Author note: hey what's up yall here with my first story sorry it's a bit short never was a writer but anyway here's the disclaimer.

Disclaimer: Sonic and all characters are owned by Sega, team sonic and their respective owners and I own nothing but the oc.


It was a regular day on mobius and all was quiet. A lone figure could be seen on the horizon approaching the city, they were clad in a ragged cloak, as the figure entered their stomach growled.

"Man I need to find some food." They said wandering around town till they ended up in a alley before they heard a voice.

"Hey buddy fancy meeting you here." Said a black basset stepping out the shadows along with a blue cat and a white rabbit.

"why don't you be a pal and give us your wallet?" said the rabbit, as the cloaked figure turned.

"sorry I don't have any money so I have to bid you ado." They replied, not wanting a fight only to be grabbed by the feline.

"where do you think you're going we're not done here." He said.

"you don't want this pal ." The person stated, as they made a motion to move the cat's hand only for their grip to tighten.

"and if we do?" asked the basset, the figure let out a sigh as a light blue aura appeared around them.

"just remember you asked for this …blast." As the words left the figure's mouth the alley was enveloped in a bright blue explosion that could be seen and heard through the city, as the light faded the cloaked figure left the alley, its residents knocked unconscious.

A few minutes earlier

Walking through the streets a young rabbit girl could be seen looking for someone.

"cheese where are you? Please come back." She said, worried for the young chao that had wandered off. Just then a bright blue light erupted from in the city gaining the attention of everyone including the city guard who was rushing to the scene.

"What was that light I sure hope that cheese wasn't near it." She said, as she began to flap her ears taking to the sky toward the source of the bright light.

A distance away

On a hill overlooking the city a blue hedgehog could be seen relaxing against a tree, it was none other then mobius's hero sonic the hedgehog resting after foiling another of Dr. eggman's plans.

"Man beating eggman and his goons is fun and all but its kinda getting repetitive I wish something new wou-" just then a bright blue light erupted from the city surprising him.

"now that's not ordinary this might be exciting better go check it out." He said, as he sped off toward the city.