A/N: I don't think you guys know how excited I was to post this! I hope you enjoy!

"I love you."

Once he said it, Damon faced the witch as she just stared in front of her. He didn't know whether her non reaction was a good thing or not.

Bonnie didn't really know what to say in the moment.

It wasn't like she didn't feel the same it was just at the moment it had seemed to dawn on her how far they had come in the first place. I mean she used to be disgusted by the thought of him, and now she was in love with the guy. If she would have told her past self at any point that she would have had an inkling of feelings towards the vampire, she would have laughed in her face.

Bonnie let out a small laugh as Damon's eyebrows just shot up.

"Something funny?" He asked smirking at her now.

She smiled at him.

"It's kinda weird, I mean if you think about it. We used to hate each other, I mean you tried to kill me, I tried to kill you. Now I am in love with you it is just… interesting." Bonnie said, voicing her thoughts out loud.

Damon just smiled back at her.

"Interesting is definitely an appropriate word, but I'm a little confused about that last part, I don't quite get how you feel about me." He finished as she was now rolling her eyes at him.

"Damon Salvatore," She started wrapping her arms around his neck. "I love you and I'm really glad we did not have to go through the 'I'm in love with your brother thing'." She laughed at him, as he pulled her in for a kiss.

He could feel her smiling as they kissed and he had never been happier than at this moment.

She pulled away and smiled at him.

"Hey, I know I was supposed to stay for dinner, but I know that it was just a ploy by Caroline to get me to talk to you so tell her thank you, I am going to head home." She told him while still smiling.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive, have a nice night, bye Damon."

"Night Bonnie." He said smiling as she headed back towards her car and he headed back inside the house.

Damon Salvatore was almost asleep when his phone rang.

It was almost three in the morning.

It had been a long day and he really didn't feel like talking to anyone at the moment, yet for some reason he ended up answering the phone on its third ring.

"Hello." He mumbled out.

"Hey, Damon." Bonnie's voice rang out

Damon's slightly bad mood was immediately put off.

"You already miss me how cute." He teased as he heard Bonnie laugh.

"Shut up, I actually need your help."

"At three in the morning?" He questioned.

"Yes! Please come over here."

"You are lucky you are who you are, I'll be there in ten." He finished hanging up the phone and hopping out of bed.

Ten minutes later Damon arrived to find Bonnie Bennett sitting on her front porch in her pajamas.

As he got out of his car he chuckled as she just glared at him.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I couldn't sleep, so I just wanted to fucking drink some hot chocolate, oh no… my hot chocolate, it's probably cold by now so that's great! Anyway I came outside to get some fresh air while that was cooling down and my stupid ass front door decided to lock me out." Bonnie finished crossing her arms over her chest as Damon just laughed at her.

"Shut up, you asshole and help me get back into my house." She said a small smile playing on her lips.

"Well Bonnie, do I look like a locksmith to you? What am I supposed to do?" He asked as she just glared at him.

"You are a fucking vampire, do something." She groaned.

"I don't think compulsion works on doors Bon."

Bonnie picked up the nearest flower pot and hurdled it at the vampire.

Damon caught it of course, which only made Bonnie roll her eyes and Damon laugh even harder.

He set the pot down and walked towards the front door of the witches house.

She smiled at him as he walked past her and up to her front door.

He just looked at her as she stood there with her arms crossed, a look of amusement on her face.

He just sighed before kicking Bonnie's door in.

"You're paying for that." She said walking back into her home, the vampire right behind her.

She walked back into her kitchen, taking her now (lukewarm) hot chocolate and putting into the microwave to warm up.


"Yes Bonnie."

"I don't have a front door."

"Yeah, that reminds me of something though." He said racing out of the house and returning just as quick.

When he returned, he held a small box in his hand.

"This is for you." He said handing it to her, suddenly feeling very nervous.

When she opened it, the look on her face made Damon feel like a thousand butterflies had exploded in his stomach, (which was most definitely a Stefan thing).

"Damon, it's beautiful, I love it, I love you." She said pulling his into a tight hug.

He wrapped his arms around the witch, seeming to just take her in.

They pulled away but just as Damon was going to kiss her again, the microwave beeped and Bonnie turned to get her drink.

She pulled it out of the microwave and set it on her kitchen counter in front of the vampire.

"Ew, that looks disgusting." He scoffed sitting on one of her barstools.

Bonnie just chuckled at him as she got her whipped cream from the fridge.

"You probably think this is disgusting too don't you?" She asked.

As Damon went to open his mouth to respond, Bonnie took the opportunity to spray some whipped cream in his mouth to which he started spitting out, causing Bonnie to start laughing.

"Why would you do this to me?" He asked, now standing in front of Bonnie's sink, trying to spray his tongue off with water.

"Cause I am a fantastic person." She chuckled before spraying some whipped cream in her mouth and putting it in the fridge.

Damon just leaned against the sink as Bonnie hopped onto her counter sipping her drink in peace.

"I love you." Damon said now standing in between Bonnie's legs as she just smiled and pulled him into a kiss to which he gladly responded.

"I love you too, but there is one thing."

"What is it?"

"If someone breaks into my house tonight and kills me, it is completely on you."

A/N: I really hope you guys enjoyed this little fic! I miss my Bamon babies! I know I hadn't updated this in like months but I enjoyed writing this so I hoped you enjoyed reading!