So… yes, I am still alive, as is this story. However, I've unfortunately come down with a severe case of writer's block that has been absolutely horrendous. In my other stories, I'll write a little, lose my train of thought, then move off onto another story I'm writing. I currently have one to two chapters written up for over twenty other stories that have been sitting in my google drive for about three months. Lots of cross-overs too. So yes, this story is still alive, it's just that its author is an ADD riddled spaz who can't get the words in his brain to come forth on the screen.

To add to that, I've been travelling A LOT in the past two months. Went to Ireland for a week in June with my dad. Then I went to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee with my mom last month. Got home from that to find out I had a nice, big kidney stone trying to claw its way out of my back. So, you could say I've had a lot going on.

Thanks all for the reviews. I feel I should probably inform you all that I don't have a reason for what a write and why I write it. Well, I know why I write it - at least partially. Some things - rather small and insignificant details - you may pick at and take notice of. And some of you may ask why I did this or did that? Truth be told, I did it because it fit the way I'm writing this story. In case y'all might've forgotten, this story is AU and follows canon only in plot and not in details.

For instance, in Book 1, when Grover collapses after the fight with the Hydra and Percy uses Ambrosia and Nectar to fix him up a bit? I forgot that satyrs can't eat the food of the gods. However, by that point it didn't really matter as I had already posted and would've had to rewrite a good chunk of that part of the chapter. Chalk it up to laziness if you want, but I'm writing it off as 'I do what I want and write what I want'.

Alright, mini-rant over. Glad y'all liked the chapter and hope you like this one!



Percy gazed across the barren field at the shadowy Tower of Titans in the distance, his mind replaying all that had happened no less than six hours ago. He looked down at his hands and breathed deeply. His fingers tingled and his body hummed with power. Chrono-kinesis - the ability to control time. The power to manipulate time itself with a wave of his hand or a flick of his wrist.

It scared him. Already he felt more powerful… and dangerously so. At this point, he figured he was on par with perhaps Iapetus or even Hyperion or Krios. And from what Chaos had told him, Percy would only be getting stronger.

"Perseus." Percy turned to see Iapetus, Thalia and Kelli waiting for him. "It's time to go," Iapetus informed him gently.

Percy nodded and, after shooting one last glance at the tower, joined his friends. A somber silence descended upon the traveling quartet, each buried in their thoughts as they continued on their journey. For several hours the group walked, traversing through more deserts and glacial environs. It wasn't until they head ventured deep into a swampy environ that the eerie quiet was broken by a distant and tremendous roar.

"What the hell was that?" Thalia practically yelped, her eyes darting all around for the source.

Iapetus' eyes narrowed. "Drakon."

"Must be a big one," Percy muttered. He'd retrieved his spear, Piercer, and started scanning the rotten, twisted forms of the trees.

"I agree," Iapetus stated. The Titan motioned for them to keep moving and continued on into the swamp.

"Uh, Iapetus?"


"Are we moving towards the big drakon?"


"... Alright then."

As they continued through the boggy waters and sinking mud, the sounds of fighting and screeching roars began to grow louder. Several minutes later, the quartet found themselves crouched behind the trunk of a fallen tree on the edge of a large clearing. What they saw made their eyes widen and their hearts stop.

A huge, red-skinned Giant was currently locked in a fight to the death with the largest drakon Percy had ever seen. The beast was easily as long as a New York subway train and just as big around. Thick, heavy plates of green and yellow decorated the drakon's hide and green eyes, the same color as Percy's, glared out from above a mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth the length of Percy's forearm.

"The Maeonian Drakon," Iapetus breathed, his silver eyes wide with awe.

"Maeonian?" Percy echoed and turned wide eyes on the red-skinned Giant. "If that's the Maeonian Drakon… then that's Damasen, Bane of Ares."

Thalia groaned. "For Void sake! We can't even avoid the Gigantes in Tartarus!"

"This may be beneficial for us, actually," Percy commented and turned to grin at Iapetus. "Thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"

"Perhaps, Perseus, we should lend aid to this Damasen," Iapetus replied with a grin to match Percy's' and drew his own spear, the Perforator.

"Now you're speakin' my language," Percy turned to the girls. "Thals? Kelli?"

The girls shared a look - one that spoke of a mutual understanding - and both took a step back. Thalia shook her head and smiled innocently. "Uh, we'll count this one out. You boys have fun!"

Iapetus and Percy shared a shrug and started to sprint towards the ferocious battle. Percy's keen eyes quickly and methodically scanned the armored plates on the drakon's hide and spotted several chinks and key points in the plating. "Go low and help Damasen! I'll go high and see if I can get close to one of those chinks in its armor!"

With a nod, Iapetus split off from Percy and ran towards the front of the drakon, where Damasen had gotten hold of the beast's face and was currently driving his fist into its snout repeatedly. Percy focused for a fraction of a second and allowed energy to pool into his leg muscles. When he drew close enough, Percy's eyes flashed black for less than a second, he crouched low and released the energy that had gathered, jumping nearly thirty feet in the air. Percy landed in a crouch on the drakon's back and started running up the body to the beast's head, utilizing a significant amount of power to retain his balance on the bucking minotaur that was the drakon.

As Iapetus drew nearer to the grappling Giant, he hefted his spear and launched it at the drakon's eye. The spear sank into the soft tissue, causing the drakon to recoil and screech in pain. The Titan of mortality reached out towards the spear and grinned when the weapon pulled free of the beast's eye and landed solidly in his hand.

Damasen glanced down at the new arrival with something akin to surprise. "My thanks, Titan. However, I fear your weapon, as powerful as it may be, will not be enough to fell this creature."

"Fear not, Damasen," Iapetus assured. "I am merely the distraction."

"Distraction?" Damasen's head whipped around when the drakon gave off a hideous shriek of pain and anger. His eyes narrowed at the sight of a small being scaling the beast's armored hide. "A friend of yours?"

"Indeed," Iapetus replied, smirking. He hefted his spear again and sent it sailing at the drakon's chin. "We must keep the monster distracted so that my friend may find the beast's weak point."

"This is my fight, Titan," Damasen stated. He pulled up a large tree and hefted it like a club. "I cannot ask a stranger to fight my battle."

Iapetus grinned and stretched out his hand, once more recalling his spear. "Then it is a good thing you are not asking."

Damasen regarded the Titan curiously before nodding his thanks. Together, the Titan and the Giant turned as one and charged at the drakon.

Back with Percy, the son of Chaos was cursing as the beast bucked and writhed beneath his feet wildly. "Shit! This is worse than when I rode the damn Hydra!"

The drakon suddenly gave a violent lurch, causing Percy to trip and land face down on one of its plates. He groaned as he got back to his feet and, after shaking away the slight daze he got from the fall, continued to spring along the drakon's spinal ridge. Piercer flashed as quick as lightning, slashing and stabbing at any spots of exposed flesh that Percy could find. He knew the wounds wouldn't be enough to kill the drakon, but Percy prayed they would at least slow the beast enough to allow him to land the killing blow.

After what seemed like ages, the fins of the drakon's head steadily drew closer and with that, the ride also became rougher. The drakon was thrashing its head left and right, snarling and snapping at the Titan and Giant duo. As Percy drew closer to the head, he shouted down to the duo. "Hold it steady!"

Giant and Titan rushed the drakon and, with their combined strength, managed to wrangle the beast around its snout, just barely holding the great serpent steady. Pulling off the same trick he used to jump on to the drakon, Percy launched himself up and forward. Spying a chink in the drakon's armor at the base of its skull, Percy raised his spear high, head pointed down, and dropped like a bullet. The spear slammed home and sank down into the tough hide almost to the pommel. The drakon reared back with an ear shattering shriek, dislodging Percy, and began to writhe and curl in on itself in a macabre death throe.

"Whoa!" Percy shouted as he fell and just managed to tuck into a roll when he landed. The landing, however, was still rough. A stray rock had caught him in the side, ripping open a long gash and cracking a couple of his ribs. The soupy water of the swamp seemed to also manage to hide a grove of broken branches and sharp rocks. By the time he came to a stop, Percy was covered in scratches and gashes and several nasty-looking bruises. He lay still for a moment in the water and tried to catch his breath, each one bringing a painful feeling from where his ribs had cracked.

"Ow," was all he managed to utter before darkness overcame his vision and he promptly blacked out.


"The sisters Fate must have a plan for him," a deep, rumbling voice murmured, breaking through the fog and slowly rousing me awake. "For him to survive such a fall is truly a sign of good fortune."

"Good fortune?" Another voice, this one colder and more sibilant, said with a scoff. "Three broken ribs and more bruising than an overripe banana is good fortune?"

"Kelli, you may not really know Percy all that well, but he's very durable," a third voice commented from just above my head. The voice then added, "his moronic bravery has allowed him to prove that fact more times than I care to admit."

"I resent that," I mumbled, the fog slowly clearing.

"Percy!" The third voice practically shouted, causing me to wince and realize I had a pounding headache. I slowly opened my eyes, blinking a bit, and eventually regained focus enough to realize Thalia was cradling my head in her lap and carding her fingers through my hair.

"Hey, Thals," I gave her a grin that I'm sure looked more like a grimace.

Thalia sighed and shook her head. "I swear by the Void, if I knew it would do any good, I'd smack you for doing something so stupidly reckless as jumping on the back of a damn drakon."

"Hey, it worked, didn't it?" I replied with a shrug. With help from Thalia, I slowly sat up. "It did work… right?"

A rumbling laugh drew my attention and I turned to come face to face with the red-skinned Giant, Damasen. "Indeed, Perseus Jackson. From one warrior to another, I commend you for your actions in slaying the beast."

"Thanks," I said and slowly got my bearings, taking a moment to look around the room.

We were in some kind of oversized hut that consisted of tanned hides and large plates that, if I had to guess, must have come from the drakon. Thalia, Kelli, Iapetus and I were all gathered on what must have passed for the Giant's kitchen table. An oversized bed sat in the far corner and a massive kettle, from which a pleasant smell that made his stomach rumble, was positioned over a large fire against the back wall.

"Uh, where are we?"

"My home," Damasen replied, standing from his chair by the table and crossing the room to the kettle. "It may seem a tad… rustic, but my options of decor are rather limited in the Pit."

The Giant dipped a spoon in the kettle and took a sip, giving a satisfied nod. He ladled out enough for the four of us in bowls that were just small enough, then filled a large bowl for himself.

The Giant continued as he passed out the stew. "Unfortunately, I have access to an abundant supply of drakon hide, scales... meat," he motioned to the stew and smirked ruefully. "I hope you enjoy it. It has been a long time since I had guests."

I looked down into the bowl of stew and felt my stomach give another rumble. To tell the truth, it didn't look all that appetizing - what with the yellowish tinge of the broth and the suspicious chunks floating about. In the end my hunger won out and I brought the bowl to my lips, steeling myself for what I expected to be an awful taste. But, I was surprised to find it didn't taste all that bad. The chunks of meat were a little tough, but they were juicy and well-seasoned, and the broth was rather smooth going down, filling me with warmth.

I sighed with a small smile and glanced over to see Thalia, Iapetus and Kelli staring at me curiously. None of them had touched their soup yet and looked like they were waiting to see my reaction.

I grinned and took another sip. "It ain't half bad."

They shared a look then shrugged their shoulders and began to eat. Damasen seemed pleased to see his guests were enjoying their meal and settled in his chair to dig into his own meal. We all ate in silence for a while, broken only by the occasional murmurs of approval. Even Kelli, who rarely ate anything that wasn't blood, seemed to enjoy it and was talking to Thalia quietly with smiles on their faces.

"Thank you, Damasen," I said gratefully, polishing off a second helping. "That was delicious."

The Giant smiled and swallowed a spoonful - which was more like a hot tub sized portion - of stew. "Thank you. Drakon meat gets very bland after having it as your main source of food for countless eons. It is nice to see someone enjoying it." He set his now empty bowl aside and relax into his chair with a pleased sigh. "Now, I must say I am surprised you know of who I am."

"I, uh, had an interesting childhood," I replied with a shrug. Thalia snorted but didn't comment, continuing on with her third helping. I shot her a mild glare before continuing. "My father and aunt spent many years teaching me about Greek history; monsters, Titans, Gods, Giants. Annabeth calls me the walking encyclopedia to all things Ancient Greek."

"Impressive," Damasen mused with raised brows. "Based off that, I assume you know my story then?"

"It's one of my favorites," I admitted with an embarrassed grin. "Defying the will of your parents to follow your innate want for peace. I quite enjoy the idea of forging your own destiny."

"I can understand," Damasen intoned with a nod. "If the whispers I've heard are true, you are quite familiar with predestined fate."

"Prophecy is a real bitch," I replied with a smirk. Damasen rumbled out a deep belly-laugh and nodded his agreement.

"Indeed, young Jackson," the red-Giant calmed himself and smiled. "It has been some time since I have truly laughed like that," the smile vanished, replaced by a solemn and bitter expression. "Too long, in fact."

"Is that story true, then?" Thalia asked. "That the Earth Mother and the Primordial of the Pit sentenced you to fight the drakon for eternity?"

"Aye," Damasen nodded. "Every day, for as long as I can remember, the drakon and I fight a long and brutal battle. And every day so far, I have won."

"For a being who is said to be the Bane of Ares, you must be quite the fighter to best the drakon each and every day," Iapetus commented. The Titan had stood and was leaning against a large butter dish.

Damasen smirked ruefully and nodded his thanks to the Titan. "Not without protest."

"Protest?" Kelli echoed, sharing a confused look with Percy and Thalia.

"I'm a pacifist," Damasen clarified with a shrug.

There was a pause and everyone just kind of… stared at him. Even I felt my mind blank at the… almost ridiculousness of the statement. After you've faced off against and defeated a fair share of Giants, the words 'pacifist' and 'Gigante' don't exactly translate to be synonymous with each other.

The silence stretched on for another moment before I decided to break it. "You're… a pacifist."

"Yes," Damasen confirmed with a nod. There was another pause. "I am also quite skilled as a medic. I am more devoted to saving people than injuring them."

"Why do you fight and kill the drakon every day then?" Thalia asked.

Whew, I'm glad someone else asked what I was thinking. As brave as everyone calls me, even I don't feel much like risking angering someone who could crush my head like a grape.

To his credit, Damasen just smiled and nodded. "You said it yourself, Miss Grace, I was forced, many years ago, by the Earth Mother and the Father of the Pit, to fight the Maeonian Drakon every day - or what passes for day in this forsaken place. You four are the first to have visited me in… eons, I would imagine."

"That's not what I meant," Thalia said, cutting the Giant off. Damasen's brow furrowed.


I caught on to what Thalia was trying to say then. "I think she means, why do you fight. Why stay here and suffer through endless battle each and every day?"

"I…" Damasen paused and he got this lost look in his eyes. He looked as though the question both confused and intrigued him. "I was told I was cursed with this punishment. For being weak and being a disappointment. I… saw no other option."

"You could come with us."

Damasen's eyes snapped up to mine and there was a look of curious surprise in them. "Come with you?"

I nodded and started explaining everything that had happened in the past year. Kronos' fall and my kidnapping by Hera. About my time with the Romans and the asinine plan to combine the two camps - well, the method was asinine, but the overall plan was good. Thalia and Iapetus joined in then, assisting to fill in the gaps in my story. We then told him about the Prophecy of Seven, and all that it entailed. I even - after a moment's hesitation - explained my unique parentage.

Damasen was quiet and contemplative for several minutes, taking the time to process everything we'd just told him. I couldn't tell what he was thinking, but I could almost hear the gears in his head spinning at an incredible rate. A plethora of emotions flitted through his black eyes, shifting too quickly for me to recognize them.

Finally, after nearly ten minutes, the red Giant locked his eyes on to mine and smiled. "I would be honored to travel with you and escape this nightmare."

~End Chapter~

Aight so… lemme just get this out. I understand there may be a few 'inconsistencies' in my story, and I will own up to making a mistake. But, here's the thing… this story took a long time to write. I have been fighting writer's block like a skirmish with the Party Ponies. Occasionally, there will be something inconsistent that occurs within my story that may throw you off or irritate you. And that's okay. Like I said, I'll own up to it. But essentially cursing me out for such a thing is totally uncalled for and way immature.

Also, this is my story. As far as I'm concerned, canon flew out the fuckin' window with the first chapter of Book 1. So, y'know, too bad, so sad. Deal with it.

Thanks all those who have shown their support! I love you all!

Thank you, my beautiful readers!