Chapter 1

Asking without asking



Hi everyone and welcome back to another (and probably the final) part of A Tale of the Trickster and the Spider!

It is filled with more love and fluff than your heart will be able to handle PLUS a ship that we never saw coming XD

For those of you who are new here; please check out part 1 and 2 first :D

ANYWAY! Thank you all for coming back here, it's so amazing that there are this many people out there who like this story so much!

Anyway, without further ado! Please enjoy.
Chapter one of part three: Asking without asking

'So, you got any plans for today?' Tony asked as he noticed the Captain staring out into the backyard, his arms akimbo and a serious expression clouding his face, but as he heard the playboy, he smiled somewhat and looked up.

'Not really. A bit of training, I suppose, as usual. You?'

'Seriously? Again? Why would you even do that?' Tony sighed, but as the Captain's look demanded a further explanation, he smirked and shrugged. 'You're practically Superman, Cap. Maybe you could actually do something fun today, like binge-watching some Netflix with me? I could make you a damn good cup of coffee.'

'Uh, I don't know, Tony,' Steve said as he chuckled, 'I think I've had enough caffeine for an entire year, plus, I really should be training...'

'I could join you?' Tony suggested with a smirk, but he was disappointed as the Captain's laugh told him this option was not being taken seriously.

'You're always welcome to join me, Tony, but I believe you said you did not like working out?' Steve eventually said with a smirk.

'Well, for you I'll make an exception,' Tony countered, rolling his eyes without losing his smile.

'... Why?' The blond asked sincerely, tilting his head a little.

Tony stared at him in confusion and shrugged awkwardly. 'I don't know. Maybe it would be more fun... Anyway, Netflix is waiting, feel free to join in any time you like.'

'Yeah, thanks. I'll make sure to join you some other time, promise.' Steve said as he gave the playboy a kind smile. 'I've gotta go. Bye, Tony.'

'Steve?' Tony asked just before the blond walked out the door and the blue eyes turned around.


'... Uh, have fun. See you later,' Tony said uncomfortable, not really knowing where he was going with this.

Steve stared at his friend for a second, an even brighter smile then formed on his face. 'Thanks, Tony! I'll be home by noon.'

'You better!' The playboy shouted after him, his eyes following the Captain until he was out of sight. He stared at the door for a second, then rubbed the bridge of his nose. '"Have fun and see you later"? Seriously Tony? That's the best you could think of?' he sighed.

'I saw that,' a voice sounded next to him, startling Tony.

'For f-!, Nat, there's no need to play spy around here!' Tony said as his hand covered his heart. 'I'm not one for ninja sneak-attacks. Or ex-spy eavesdropping for that matter.'

'Oh, I don't need to spy to see what's going on here,' Natasha said with a teasing smirk as she grabbed herself a cup of coffee. 'Tony, this is so clear, everyone sees it. Well, everyone except Steve, apparently.'

'What? What are you talking about?' Tony said casually, deciding to sit down on the couch, then not sitting down so at least he could look her in the eye as they talked.

'Really, Tony?' Natasha chuckled. 'You know, if I didn't know any better, I was thinking you were flirting a little there.'

'Sorry, Nat, I know I'm irresistible, but I think it's best if we just stay friends.'

'I wasn't talking about me, Tony.'

'Who were you talking about?' At that, Natasha gestured with her head to the door through which the Captain had just vanished. 'Oh, please,' Tony replied with a scoffing chuckle. 'I thought you knew me better than that.'

'Oh, I do,' the Widow said, happily walking towards the playboy, enjoying this little interrogation to the fullest. 'That's why I'm so confused. I mean, you might call yourself a playboy, but I've never seen anyone fail in flirting so epically.'

'Come on, Nat, we both know I could wind a girl around my finger in a matter of seconds. Just this look will do, check this out.' At that moment, the playboy cast her a deep, smoldering look, a one-sided smile accompanying it.

'Impressive, but I'm not really feeling it,' Nat shrugged. 'Plus, Cap's not really a girl now, is he? Maybe that's why you failed?'

'I was not flirting with Steve, Nat,' Tony sighed, 'Okay?!'

'Whatever you have to say to make yourself sleep at night, Stark,' Natasha chuckled as she wanted to walk away. 'Sleep alone, that is.'

'Wait,' Tony said before he could tell himself to shut up. As two greyish green eyes stared at him with a questioning look, he sighed. 'Alright, I might, slightly, like the old man, what about it? Are you just going to make fun of me or are you actually going to help?'

'Of course I'm gonna help you,' Natasha said with a wide smile, 'Can't believe it took you this long to finally admit it.'

'Okay, maybe I would be happier with the insults. I don't trust that smile or your suspicions about my love life...' Tony said with a grin, though a hint of panic shown through.

'Hey guys, sorry, I forgot my bag!' Steve said as he barged into the room, grabbing his bag and wanting to leave, but he completely froze as he saw Natasha looking at him with a huge grin on her face, while Tony merely stared at him, a nervous smile on his face. 'What… What's going on?' the blond asked with an uncomfortable smile.

'Well, go on, tell him, Tony,' Natasha said as she looked at the playboy, who softly shook his head at her and remained silent. 'Oh, come on, if you don't, I will,' the assassin stated, but she sighed and rolled her eyes as Tony's expression remained the same.

'What, what's wrong...?' Steve asked, walking nearer to them, his expression now turning from slight discomfort to worry. 'Something the matter with you, Tony?'

'No, nothing, don't worry Steve,' Natasha reassured, but as she took a step forward, Tony quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled her close against himself as he whispered in her ear through clenched teeth, 'Nat, you keep your mouth shut! Understand?!'

'You want me to help or what?' Natasha whispered softly, though a ring of irritation was clearly audible in her voice.

'Yes, but-'

'Then man up, Stark!' she whispered a little too loudly.

'Uhm, so, did you want to tell me something, Tony? 'Cause otherwise,' Steve stammered as he gestured at the door, the sneaky behavior of his two friends making him feel even more uncomfortable.

'Well, Tony has a reservation for two tonight at a cute restaurant not too far from here and, considering that you two pretty much run this place, he wanted to ask you to join him for dinner,' Natasha offered with a smile in hopes to put the captain more at ease.

Steve stared at the two for a second, slowly lowering his gym bag. His eyes then met those of his nervous friend. 'Tony?' was the only thing the Captain could say as a response, noticing how his friend stayed unusually quiet.

'Hm?' Tony asked, his nerves not allowing him to say anything more articulate, but Natasha quickly broke his freezing curse by stabbing his foot with her stiletto heels. 'Uhm, yeah, like Nat said, I mean, I could go with anyone else, really,' he then took a deep breath, 'But... I was wondering, on a scale of one to America, how free are you tonight?' he finally managed to ask, clasping his hands while doing so.

Steve looked at his friend in confusion and then started to laugh loudly. Just as Tony thought he was making a fool of himself, the Captain nodded, a wide smile on his face, 'Yeah, I'm quite free tonight. When's dinner?'

'Dinner's at eight,' Natasha stated calmly, while quickly making the reservation on her phone.

'Great, uhm, see you tonight, I guess,' Steve smiled as he wanted to leave again, but before he walked through the door, he turned around. 'Wait, will I need a suit? I mean, like an actual suit?' he asked uncomfortably.

'Yeah, but don't worry, that's taken care of. It will be in your room somewhere around...' at this, Natasha squinted her eyes somewhat to read something on her screen, 'Oh, yeah, somewhere around six.'

'Great, thanks,' Steve said and he then looked at his friend, 'if that's okay with you as well, Tony, you haven't really said anything,' he noted carefully.

'Yeah, of course,' Tony said quickly, straightening his back as he did so. 'Uh, we could leave here by car-'

'You can walk that distance,' Nat interrupted him.

'...We could meet here at half past seven,' Tony continued, checking this with Natasha before continuing, 'and we'll walk over to...'

'"Jean-Philippe",' Natasha added with a smile. 'Fancy French place. You'll love it.'

'Wait, isn't that a really expensive place down by the main road?' Steve asked with a frown, 'Tony, I'll be just fine with take-away pizza, really.'

'Uhm,' Tony started, but Natasha sternly shook her head, 'No, we're going for dinner tonight. There, I said it.'

'...If you say so,' Steve said a little uncomfortably, but then quickly casted Tony a smile, 'I'll be sure to be back on time. See you guys.'

'You'll be fine, Steve,' Natasha assured him before he walked out of the door. At this, the Captain smiled and nodded, closing the door behind him again.

After half a minute of complete silence, Tony buried his face in his hands and let himself fall on the couch. 'Worst. Confession. Ever,' he managed to speak.

'Hey, at least you got a date?' Natasha said in an attempt to cheer him up. 'Come on, we've got some shopping to do.'

'I thought you'd handled that?' Tony asked in confusion.

'I just said that so Steve wouldn't freak out. Now, get off that lazy ass of yours, we have to get your man a suit.'


So, A little Steve and Tony to get you started with.
Hope you liked it and, as usual, we will see you again in two days! :D