Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Just a little hang-up.

Chapter 4 – After all...

No One's pov.

Suddenly looking just a little freaked out, Jade briefly shuddered and looked at her wrist, which didn't have a watch on it. "I'm late for class, biology math."

"Biology Math? Is that even a real class." Tori, then did her sexiest hair flip, which seemed to cause Jade to pause momentarily in her moved towards the door. "Don't you want to play with my hair? It needs special love."

Jade quickly grabbed her book and shook her head, then moved to the door while reaching to unlock it. "Um, er maybe I'll call you maybe sometime or never."

Tori's face quickly drooped. "I knew it, I tell you and you're freaked out. Now you don't want to play with my hair, I have no girlfriend and" Finally Tori exploded in frustration. "IT'S NOT FAIR!"

"What's not fair?" Jade said, with a puzzled look, as she unlocked the door.

"You can see my hair all the time, even when it's in a bun. And I can almost never see your perfect feet, their always trapped in those horrid combat boots of yours, most of the time, I have to satisfy myself with my pictures." Tori ranted, before abruptly stopping herself.

After appearing to think for a moment, Jade's face quickly darkened as she relocked the door, then walked up to Tori. "Pictures! Did I hear the word Pictures, Vega?"

Tori demurred, "Yeah."

"Of what, my feet?"

Tori nodded. "Yes, I've taken a few covert shots when we've gone to the beach and like that."

"Just my feet?"

"I got your boobs once by accident, when you were changing after gym, but I deleted that one. It' wasn't right."

Now angry and feeling rather insulted, Jade Barked. "So you're Jilling yourself off to pictures of my feet, that you have on your phone."

Toir quickly pouted. "You say that like it's dirty."

"And my boobs" Jade ranted as she lifted her shirt briefly to show them, "Aren't good enough for you, to play with yourself with."

"I can take some if you like."


Tori shot back. "You stole my hair brush, keep it in a special bag and play with the hairs."

"I found it fair and square! I didn't steal covert pictures of it when, you' weren't looking. Just how many pictures of my feet do you have anyway?"

Tori backed off, and looked down at her feet, which she shuffled nervously. "three or four…dozen"

"You're a serious freak Vega!" Jade said, her voice full of venom.

Tori, now furious, shot back. "And you're not! Besides, I deleted the boob one as it showed your face and on the off chance someone hacked my phone, that picture wouldn't wind up on some porn site. I love you, I love your smile, I love your wicked sense of humor and want to be with you all the fucking time. SO what? I have a major thing for feet, your feet especially, and got a bit of a freak flag myself. I'm sorry I wasn't your perfect angel. So if I'm not good enough for you now, then fuck off. And tell me Miss Perfect, how many pictures of my hair do you, have on your phone?"

Jade for a moment stood there seething, but took a deep breath and said. "None!"

Crumpling in defeat, Tori lowered her head. After a moment she said in a low voice. "Fine, go. I won't say anything. Don't worry, I won't put my hair in a bun anymore. Just go and leave me alone."

Tori stood there half wanting to cry, her head lowered, fully expecting to hear the sound of the door closing as Jade left the room.

Instead, there was silence that was broken a few seconds later by a rather sober and remorseful sounding Jade.

"I have them on a flash drive. I was worried about my phone getting hacked as well and I have more than 200. All of you. All of your hair, I like the ones where I can see you smiling and your hair the best. I've played with myself to them as well. I'll admit it. I was out of line, when I called you a freak. I'm sorry. I just wasn't expecting the feet thing and it just sent me over the edge. I've just been feeling vulnerable and worried and afraid that…."

"I wouldn't like you back. That I would hate you or fear you. That I would think you were a freak." Said Tori.


"I felt the same way. But I think in a way, we're all freaks. That and I was really worried."

Jade took a step closer, to Tori, who still had her head down. "About what?"

"In the last few days, I've really been worried that even with all of this in the open, it wouldn't work out. That even with our obsessions with each other, we quickly grow tired of each other. Or maybe it wouldn't be as fun as we thought. Let's face it, this isn't really a normal or even healthy way to start a relationship."

Tori waited for Jade response, again half expecting Jade to leave, only this time she felt Jade gently stroke her hair and even smell it. Only then did she look up at the goth.

Jade smirked. "Don't suppose you'd be interesting being the girlfriend of a total freak who has what could only be considered a rather unhealthy obsession with your perfect long, brown hair, that I would love to do nothing more than wrap my naked body in. I'd even be open to occasionally wearing sandals."

Tori looked and gave Jade a smile that warmed her heart. "Only if you'd be the girlfriend of a total foot freak, who would love to do thing more than pamper and worship your feet…and boobs, but feet especially. One who'd love you and let you play with her hair anytime she likes."

Jade took Tori's hand and shook it. "Deal. You got yourself one freak of a girlfriend."

Still looking a bit afraid, Tori said. "What if we indulge ourselves and we find out it's nothing special."

Jade kissed Tori, then put her arm around the Latina. "I had a cousin who always wanted to go skydiving. He was really obsessed with it, so on his 18th birthday, his parents paid for him to go skydiving."

"Don't tell me, he died?"

"No, he landed safely, but by the time he did, he was crying. Because he found out that falling towards the ground at about a 100 miles per hour, can be quite terrifying. He never talked about doing that again."

"So what are you saying?"

"Well, he did it and got it out of his system. No more constantly obsessing about being a skydiver. I was thinking that maybe if we…"


Jade pulled Tori tighter and briefly smelled her hair. "How about you and I go to my room right now and we indulge ourselves a bit. Me with your hair and you with my feet and see what happens. A test run so to speak. And if we work it out of our systems, then we know we're not right for each other and we don't have to worry about our hearts being broken."

Tori looked at Jade rather skeptically. "A test run. You really want to play with my hair don't you?"

Jade couldn't help but smile seductively. "I take it, you want my feet, pretty desperately. After all they've been trapped in those boots all day and probably need some special attention."

Tori quickly licked her lips in anticipation. "Just a test run! To work this out of our system, maybe. To see if it will work. After all maybe it's just a little hangup we have and maybe it will pass. So we find out, no strings attached."

"That's the plan."

Tori kissed Jade and then took her hand. "OK. Just a test run. But let's go to my place, it's closer and No one's home."

3 hours later

On any given day, if one would to walk into Tori's room, one would find it neat and orderly. But as the light of the afternoon shown through Tori's lace curtains, one could see that it was in complete disarray.

Books, photos, and other knick knacks from the desk and shelves now lay scattered on the floor, along with various article of clothing and stuffed animals. Even one of the pictures, a poster for the Katy Perry Movie had been knocked off the wall.

The bed, which sat in the corner, looked equally in disarray, with the sheets half pulled off and no blankets or pillows.

In the center of the floor, amidst of cluster of brightly colored, blankets, pillows and the smell of sex, lay the naked and sweat covered forms of Jade and Tori. They were lying next to each other, none saying a word each starring up at the ceiling.

However before, one of them could speak, the door opened, and Trina suddenly burst in.

"TRINA! Don't you ever knock?" Bellowed Tori in Protest.

Pausing for a moment to survey the room and its two inhabitants, Trina half chuckled and then made a beeline for Tori's closet. "Have fun playing doctor/ Tori? I'm borrowing your green top. I have a date with Mark tonight. You know that guy whose cousin's best friend is Khloe Kardashian's pool man. I am so in with the Kardashian's if this date goes well."

"Trina, I don't care. Got out of my room!"

Green top in hand, Trina slammed the closet door shut and paused on her way out of the room, to look at Jade. The Goth was laying there, her hair a complete mess and covered in sweat and other bodily fluids. Trina then looked down to Jade's feet, which were absolutely dripping with some sort of bodily fluid and it wasn't sweat.

With a smirk, Trina pointed to Jade's feet. "I see you found out about Tori's feet thing. I see that at least some part of you is useful."

Looking even more exasperated, Tori yelled. "TRINA, GET OUT!"

Trina huffed and moved to leave, but stopped again when she took a closer look at Tori. The Latina's body, much like Jade's was covered in various fluids, but her hair was so covered in glistening fluid, it looked soaking wet.

"Oh my god Tori, what is that in your hair?"

Before Tori could answer, Trina perked up. "Ooooh. That' must be that new mousse, I read about."

With a silent smirk, Jade watched Tori's face turn from anger to revulsion as Trina ran her hands through Tori's hair and rubbed some of excess from them into her own scalp.

"You see dum dum, just a little bit will do you wonders, you always use too much product. No wonder your hair always looks so flat. I use just eough and now I'm all set for my big date. He's picking me up in 30 minutes."

Tori opened her mouth so speak but was quickly stopped by Jade, who covertly pinched her ass.

Jade then spoke up, with an amused grin. "Tell me Ugly Vega. Have you ever seen the movie, There's something about Mary?"

"No, that movie came out like 35 years ago, how anything that old, be possibly be funny?" Said the elder Vega sister, with a disinterested shake of her head.

Trina then reached down and got a bit more of the substance from Tori's hair and rubbed it into her scalp. "Just a bit more for luck. Jade, why are you asking about that stupid old movie anyway."

Jade, who was barely able to stop herself from bursting out laughing, shrugged. "Oh, no particular reason."

With a shake of her head, Trina moved to the door. "Bye losers."

Once Trina shut the door, Tori let out a rather disgusted sounding "Ewwww."

Jade who had just burst out laughing could only nod.

After a few moments, things quieted down as sober silence once again descended on the couple. Jade sat there with a rather nervous look on her face and Tori, examined her still rather gooey hair.

"Jade?" Said the Latina somewhat pensively.


"So, tell me. We indulged ourselves, and from the looks of it, destroyed my room in the process. So tell me." Tori then bit her lip nervously. "Did you by chance work that out of your system? To be honest, I knew my hair could be so versatile. Though it is rather sticky now."

Jade pondered for a moment and glanced down at her exposed feet.

Nervously, she answered Tori back. "Um….I'd have say, NO! Considering this was the best sex, ever."

Tori instantly sat up and breathed a visible sigh of relief. "Oh thank GOD!. I was so afraid you'd be over it."

"Actually, instead of working it out of my system, I'm kind of hooked." Replied Jade with a sheepish grin. "That and never knew my toes could be so….handy"

Tori leaned over and gave Jade a rather sloppy kiss. "Your toes and your tongue I might add did the job and then some. And you were a wonderful hair slave. How many times did you get off just using my hair? I hope living out the fantasy, was as good as you hoped."

"Fucking better. And you were an awesome foot slave. You know what means."

"It wasn't just a little hang-up, we're more than just girlfriend and girlfriend and each loves, respects and cares for each other deeply."

Jade nodded in complete agreement. "We're going to fuck like this, at least 3 times a week for probably, for forever. Though next time, we're using my room, it has a lock."

"Um excuse me, only 3 times a week, 4 or 5 at a minimum." Said Tori as she leaned over and ever so casually licked Jade's left big toe clean. "Doesn't it feel so good to be in the open?"

"Damn right. How about a shower. You're hair needs some cleaning and I'm the one that's going to do it, after all, I did get it rather sticky. Oh and by the way, if I ever see a foot on your phone, that's not mine, you're going to have a visit from the business end of my scissors."

"Fine, only I get the chose your toe nail color any time I want and at least once a week you will wear clogs or sandals and I'll never put my hair in a bun again."

"Deal. You've got yourself a girlfriend. Come on let's shower and get something to eat."

Tori got up and grabbed some towels from the linin closet.

Deep down, Jade couldn't have been happier, not only did they hook up and play out a few fantasies, she felt they really connected. Not to mention, she did things with Tori's hair that she never felt possible and she was already planning out her next session as Tori's hair slave. Coincidentally, Tori at that same moment was looking forward to being Jade's foot slave, all too soon.

As she came to the doorway of the bathroom, Jade paused. "Just give me a second before we shower, I have to pee first."

Tori quickly put her hand on Jade's arm, then aware that Trina was downstairs, whispered something in Jade's ear.

Jade put on one of her trademark smirks and raised an eyebrow. "So you like that. Yet another surprise from good ole Vega? I don't suppose you're into…" Jade then leaned and whispered something into Tori's ear.

"Eewww…NO. My freak flag is big, but it's not that big." Tori shrugged. "Come on, It's just a little hang-up. You don't have too."

"Now you tell me about this!" Jade said, looking half annoyed, half relieved.

"Well if that foot thing didn't work out, it wouldn't matter and I figure after 3 hours of earthshattering sex, you'd be ok with it. I was going to tell you."

Jade nodded and took Tori's hand. "So you figured that you'd butter me up with 3 hours of incredible mind-blowing soul connecting sex before telling me that you're even creepier and stranger than I thought. You're in luck Vega, it worked and not to mention creepy is my middle name and the fact that you're just a bit creepy too, makes you even more interesting. Besides, it sounds a bit fun. Ok then, just as you do something for me."

"Anything!" Said Tori, with anticipation. "What did you have in mind?"

Jade took Tori's hand. "You see Vega, I'm majorly obsessed with your Hair and naturally I had a book about all my various fantasies. It was my biggest obsession, but that wasn't my ONLY, obsession, and that one had a different book, one you didn't see."

With a bit of a wide eyed expression, Tori asked. "What's in that book? "

"Oh you'll see…."

"Come on Jade, give me a hint?"

Jade then whispered something in Tori's ear.

With a grin, Tori said. "Seriously? You? A Goth! And you want me to…."

"My mom has a closet full of them. After all, it's just a little hang-up?"

With a nod, Tori squeezed Jade's hand and led her into the bathroom. "You're right, who am I to judge. It's just a little hang up, after all."

And they lived happily and freakily ever after…

I hope you enjoyed the story, I wanted it to be funny, but with some moments of drama. Please review.