~~~ EMMA'S POV ~~~

When I get to the docks after literally fleeing from my parents' apartment, my boys are still nowhere to be found. I can't see the Jolly Roger approaching Storybrooke just yet, so I walk towards the water and sit down on the yellow curbstone. I look out at the horizon.

Suddenly I think back to the moment, when Killian and I were sitting here - back when I found out my parents put my potential darkness into Lily.

I was so mad at them back then. Because they didn't tell me the truth. Killian told me that day right here, that they probably did it to make me proud. They aren't into being honest as long as it gives them the perfect image. That's all they care for, no matter how much they have to pretend to themselves and everyone else, that it's real - even though it's not. My mother at least.

Well now, what Killian told me back then, applies to her.

She has to get over her issues. Because otherwise she's going to lose me just to spite Killian.

But the thing is, she has to do it herself. I'm done trying to convince her, that I love Killian and that we'll be together forever. I don't need her to decide what makes me happy. Either she'll realize it on her own, or she'll have to live without us.

I continue to gaze at the horizon and sigh in relief, finally rid of all that emotional baggage.

The mix of the horizon and the water really is calming. No wonder Killian loves the sea so much.

Maybe we should take a vacation with his ship. That would be great for the both of us. We haven't seen each other for the past five years, so I think we deserve a break. We could never have that in Storybrooke because people just keep interrupting us here. Plus it's been peaceful for years, so I can leave without having to worry about Henry's safety every second of every day.

Sure, it'll also be kind of weird to be on Killian's ship for a while since it's the place I went to grieve for the past five years. There are lots of ghosts in that room. But I think it'll be okay. I'll have Killian with me this time to chase them away.

I'm not alone there anymore.

I'd have my love there with me.

He came back to me and I'm not letting him go ever again.

This is our shot at a happy beginning. And I intend to live life to the fullest. I don't want to have regrets ever again.

— — — — — —

It isn't long until I see the Jolly Roger on the horizon, approaching the crazy little town. I get up and walk over to Killian's usual dock. I wait for them there.

Once they get close enough, I hear Henry yelling my name. "Mom? What are you doing here?"

"Nothing, kid. I just came by to pick you up. We're having dinner at your grandparents place." I say.

I move my gaze towards Killian and he gives me a smile. Until, he sees that I'm not too happy just yet. He probably knows that it's because of my mother, so he throws me a curious glance, raising his eyebrow. I just shake my head slightly, signalizing that I'll explain everything later. Henry doesn't need to know that I'm fighting with my mom.

Killian just nods slowly, giving me an encouraging smile. It's nice to have someone again, who understands me without words - someone who just gets me.

Once they've docked the ship, Killian and Henry walk over to me. I envelop my son in my arms and give Killian a soft kiss.

Then my little family makes their way towards the loft, with me holding both of my boys' hands.

— — — — — —

Once we arrive back at my parent's place, I innerly sigh in relief as my dad opens the door. I hoped he'd be here by now. He's a good buffer to keep Mary Margret at bay.

"Hi, guys. It's nice to see you again so soon." Dad says, as he motions for us to walk into the loft.

We walk inside, Henry first, followed by me and then Killian. From the corner of my eye, I can see dad clapping Killian on the back softly as he passes him. He says "mate" as a form of greeting quitely.

I smile to myself. At least one of my parents is happy for me - and probably for himself, too.

David might've tried to hide it to spare my feelings, but I could always tell that he was suffering, too.

I lost my true love that day five years ago, but dad lost his best friend, which is no walk in the park, either.

Then I get dragged from my thoughts, by small arms enveloping my legs tightly. I balance myself, trying not to fall from the sudden movement. I put my hands on Neal's shoulders and smile down at him.

"Hi kiddo."

"Emma!" He yells happily.

I lean down and pick him up to give my little brother a proper hug. "I missed you, buddy."

"Sissy not sad anymore?" He asks quietly, suddenly seeming very worried.

"I am fine. I promise." I say, looking around and seeing that Henry is luckily talking to my dad. Good. I don't want to involve him in the problems between his grandmother and I.

He seems so happy today for the first time in a long time. He missed Killian, too, and me probably because I haven't quite been myself since I lost Killian. I was lost in my grief.

I don't want to take Henry's happiness away so soon, yet. He deserves a break from all the drama this town causes - for as long as I can make that happen.

"Dinner's ready." Mary Margret says, while walking out of the kitchen with a smile on her face.

Dinner. Just the thing I was dreading ever since agreeing to it in the first place.

I sigh and make my way over to the table.