Chapter 3-

A/N Thanks for the attention! Please review, I'll try to respond to all of them. This chapter felt a little rushed to me, I hope it isn't to bad grammatically.

Daphne was biting her fingers. She had been staring at the fire for hours. Just when she was about to call the Auror office, she started to hear a whooshing sound. Someone was coming through the floo. She held her breath as it grew louder and louder until two bodies came tumbling out.

"Astoria" Daphne yelled as she was running over to the little girl and enveloping her into a hug. "I was so worried".

"Daph!" Astoria said softly.

"What happened? Are you okay? He didn't hurt he did you?"

Astoria started crying. "He… He tried to rape me".

Daphne's eyes flashed with fire. "It's okay Tori, it's all over now. You never have to see him again."

"I-I know." She said with a sniffle.

"It's nearly 2 in the morning… I have a room in here if you want to go up into it. Get ready for bed and I'll be up in a second, so we can talk, ok?"

"Ok" Astoria said. She then walked up the second flight of stairs to Daphne's bedroom.

Daphne whipped her head around and stared at Hadrian, who was sprawled in the sofa. "What happened? Where was she? How did you get her out?" Daphne asked in quick succession.

"I took care of it" Hadrian simply responded.

"What do you mean you took care of it" Daphne demanded "What could you've done"

Hadrian looked at her coldly. "I murdered a man to get your sister back… At least be a little grateful" And with that, he walked up to his bedroom, leaving a shocked but relieved Daphne.


Harry Potter was having an interesting day. First thing in the morning at the Burrow, he woke up to a loudly snoring Ron Weasley. He got up and went to the small bathroom at the end of the hallway. He did his morning rituals and dressed into his rags of clothing with a sniff of disgust. Harry went down the stairs to find a eccentric Molly Weasely cooking. She moved about the kitchen with the grace of an experienced cooker. She produced a vial from her pocket and doused two cups with it.

"What was that Mrs. Weasely?"

Molly's eyes widened in shock before quickly recovering "Just adding a bit of spice, Dear"

"To the drink?"

"Oh, yes. Just to give it a bit of flavor."

"Oh, cool".

"Indeed, come now and grab some breakfast".

Harry grabbed a plate and a cup, hungrily devouring and drinking. He was still recovering from the summer at the Dursleys after all.

"That's it dear, drink up".


Hadrian's father dodged curse after curse, protecting both himself and his wife with his magic in the process. There were too many Death Eaters.

"My love" he said to his wife "Go to Hadrian, lock yourselves in the saferoom. Put our son under the fedelius."


"Now! He's too important to lose…. do it for him. For me."

She nodded reluctantly and started up the stairs backwards while defending herself.


For the second time that night, he woke up from the strange dreams that had been plaguing him. He couldn't explain why he was receiving the dreams. Perhaps it related to the memories he had received from his great grandfather. He got up and walked into his bathroom. 30 minutes later, he left and went downstairs.

Daphne and Astoria were sitting in one of the couches "Good morning" she said.

"Morning" he said "Would you like to go down and grab a bite to eat?"

" Yes, we must remain strong. We are the last of the Greengrass line, and we won't appear weak."

"Of course" Hadrian said with a smirk.

They made their way down to the great hall, students casting them curious stares along the way. They didn't expect to see a girl of about 10 walking through their halls. They entered the great hall, Hadrian led them to the Gryffindor table, toward Harry, who had a curious expression on his face. As they neared, Ronald Weasley's face turned a bright red.

"What are you doing bringing a snake to our table? And who's the girl? I knew you were a traitor, you're probably a Slytherin spying on us."

Harry and Hermione's mouths were agape "How could you say that Ronald? They just lost their parents, be a little sympathetic"

"They're snakes Hermione, they can…"

"ENOUGH" Harry yelled "They haven't done anything wrong. Please girls, sit down. You're welcome here."

By this time, the professors were getting interested. Dumbledore rose from his chair and strode over the Hadrian. "Mr. Auditore, I must Inquire of the identity of the girl you brought in. Who is she?"

"My ward professor, Astoria Greengrass." Hadrian responded smoothly.

There were gasps along the hall, and students began to fervently whisper. 'Astoria? The girl from the newspaper?'

"My I ask you to accompany me to my office? I believe we have some floo calls to make. After all, the Aurors are still looking for her" Dumbledore said with a twinkle in his eyes.

"I believe that can wait until we're finished eating, Headmaster"

"Indeed. Please, make it quick"

Hadrian nodded and turned around. Astoria and Daphne were immediately bombarded with questions. Questions that made them feel rather uncomfortable. Harry, being rather popular in his year, silenced most of them with a quick look.

That's when Ron spoke up "Snape is looking rather off today". They all looked up to the head table, finding Snape. He was looking at his plate in what looked like remorse.

"That's strange" Harry said "I don't think I've ever seen that slime ball so sad before.

"He's not a slime ball." Hadrian said. "My parents were good friends with him"

It was then that Hadrian spotted something mistakeable in the corner of his eye, he saw Ron's hand dip into his pocket, and put something into Harry's drink. Harry hadn't noticed and picked up his goblet to drink.

"Wait. Harry, don't drink that".

"What? Why?"

"I just saw Ron slip something into it".

"What are you on about?" Ron shouted "Don't listen to him Harry, you heard it himself, his parents were Death Eaters, just like snively".

Hadrian quickly got to his feet. He strode up to the head table, heading towards professor Snape. He then started exchanging words with him in a hushed tone. Snape's eyes grew dark. He stood and headed toward the Gryffindor's, and before anyone could protest, snatched the goblet off the table and sniffed it.

"Whos goblet is this?" Snape snarled.

"Mine sir". Harry said.

Snape's eyes narrowed. "Someone call the Aurors!" Snape yelled. Flitwick yelped and got to his feet, rushing out of the hall.

That got Dumbledore's attention. He quickly got up and strode down to the table.

"What is the meaning of this, Severus."

"This goblet has been doused with Illegal potions" Snape drawled. "Potions keyed toward Mr. Potter".

"I'm sure it's nothing Severus, there's no need to call the Aurors."

"This goblet has traces of Amortentia, and the draught of Fide, a very powerful loyalty potion. In other words, there is every need to call the Aurors." Ron's eyes widened and he visibly paled at this.

By this time, the entire hall was shocked into silence. Not only did Snape just put Dumbledore in his place, but he was also defending Harry Potter, his supposed nemesis.

A few moments later, none other than Amelia Bones walked through the doors of the great hall with three Aurors by her side.

"Ah, Amelia" Dumbledore started, "I don't think you're needed, we're sorting the matter out as we speak."

"Bullshit Headmaster" Hadrian said, rising to his feet. "Madame Bones, it's nice to see you."

"Indeed, Lord Auditore" There were gasps at this "What seems to be the issue?"

Hadrian then gave her an explanation of what he saw happen, and of what Snape had revealed.

"You can confirm this as a potions master, Mr. Snape?" She asked.

"Yes" Snape said. "Here" he said as he waved his wand over the goblet, muttering a clear revealing charm. Two colors floated above the goblet, forming words identifying the foreign potions.

Amelia nodded. She walked over to Ron and said "Mr. Weasley, if you would allow us to search your robes".

"Absolutely not! Those Snakes are trying to frame me" He yelled "Harry, tell them! I wouldn't do that to you! You're my best mate".

"Well then you shouldn't have anything to hide" Harry shot back with his eyes narrowed.

Ron paled. "I… I don't have to prove anything"

"We'll be the judge of that" Amelia said. "Mrs. McGonagall, acting as his temporary magical guardin, do we have permission to search Mr. Weasley?"

McGonagall nodded, her eyes narrowed. "Of course, Madame. Amelia nodded towards the Aurors, to which the responded by grabbing Ron and roughly searching his robes.

"Here!" one of them said. "Two half-filled potion flasks."

Amelia motioned towards Snape, he nodded and preformed the charms. "Matching potions" he said with a smirk.

"Right, Mr. Weasley, Lord Auditore, Lord Potter, if you'll all follow me to the Headmasters office, I believe we can sort this out."

Ron had to be drug to the office, shouting and struggling against the other Aurors. A little behind the group, Hadrian and Harry were conversing.
"I…I can't believe he would try to potion me. He was my best mate."

"Sometimes, the people we trust the most are the ones to hurt us most." Hadrian responded. They walked in silence for the rest of the trek.

The group walked up the stairs to the office, the gargoyle leaping out of the way with a short utterance from the Headmaster.

They were shocked into silence as they walked into the office. There were three people in the room waiting for them. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, and someone very unexpected. Sirius Black.


Sorry for the lack of updates, I'm extremely busy between college and working 30 hours a week. I have some time next week for Thanksgiving so I should be able to throw out some big chapters. Thanks for reading. Please Review!