Chapter 1: Go Out With You

Hermione Granger could barely suppress her disgust as she watched Ron Weasley making out with Lavender Brown further down the Gryffindor table. He had been going out with her for several weeks now, and never failed to put his new relationship on full display. It took all of Hermione's composure to act as though Ron's choice did not bother her. In reality, she was dying inside. Only Harry Potter could see the torment she was feeling, and had taken to sitting with her at lunch even when Ron ignored them both. Hermione had hoped that Harry's solidarity with her might prompt Ron into considering he was making a mistake, but alas, Ron had never been very skilled in matters of perception.

On this particular morning, Harry and Hermione were joined by Neville Longbottom. "You two look glum," he sighed.

Harry shrugged. "Just been a long day, Neville," asking him to drop the matter as gently as he possibly could.

Neville's focus turned towards Hermione. "You look like you could use some cheering up, Hermione. And it just so happens that I've been wondering..."

"Yes, Neville?" Hermione's curiosity was piqued as she watched her friend's face flush.

"Would you fancy going out with me sometime?"

Hermione's eyes widened, taken aback. She had to admire her classmate's Gryffindor courage. And Neville had always been such a sweet, sensitive boy. She suddenly found herself fancying the idea of a date with him more and more. Plus, as she dared to eye Ron further down the table, perhaps trying to move on with life, go out with other people (she had never dated before) might capture Ron's attention, even make him jealous. She had been considering reciprocating the advances of that prat Cormac McLaggen, for the simple reason that it would drive Ron to distraction. Going out with Neville, though, might accomplish the same effect - she recalled how horrified Ron had been to discover that Neville had asked her to the Yule Ball - with the added bonus that she would be seeing a guy whom was actually worth something.

So finally, Hermione smiled. "Yes, Neville, I would love to go out with you! What did you have in mind?"

It took a moment for Neville to take in her response, and he grinned. "Brilliant! Meet me by the boathouse tomorrow afternoon?"

Hermione beamed, and pecked his cheek, satisfied that the gesture seemed to momentarily distract Ron. "See you then."