, going to school, and you are so young, what if the other girls bully you? Or what if you get surrounded by boys wanting to-"

"Mom, relax, it's going to be fine, I might be younger than anyone else, but I will handle it, nothings going to happen, and no, the boys aren't going to do whatever it is you think they will do."

"Haaah, I know sweetie I know, I just worry for you."

'My mom really is to sweet for me, worrying about even though I could probably turn every boy, including Kiba, into a fine red mist. Of course, she doesn't know that, but still, she is too good for me.'

"Come here mom." I drew her into a hug and squished her as much as I could without causing her pain "I am going to be fine, so don't worry. Now, let's find something that fits this blouse, I really like hot the red and black stands out."

"I will sweetie, I will, and these socks and bra would fit really well, or, ooooohh we could maybe get these turquoise panties or maybe-" 'haaah, maybe her being sad would have been better than this torture' and this continued for 30 minutes more before finally I was ready.

"Enjoy day at school sweetie!"

"I will mom! I will!"