A/N: Ever have a day where you need a fluffy little fic and you realized you've reread them all. So what's a guy to do when he needs something….I suspect you know that's why you're hear. Post Finale.

Disclaimer: Don't own Chuck, but I do seem to kinda live in his world….

"Kiss me, Chuck." Those had been her words to him just seconds ago. She had no memory of him, but she did. She had felt so many things as he told those stories, things that were foreign to her, but familiar all at the same time. Things that scared her and excited her. The feelings didn't make sense. How could two things be true a the same time? It was…illogical.

He was looking at her, and she began to laugh. He look slightly affronted, and she hurried with the explanation. "I'm sorry, it wasn't the kiss. The kiss was…well…amazing." He blushed slightly. "I take it we were really good at that."

"I mean," he began, looking away, a smirk on his face. He turned back, red faced. "I'd like to think you weren't …ah…you know…"

"Chuck, I don't fake it, not with someone I care about. And I know I care about you. I did fake things with…" She saw the look on his face. "You know what, perhaps this isn't the time or place for that."

"Listen," he began, grinning. "I know you don't remember much, but here's a shocker, I kinda have an idea you were about to talk about Bryce, and you heard the story, so if you're about to tell me you faked it with him, we can talk about that all day long."

Sarah burst out laughing. What was it about this guy? She had been wiping away tears for hours, but they were tears from laughing so hard not from being upset. They were tears of joy, of being with someone that had touched her heart, and again she swore it was the first time, but her heart told her it wasn't. And this was the norm. This wasn't out of character for them. She was happy. She had been happy. If she would just listen to her heart, she could be happy.

"So, why the laughter?" he asked, genuinely curious.

She pushed her hair behind her ear, grinning. Oh, God, she was flirting. Her body just started flirting with him, and she didn't even care. What had this nerd done to her? Apparently a lot, and apparently she liked it! "Spock," she said, looking at the sand trying not to laugh. She looked up as his shocked face. "You know, from Star Trek?"

"Yeah, I am very aware of who Spock is, but Sarah from five years ago didn't know who Spock was." Sarah had no reply for that, because it was true. How did she know which Star it was? There was Wars, that was the jedis and sith. There was the gate, that was MacGyver, and there was Trek. "What about Spock?"

"Well, I was just thinking," she trailed off, biting her bottom lip between her teeth. She caught a look on his face…oh. He liked that, but she knew that didn't she? "What I'm feeling it's illogical. It's the first time, yet, it's not."

Chuck threw his hands in the air and began to yell yes! She laughed from the absurdity. It was just like when he beat a board in ….why was she remembering these odd things?!

"When you came in second at Mario Kart to Molly," she blurted out, looking at him, in shock.

"Sarah," he said, his eyes wide. "Oh my God, you're gonna be okay."

She narrowed her eyes at him. The way he said it, he truly believed it. "How can you say that?"

"Because you know, Spock, and baby, there's one guy who taught you about Spock, and that's me!" She nearly tipped over she laughed so hard. "Sarah, don't you get it, your memories aren't gone, they're suppressed."

"So how do you think I get them unsuppressed?" She gave him a smirk as she said it, and he smiled. The one where his nose crunched up and a part of her fluttered on the inside. She had spent her entire lives around spies, and this guy, while he might be one, and might be the best she ever worked with, looked nothing like them. He wasn't the classic good looking guy, but she liked what she saw. She really liked what she saw. As Casey said, he buttered her muffin…of all the things to remember….

"Well, I think it's obvious when you are just around some of the stuff you used to do, and don't think about it, your brain starts to leak out some memories." He grinned at her. "You know if you hurry you could call Casey and ask him to stay, you were around him a lot the last five years."

Oh, playing it that way are you? "What about Morgan?" she retorted. Chuck snapped his fingers and pointed at her as if to say "there you go." "And he understand Intersect memory loss, right?"

"Absolutely, but I think we need to find someone who…you have a special connection to." Chuck tapped his lip as if thinking.

"There can be only one answer to this question," Sarah said grinning. "Lester!" they both said at the same time.

"Well, he's in Germany," Chuck said while laughing.

She leaned against him and wrapped her arms around his arm. "Chuck."

"Yeah, Sarah."

"Think you could live with me and be happy if I never got my memory back?"

"Not a doubt in my mind." He leaned his cheek against the top of her head. "I love you Sarah. I always will, and I'm pretty sure you'll get it back, but ever if you don't we can be happy. Hell, I'm pretty happy right now."

"Me too, Chuck." They sat there quietly for a minute. "I need you to know something, I'm not going anywhere. And that's so illogical, because I've run my entire life, and part of me is yelling to run. It's yelling so loud. But there's another part. It's quiet, but it's confident, Chuck. It's confident I need to be here."

"Sarah I think you need to be honest, you might not stay." Sarah looked up at him, anger in her eyes. "I mean if Lester comes back…."

"Oh, I'm gone in a minute," she replied, grinning. "How the hell did you manage to work there for five years?"

"Someone I cared about very much, dare I say loved," he replied with a wink. "Helped me through it."

"It's Illogical," she replied with a smirk. "I need food, you Trekkie."

"Hamburger, medium rare, extra pickles?" he asked.

She stared at him. "Welp, now you've done it. Can't leave with Lester."

"I can live with that," Chuck replied, standing and helping her to her feet. They wrapped their arm around each others back as they watched the sunset.

She sighed. "I think this is the most perfect place I've ever been to."

Chuck grinned at her. "Are you trying to get me to repropose to you, because that went badly, m'dear." She laughed and buried her head in his chest. "Sarah, will you live life with me, regardless of your memories, and just love me for the rest of my life?"

"I will, Chuck, can we still have superhero kids with capes?"

"Oh. Hell. Yes!"

A/N: Yeah…absolute fluff. But somedays…Take care…Till next time.