Naraku was finally gone, kagome and inuyasha jumped back through her time and kagome hugged her family, "mama, grandpa, sota!" 'I'm home!'. Kagome thought as she looked over at inuyasha. Just as she looked she saw him fading away in light and the well disappear. "Inuyasha!" She raced over to the well and dug at the ground. "Inuyasha where are you! Come back!" She said with tears in her eyes. She clutched herself, 'where did he go? Why isn't he coming back for me? Is he alive?' So many thoughts where running through her head. "Kagome, come inside dear." Mrs. Higurashi said sadness in her voice "You'll catch cold". "No mama, he will be back for me I know it!" She half snapped at her mother without thinking.

~fast forward about 3 months~

Kagome Had waited at the wells old base for 5 days until she had a fever. She would follow those days in her bed, never leaving, never going to school, and never not missing inuyasha. She crawled out of bed to the bathroom. 'Maybe I will go to school today' she had kept her alarm set just in case one day she would build the courage to go. She slipped up to the mirror and noticed her reflection, she looked way thinner then she used to. ' he isn't coming back, the well is gone..' she had resigned herself to believe this, she had to accept this truth. She slowly brushed her hair contemplating these things, all the way up till she slipped on her shoes. "Well, I guess it's time." She went to the well house one last time, it was still empty. The well had appeared a while ago but still no luck, she had the doctors visits to prove it. She slid the door shut sadly. Today would be the first day of her life here forward. She had to forget the past.

~fast forward about 3 years~

Kagome walked up to her new college inhaling the soft winter air, she looked around to see her friends that had brought her here, they would no longer be going to the Same school and she would miss them terribly. It had been a rough few years, catching up on school, social life, and family life. She had grown to deal with her past and tried to move on. There was her friends from the past she thought about a lot: sango, shippo, miroku, killala, and inuyasha. She thought of inuyasha a lot. 'i wonder what they are up to right now' She thought for a moment and imagined that sango and miroku had probably gotten married like they had planned, shippo was probably growing up, and inuyasha…. He thought trailed off as she stepped up the steps to her shrine home and looked up to see the well house. She walked to it and slides the door open, she took her steps down the stairs of the familiar room and went to her usual spot by the well. 'inuyasha…...I have tried to forget you….and I can't. I have tried to live where i belong but I don't feel complete here anymore. I want to see you, inuyasha.' She closed her eyes and prayed to the Kami that she knew where giving her a deaf ear and prayed for pass at through the well even If just one last time. She clutched the edge of the well, afraid to open her eyes to the disappointment that has reigned supreme these past 3 years. She slowly opened them and looked down at the bottom of the well to see a blue somewhat cloudy sky, and birds chirping. She was so amazed that she stop there starring for what seemed like forever. "kagome?" her mother said from the doorway of the well house looking at you daughter with tears. " you have to go" she said sternly and handed her the yellow bag that she had packed just for this moment. "mama?" "you need to go before it closes" kagome turned to the woman she had known all her life, her mother and friend. She ran up to her and hugged her with all that she was. "thank you" she hoisted the bag on her shoulders and jumped through the well for the last time. As she felt the familiar light from the well dissipate she saw the vine leading up to the meadow she longed to see. As she climbed she was met face to face with a familiar clawed hand, she grasped it and was pulled upward. She was hugged by the one person she missed most. "inuyasha!" "stupid what have you been doing all this time!" he said with no harshness in his voice. Just as he finished hugging her she saw miroku, sango, and shippo, coming up the way. They were being lead by two little girls that looked like twins and a small bundle on Sango's back alerted kagome of the new baby. "I'm back! I'm really back!".