A/N: this is shorter than I expected it to be, but still ok? I hope? Let me know what you think.

You stand there for a while. Wondering why you came. Trying to ignore the strange pain.

You read the name repeatedly. Turn it over in your head. Did you know him? The name seems so... familiar. You're around the same age. Maybe you went to school together? Could that be it? You shake your head. The thought slips easily away.

The sadness doesn't. Right at your core. An ache. Unrelenting. A sob chokes up your throat. A tear drips from your eyes. A sudden onslaught of grief.

You cry your heart out by this unknown man's grave. Your soul is being ripped apart. You collapse to your knees. Hands over face. Cheeks wet. Feels like you're drowning. The pain crushes you.

An eternity of tears. You sniff yourself into silence. Sit for awhile. Peaceful. Birds tweet. A feather dances on the breeze. Reach out. Grab it. Dappled grey. Twist it between your fingers.

You sigh. Wipe your cheeks. Stand up. Leave.

You turn back. Tuck the feather into a vase of slightly wilted flowers.

Stan the Man liked birds.

You barely notice the nickname. You barely notice the final tear. Shines on your eyelid. Trickles down your cheek.

You walk away. A faint wind rustles through the surrounding trees.

That night you don't remember going