The Head of Berk's Children's and Family Services Department, Lisbeth Mortensen, had a very nasty surprise when Inspector Sven Shepherd of Berk PD turned up at her office and charged her with reckless Child Endangerment. Protesting loudly, the Inspector-a man with a bald head, jug ears and large bushy blonde moustache-had shown little sympathy. In a relentless high-pitched voice, the man had explained that the treatment of Natasha Fury had been shown to be completely inadequate with ignoring a complaint made about her living conditions and safety, no evidence that anyone had looked into the foster home for years, attacking the public-spirited citizens who had made the report, denying her lawyer access to the girl and offering no support after the death of her father.

Shocked, her day had gotten worse when the Mayor had phoned her up and roared down the line at her about the scandal. It was clear to him-and the Chief Prosecutor, who had spoken with him-that the Department was completely lacking in compassion and in any sort of interest in the welfare of the children in their care. Natasha Fury was the obvious case but, as he pointed out, how many more were there in trouble?

Enraged, the woman went back to her staff and found them disinterested, unengaged and not even aware that there were complaints and concerns about the girl. The last time her foster home had been inspected was five years earlier and the standard checks were not being done across the board. And then she found that the girl was the subject of an adoption application where the couple making the application were being treated like public enemies when they had already passed all the stringent checks and were model citizens. It took little work to trace it back to one worker, Marta Kromberg, whose brother had been a shady character and known drug dealer in Berk's Underworld and who had been killed in a gang fight for which Tallyn Fury was cleared…but which she clearly blamed him for. And the fact that she was punishing his young daughter for the dead man's crimes was reprehensible. Marta had been suspended, along with seven other staff, all new protocols were approved and fresh workers were drafted in from Departments in the neighbouring towns of Bog, Berserk, Visithug and Meathead. The first home scheduled to be visited was Natasha's. But before that, Lisbeth fast-tracked and approved the application for Natasha's adoption.

Hiccup and Astrid were concerned and wary when they were called into the Department about the adoption and they arrived five minutes early, sitting quietly in the waiting area holding hands. Smart in his black suit, white shirt and deep red tie with Astrid looking stunning in a simple navy high neck short dress with navy tights, knee length navy leather boots and a knee length cream winter coat, her hair braided as ever over her left shoulder, the pair looked up as Lisbeth emerged. She was a medium height woman with bobbed blonde hair, blue eyes and a few freckles, her dark dress and boots unremarkable.

"Mr and Mrs Haddock? Please come in," she said and invited them into her office. Taking a seat, she looked at the young couple. "My name is Lisbeth Mortensen."

"Hiccup and Astrid Haddock," Hiccup said, holding Astrid's hand. He could feel her trembling and his heart was racing in his chest. He had no idea what to expect. But Lisbeth was smiling.

"I am impressed by your persistence and determination, Mr Haddock," she said. "You and your wife are a couple who have suffered real hardships and disappointments and you have come through everything together. You have jumped through every hoop placed in front of you-including ones that you never should have had to face-and are clearly a couple who would offer a safe a loving home to a child." And then she paused. "But why Natasha Fury?"

Glancing at Astrid, Hiccup looked back at Lisbeth.

"Her father saved my life," he revealed. "I was attacked and he distracted my attacker. I was able to stop him and he got me help. Her father was charged with killing the man who tried to kill me and I went to see him as his attorney. He was worried about his daughter and asked me to check she was safe." He handed over the letter and Lisbeth read it, her eyes widening.

"So you contacted the department?" she checked. Hiccup nodded.

"Several times-and every time, I was denied any information about the girl, even though I needed to speak to her because her father had died and there were some items in his Will that I needed to pass on to her," he explained. "So I used my contacts to find her anyway. And when I spoke to her, when I visited her, it was evident the home was inadequate and abusive. I passed on my concerns-our concerns-and they were ignored. So we took whatever action we could to protect her."

"She's a scared child who has lost her Mom and Dad and has been dumped in a horrible foster home with foul people who hit her and deny her food," Astrid said suddenly. "She sleeps on a mattress on the floor in a cold room. She begged us to help her. So we are."

"She's eight years old," Hiccup continued. "There is little chance she'll be adopted. Statistically in Berk, only 9% of children over five are ever adopted. But we've met Natt. She's brave, smart and polite. I know what it's like to lose your parents. We've lost our only child. We have a lot of love to give and we want to share it with her."

"I am a teacher and I know that children aren't always smiles and laughter," Astrid added calmly. "But that young girl deserves a chance, she deserves hope. And she deserves love. And we are willing to give her all of those." Lisbeth smiled at her tone and then the phone rang. She lifted the receiver and listened, then smiled.

"Thank you," she said and looked up at the couple. "Mr and Mrs Haddock-you are clearly a determined and caring couple who have fought to ensure that this young girl is cared for and offered a safe and loving home. You have now offered that home for her. That call was the Family Court, approving the adoption."

Hiccup stared as his phone beeped and he stared at the screen. It was a text from Fishlegs.

[FISHLEGS] [11:17] Adoption just approved. Congratulations. Contact CFSD to go to fetch her.

He nodded to Astrid and showed her the screen

"When can we go get her?" he asked. Lisbeth smiled.

"We can wait for her to come back from school and collect her today," she said as Astrid stared into Hiccup's face. He was breathing hard, his eyes shocked.

"Oh Thor…Astrid?" he checked. But she was smiling.

"I'm ready," she said. "And I know she is." She leaned in and kissed him. "You okay, Babe?"

"Um…not quite expecting to become a Dad when I got up this morning but…yes," he said with a deep breath. "I've never been more ready."


Waiting was the worst part, sitting in their car amid the chaos of Strike Avenue with people milling around and children beginning to drift home. Lisbeth and a plain clothes police office were in the second car, watching as the yellow school bus pulled to the end of the road. The children streamed off but the skinny shape of Natasha hung back. She was walking slowly, reluctantly, towards the buildings as the dumpy shape of Ingeborg emerged, making a beeline for the girl, who ground to a halt, her eyes widening.

"Trouble," Hiccup murmured but Astrid was out of the car and running towards the trembling shape of Natasha.

"Where've you bin?" Ingeborg snarled. "Yer chores won't do themselves, yer lazy bitch! We're lookin' after ye from the kindness of our heart and yer need ter earn yer keep…"

"HEY! GET AWAY FROM HER!" Astrid yelled, seeing Natasha cringe back. Ingeborg looked up in shock.

"Keep back yer interfering…" she began but Astrid arrived in front of her, standing between the snarling woman and the scared girl.

"No," Astrid said, her eyes glinting. "You won't bully this child any more!"

"YOU! You were the fake Children's Service people," the woman began but Hiccup arrived and stood by his wife.

"Yeah-but we're her genuine adoptive parents," he said sternly. The woman gaped.

"What? But you can't just take her away from us like that…" she gabbled, her eyes darting around and seeing Lisbeth approaching. "You-these two can't take this poor dear girl away from her loving foster parents…"

"You mean away from the people who are taking the monies for her placement and lining their pockets while starving the child?" Hiccup snapped. Ingeborg lunged at him but Astrid intercepted her and ducked a punch, before grabbing the woman's wrist and twisting it painfully behind her back.

"No one touches my family!" she growled. Hiccup turned to the shocked Natasha and dropped to a crouch.

"Natt-your Dad asked me to look out for you," he said urgently. "And we know that this place wasn't good. We complained to the department but when they did nothing, we involved the police. They have finally got things moving. But in the mean time, we applied to adopt you."

She stared.

"I mean…we don't have children…the doctors said we can't…not any more…but we have a big home and lots of love and it was the only way we could get you away and offer you a home…" he said quickly, looking into her shocked face. "I mean, if you really don't want to come with us…"

"No! I definitely want to come with you!" she said breathlessly. "Do-do you mean it? That I won't have to go back there, ever again?" He nodded.

"We can take you back to get your things, Natt," he said as she frowned.

"Why do you call me that?" she asked warily.

"Because your Dad always referred to you as Natt," Hiccup said genuinely. "His Night Fury." Her bright green eyes widened and she suddenly smiled.

"Yes, he did," she admitted in a sad voice. "Did you know him well?"

"I only ever met him properly once-but he saved my life and he left me everything when he died-to give to you," Hiccup explained, resting his hands lightly on her shoulders. "And we've got back the things from your home because they belong to you…and my investigators have got back the things that man took when he killed your Mom." She stared at the ground.

"Is he still around?" she asked sadly but he shook his head, his hand gently caressing her cheek.

"No-I killed him when he tried to kill me when he attacked me in town," he explained. Her eyes widened and she gasped.

"Really?" she asked in a more hopeful voice. "Um…you killed the bad guy, got my stuff back, have investigators working for you…are you some kind of superhero? Maybe Batman? Or maybe the Night Fury, his Berk equivalent?"

He chuckled. "I wish," he replied in an amused voice. "I mean, all those guys seem to be billionaires who don't have a care in the world. The truth is that I am a lawyer and I defend people because even the worst people deserve a fair trial. My wife Astrid is a teacher…and she does martial arts as well…" He glanced up to see Astrid pinning Ingeborg over the bonnet of the second car, haranguing the plain clothes officer to arrest the abusive woman.

"Really? That's pretty awesome," Natt admitted shyly. "And-and you really want to take me to your home? Forever?"

"If you want," Hiccup said gently. "But I think you and I are going to get on pretty well. I mean, you're smart and brave and I love the Night Fury idea…" And then he winked. "But don't tell my wife…" Natt frowned again.

"I-I really do want to come…but…what-what do I call you?" she asked worriedly. Hiccup smiled.

"Well, my actual real name is Hiccup," he began.

"No way!" she said.

"Way," he smirked.

"But that's terrible," she commented through her giggles.

"Tell me about it," he sighed. "But you can call me whatever you want…though 'Hey you!' is a bit rude after a while…" She giggled.

"I think I'm gonna like living with you," she said. "Can I call you Pop?" He chuckled.

"HicPop," he sassed. "Thor, what my Dad would say…" Her face fell.

"Your Dad?" she asked quietly. He shrugged.

"He died a couple of years ago while Astrid and I were still trying for a family," he admitted. "And I do miss him every day. I loved him. Mom died when I was younger as well. So I know how it is to miss your Mom and Dad…" There was a brief moment and then she flung herself forward and hugged him, her arms winding tightly around his neck. He closed his arms around her and squeezed her gently.

"I'm here for you," she promised and he looked into her face, his emerald eyes bright with his grief but grateful for her words.

"And I'm here for you," he replied.

"Ah-ha," Astrid said, walking up and seeing them hugging. "Have I lost my husband to a beautiful green-eyed young lady?" Natt buried her head in Hiccup's shoulder and he grinned.

"I'm afraid so, Milady-though in my defence, you gave your permission…" he quipped as she dropped to her knees and gently rested a hand on Natt's back.

"You want to come home with us?" she asked gently and the girl looked up and smiled shyly.

"Yes please," she murmured.

"I'm not going to take your Mom's place-because no one can ever do that-but I'm here to be your adopted Mommy if you want?" Astrid asked the girl and she hugged the woman fiercely.

"Can I call you Mom if I want?" she asked and Astrid felt her eyes tear up.

"Any time," she said.


Natasha didn't look at Trond as they returned to Apartment 14 and she collected her few books and one change of clothes. The man was unpleasant and threatening until he realised who Lisbeth was-and he was shocked when he finally understood they were losing their foster child and would be removed from the list. And possibly face charges for child abuse. Cussing and protesting, the man had been arrested for threatening Hiccup and Lisbeth-though he had been punched by Astrid who had effortlessly knocked him down and glared furiously at the slothful man as he cringed and cowered on the floor. The uniformed cops-who had been called for the apartment visit-found themselves actually feeling sorry for the horrible man because Astrid hadn't held back in defence of her family.

But back home, Natt had been scared and Hiccup had needed to coax her out of the car and held her hand as they walked into the beautiful hallway with fresh flowers in the vase and polished dark wood floor. Smiling, Astrid had taken hers and Hiccup's coat and winked, then headed for the kitchen to put dinner on as Hiccup had loosened his tie, dumped his bag and shown the girl the living room, the office, the sun room, the cellar which was also a spare room, the hall, the bathroom, the landing, the bedroom he and Astrid shared, the bathroom Natt would be using, the Nursery and Natt's room. And the girl had teared up when she saw the room waiting for her-and the plush Night Fury on the bed.

"Your Dad called you his little Night Fury," Hiccup explained. "So we thought…you should have one." And then he reached in his pocket and pulled out the little metal Night Fury. "This was your Dad's," he added. "And I think maybe you should have it back?" Her hand reached out and closed around the little toy, tears sliding down her cheek-and then she gently pushed it back into his hand.

"I think he wanted you to have it-so you would look after me," she said as she walked into the room and hugged the plush toy. "Thank you, HicPop."

"I'm never going to live that down," he groaned.

She settled in really well-and though there were a couple of nightmares as she relived the loss of her Mom and her time in her foster home, Astrid or Hiccup got up to scoop the whimpering child up and brought her to their bed, wrapping her up in their warmth and making her feel safe and protected. She was transferred to Astrid's School-Berk Elementary, which Astrid finally felt well enough to start gradually returning to as well-and settled into the Second Grade. It didn't take them long to consider advancing her as she was well ahead of the level of her year and because it was a new school, moving her up wasn't that difficult. And she loved the way she was challenged in her new class and made a couple of friends along the way.

Hiccup introduced her to his friends and the girl found herself suddenly with Uncles Fishlegs, Snotlout, Tuffnut, Eret and Gobber and Aunts Heather and Ruffnut. Every one welcomed the girl in their own way, showering her with gifts and plans to take her out to spend time with then-from the twins insisting they took her to the indoor climbing wall to Fishlegs taking her out looking for wildflowers and Heather dog walking. The news that Fishlegs and Heather were expecting another child in six months cheered the entire group up and Astrid was the happiest at the news, that her friend was getting what she wanted and deserved.

They arranged a cremation for Tallyn Fury and all the gang turned out, supporting Astrid, Hiccup and Natt. The girl was withdrawn and tearful at having to attend the funeral for her father-but the officiant said some nice things about the deceased as a father and commended his soul to Odin for his actions in saving Hiccup. And then they had all gone out to the Asgard Burger Bar to celebrate his life and cheer Natt up. During the meal, she turned to Hiccup and Astrid.

"Do you promise you won't leave me like them?" she asked in a serious voice. Hiccup instinctively pressed a hand to his chest over his scar and sighed.

"No one can ever give that promise, but I'm well and we're in safe jobs and I'm not going anywhere," he said. But Natt stared directly at Astrid.

"I mean Mommy," she said directly. Hiccup stared at her-and then turned his shocked emerald gaze to his wife. "I mean, you told me can't have children and the Nursery is there because Finn died…but I know you're expecting again and HicPop has sort of explained you almost died when Finn did…"

There was a deafening silence over the table as every eye turned to Astrid. Hiccup gaped.

"Astrid? Milady?" he gasped as she blushed and then she smiled, lowering her eyes momentarily. But there was no fear in her eyes, only a quiet confidence. Her hand found his.

"It's okay," she said calmly. "With all the stress with the attack and the adoption and everything…I didn't notice. I found out first when I was about four months along…and I've been seeing my OBGYN every week since. I didn't tell you because you've been so happy with Natt and work has been so busy…and every week, I kept expecting something to go wrong. But it hasn't…"

"How long…?" Hiccup breathed. Astrid smiled.

"I'm twenty-four weeks tomorrow," she told him happily. "He stands a chance if he was born now. And the pregnancy has been perfect!" Mouth gaping soundlessly, Hiccup watched as his friends congratulated Astrid, hugging her cautiously and kissing her. Natt held his hand and leaned close.

"Are you okay?" she whispered. He nodded, wordlessly.

"How didn't I notice?" he mouthed. Astrid smiled.

"Well, having a new daughter and being exhausted may have helped…and I have been wearing large nightshirts the last couple of months…" she explained.

"Thor, that makes it even worse…" he groaned as she leaned against him. "Is everything okay?" She nodded, her smile radiant.

"Textbook," she breathed, brushing her lips against his. "You don't mind, do you?" He shook his head.

"But you must have been so scared…" he said gently. "And I should have been there to support you…" Astrid rested a hand gently against the small bump concealed under the loose black woollen dress and long cardigan.

"You were there," she reminded him. "You and Natt. And I think…because I had her, I didn't have the time to be scared. It just…happened…"

"Wait-does that mean you were pregnant when you pinned Ingeborg and punched out Trond?" he asked and Astrid gave her most smug smile.

"I was just protecting my family," she said. "Fierce Mommy Bear here!" And then she leaned close and took her daughter's hand. "Do you mind, Natt?" The girl beamed.

"Are you kidding?" she asked. "I'm going to be a big sister. That is totally AWESOME!" Even Hiccup laughed as he saw his daughter grin and his wife lean against him, her arm wrapped round his waist.

But he knew all his prayers had been answered four months later when he sat by his exhausted wife in the delivery room, a warm squirming bundle of new life in his arms. The baby boy was bonny and alert, his big blue eyes searching myopically for him and he felt his face pulled inexorably into a huge grin. A tuft of auburn hair graced the little head as a fat fist grasped his finger.

"He's a bit bald," Natt commented, leaning over and inspecting him. "Looks like you, though."

"Thanks," Hiccup managed sarcastically. "Boy, I really am having a bad day if I look like a newborn…"

"I mean, you do have clothes and teeth and more hair and aren't so chubby but…yeah," she explained, frowning. "His nose looks like Mommy's though."

"Glad I'm in there somewhere," Astrid sighed, her voice tired. It had been a long labour but her son had been born swiftly once she was ready to push, for all that he weighed a hefty eight pounds eleven ounces. "You okay, Babe?" Hiccup nodded and then leaned over and kissed his wife-and then leaned sideways and kissed the top of Natt's head.

"I'm perfect," he said. "All my prayers have been answered. I'm here with my wife, my daughter and my newborn son. I have the family I thought I would never have." Astrid smiled and lay back on her pillows, her hand trailing down to caress her son's head.

"Babe, if you wish and hope and pray hard enough, your prayers will be answered," she said with complete confidence. "The Norns made us work for them, gave us heartbreak and almost took you from me and me from you. We thought we would lose our chance and found obstacles every step of the way…but together, we pushed on and now we have two amazing children and a fantastic group of friends."

"What's he called?" Natt asked as the young couple shared a look. Astrid nodded and Hiccup spoke up, wrapping his free arm around his daughter and pulling her into their family group as he smiled on his son.

"Tallyn Stoick Haddock," he said.

The End

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the ride, You know I never give Hiccup and Astrid an easy time-but yes, I allowed their prayers in the end to be answered. Happy endings all round! BW-hp


9/9 published 31/10/2018