Peter had been exhausted all day. It wasn't his fault that he was so tired, well maybe it was. But he stayed out late on patrol last night and by the time he made it back to his apartment it was after midnight and he had to stay up another 2 hours to finish all his homework.

Ned nudged him awake. "Dude wake up before you get caught" Ned whispered to peter

Peter wiped the drool off his chin and picked his pencil back up "Thanks for the warning Ned" peter replied as he copied Ned's notes.

"No problem dude are you ok? You look exhausted?" Ned asked

"I'm fine Ned just didn't get much sleep last night, was out late" peter replied

At the mention of the Ned stared at him he was about to ask but the bell rung. Peter grabbed his bag and left the room.

Ned caught up to him by his locker.

"Peter" Ned whispered "Why didn't you tell me about your patrol? Remember guy in the chair?" Ned said excitedly

"Sorry Ned it was a busy night and nothing really exciting happened just the usual muggings and then I got home and did all the homework we had due today I got maybe 4 hours of sleep" peter replied tiredly

"Oh ok peter dang you can't keep wearing yourself thin" Ned responded worried

"I'm not trying too. I'm probably going to skip patrol tonight and catch up on sleep." Peter responded

"Good idea" Ned answered as they walked out of the building

Peter and Ned were about to start walking home, when peter saw a black sedan waiting in front of the school.

"Crap I forgot it was a lab day" peter said rubbing his face

"Only you would complain about having to hang with Iron Man" Ned said smirking

"Haha funny Ned I'll see you tomorrow" peter said walking over to the car.

Peter saw Happy siting in the driver's seat "hey Happy"

"Bout time kid been waiting for you come on get in"

"Ok I'm going" peter said opening the back door and was surprised to see tony waiting in the back for him.

"Hey kiddo" tony greeted with a smile

"Hey Mr. Stark What made you come with Happy to get me?" peter asked

" I had a meeting earlier by the time I was done it was close to the time you were out of school, so was like why not wanted to see your puppy dog eyes as soon as possible." Tony said with a smile.

"Haha funny" peter replied then tried to cover a yawn

"How was school today Pete?" tony asked

"Boring just took notes practically every class"

"Sounds like a dull day kiddo, any homework?"

"Um a bit not to bad"

"That's good you should be able to knock it out easily. After we can work on you suit"

"That sounds cool" peter said quietly

"Kiddo you ok? You not your usual energetic self" tony asked concerned

"I'm just a bit tired" peter responded

"Kiddo we got a bit of a drive till we get to the compound no better time to take a nap. I'll wake you when we get there." Tony said with a smirk

"Ok thanks Mr. Stark" peter said as he laid his head on the car window and closed his eyes.

Peter fell asleep almost immediately tony chuckled at his small snores. Before he took out his phone to distract himself. About 15 minutes later tony noticed a weight on his chest he looked down and saw peter curled onto his chest; he must have tossed in his sleep. Tony was considering moving him off his chest but he didn't want to risk waking him up. Looking at him close he could tell just how tired peter must have been.

The kid needed to sleep more. He would defiantly be talking to the kid about his sleeping habits but for not that could wait.

Tony smiled at peter and ran his hand through peter's curls. God this kid was making him soft. By the time they made it to the compound tony didn't want to wake him. Luckily peter was light; tony had no problem carrying him to his room. After Tony left peter's room,

"Friday Alert May let her know peter is staying at the compound tonight."

"Done Boss" FRIDAY Responded

Tony smiled and walked down to the lab.