So this is a different take. A typical story turned on its side. I really wanted to play with the idea that maybe old loves and new loves could provoke a different feeling. What would happen if they collided in such a way that no heart was genuinely safe? This is just a snippet chapter to set the stage. Let me know what you think!

Summary: The universe had decided. Sirius Black didn't deserve to die. The proof, well, he was shoved from the Veil in a speed that knocked him off kilter. In a world where Hermione was left to pick up the pieces of her life, and Remus suddenly felt in the way. Fast forward six months… what could possibly change, what never has?

Hermione was shuffling through her pages and humming as the morning light poured into her study. She spent years perfecting 12 Grimmauld Place and rather enjoyed the ambiance now. A rough hand glided over her robe, and her eyes shut pleasant as his hand swooped into the opening, cupping her gently.

"Good morning, Mr. Black," Hermione sighed.

His potent stubble ran over the bend in her neck as he hemmed. "What are you doing out of bed? I woke up hungry and you weren't there."

She released a sound of delight as his hand manipulated over her flesh. "I have to work, you know," she murmured.

His other hand was working through her curls as he worked her into primitive goop like he always seemed to do. "I have a duty to the witch who took care of me," he breathed before kissing and nipping at her shoulder.

Hermione was well on her way to sitting on the desk and letting him have what he desired, but the wards rippled, announcing a visitor. Sirius pulled away from her form and exhaled as she swiveled to him in her chair. "Who would be here so early?" she questioned with a frown.

"Moony," Sirius murmured with a hint of guilt. "I told him to come by today. I guess he's impatient."

A snap sounded in the room, and a small house elf appeared. "Miss Hermione, Twinkly needs to tell you that Remus Lupin and Teddy Lupin is here's. shall Twinkly put on tea?" the small creature inquired.

Sirius straightened his posture and nodded. "Please do, Twinkly. Thank you," he declared with a bob of his head.

The house elf bowed deeply and giggled. "Yes, Mr. Sirius," Twinkly replied and popped from existence.

"It always stuns me that you have a house elf," He mused with a smile.

Hermione tossed her hair and tightened her robe. "Well, I needed an elf that could take down the awful heads. She begged me to stay. I hadn't the heart to free her after she said she wouldn't want to live if she couldn't serve me. We spent quite a few years making this place a home," Hermione huffed with a pout.

Sirius nodded and offered her his hand. "Come on, let's get dressed before Teddy decides to run up the stairs."

They left the study together, and Sirius ghosted the witch's form, a bit disappointed they couldn't continue where they had to pause their morning dalliance. It was no surprise that Remus wanted to visit, but part of the male animagus's problem was that he was relieved. He missed his werewolf friend.

Remus was reading the paper as Teddy was humming a tune. A song Hermione must have taught him because he didn't remember ever teaching the boy a muggle song. He was always surprised at how much of an impression she made on his son, well, and him.

Sirius was first to enter the dining room and Remus's face flushed with relief. He missed him so much. This argument was ridiculous, and he was happy to bury the hatchet so to speak. Sirius walked over to Teddy and kissed his hair. "Hey, kid. How are you?"

"Pretty good, Uncle Sirius. Grandmother has been teaching me French, so I can talk to Victoire," Teddy murmured flipping a page in his book.

Hermione appeared in a floral lavender dress and flats. Both marauders and the child glanced over at her, but Teddy was the first out of his chair. "There's my Teddy Bear," Hermione declared as she scooped the boy up in her arms as he ran into the embrace.

"I missed you so, my heart hurt," Teddy sighed as he squeezed her.

Hermione bent and kissed his cheek. "I'll eat you up, I love you so," she said and ran fingers through his teal hair.

Teddy giggled and sneered when he pulled from the embrace. "Let the wild rumpus start!" He exclaimed and tugged at her. "Can we go outside?"

Hermione bobbed her head and straightened her form. "Let's go outside while your Uncle Sirius and dad talk," she replied.

Hermione ran her fingers over Sirius's arm as she walked by him toward the back door. The boy followed her, but Remus frowned after them as they left. "Is she ever going to speak to me again?"

The animagus exhaled and slumped at the table with his friend. "I don't know, Moony. She heard what you said about our relationship."

Remus pursed his lips as he folded his arms over his chest. "Pads, it is a bit different, you know that. I have spent eight years with her and even her agreeing to it is out of character."

"Well, you didn't offer me your bed more than once," Sirius hissed with a glare.

Remus exhaled as his hair swayed over his scarred forehead. "Not that I had much of a chance. You both spent so much time together when you returned."

"Come on Moony!" Sirius shouted as his cheeks turned red. "She spent most of the time talking about you and Teddy. We talked about her divorce and even her loneliness."

Remus thinned his lips and shook his head. "You know why I left, Pads."

Sirius leaned over the table and sneered. "Then you should have said something before."

Remus was quiet as he fingered the pages of the paper. "You know I'm not good at these things," he whispered, not looking up at Sirius.

"She created this beautiful house for you and your son. That witch bent over backward for you, and now you can't even be happy for either of us?"

Remus glanced over at his furious marauder. "What did you want me to do? I am happy for you both," he mumbled.

"I wanted you actually to be happy for her," Sirius sighed and scratched his face. "I honestly thought she was in love with you when I first got back. I know how you feel, but it isn't fair to her. She didn't hurt you, I did."

Remus tugged his collar and swallowed. "It was tough after that night."

"Yes, I know," Sirius murmured dropping his head slightly. "But she wanted me more than just for that. I needed it too. She doesn't hide how she feels about me."

"I never have!" Remus exclaimed with a severe scowl.

"You did!" Sirius growled with an aggressive expression. "You nearly tossed me out because it was wrong for your son to see you like that. Tell me the truth, Moony."

Remus's lips thinned, and he stood up. "Let's put on a good face for them today. I don't want them to see us fight."

"Fine, but this is the last time I'm going to go through this with you."

The werewolf nodded with a sigh. "Okay, Sirius."

Hermione was sitting with the boy on the swing set as they swayed gently. His hair had been changed to his father's coloring to fit more into the muggle attire. The park itself was quaint and quiet, but they took no chances; the boy was still learning to control his talents. Teddy was gazing out at his dad and uncle speaking quietly on a park bench while his uncle smoked a cigarette. "Hermione," he finally spoke.

"Yes, my little love," Hermione murmured.

"Why is dad so mad with Uncle Sirius?"

Hermione pushed herself into a more deliberate swinging. "Well, why do you think that?"

"Because we moved away. I miss being home with you and Uncle Sirius. I love my grandmother, but dad doesn't seem happy," the boy confessed with a pout.

Hermione gazed at the marauders smiling as they spoke. Sirius looked to be telling stories of the past; his face always held a boyish charm when he was. "I'm sorry you miss being home, but your dad and Uncle Sirius have adult things to work out," she explained, hiding her rosy cheeks among her curls.

"But my dad still loves Uncle Sirius?" Teddy questioned.

It was a question that cut to Hermione's core. She knew for a fact that the Marauders still loved each other very much. Sirius had been pining for his friend for the last three months. The witch couldn't help but to feel that she made the wrong decision at times as she glimpsed who they could have returned to being without her interference.

"Yes, and Uncle Sirius loves your dad too," Hermione mumbled as she dropped her gaze.

"Uncle Sirius and dad loves you too?"

Hermione kitted her eyebrows over at the curious boy. "I think so, but love comes in all different colors, just like flowers," she expressed in the most simplistic way.

"Maybe if dad just made Uncle Sirius a card that said how sorry he was for upsetting him that we can move home?"

Hermione reached over and patted his shoulder. "Maybe, my little love."

Teddy bobbed his head. "I'll ask grandmother. She's smart like you, Hermione."

Hermione giggled and hopped from her swing. "Well, let's go get some lunch. Why don't you go tell your dad you're ready for some food."

The boy jumped from his swing and bounded over to the marauders. Hermione watched them interact from afar, and she felt this grim mood blanket her like a heavy robe. Sirius hugged and laughed with the boy. Remus sat back with a smile she only beheld when the werewolf was truly happy. The witch felt the sudden difficult emotion of envy and guilt. If she and Sirius stayed together, Remus would only be half happy… no matter what she did, she was going to lose one of them. That followed her the rest of the afternoon.