A Bad Hair Day

* Chapter 2: Inko

Mutation quirks are the most delicate types of quirk.

They are either developed during pregnancy or start mutating after birth. Most mutation appears after birth while its very rare that mutations happens during pregnancy. Not only would this be dangerous for the baby, the one most in danger would be the mother.

Everything started out normal for Inko, her Izuku being a healthy fetus at 3 months. Then they discovered the mutation during her 7th month.

Inko thought that it would just be another normal checkup for her. Performing that needed examinations to check her child's progress and as usual, it was finished in half an hour. The usual waiting time to get her results and a new picture of the baby in her stomach was only around 10 minutes the Midoriya couple spent the time planning for the child who will be born in the next 2 months.

From 10 minutes, to half an hour, nobody has come and fetch them yet to see the doctor, and the couple started worrying. Inko knew the doctor, knew that he followed his schedule to every second and hates it when people wasted his time, the same with wasting other people's time.

Finally, a nurse appeared before them and asked them to follow her but it didn't stopped the worry that is slowly building in Inko. Especially with the sympathetic eyes the nurse is shooting at them every now and then.

Inko's hand subconsciously went to her bulging stomach, rubbing it in a very familiar way. She keep telling herself to calm down, that its nothing, that her baby is okay and he or she is developing nicely. Its only two more months left until they can have an addition to their family and Inko will make sure its going to happen.

Stopping in front of the doctor's office, Inko took a deep breath, steeled her nerves, took the cold hands of her husband into her shaking ones, and entered.

There's her doctor, sitting in his chair behind his desk as usual but everything feels so wrong.

Doctor Takahashi is one of the most famous doctors around. He may not be a cheerful person that greets everyone with a smile but he treats his patients with a far more gentle personality than anyone around in the hospital, making him the favorite doctor of most patients.

Normally, the doctor would greet the Midoriya couple with a smile, a congratulation towards another healthy development of their baby and giving small talks about the best nutrition the baby needs at this time.

Inko felt her husband directing her towards the chair in front of the doctor.

There's no smile this time around, no small talks, nothing indicating Inko that her baby is okay.

The silence last for a minute before Doctor Takahashi sighed, pushing a ultrasound picture towards the couple.

Its not like any other picture Inko had of her baby. Because while the pictures in her collections shows the full figure of her child... this one doesn't.

There are strands like things all around the picture, covering half of her child.

Inko's hand went to cover her mouth in surprise and fear, not to her child, never her child, but the sudden mutation, the unknown effect that is surely going to affect her child.

"Mrs. and Mr. Midoriya. This is the photo we got during Mrs. Midoriya's ultrasound." The doctor informed them, showing more photos with the same strands lines floating around like the first photo.

"What.. what is that?" Inko heard her own voice asked lowly and she's even surprised the doctor manage to hear her question.

"We believed that its the result of a mutation quirk."

"During pregnancy?!" Hizashi asked, disbelief full in his voice . Not like Inko can blame him, even she had never heard of a quirk appearing while the child is still in the womb.

"Yes. It's not surprising that you have never heard of it. Its a very rare case after all."

Inko doesn't care about its rareness, she just cares about how it will affect her child. "What do I do now doctor?"

Doctor Takahashi looked at her in the eyes, his face serious, and Inko have a sinking feeling in her stomach that she's not gonna like whatever the doctor is going to day next.

"You have a choice now Mrs. Midoriya. According to the records, if you wished to pushed through the pregnancy, there is a 30% chance of the mother and child dying before or during labor and 70% chance of the mother dying after the child is born."

A choked sobbed left Inko's mouth, tears blurring her vision and falling down her cheeks.

Her hand went to her stomach, looking for the heartbeat that she has been very familiar in the past months. The thought that she and her child cannot survive or her being unable to see her child grew up broke her heart. Yes, she's going to push through this pregnancy despite the risk the doctor presented in front of her.

Inko is not stupid, she received the doctor's silent implication that can save her life.

Abortion. Remove the child in her stomach before he/she can endanger her life.

Inko feels sick just thinking about it.

This is her child! The child she's been carrying for the past 7 months, the child that filled her dreams with happiness and joy and hope for a better future. The child that she will be guiding around the world. Hers.

No. No. Nononononono NO!

Inko will not gave up her child.

She stared at Doctor Takahashi in the eyes, her determination blazing brightly. She's will keep the child no matter what.

The doctor just let out a tired sighed but with a smile is on his lips and Inko knew he received her message clear. Just to make everything straight, she mentioned it out loud.

"I'm going to keep the child."


Inko glared at her husband, pinning him with the most frightening glare her can muster.

"What do you mean by that, Hizashi?" She hissed his name and she inwardly felt pleasure at the way her husband flinched and hurriedly recovered his words. Inko knew she's going to regret treating her husband later like that but now, she just needs his support.

Doctor Takahashi cleared his throat to get the Midoriya couple's attention, "Mrs. Midoriya, we will need to schedule an immediate checkup to see what's the strand like mutation that appeared on your child to make a nutritional menu that will support your body and child you're carrying."

Inko agreed to all of Doctor Takahashi's arrangements. She trust the man and she also saw how reasonable each one.

She'll make sure that her child and herself won't be part of that 30%, and hopes that they will win against the odds and escape the remaining 70%.

Inko may not have a strong quirk, but she is a strong woman, a strong mother, and nothing can stop her from making sure that her family will be complete when the 2 months are up.



Her child's mutation is his/her hair.

Inko smiled in amusement at the bewildered face her husband is making, not like she can blame him. Her quirk is a type of telekinesis while Hizashi have fire element, so a hair mutation quirk one is completely out of the blue.

That still doesn't stop her from completely falling in love with her baby.

She takes Hair supplements every day to support her child's developing quirk while keeping up her health with a nutritious meal suggested by the doctor.

The two months past by quickly and nothing changed much in her routine, just more checkup the nearer her due date comes.

Thankfully, she didn't exhibit any problems others faced while pregnant. Small mercies in her part.

When one morning she woke up, she knew that its time. Calling her husband to prepare himself while Inko packs the things she may need, the couple calmly went to the hospital. Or as calm as Hizashi can be with him asking her every other seconds whether she's going to labour now.


18 hours.

18 hours before little Izuku finally decided to come out and meet the world.

And he's the most beautiful little thing Inko have ever seen in her life.

He's so small, with a head full of thick long hair, red scrunched up face filled with tears that showed the room his displeasure and Inko laughed.

She laughed and laughed and laughed until tears started streaming down her face.

She's still alive, her baby is alive. They both survived.

Inko thanked all the gods she had prayed in for giving her family this wonderful chance.

There are 16, including Inko's case, recorded mutation during pregnancy since the emergence of quirk. 4 of them died together with the child in their stomach, 9 of them dying after the child is born, 2 of them deciding to just abort the child and with Inko being the only one that survived together with her child recorded up to date.


Her little Izuku was one year old when the Midoriya couple finally decided to have his quirk checked.

And isn't it a surprising quirk.

Bulletproof, fireproof, explosion-proof, acid-proof, etc.

Her baby's hair is basically indestructible.

She heard the whispers of the nurses, how her baby's quirk is wasted being in the hair and their opinions about cutting it to have a piece of this material.

Inko felt anger boiling in her chest and she stared in smugness when they failed to cut even a strand of hair.

How stupid they are, thinking that they can cut through it after announcing it indestructible, Inko thought darkly to herself.

After deciding that they couldn't cut through it, they left their family alone.

Little Izuku grew up like any normal child, just with a long indestructible shield for hair.


Back to the present.

Izuku anxiously stood besides the park bench, eyes surveying the people coming and going in the park.

Inko sighed fondly, ruffling her son's hair to get his attention. "Izuku, why don't you first sit down while waiting for Katsuki-kun?"

Izuku hasn't sat down ever since they arrived in the park, always on his feet waiting for his friend, Inko thought fondly. Not like Inko can blame the boy, especially the state the two of them were in when they found them two days ago.

Thinking back to it, she can't help but just laugh at the incident.

She and Mitsuki have been in one of the benches a few meters away from the sand box where their children were playing.

In fact, Mitsuki have been asking about Izuku's quirk and how Inko is dealing with it. Mitsuki has been expecting Katsuki's quirk to come out any day now.

Honestly, she's not the right person for this question, considering that her Izuku has a mutation quirk that they have to live with from the start.

Inko let out a laughed when she remembered all her ultra sound headache while pregnant with Izuku.

Mitsuki knew all about Inko's struggle during her pregnancy and the ease after Izuku was born.

Inko just knew that her friend have no idea what to do with the unknown future that will be her Katsuki's quirk.

She understands.

So Inko did her best to assure her best friend that she will be right beside her and only a call away when Mitsuki needs it.

And thats when they heard a sound of explosion.

Fear gripped Inko's heart as the sound came from where her Izuku is playing. If she heard it, then all the parents around them heard it too and the sudden cries of children sent everyone in panic.

Like everyone else, they thought that it was a villain attack, so the parents swooped in towards their children and get away from the park as fast as possible.

Unfortunately, all the people doing the same thing sent everything in disarray and it took Inko and Mitsuki a few minutes of pushing through the crowd to find their children's embracing in the ground.

In any normal situation, the two mother would have taken a picture to eternalize the adorable moments but this is not the place and time for that.

Inko carried both the children in her arms, with Mitsuki watching their surroundings for possible attacks. Out of the two of them, Mitsuki has a stronger quirk that can at least fought off villains.

It took them five minutes before they manage to get out of the park and away from all the people and to a safe place. Along the way they saw people on their phones and calling for heroes to the area.

The two mother ignore everything and decided to check on their children first.

Mitsuki let out a sigh of relief after seeing that Katsuki was only asleep. Taking her child out of Inko's hold, Mitsuki's heart finally calmed down.

"Mitsuki, lets get the children home first." Inko suggested to her friend.

They parted ways after that.

The next morning she received a call from Mitsuki that her Katsuki got his quirk and the explosion in the park was caused by him and Inko can hear the pure relief and happiness oozing from her best friends voice. Inko knew that Mitsuki will be too over the clouds to think logically so she decided to remind the blond woman what to do next.

"Mitsuki-chan, why don't you get Katsuki-chan's quirk assessed first?"

"... oh shit. Oh fuck, I almost forgot! Thank you Inko! IloveyousomuchIgottagobye!"

Toot. Toot.

Inko stared at her phone before a laugh left her mouth. How Mitsuki-like.

That was two days ago and today is the scheduled play date between Izuku and Katsuki.

Inko can't wait to know what Katsuki's quirk is.