A/N Hello, sorry I didn't update for so long! And... Some things happened and I didn't want it to affect the way I wrote. I've just been... so unmotivated lately. I know I said this was going to be a long chapter. Heh. All I am is a liar.


"Kyuubi" thinking.

"Kyuubi" talking

Normal POV


Naruto POV

Who is this guy? Exactly why does he want me here?

"You must be wondering why I called you here?" The guy I assumed was the 'Pain-sama' Tachi was talking about.

"Uzumaki-san, I am Pain. There are other members I assume you know of?" he questioned.

I quickly nodded my head.

"Very well. The reason for you being here is simple. We want you to help fight our wars." He stated.

What the hell? Why does he want me to help them fight? Arghh, this is so confusing.

"I'm giving you three days to decide. If not I will take the nine tails from you and leave it at that," he said putting on a stoic face.

What. The. Fuck.

How do they expect me to fight with them? I'm 10 times weaker than all of them...

"Understand you cannot go back to the place you once called your home. It doesn't matter whether or not you decide to join us. We will get the Nine-Tails within our grasp either decision." said a voice behind me. It was a weird plant humanoid. I realized it was Zetsu.

"Ahh! When the hell did you get in here?!" I yelled as I backed up into the wall.

"Just now." Two voices said at the same time.

Ok, this is some weird shit...

Just then Pain interrupted my little conflict.

Pain POV

We finally have him. We finally have the nine tails within our grasp. Now I will become the god of this world...


"Yes, Pain-sama?" Itachi questioned.

"Take Naruto to his room. "

"Yes Sir, come Naruto," Itachi said already walking out the door.

"Tachhiii! Wait for mee!"

I raised my eyebrows.

Why is he not using formalities? And why is 'Tachi' letting him call him that?

Normal POV

Naruto followed the tall mysterious man down the never-ending hallway. In those hallways... There was nothing. It was an empty, plain, just boring thing to look at.

"Tachi, do the hallways always look like this? Everywhere?" The blonde asked.

"Yes," Itachi said.

"Do you think maybe, if I do decide to join, just maybe, that I can decorate these drab halls? This reminds me too much of a prison." Naruto said, putting a hand on his chin, inspecting the walls with ideas popping in his head.

"Naruto, this 'house' is not meant for child's play. It is a base meant for people like me to work and gather information, plan attacks. We do not associate ourselves with childish acts. Everyone knows that-" suddenly Itachi is cut off by loud screaming and someone running down the hall.

"You little shit! Get your ass over here!" A blonde haired man said. He was chasing this guy in a mask. From the looks of it, his hair in the back was held by a hair tie. Nothing strange about it right? But, when he ran past the two no hair was to be found. it was... cut off?

"Not children play eh Tachi? Then explain to me why there looked to be a person running away from his wrongdoings!" He accused Itachi. The other just sighed and kept on walking.

"In case you don't know who those two are, they are Obito, the one in the mask, and Deidara, the blond." He said quietly as he reached a door. "Now, this is where you will stay during your stay. And, if you decide to stay, your permanent room. Any questions?" Itachi said while stopping in front of the door.

"Uh... Ok? Where's your room Tachi?" The blonde asked with a mischevious glint in his eyes.

"Naruto, you have no reason to know of my whereabouts. Now, I shall leave. Please don't create a ruckus. You are free to roam the halls and converse with the other inhabitants. Remember. You only have three days to make up your mind." Itachi said walking down the hallway before turning a corner.

"Ok..? See you later than... you grumpy ass," Naruto said quietly. Grabbing the handle, he slowly opened the door to the room. And his eyes widened. The room seemed bigger than his run-down house! What the...

Walking forward he looked at all the little things. The walls were a light brown color, the floor a lush dark brown. To his right, stood a four-poster bed. The top blanket was a crimson red, pillows a pastel black. the curtains hanging from the frame was a translucent red. Naruto softly sat on it and immediately sank into the bed.

"Ahh~ This is better than ANYTHING I've slept on. Is this heaven?" He said aloud while jumping back onto the ground. Looking around the room, there was his own little living room in the corner of the room. Complete with a small couch allowing two people to sit on it, and a little table. Across the bed was.. a closet? Walking over to it in wonder he opened it and saw many clothes in there. Ranging from black, gray, and orange!

"Aww man, could this place get any more awesome?!" He yelled out. Just then, he saw that one door in the corner. opening it, it was the most luxurious bathroom he has seen. With a big tub... mirror... He could live here forever.

But now that he was here... Would it be wise for him to stay with the Akatsuki? If he did, he would be a pawn for them. A powerhouse of sorts. If he didn't, he would be killed. Either way... And even if he decided to stay with them and... live... He would not be accepted back into the village. Or maybe he would, since his status as the fourth Hokage's son has been revealed to those little bastards...

"Kit, I'm not going to tell you what to do. It's your choice. But I do think you would be better off with this group. Who knows? You could consider these people as your family. And when you think you are ready to go back, if they allow you to go back... I don't know." Kyuubi said as he retreated back into his cell.

"Yea... Well, I don't know what to do either."