You know who we own and who we don't own

*Soda's POV*

"Ok I made it through half the day, can I go home now?" I asked sitting at a small table outside with the gang during lunch

"No, you gotta stay the whole day, and tomorrow, and the next. Everyday until summer." Pony said spitting his sandwich all over the place.

"Say it don't spray it," Two-Bit quickly picked up his sandwich to avoid Pony's.

"Why do I have to stay here so much?" I asked sighing and putting my head in my hands

"Because you need to finish school, you haven't even really given it a chance come on Soda..."

What do you call this half day then? Besides maybe you dig sitting in a chair listening to the teacher sprout off useless facts, but I don't."

"Its not useless Soda, you gotta know this stuff later on. And of course its gonna be bad if you keep thinking that way."

"Do I really need to know that Lincoln freed the slaves, or that Roosevelt was in office for 4 terms? That's history, done, over with."

"Glory Sodapop, you did learn something," Two-Bit smiled and I couldn't help but smile as well when I realized I did.

"See Soda you aren't dumb like you keep saying, you can learn this stuff if you give it a chance" Pony said smiling and I nodded

"Well I guess it's not AS bad as I thought..." Just then Roxy came running across the school with two socs right behind her.

"Why can't those socs just leave us alone?" I asked as we jumped up and chased after the soc to help Roxy

"Get away from me!" She screamed at the socs.

"Not so fast baby," One of them had a sly grin on his face. He jumped on top of Roxy and she fell to the ground.

"Get off my and leave me alone." She cried as the soc pinned her to the ground

"Nope, not until you tell me what I want."

"I don't even know you, what could you possibly want to know from me?"

"You knew Dallas Winston right?"


"Don't lie to me and just answer the question."

"Fine he was my brother now what do you want?"


"Revenge for what?"

Two-Bit reached them first prying the soc off Roxy with all of his might. His friend disappeared once he saw us coming, and Steve chased after him.

"Revenge for what?!" Roxy screamed at the soc pushing Two-Bit to the side. They were eyeing each other now and all we could do is watch.

"Your damn brother raped my little sister." The soc growled and we all looked at him in shock

"Dally wouldn't do that..." Roxy whispered

"Well he did and now it's time for you to pay up."

"No... No...That's bull." Roxy stumbled over her words. "You're lying and you know it!"

"Katie said it was Dallas and she wouldn't lie to me about something like that, and since that bastards dead I'll take it out on the next best thing, and that's you." he said pointing to Roxy

"OK, reunion's over." I stepped in the middle of them only to find Josh's fist meeting my face.

I stumbled backwards, but immediately gained my balanced again. I punched him in his stomach as he doubled over in pain.

"Stop." I turned around surprised to see Roxy holding my arm back. "Just please stop..."

"Roxy he's being an ass. You know Dally wouldn't do anything like that and he's planning on hurting you for it why should I stop?"

"Just stop...I'll tell you later. Just stop fighting." She broke down once again tears streaming down her face.

"You never cared if we fought before. Why are you caring now?" I asked with sudden curiosity once again.

"Just get lost and let us finish this Curtis." josh said shoving me out of the way

I stood there kinda surprised and taken back. The others also looked confused.

"We're already finished Josh, get away."

"I decide when we're finished. This ain't over yet Roxy, I'll get you some other time." He gave Roxy one last look and headed back inside the school.

"Alright Roxy what's going on? Why didn't you want us fighting?" I asked once Josh was gone

"I'll tell you later." She brushed me off turning to leave.

I grabbed her arm making her yelp in pain, I didn't want to hurt her, but she won't tell us what's going on.

"Later is now Roxy."

"Please, we just wanna know what's going on Rox." I said lowering my voice a bit

"Just...just something. Forget it you wouldn't understand." She tried to get free of my grip, but I only loosened up a little.

"Just try me, I may end up surprising you."

"What if you don't surprise me?"

"You know what I please just tell us what's going on."

"Fine, but let go first you're starting to hurt me."

"Sorry I didn't mean to." I said loosening up some more

"Ok, you see it was like this, and then this, and then that. So that led to this and this led to that. And when it was all over that ended up leading to here."

"Did anyone understand that?" Steve asked us all.

"Ok Roxy can you go through that one more English this time?"

"It was English..."

"Roxy please...if something's wrong we just wanna help."

"Well you can't. Don't you see? You guys can't help me. It's too late..." She snapped at us surprising everyone.

"...She's already dead." This time her voice was no more but a whisper.

"Who's dead? Rox what are you talking about?"

"Can't you just leave me alone? I told you guys it's too late! It's just too late."

"Guys we'll be back..." I said pulling Roxy off to the side away from everyone

"Rox we just want to try to help...something's bothering you and we want to be there for you..."

"Yeah well, where were you guys a month ago?"

"Roxy you were in jail, even if we knew what was going on we couldn't have helped with it from what's going on?" I asked wiping a tear from her eye

"She's dead Sodapop, she's dead and it's all my fault. It's all my fault," She looked like a little kid at that point. I sure wished Dally were here, if he was then he could calm her down, at least enough to make sense.

"Shhh its ok...Who's she and why would it be your fault?" I asked hugging her gently as she started to cry

"Rachel's dead and it's all my fault." At least she told me who "she" was.

"Wait, wasn't Rachel that girl you used to hang out with all the time before you went to juvi?" I asked and she nodded slowly

"What happened to her?"

"Don't you listen? She's dead!"

"I know but how?"

"Fight, blades, people," She wasn't making any sense at all.

"Hey Rox why don't we ditch the rest of the day? I mean I'll take you by the Dingo and we can talk about it that sound ok?" She only nodded her head in approval. The hard part is to get past Ponyboy and the rest of the gang without them noticing.

"Alright then we should go before they say something about me leaving on my first day back." I said grabbing her books as we started for the Dingo

"Wait Soda, I'm not so sure about this. I mean won't they get mad?"

"Don't worry about it. They'll get over it and I wanna know what's making you think Rachel's death was your fault."

"Do we have to talk about it?"

"Not really, but we can always sit there and catch up on what's been going on around here until you feel a bit better."

"Fine." Well at least she was agreeing to come.

"I just don't like seeing you this upset understand, right?"


"Come on kiddo please don't be mad at me... it's me, your buddy Sodapop..." I said turning her around and grinning like crazy

"Sodapop, you're crazy." I would have been offended by it, but she grinned crazily as well

"There's that Roxanne Winston smile we all know." I said playfully and gently punching her cheek

She smiled, but she looked distant almost like she was thinking of something else.

"Come on, we should probably get to the Dingo before they notice I'm gone." I said changing the subject as we walked

"Soda, it was terrible. It was absolutely terrible." She took a left turn instead of a right heading to the direction of the park and my house.

"Ok Ummm what was?" I asked confused as I took the same turn

"The fight, it was just terrible. They used blades and bottles, and everything they could...and then..." She stopped dead in her tracks making me trip over my foot as I tried to do the same.

"Then what?" I asked as I finally regained my balance next to her

"One of them had a heater. They must have stolen it from the guard. This kid bumped into one of them, and Rachel defended the kid. They all started fighting. Everyone against someone, it was an all out fiasco with chains and knives. We were winning until someone pulled out a heater...and fired..." She was sobbing now unable to stop her tears from falling.

"Awww honey its ok." I said pulling her into a hug letting her cry on my shoulder.

"Come on, let's get you to my house so you can sit down." I said softly keeping my arm around her and leading her to the house

"She's just a kid Sodapop, nothing but a kid."

"I know...she didn't deserve to die like that." I said keeping her close as I tried to calm her down some

"No one deserved to die like that." She started pounding on my chest. I let her continue until she stopped now just sobbing uncontrollably.

"You know kid, you keep pounding on my chest like that I might wanna start working out more..." I said trying to make her smile. She gave me a small smile but continued to keep crying.

"Its gonna be ok hon...' I said hugging her again as we got to my house.

"Somehow I don't think it is," She whispered so quietly I could barely hear.

"It will be...I promise..." I said kissing the top of her head gently. She fell asleep in my arms with a few tears escaping here and there. I watched her sleep, god she looks pretty. I just smiled again before moving so we were somewhat lying down on the couch as I dozed off as well

Ok that's it please review and let us know what you think