Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN INUYASHA OR ANY OF THE CHARACTERS. I wish I did but those belong to Rumiko Takashi

It had been a year since naraku was defeated and kagome had returned back to the feudal era. She and inuyasha had decided to just be friends since he was clearly not getting over kikyo any time soon. And kagome was okay with that. Miroku and sango had finally confessed their feelings to each other, third baby on the way, and everything was peaceful, except for the slight run-in with a low level demon which was easily defeated. There were a few additions to the pack as well. Namely kikyo, who kagome and the rest got along fairly well with, and sesshomaru with his loyal followers. Rin was excited to be able to spend so much time with kagome, and that was the understatement of the year.

Sesshomaru had joined the pack so that he could "make sure naraku is dead." In truth, he had joined so that he could better observe kagome, who he thought had grown up quite nicely and was very powerful. Of course, he would never say this out loud. To his knowledge, the miko should be about mating age now and since she was so strong, she would be a suitable mate and one of the very few who would be worthy of the title: Lady of the Western Lands. First, he had to make sure that she was comfortable with him though.

Speaking of kagome, she had matured quite nicely over the years. She had lost all the baby fat from around her waist and face, leaving behind a well-toned stomach and a beautiful face which even demonesses would be jealous of. Her breasts had grown from a mere b cup to a more desirable d cup and her hips had grown much wider, even more noticeable because of her thin waist. She had stopped wearing her regular clothing and instead wore the more traditional miko clothing because she and kikyo were now assistant village priestesses. Her power had grown immensely and she had learned more control. Now she was one of the most powerful mikos ever in existance, rivaling even midoriko herself.

One night, as they were eating dinner, a boar which sesshomaru had so graciously hunted down for them, kikyo said, "i have grown tired of living off the souls of dead maidens. it is time i get my own. whe..." and before she could finish, inuyasha said, "Hell no! i won't allow you to kill kagome so you can make yourself whole again." Kikyo said, patient as ever, "Well inuyasha, if you would let me finish, you would know that that is not what i had in mind.

There is an ancient method called the melding of souls that allows a person's true mate to share their soul with another. If you and i are true soul mates, then you should be able to bind your soul with mine. It requires us to go to the river of dreams and spend a month there praying and fasting. after that month, when we have achieved a complete level of peace and calm, our souls will find each other and merge together, making us one. If we aren't meant for each other, then our souls will fight each other to the death." everyone was listening intently by the time she was done. She had even managed to grab the attention of sesshomaru, who was eating as a sleeping rin lay in his lap.

Kagome was the first to come out of her stupor, saying, "well inuyasha, i fully support your decision. Whether it's to stay or go." It was at this time that inuyasha said he really wanted to go since it would be worth the risk if it meant he could fully be with kikyo. They decided that they would set off first thing the next day but it was late so it was better to just go to sleep for then. When everyone went into their sleeping bags, kagome snuck out for some "alone time" in the nearby hot springs.

She tiptoed past sesshomaru, thinking that he was asleep but not taking any chances. She should have known better... Searching for any traces of her presence and ensuring there was none, he left to follow kagome. He saw her put her bathing supplies down and take off her clothes, ever so slowly. This graced sesshomaru with a very nice view of her plump breasts and round ass. He smirked as she generously spread her cherry scented body wash onto her hands and rubbed them through her hair until she had a nice thick lather. Then she squeezed some more lotion out and ran her hands down her body. It was all good and well until she reached her nether region.

Sesshomaru heard her gasp audibly and at this point he was almost bursting with the desire to just jump out and fuck her so hard that he only word she knew was his name. His hakamas became quite uncomfortable so he rid himself of them, along with his haori and armor. Kagome climbed out of the water and onto a huge rock and it was at this time when the strong scent her arousal hit the demon full force. He felt his claws draw blood in his palms at the thought of whoever it was that made her this way. Boy, was he clueless.


When i climbed out of the water and lay on the rock, thoughts of HIM invaded my mind. His beautiful silver hair flowing in the wind. Toned abs and muscles rippling as he sliced through anything and everything that stood in his way with his green whip. Cold amber eyes and an aura around him that screamed deadly. How he was so dangerous but could be caring at times, like with Rin. it was this trait that attracted me to him in the first instance. I knew it was a hopeless love like with inuyasha but i couldn't help myself. All of these traits summed up in one word: Sesshomaru. At that moment all i could think of was how bad i wanted him to be the one above me, his dick thrusting into me like there was no tomorrow, HIS hands running over my body. All of these things fueled my desire and i had to do it. For the first time in forever, i, Kagome Higurashi, was going to touch myself while thinking of someone other than Inuyasha, his brother.


Kagome ran her hands over her breasts, making sure to spend time playing with her nipples. Then she moved down until she reached the cleft between her legs. She was a pro at this by now, having had to pleasure herself countless time thinking of a certain hanyou. She wasted no time as she slid her finger along the slit, making sure everywhere was lubricated full before diving in. she found her g spot immediately and moved her fingers in and out, out and in. then she added another and soon she was vigorously pumping three finger into her wet pussy. It was time for a change though: kagome got up on her hands and knees and, instead of doing it the normal way, she put her right hand behind her and returned to her previous actions while using the left for support. She thought that, since sesshomaru was a dog demon, he would like to take her from behind. She was right in her assumptions.

Kagome ran her hands over her breasts, making sure to spend time playing with her nipples. Then she moved down until she reached the cleft between her legs. She was a pro at this by now, having had to pleasure herself countless time thinking of a certain hanyou. She wasted no time as she slid her finger along the slit, making sure everywhere was lubricated full before diving in. she found her g spot immediately and moved her fingers in and out, out and in. then she added another and soon she was vigorously pumping three fingers into her wet pussy. It was time for a change though: kagome got up on her hands and knees and, instead of doing it the normal way, she put her right hand behind her and returned to her previous actions while using the left for support. She thought that, since sesshomaru was a dog demon, he would like to take her from behind. She was right in her assumptions.

When sesshomaru saw her do this, he took his rock-hard member into his hand and. He used the precum that was already coming out as lubricant. He rubbed his thumb over the head and held onto it firmly. He used the other hand to play with his balls while pumping in time with kagome. Soon, he could hear her breathing get quicker as she took laboured breaths. He knew she was close and so was he. Her fingers picked up pace and she started moving her body back to meet them. At this point, she could no longer hold back her moans and she was far enough that no one from camp would hear her. Sesshomaru couldn't say the same for himself. If he wanted to remain hidden, he had to keep quiet.

"Ahhh. nghh. Fuck," she said as she felt the coil becumming tighter. To sesshomaru, these sounds were the most beautiful thing ever. Kagome closed her eyes but sesshomaru's remained open so that he could see the look on his hot vixen's face as she came undone. "Ahhhh. Sesshomaru," she screamed as the coil snapped and her wetness dripped onto the rock beneath her. Sesshomaru's eyes almost doubled in size as he heard HIS name come from that mouth of hers that could be used for something even better than saying his name (wink wink). Just this thought alone had him holding back a groan, ropes and ropes of his thick cum flying onto the carpet of moss under his feet. There was so much that some dribbled down the slit of his dick and onto his hands. This mattered not since he simply wiped his hand off on his forgotten hakama and, in a flash, he was behind kagome.

She almost screamed when she felt his breath on his neck, but he silenced her with his mouth, using the opportunity to also stick his tongue inside it. She tensed up and sent a slight jolt of holy power throughout her body. She stopped when she realised who it was and even kissed back. He seemed unfazed by this show of power though. While their tongues fought for dominance, a battle which sesshomaru easily won, all kagome could think was, "Gods yes. How long have i been waiting for this. This must be a dream". To her, it felt too good to be true but the fact that it was feeling so good meant that it had to be reality. Why he was doing that, she didn't know but she would soon ask him. When the need for air became known, he pulled away and could feel his member stiffen with desire as he admired his handiwork. Her lips were swollen and pink, her eyes glazed over and he could smell it when another wave of arousal washed over her.

When she came back to her senses, she said, "sesshomaru? How? Why?" and as she rambled on and on strings of questions, some of which didn't even make sense, all sesshomaru could do was smile slightly and think that it was him that she loved, not that half-breed. When kagome was done, sesshomaru answered all her questions at once: "I followed you here because I love you kagome. Please be my mate"... "WHATTTTT?"