I wasn't sure what exactly to do with this story. So I just put it here.
AU of season two episode 12 "Season of the Hexenbiest" where Adalind flirts with Nick while in the Jail Cell. Instead of walking away, Nick decides to see what kind of fun he and Adalind could have. Things take a turn for the very serious.
"Under different circumstances, you and I might really have had some fun together."
Nick's eyes roamed over Adalind, an image of the two of them naked and writhing and moaning together flashed through his mind. Unable to trust himself with a response, he walked out of the cell room.
He could admit to himself that he found her attractive. And that he was intrigued by her suggestion.
Adalind was bold, beautiful, and held sensual danger in her every move. From the sway of her hips as she walked to the way she bit her lip when she baited him, every aspect of her spoke of promises to give a man the greatest time of his life.
At the price of his soul.
From the corner of his eye, Nick had seen Adalind move her gaze over him the way he had done.
Maybe the price would be worth it.
He knew his inner struggle must have been seen on his face when Hank asked if he was alright. Nick said he was fine. Both men knew it was a lie.
As he sat at his desk, Nick kept thinking about what Adalind had suggested. He tried not to. There were so many reasons why he shouldn't want her. Reasons why he needed to stay away from her.
But he couldn't stop this unrelenting obsession he had for her. No matter how wrong it was.
When Nick got up and went back into the room with the holding cells, Hank knew that there were going to be some changes to the group.
Adalind smirked when she saw Nick reenter. The smile got even bigger when she saw the look on his face.
"You know? I'm staying at a very nice hotel here. There's a big, comfortable bed and sound proof walls. I could show you how good you could have it with me?" This time, she made an obvious show of looking over his body, pausing at his groin area and running her tongue over her bottom lip as she stared without shame.
Nick shot out his arm, cupped Adalind's head and pulled her closer. He slanted his mouth to hers, feasting savagely.
"Do not make offers you don't intend to follow through with." Nick growled against her lips, then claimed them once again.
Adalind whimpered with need and tried to pull them closer together. "Get me out of here, and I will show you just how good I can be for you."
Since it could be proven that Adalind was out of the country when her mother was killed, it was easy enough to release her from police custody.
Nick worried that by the time the forms had been filled out, Adalind would have changed her mind.
Adalind had the same fear about Nick. She was concerned that the fire and hunger she saw in his eyes would cool, and he was just too honorable to be with someone like her.
Though she didn't show it, she felt a tremendous sense of relief when she saw him waiting for her.
He kept his hand on the small of her back as they walked to the precinct garage and to Nick's truck.
He opened the passenger door of his truck for her then shut it once she was settled in. She felt a little flutter in her chest at the gentlemanly gestures he was displaying. As soon as he climbed into the driver side she told him what hotel she was staying at.
The ride there seemed to take forever, even though Nick was certainly breaking the speed limit. Adalind felt giddy with anticipation the closer they got to their destination, where they would have privacy to do whatever they wanted.
Nick kept his arm wrapped around Adalind as they made their way into the hotel, and rode the elevator to her room's floor.
The very moment the door closed, Nick pinned Adalind against it with his own body. A thrill of excitement shot through her at the feel of his hard bulge nestled against her center. His lips moved hungrily over hers. Whether hexenbiest or human, she had never experienced anything like Nick Burkhardt's passion.
"Last chance." Nick warned. "Tell me you don't really want this and I will walk out that door right now. But the moment I get my hands on that pretty little ass of yours, I won't be able to stop myself. My control has always been hanging by a thread when it comes to you."
"Is that why you kissed me?" Adalind looked into his eyes. "Of all the ways you could have taken my powers, you chose to press your lips roughly against mine?"
"I couldn't help myself. There are so many reasons why I shouldn't want you, but every time I see you,,, God! You have no idea what you do to me!"
"Then show me." Adalind whispered.
After that, logic, reason and sanity disappeared.
Adalind bolted upright. "Shit! Shit! Shit!
Nick rose himself up at a much slower pace, giving her a questioning look.
"We didn't use protection. And I know for a fact that I'm at my most fertile right now."
"And how do you know that?" Nick asked, completely unconcerned with the potential Adalind was pregnant with his baby.
"You mean besides the fact that I'm a woman and I know my body." Adalind chuckled without humor. "I took a potion that would make me very fertile. It was a part of my plan to get my powers back. Get a royal to sleep with me, sell the baby for whatever spell would make me a hexenbiest again."
"You would just give up a child so easily?"
"What am I supposed to do? I'm nothing without my powers. Just another pretty girl."
That last sentence was said with such bitterness that Nick knew it had been said by someone the blonde had been deeply hurt by.
"My own mother wanted nothing to do with me after you took my powers!" Tears formed in her beautiful sky blue eyes.
Nick finally understood how broken the woman in his arms was. How little she thought of herself. And why she must have felt she had to do all that she had.
He pulled her close against him, her tears now falling on his naked shoulder.
Gently and with full conviction he told her, "You will never be just a pretty girl. You are the strongest, most passionate being I have ever met. And I happen to know for a fact that you put yourself through law school. Graduated at the top of your class and are desired by law firms all over the place.
He pushed her hair to the side and brushed his lips against her ear. "It's not because you're beautiful that I'm with you in this moment. It's because you have woven a spell over me from the very moment I saw you. It has nothing to do with wesen abilities and everything to do with the whole woman that you are."
Nick's sweet words had Adalind crying harder. No one had ever been so tender with her. Or so kind.
He just held her. Allowed her to get out all of the pain that had been building inside of her for so long.
When she calmed, Nick handed her the tissues the hotel kept on the bedside table with a warm smile on his face.
Puzzled about some of the things she had said, he asked, "If a royal baby is worth enough to get your powers back, why are you in Portland?"
"Adalind rolled her eyes, but Nick was sure it wasn't at his question.
"Because the royal I seduced in Austria must be shooting blanks and the only other royal I know and have a chance of seducing is Sean. I figured he would settle for me to relieve his frustration, since he won't be able to have Juliet."
"Wait! What!"
Adalind realized she needed to explain everything to Nick.
"Your boss, Sean Renard is a half royal, half zauberbiest, male hexenbiest." Adalind gave in detail knowing Nick would not know. "His mother was a mistress to a royal. His father is a King, the head of one of the seven royal families. His father's wife had Sean and his mother exiled from Austria. The queen hates the fact her husband created a baby with a hexenbiest, so she has been trying to kill him and his mother since he was born. Sean thinks that the way of earning his father's favor and himself a place with the royals is by getting ahold of the key you possess. Which I will explain the reasons later." Adalind said at seeing the puzzled look on the grimm's face. "Anyway, Sean has royal blood, so any child he sires will also have royal blood."
"But what about what you said between him and Juliet?"
With a sigh of resignation, certain that Nick was going to leave the bed and never want to see her again, Adalind confessed, "I wanted revenge on you and on Sean, so I came up with the perfect spell to ensure you would both suffer. Juliet would fall in a sleep that could only be broken by a kiss from a royal. But from that kiss would create an obsession that would keep getting more and more dangerous. The two would be drawn to one another. Be unable to stop thinking about one another. But every moment would be violent and chaotic, because affection isn't present. With Sean crazy over Juliet but unable to get what he wanted from her, I thought he would be willing to use me."
Nick processed all of the information Adalind had just given him. So many things began to click into place. He looked at Adalind. "You were in love with Renard, would have been willing to do anything for him, even sleep with another man because he told you too. He's the one that called you just another pretty girl when your powers were gone."
He said this as they were statements, not questions, but Adalind nodded in confirmation.
Instead of being angry at what Adalind had done, Nick found himself feeling possessive of her. He realized he wanted her love for himself. That kind of blind loyalty and devotion was extraordinary and so very rare. For someone who loved like Adalind did, she needed someone who would honor and cherish her. Someone who would treasure her heart for the jewel it was.
Nick knew that someone was him.
He looked at Adalind and said, "We need to go to my friends shop. It's a wesen shop. We need to keep Renard and Juliet from killing one another, so we need to undo whatever weird spell they're under. After we fix them, we'll see how to get your powers back."
As they got up and got dressed, Adalind announced, "I'll make myself a potion so I won't be pregnant."
"No you won't!"
Realizing how he sounded, Nick looked sheepishly at Adalind, "Sorry. I do believe in women's rights and equality. I do. It's just, I get a little possessive and territorial. Sometimes overprotective to the point where I either shut people out or hide stuff from them. And I really don't like to give up what is mine without a fight."
"Nick, when we get Juliet's memories back, she won't be too happy about you having a baby with another woman."
"I don't want Juliet to get her memories of me back. It will be better for the both of us. Too much has changed since I became a grimm. We don't fit into each other's worlds anymore."
Nick then took Adalind in his arms and said, "In case you haven't figured it out, I've moved on."