A/N: Okay so this is an idea that I've been toying with for a while and I've finally finished writing it. Daily updates!

The idea was inspired by Plan B's "Prayin'" and a long car drive.

I don't own How to Train Your Dragon. Rights remain with Cressida Cowell and Dreamworks.


It was stupid but he had been late and the cut-through, so commonly used and harmless in daylight, was swathed in shadows and unnervingly isolated. The sounds of the street, especially Sven's Bar just a few yards long was muffled to the dull thud of the music while the echoing sounds of his steps set his nerves on edge. Especially when he heard the extra echo.

Hiccup Haddock was an attorney, a man who was meticulous in his work, obsessively preparing for every case and preferring to take on Public Defender work rather than making a fortune boring himself to death doing divorce work for the rich and famous. Of course his father, the lauded Public Prosecutor, Stoick Haddock, had wanted his son to follow him in his mission to protect the people of Berk from the worst excesses of human depravity and become the next Public Prosecutor. But Hiccup had wanted to protect, not attack and so he had rejected his pre-ordained career path and headed for the Defender's Office-much to his father's anger. Words had been said that both men had instantly regretted but were too stubborn to immediately retract and the rift between them had lingered until the day of Stoick's death.

But above everything, Hiccup was also devoted to his wife, Astrid, and since that terrible day last March, he had done everything he could to make sure she felt valued and loved. So he made sure he did something special every single day. Maybe it was just a Post-It note with a little poem or message-or maybe flowers, breakfast in bed or something special. But today, he had ordered a special gift, a bracelet from Berserker Jewellers and he had been texted that it was finally ready. So he had made a note to collect it today and then, because he had gotten wrapped up in the preparations for the Grimborn Trial next week, he had realised he only had fifteen minutes to reach the jewellers before they closed. Desperation to hand over the gift and see some life, some joy flicker in those desolate sea-blue eyes had driven him to take the short-cut that now seemed like the worst idea ever.

There was another echo behind him, the sound of steps closing and as he accelerated, he heard the person break into a run. He was still some yards from the main shopping area, the dumpster blocking any view of him from the main street when the pursuer hit him. He slammed to the ground, his briefcase skittering across the alley as the big man punched him. Hiccup was lean and wiry, his lanky shape not that of a fighter, though his enormous father had attempted to teach him some self defence moves when he was younger. But as the man hauled him up, Hiccup struck out, ignoring every piece of advice he gave his clients.

Don't resist, Hand over your money and valuables. They can be replaced-but you can't.

Yet it was instinct as the man backhanded him and he slammed against the opposite wall. He slid down, stunned and in that moment, he glimpsed his attacker for the first time. The man was huge and powerful, his short red hair spiky and his reddened, scarred cheeks covered with tattoos in the shape of eyes. His leather vest was scattered with red-metal studs and he wore steel knuckledusters. Snarling in rage, the man slammed his hobnailed boot down onto Hiccup's left ankle and the attorney screamed in pain before the attacker hauled him up and tightened his hand around his neck. Gouging at his attacker's eyes, Hiccup felt the grip loosen and he punched the man in the face again but a couple of shots back to the gut-which felt like they were with an iron bar-slammed the air from him and as the grip around his throat tightened, he choked, eyes watering with the pain. The light gleamed off the edge of a blade and Hiccup inhaled in fear, his emerald eyes wide with sudden horror.

"Everything you got or I take everything," the man growled, his voice rough from disuse and filled with hatred-and the young lawyer searched his pockets frantically for his wallet, phone and cards, handing them over with a hand shaking with pain and fear. The man glared at him. "Watch!" he snapped and with trembling hands, he pulled off the watch, a gift from his father and handed it over hastily.

"S-sorry…" he mumbled as the man stood back and inspected his earnings, the knife still clamped in his meaty fist. He frowned.

"Is this all?" he snapped, staring at the meagre thirty-five dollars. Hiccup nodded urgently.

"I-I don't really carry money…it's all on my cards…" he mumbled as the man peered at the watch-a Rolex but obvious and with a traceable serial number. He could exchange it for some cash at his usual fence…but that would hardly make it worth the while. And then he saw a gleam in the dim light as the sagging lawyer leaned shakily against the wall, a hand tenderly rubbing his throat. His auburn head was dipped, bangs half-shielding his bruised face as the attacker turned back to him, the knife swinging up.

"You holding out on me?" he roared, his eyes locked on the gleam of metal. "Yer don't disrespect me! Do you know who I am?" Hiccup shook his head frantically, staring up at the powerful man, his eyes gleaming with rage. "Ring. Now!" Hiccup's head snapped up and he clenched his fist.

"Nononononono…" he said quickly. "Please-it's my wedding ring. It was given to me by my wife. I can't let it go. Please-it's not worth anything to you but to me…"

"Is it worth yer life?" the attacker yelled and swung at him, the blade slicing across Hiccup's shoulder. He tried to curl away as a meaty hand closed round his wrist. "Maybe I'll just cut yer finger off so I can get it…" Desperate, Hiccup gripped his attacker's thick wrist and tried to force the knife back. He was wiry and had worked in the forge and metal shop with his adoptive Uncle from when he was a boy and he was certainly stronger than he looked-but the mugger was massive and furious, fired with the need to find funds for his habit and uncaring of what harm he did-and who he hurt in the process.

"Please…just leave it…" he begged, his eyes staring into the flat, emotionless grey eyes.

"Give me the ring and I'll let you go…" the attacker sneered and in that moment, Hiccup knew he was never going to be allowed to walk from the alley alive. He took a deep breath in.

"HELP ME!" he shouted, slamming his head forward and butting the man back. He took the opportunity to grab the man's other wrist and put all his weight into the effort to put the man back…almost blacking out with the pain when he tried to use his damaged left ankle to brace himself. He felt the alley shift and felt himself slammed back against the wall.

"Yer gonna regret that," the attacker yelled, spittle spraying his face. But Hiccup rallied, fixing Astrid's face in his mind. He wasn't just fighting for his life, he was fighting for her. She had already lost too much-they both had-and he couldn't allow her to suffer, to break by his death. He was fighting for her, to save her the pain of his loss when he had promised to always be with her. And to spend even another few minutes with her, he would fight until his very last ounce of breath.

"HELP ME!" he yelled and wrestled hard as the heavy man shoved back, being pushed against the wall. The knife hovered closer and closer to his body, the knife slowly but inexorably advancing and beginning its terminal passage into his chest. But as the blade bit into his skin and the fresh jolt of pain surged through him, he braced his arm and forced the blade back, the tip stained with his blood. The man glared.

"I'm going to cut you up," the attacker shouted as Hiccup forced his arms away from his body. The man head-butted him and Hiccup's vision smeared with stars. "And then I'm gonna cut yer finger off and send it back ter yer home…"


The strange voice echoed down the alley and the attacker's head snapped up, the eyes on his cheek seemingly looking at Hiccup. His weight shifted and Hiccup felt some give for a brief second. A sudden surge of anger shot through Hiccup and in a last burst of energy, he grabbed the hand holding the knife in both of his and forced the blade back and round with a violent jerk, the edge sliding easily into the man's heart.

The pressure vanished and Hiccup collapsed forward onto his face, his shattered ankle folding under him and his vision greying. The man staggered back, the knife protruding from his chest.

"Yer never gonna get'way…" he breathed as he folded to his knees, blood bubbling over his lips. "Should've given me the tin…"

And then he slumped down, blood pooling under his body. Hiccup glanced up the alley, a shadowy shape walking towards him. Moving in and out of the shadows, his fading vision only saw a loping, easy gait as the man arrived, looking down on them. And he knew he was helpless and vulnerable and he knew that if this man was the friend of his attacker, he would be killed. And even if not, the cost he would pay for fighting for his life would be far too high and would end what remained of their dreams.

"Please…" he breathed as the man crouched down and peered at the dead mugger, his hand closing around the handle of the knife and pulling the blade out with one easy movement. The man turned his head towards Hiccup, his features blurred in the lawyer's fading vision. "Please…tell my wife…I love her…"

The man leaned towards him and blood dripped from the blade.

"Please Odin…spare me…" Hiccup murmured soundlessly. "Please let me see Astrid one last time…"

But his vision faded to black and he guessed this desperate prayer, just like every other one, was going unanswered.


Astrid Haddock sat motionless in the waiting room of Berk General Hospital. She had already spent far too much time here and more than any young woman should have but this was worse than everything that she had endured, because this was for Hiccup. Her Hiccup. Her husband Hiccup-the kindest, goofiest, most generous and caring man she had ever met. Hiccup whose emerald eyes sparkled with humour when he teased her and with love when he knew she was down. Hiccup whose auburn hair-untameable at the best of times-was insanely hopeless in the morning. Hiccup who wasn't a morning person but who got up early because she needed him to come with her on her runs because she had lost every shred of confidence since March. Hiccup who was her soulmate and was the one thing she had clung to through every trial and hardship and the worst choices they had ever had to make.

A tear slid down her flawless cheek and she idly palmed it away. By anyone's standards, she was beautiful, with flawless skin, a cute nose and bright sea-blue eyes. Her long golden hair was casually braided over her left shoulder and her athletic shape was taut in her jeans and blouse, a padded navy Barbour jacket pulled tight around her body. Her engagement ring with it's sapphire and diamond cluster and her golden wedding ring gleamed on her left hand.

"Mrs Haddock?"

She was on her feet in a second, eyes desperately searching the nurse's face for any clue.

"Yes?" Her voice was breathless and she hated how close to tears she sounded…but the phone call had been her worst nightmare. Hiccup had been so steadfast, so constant amid the trials and tragedies that had tossed the young couple…and she had never imagined she could lose him.

"Come with me," the nurse urged. Her name badge read 'Nadia' and her brown hair was pulled off her broad face as her white-clad shape led the young woman through to the High Dependency Unit.

"Is he alive?" Astrid asked urgently and Nadia graced her with a genuine smile.

"Gods, yes," she reassured the young woman. "He's got a really bad concussion but his CT and MRI were both normal and didn't show any significant lesions. He has a horribly smashed left ankle and the Orthos have already pinned and plated it as the Cardiothoracics have explored and dealt with the wound in his chest. Another half-inch and the knife would have been in the left ventricle of his heart…but someone was watching over him today. He'll make a full recovery." Astrid almost collapsed and she used a hand to steady herself against the white wall of the corridor.

"Oh, thank Thor," she murmured. "Thank Odin. Thank Freja. Thank you, thank you…" The nurse paused and a hand gently grasped her shoulder.

"Are you alright?" she asked and Astrid nodded automatically.

"Just relieved," she admitted. "I just need to see him…" She was led into a single room where a long, lean shape was lying in the bed, an oxygen mask over his battered features and drips in an arm. There was a cage holding the blankets off his broken ankle and a hospital gown wrapped over his pale shape. His auburn hair was a messy halo around his pale face and she rushed to his side, her hand taking his, wincing at the splits and bruising on his knuckles from his resistance. Pulling up the chair, she sat at his side, taking his limp hand in hers, gently leaning forward and pressing a tender kiss on his split knuckles. His sensitive fingers twitched and then closed around hers.

"Hey…" he murmured thickly, his eyes still closed and her head snapped up, her eyes lighting wth hope and relief.

"Hiccup-oh Thor-I was so worried…"

"Sorry, Milady…" he breathed.

"How did you know it was me?" she asked him, leaning forward and tenderly stroking the wild auburn hair off his forehead. She gently pressed her lips to his skin and his eyes fluttered.

"Well, if it was the doctor…that would be…pretty alternative," he mumbled thickly. She swatted his shoulder with a small smile and he hissed. "Been tenderised…" he protested gently.

"What happened, Babe?" she asked him, stroking his hair. His eyes finally opened and he winced, the emerald bleary.

"I'm sorry," he repeated. "I-I was so stupid…I took the shortcut from the back of the office towards the Main Street, round the back of Sven's…and I got mugged…" She shook her head and sighed, but continued her gentle stroking of his soft hair. Her hand gently tightened on his, her thumb running over his warm skin.

"What was so important?" she asked. "So important that you risked being killed?"

"I fought back," he mumbled and her eyes widened. She punched his shoulder and he whimpered in pain.

"You idiot…" she murmured. "You always say…"

"I know…" he replied wretchedly. "But it was instinct, Astrid. All this Vikingness…"

"He could have killed you!" she snapped. "You know how hard things are. You know what I've-we've-lost. And I have no family left. I couldn't lose you, Babe-it would kill me." He looked over at her, his brow furrowing as the light hurt his eyes.

"I fought because I didn't want to leave you-and I realised that he wasn't going to let me go," he said quietly. "And he wanted my wedding ring. I-I couldn't let him have it…"

"It's only a piece of metal," she reminded him.

"But you gave it to me," he breathed. "You gave it to me. So I would fight to my dying breath to keep it. I love you, Astrid. You are everything to me." He pulled her hand up to his mouth, shifting the oxygen mask and pressing his bruised lips to her soft skin,

"Hiccup…I couldn't lose you," she said, her breath hitching. "No matter what…I couldn't…" He beckoned her closer and kissed her very gently.

"Milady, I fought with everything I had to make sure I could stay with you," he whispered. "And a few bumps and bruises are worth it…"

"You almost died," she breathed, her fingers trailing along the line of his jaw, feeling his stubble.

"So did you," he reminded her. "And I felt so helpless. I could do…nothing to save you, to save…" He swallowed. "And I couldn't lose any part of you, Astrid. I had to fight." She leaned forward and rubbed her nose against his.

"My ferocious Viking," she murmured, kissing him again. The soft beeping eased as his eyes fluttered closed.

"Head hurts," he admitted as she rested back in the chair, never letting go of his hand.

"I'm here, babe," she reassured him. "Rest. I'm not leaving you."

"Always be a Hiccup 'n' Astrid," he mumbled. "Love you."

"I love you too," she whispered as he drifted off the sleep. But as she sat there, his hand clasped in hers and the soft beat of his heart beeping through the machine, the tears slid down her face.

"Don't let me lose him, Lord Odin, Lady Freja," she murmured. "If I have to choose, I will give everything else up-but let Hiccup stay."


1/9 published 23/10/18