A plot bunny I got when reading some Batman, Teen Titans, Avengers and Outsiders and Justice League comic books. This will be in The Dar(h)k War saga but I plan to make it a bit shorter, unlike other stories.

Timeline wise, this takes few weeks after League of Shadows story.

Disclaimer: I do not own DC Comics or the CW TV shows Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl or any other characters or elements pertaining to the mentioned franchises.

Hope you have fun

With regards


Few weeks after Prometheus had cut Roy's arm off, he was still recuperating in A.R.G.U.S. medical facility as he was trying to pull himself up with his one arm, while hanging on a trapeze before he fell down.

"Damn it." Roy groaned.

"It will be alright, Roy." The therapist assured him.

"Even with my other arm that Bruce had given me, I feel like I lost my edge." Roy snapped.

"Roy, I know this is hard but I think you just need to give it time." The therapist assured him.

"I know what it's like, to feel like you've lost an edge." Barbara entered as she smiled.

"Hey." Roy smiled and hugged her with his arm, kissing her on her cheek. "I didn't expect to see you."

"Henry told me that you're still recovering." Barbara said. "I wanted to check in on you, see how you're doing."

"What do you think?" Roy snapped as he got up on his feet with a little difficulty with his one arm before he put on his bionic arm.

"Roy, it's going to be OK. You're a strong man and I know you'll find your way to get back your grip. Even I was still struggling after I had recovered from my paralysis." Barbara assured him.

"I just hate being here and feeling so helpless, while you guys are out there, risking lives." Roy snapped. "Even if I could recover, what if I'm not the same, once I get out of here?"

"Don't think like that. Trust me." Barbara assured him.

"How you doing, Roy?" Dick asked as he entered.

"As good as I can get, I guess." Roy said.

"Why don't we get a beer, once you've finished your therapy here?" Dick offered.

Later, the Glades, Star City

Sin, Rene, Dick, Jason Todd and Roy had finished fourth shot of whiskey as they all laughed. "You, guys, I think the dog here ain't got more in him."

"Oh, you know what, hoodie, I can go few more rounds, let's see you beat me, Hoss!" Rene cheered.

"Well, well, if it isn't dumbass Ramirez and the Arrow's scapegoat." One of the men in the bar smirked as he approached them.

"Dude, we're right in the middle of something." Dick said.

"You know, I wanted to get a piece of you after I found out that your buddy Queen was the Arrow but it doesn't take much of a brainer in the Glades to figure out that you're the other Merida." Another man said, nudging Roy.

"Get lost while you still can." Jason warned.

"You know, you and Queen beat the crap out of my brother two years ago and he's rotting in Iron Heights because of you, hooded freaks." The man said. "You know what, I was gonna make a video and expose you too, like Darhk did with Queen but I think I'll settle for seeing you becoming this pathetic loser." He turned to the stump, where Roy's arm was.

Dick, Roy, Jason and Rene turned to each other. "Rain check?" Rene asked.

"Yeah." Jason nodded before punching the man in his face. "One thing you never do, is calling my friend a loser."

The man's three other companions tried to attack Jason but Roy grabbed the arm of one of them and tried to throw another punch before realizing that he was in disadvantage with his one arm only. Instead, he kicked his opponent in the crotch and dodged as another one hit Roy in the stomach with a pool stick and knocked him down.

Roy looked at Sin, Dick, Rene and Jason as they chuckled as Jason took a sip from his bottle of beer, all of them looking amused as how would Roy handle himself with his one arm. Roy kicked his opponent as he got up before pushing one of them against the counter, next to Jason, Dick, Rene and Sin as Sin looked worried.

"Shouldn't we help him?" Sin asked.

"Nah, I don't think it's Roy that needs help." Rene shook his head.

Roy dodged and punched one man with his arm and whipped his head, hitting another one in the face, breaking his nose as the man tried to grab Roy from behind.

"Ten bucks that it will take five minutes for him to beat them all." Jason betted.

"I'm betting three." Rene quipped.

"Twenty bucks on two minutes." Sin said.

And a few moments later, Roy finished off the last of the harassers. "Anyone else wants some?"

"Put it on their tab." Dick told the bartender before turning to the incapacitated men on the floor.

Few weeks later, Wayne Enterprises

"Good to know I still got it." Roy smiled as he was training archery with Oliver after Bruce had paid for giving Roy a new bionic replacement for his severed arm.

"Your form is a little… off but I think you just need to get used to your new arm." Oliver assured him.

Dick then entered.

"Hey." Roy smiled.

"Roy, we need to talk." Dick said.

"What's going on?" Roy asked.

"Roy, I need your help. My circus got an offer to tour in Chicago last week but look at this." He showed Roy a news article as Roy widened his eyes.


"I know that you and Jade have… a history. If she shows up… I don't want what happened in Gotham with Haly's last year, when the Court showed up, happened again. I need someone to watch their backs."

"When are you leaving?" Roy asked.

So, what do you guys think? Is it good? Is it bad? Should I continue?

Please review and let me know if you have been enjoying this.

With regards
