
"What happened ?" asked the green haired hero, only to get a grunt from his accompany who was lying on the grass. This made Izuku remember.

He fought with Katsuki before he woke up in this forest.

He tried to get up while trying to remember the fight, they both knocked each other unconcious. After that they were both here in this unknown forest with many injuries. After a while Izuku managed to stand up and looked around. The first thing he saw was his childhood friend Katsuki trying to get up. He tried to run and help him but when he reached him he heard a growl from the bushes, but it went unnoticed to Bakugou.


"Y-Yes K-Kacchan?"

"Where are we?" asked the ash blonde teen

"I-I d-don't know." Bakugou just growled at this

"I thought so." he remembered the fight and how he slammed both of them unconcious with that last attack. He knew he would lose if he didn't do something, so he used his most powerful attack that still made his hands ache in pain.

"Look Dek-"


Both of them turned to source of the voice and what they saw make them stop in their tracks. Five bear like creatures covered in black fur and white bones on their backs started to circle them. One of them was twice the size of the others and it had more bones on its back. Then they attacked.

The first one to attack was the smallest of them, both Izuku and Katsuki dodged the creature easily. Than the others rushed in too. To an unexperienced eye they looked like they were just attacking aimlessly but that was not the situation, when you dodge one of them another one waits behind you and than attacks when you lower your guard. Izuku and Katsuki might not have the numbers but they had experience.

"Kacchan I'm gonna take the alpha and the little one you take the other three!" yelled the One for All user.

"Shut up Deku I'm taking the alpha!" answered the hot-headed hero and jumped at alphas back. When he was in mid air the Alpha tried to jump and slash him but Katsuki saw this a mile away, he made an explosion upwards and the recoil made him slid under the claw and get under the Ursa . After that he made an explosion to its belly and killed it in one shot.

At the same time Izuku was dealing with three other Ursais. He jumped from tree to tree and tried to confuse them. While it worked Izuku saw the chance and he kicked the Ursa in the face. The creatures bone helmet broke and than the creature died. Izuku used the same tactic again and killed the other one but there was still one left. It seemed to learn Izuku's attack pattern and before he could do anything it rushed to Midoriya. The creature tried to slash Izuku's face but before Ursa could do anything Izuku flicked his finger and created a big wind force that forced Ursai to fly to a tree and left his belly open for any attacks. After that Izuku killed the creature and looked at Bakugou who was watching him with an amused grin. Our green haired hero spoke

"You know you could help me right?" Katsuki just grinned and turned away then made a hand gesture to fallow him up.

At Beacon

Ozpin watched the kids with wide eyes from his scroll. He just witnessed two boys who were talking in a strange language taking down five ursais with nothing but bare hands and one of the ursais was an alpha! He reached to microphone and called Glynda and told her to come to the auditorium with all of the first years

Five minutes later

"Hey guys why do you think Ms. Glynda called the mach early and told all of us to follow her?" asked the blonde brawler called Yang Xiao Long. A blonde girl with shotgun gauntlets as weapons.

"I dont know why but it must be urgent if she just stopped the match" said Weiss, a girl with white ponytail and a combat skirt

The blonde vrawler was angry because she just lost her chance to beat Pyrrha, the 'Invincible Girl' in a duel. While they were talking Glynda stopped and turned to the class.

"Now children, we are all going to see the Ozpin so I suggest that you behave as such." Told the deputy headmistress with a glare that send a cold down to all of their spines.

After some walking they reached to the auditorium and saw Ozpin standing in the middle of the stage, when Ozpin saw them he greeted them

"Hello children, I think you all wanna know why I called all of the first years in here?"

Everyone nodded at that

"Okay then, I'm going to need you to find two boys in forever fall forest"

Everyone (including Glynda) was confused at that, than one of the students asked a question

"Sorry headmaster but why do you need all of the first years to find two boys ? I think we can all agree that one team is enough to protect those boys from the grimm." Everyone agreed with her

"Oh its not the grimm I fear, its the boys abilities." Decleared the headmaster

"Oh come on, I think they can't even deal with one team of hunters in training" Shouted Cardin Winchester, the former bully and faunus hater of the school.

Headmaster just raised an eyebrow at the boys antics and started to play a video from the projection.

Everyone looked at the video. It started with a weird static and than showed two boys lying at the grass. The first boy had dark green hair and wore a white t-shirt with black pants. He was muscular but the most weird thing was the scars on his arm and hands. The second boy had ash blonde hair and wore black pants with black athlete. They both had burns and cuts all over them

"Wow, look at how muscular they are *Purr*" You know who said this

"Come on, I can take them both at the same time." Decleared Cardin

"Is that green hair natural ? It doesn't look like dyed hair to me." Asked random student 1

"Probably no." Answered random student 2

At the same time Glynda was questioning Ozpin

"Ozpin who are these boys ?" Asked a confused Goodwitch

"Just watch Glynda and you will see."

As the students were watching the green haired boy said something.

"何が起こった?"(What happened?)

This made all of them confused (excluding Ozpin). Someone who didn't used common language as his first language, now all of them were focused at this boy The boy in question looked around and saw his friend. He tried to get up and move to ash blonde teen but he didn't saw the bushes move. This made the students tense up and shout at the video to warn him.

"Hey look behind!"

"Turn around you idiot!"

"He's gonna die-He's gonna die! Someone help him!"


"はい香月ちゃん?"(Y-Yes K-Kacchan?)

"ここはどこ?"(Where are we?)

"知りません?"(I-I d-don't know)

The two boys talked to each other in this different language that no one has ever heard before but the talking stopped when they heard a growl from the bushes. What they saw shocked all of the students, five ursa and one of them was an alpha!

"Holy crap"


They watched as the two boys dodge all of their attacks and yell each other something. But what they saw made all of them widen their eyes

The blonde boy just created explosions from his hands

He fired explosions downwards and made himself jump to Alpha Ursa. When the Alpha beast tried to slash his face he just made an upward explosion and get under the Ursais belly. With only one exploson to its stomache the beast just died.

Everyone watched this with hanging jaws

"H-Holy crap he just one shotted an Alpha Ursai!"

"I w-wonder what is that green boy gonna do"

What they saw after that made them even more amazed. The green boy first started to form vein like red lines around his body, after all of him was covered in red lines the vein like things just disappeared and green electricity formed around his body

Then he jumped

He hopped from tree to tree in a speed that no one has ever saw and focused the ursais. He kicked one of them in the face made its bone helmet broke and die in pain. He used this tactic to the other ursai and killed it too. Then he made one thing that made all of them shiver in their seats, he flicked a finger and sent ursai flying to a tree and made it lower its defence. He kicked the Ursai in the stomache and killed it.

Than Ozpin stopped the video and turned to the kids, than said

"Children, this will be your first mission, make these young boys come here to beacon"