Lost Wallet, Found Boyfriend


UnderFell (Outside of the underground)


UnderFell Sans: Red

UnderFell Papyrus: Edge



Summery: Based on the Tumblrs writing-prompt-s: One day, Red loses his wallet, and it's found by mob boss Edge. Who figures out that Red isn't in such a good place financially, and takes pity on him. Edge starts anonymously leaving cash, food, and gifts for Red at his house. Eventually, Edge sends him a letter at his dead end job about another job that would be perfect for him. Red is faced on what to do about this romantic stalker. {Rated: T for slight themes. Rated M content will be marked (violence and sexual content)}

Chapter 6: Dates

Red snickered holding Edge's arm and peeking around him from their corner booth. "This will be amazing. When is he getting here I can't wait to Heheh see the sparks fly."

"Five minutes if he didn't fall asleep at work again..." Edge said

In eight minutes Gaster bust into the door "I'm sorry I'm late!"

Red's jaw dropped "d-doctor G-gaster is your FATHER!" Red yanked up his hood and covered his skull with his hands. Weeks! Weeks they had been hanging out! Sure he thought Edge was keeping something or at least hinting to something NOT that he was the mysterious P!

Edge nodded "he is" he said switching seats for the the clumsy man.

"Sorry Papyrus I didn't think it would be so- oh! Red is that you?"

Red gave a loud whine giving Gaster a pout "you knew didn't you?! That's why you are always laughing at me."

"Yeah I did" he chuckled "meet P my little Edgelord"

"Father please..." Edge said blushing

Red smacked Edge, though he wasn't strong enough to hurt the other. "Stars you are such a jerk! All this time! You're an asshole!"

Grillby chuckled walking over and raising a brow

"It was nice being your friend and your stalker" Papyrus said "and hearing what a fantastic baker your boyfriend was"

Red frowned hitting him more "you are not my boyfriend!"

"Aw I'm hurt now" he said

Red frowned crossing his arms "well good. Because I don't like liars and frankly you have been lying to me since I met you. Ya jerk."

Grillby sighed picking up Red and nuzzling his skull. He hoped the other would understand once he had calmed down.

"Technically you never asked Edge and Papyrus are both names of mine" he said

Gaster watched them "he was also afraid you may reject him."

"Dad shut up"

Red pouted mumbling into Grillby's chest "well ya should have asked me. We could have been going on dates this whole time. Instead I'm waiting for some dude to text me while trying to not fall for my new friend."

"Sorry for the deceit... But was I worth the wait?" He asked

Gaster watched Grillby a bit "so... How do you know Red?" He asked the fireman

Red frowned clinging when Grillby went to set him down however with a whine he relented. Not looking at Edge Red gave a small nod "t-though we still are not dating. You never asked me out."

Grillby chuckled walking back to the bar grabbing a pen and a notebook before walking back. Handing Gaster the notebook it read.

We have known each other for a long time. I took care of him as a kid and practically adopted him when his father died. He is like a son to me.

Edge smiled "would you like to go out with me?" He asked

Gaster read it and smiled "that's so sweet of you"

Red gave a shy nod blushing.

Grillby blushed smiling and writing

The two of them are very cute together.

"They are..." He said scooting over "want to join us?" He asked bright purple

Grillby looked to his bar not many people were in and all of them had what they ordered.

Nodding Grillby slid into the booth next to him.

Gaster looked at his hands twiddling his fingers a bit.

Edge watched then and nudged Red

Red looked up chuckling. "Hey Grillby don't you have a crush on someone? I thought you were telling me how smart and good looking they were the other day. Hehehe"

Grillby flared a bright pink quickly scribbling onto his note book.

"What was it something about you wanting to see them more and always sitting in a corner booth where you can't walk to easily?"

Grillby glared turning his notebook to show a scribbled mess and


Gaster frowned hearing this and melted into his chair a bit "oh... That's great..." He said thinking it was someone else

Red snickered as Grillby tried to reached over and over his cover his mouth. "oh yeah frankly i think they would look cute together, but Grillby just won't snrk speak up. Come on you can do it flame boy."

"Grillby can't talk" Gaster huffed it was a very unfortunate turn out from their first meeting when he was the mafia boss and playing with science.

Red just gained a cheshire like grin. "Oh can he not? Hehe i guess i'll just have to say it then. Grillby likes-"

Grillby chunked the notebook nailing Red in the forehead. His flames were bright pink. Coughing Grillby looked at the table. His flames parted open into his mouth leaving dripping lava and flames connecting the two lips. Licking his lips he raised his hands signing out slowly

I… Like….

"G-Gas-ter..." it was filled with crackles and airy, but it was there.

Gaster watched Red get pegged and looked at Grillby in confusion eyes going wide as he spoke it was barely speech yet he understood perfectly and he launched at him knocking them out of the booth and hugging him "you can talk!" He said eyes hearts

Grillby shrunk into himself a bright pink at being so close.

Red chuckled "don't get to excited. That's all he's practiced"

"That's all that matters... I thought you'd never talk again..." He said tears coming from his sockets dripping on the elemental

Grillby frowed his flames turning a dark blue at Gasters tears. Using his thumb to brush them away Grillby cupped Gasters cheek pulling him close to kiss his forehead.

Gaster held onto him and blushed at the kiss and smiled a bit "you like me too?"

Grillby nodded smiling

Gaster beamed "I'm so happy... I thought you'd hate me"

Grillby frowned shaking his head and signing

I could never hate you.

Gaster smiled and kissed his cheek

Grillby flushed a bright pink.

Red coughed loudly "Hey don't go on getting handsy down there we are still here and I would rather not see my father figure get frisky with my boss hehehehhe."

Grillby frowned flipping Red off.

Gaster blushed "oh I am sure it would be very heated in deed."

Grillby shook his head while Red burst into laughter.

Edge sighed and ran a hand down his skull

Red grinned looking up to Edge and nuzzling into his side "Come on admit it your dad is funny."

"His puns are horrible"

Red frowned rubbing his arm "oh? yeah heh Dad jokes."

"You are much better at it."

Red shook his head "nah. I got to go uh use the bathroom. I'll be right back." Red scooted out of the booth shambling over to the bathroom. Closing the stall Red sighed swiping at his tears. "Stars what am i doing."

Edge helped the two older monsters back into the booth.

Grillby blushed glancing to Gaster. Still unable to believe that the other liked him.

Gaster gazed at the fire elemental adoringly.

Grillby blushed putting his hand to Gaster's face and pushing him away in an embarrassed, please stop, motion.

Gaster blushed and looked down not wanting to embarrass the other.

Red huffed scrubbing away the last of his tears. "If i'm going to keep a guy like Edge i'm gonna have to try harder." closing his eyes in concentration Red summoned his ecto body. The magic covered from his neck down to his caves. He was on the thicker size which made him frown, but looking in the mirror he filled out his clothes well. His size D breast created a nice bounce and his thick thick thighs filled his shorts so they road up more and were almost tight. "This ought to keep him interested." with a smirk Red perked his tits and strolled out to their booth.

Edge watched the door where Red disappeared and when it opened he perked up smiling before his jaw dropped seeing the new additions.

Grillby turned to see what Edge was looking at and sparked a bright orange. Shaking his head Grillby stood up angrily signing

No! Go change now! No!

Red frowned crossing his arms or at least attempting to. His arms simply push his boobs up and more obvious. "What?! Why?!"

"R-red?" Edge asked in shock

Red peaked over the side of Grillby grinning. "Yes~"

"W-what is this?" He said face glowing red

Red giggled walking past Grillby and leaning on their table whinking "you like it?"

"Y-yeah it's fine" he said he'd never found the female form appealing but on Red it was perfect

Red chuckled "heh a little incentive goes a long way Grillby."

"Incentive for what? Am I getting grandkids?!" Gaster said with heart eyes

Red flushed a bright pink.

Grillby burst into laughter signing

Don't encourage them!

Edge covered his face "dad no we are nowhere near that stage!"

Red shook his head magic disappearing. "I just wanted Edge to stay interested and into me. I've already been assaulted once I don't really want to do anything."

Grillby flared signing angrily


"Red you don't have to put yourself out to keep me interested" Edge said seriously

Red frowned "and what will happen when i say lame puns? or someone prettier comes along? What if i start to bore you? What if-if i can't provide for you?"

Edge frowned "Red there is no one prettier! And lame puns are okay sometimes!" He said before snorting "Red I have more money than I can burn you'll never need to provide for me! If anything I am the one who should be worried about losing you!"

Red blinked shocked before chuckling "Edge… No one would want me. Maybe to use as a fuck toy for a bit, but never to love. I've been used and abused by partners my whole life I'm sorry that it just makes me wait for the other shoe to drop. Frankly you are to good to be true."

"Well... That is true... I am to good to be true..." Edge sighed "do you want the other shoe to fall right now? Want me to tell you what I do?"

Red looked up to him tears rolling down his cheeks. "I swear to god if it's some shitty game show or any other thing that is messing with my feelings you might as well walk out now because i will have Grillby roast you."

"No it is probably worse... I am a mob boss I control most of the criminal underground of the capitol."

Red deeply inhaled before huffing in a small laugh. "That actually makes a lot of sense." Red gave him a smile "Okay now that you warmed me up what is the really bad thing? What is the shoe dropping thing?"

"I am a criminal? I don't have a legitimate life? I run the criminal underground that doesn't bother you?"

Red chuckled grinning. "Um you do realize i fell in love with a stranger that was breaking into my house when i was out AND while i was asleep? No normal person does that. Plus i mean you kind of saved me from the guy assaulting me. I mean at the moment i was drugged out of my mind and freaked out, but when i remembered the bits and pieces i kind of figured you were in with someone. Plus, knowing that you can protect me when i need it most is actually really charming. So, no i already got over the fact that you were probably a criminal. I just was an idiot and never pieced together that you were the same person."

Edge smiled a bit "oh well that makes me feel much better" he said

Red chuckled rubbing the back of his neck. "I mean i really was oblivious to that wasn't i?"

"I suppose" he chuckled

Red huffed sending Edge a small smile "well just know then that i'm not the most observant and sometimes in this relationship you will need to spell it out to me."

"Of course" he said taking his hand.

Red blushed looking away embarrassed, easing his hand further into Edge's larger hand Red stuttered "g-good."

Gaster smiled and held Grillby's hand hesitantly

Grillby sparked looking over to Gaster. Grinning he gripped Gaster's hand tightly and kissing his cheek bone.

Gaster blushed smiling a bit "hope your customers don't mind..."

Grillby put a finger to Gaster's teeth and leaned into his side laying his head onto Gaster's shoulder. He just wanted to enjoy this, everyone else be damned.

Red chuckled nuzzling into Edge's side with a yawn.

Gaster smiled and held him he'd longed for this

Edge smiled "wanna go home?"

Red smiled "yeah. We still got cookies in the fridge from the other day."

Grillby blushed snatching his notebook and writing out an invitation for Gaster to stay the night.

Gaster blushed and nodded

Edge got out of the booth and picked him up "let's go then."

Red grinned latching onto Edge's neck and nuzzling close. "Carry me."

Edge chuckled "okay."

Red hummed nuzzling close. "I like you... Like really like you."

"I love you too"

Red grinned "I'm glad."

Edge smiled and headed for Red's home and had a thought "would you like to come to my house?"

Red blinked not realizing he had closed his eyes. "y-yeah. I would."

Edge smiled and changed directions.

Red perked up "is it very far? I don't want to make you carry me if it's too far"

"No it's not far and you are very light" he said which was odd since Red was stocky for a skeleton. He must be strong...

Soon they arrived at a nice looking town house and he walked up the stairs a serpentine servant opening the door "welcome back Master Edge" she said

"Thank you Freya" he said walking passed her

Red blinked clinging slightly at the other monster. "does she work for you?"

"Yes she's taken care of me since I was very young" he said taking him upstairs in the lavish house

Red gasped looking around in awe. "Your house is so big!"

"Thank you father lives here as well though he is hardly ever here" he said and went into his room. It was decorated in reds and blacks.

Red chuckled grinning "I like your color choice. If I was able to paint my apartment it would probably be this color."

"We can if you want"

Red shook his head frowning "nah can't it's against my contract. I'm not a criminal like you Hehehehe."

"Then live somewhere else I'll buy you whatever you want... Or you can live here" he said

Red flushed bright pink. "Y-you don't have to do that. It's more than enough that you got me my job."

"I want to do things for you... Ever since I found your wallet you've been all I wanted"

Red covered his face his skull a flushed pink. "S-stop. You're so sweet and embarrassing."

Edge chuckled and laid him on his bed "call me prince charming" he chuckled

Red chuckled peeking through his fingers "I thought you went by Edgelord Hehehehe."

"Just for you... Outside our home I am just Edge. In here I'm whatever you want" he said and kissed him proper

Red was stunned before melting into the kiss. Blinking as they separated Red chuckled "okay perfect it is."

Edge smiled "that works... Sweetheart" he teased

Red blushed turning away embarrassed. "W-whatever you say. Does this mean we are a couple? Are we on a date?"


Red flushed "o-oh. OH! Then do you want to do something? We could cook together?"

"Were not you tired?"

Red blushed pulling his hood up. "Kinda. Heh you make me feel really safe and carrying me... Heh almost put me to sleep."

"I guess I should be happy. So, what do you want to do my dear?"

Red blushed wiggling slightly. "um anything is fine... i just like being with you. but-but we can cook i know you like cooking, or cuddle, or kiss some more i really liked kissing you... or I mean we are in your bed..."

Edge smiled and kissed him "I've been waited for that opportunity."

[Rated M content starts here]

Red sighed leaning up into the kiss and giving a small whine when they separated.

Edge climbed onto the bed and on top of him and kissed him again repeatedly

Red's sockets fluttered closed as he sighed softly into the kisses his teeth opening for Edge to deepen the kisses.

Edge slid his tongue in and explored

Red gave a small moan his tongue forming and tangling with Edge's. After a few minutes of fighting for dominance Red pushed lightly on Edge to separate. Panting and looking up at Edge with lidded heart filled sockets. "Edge?"

Edge panted a bit as well as he pulled him close

"Edge? What are we doing?" Red smile giving Edge a quick kiss "not that I'm not enjoying you taking my breath away. It's amazing. Just are we just fooling around or..."

"What do you want this to be?" He asked stroking his cheek

Red hummed nuzzling into the hand. "Whatever you want it to be. I'm yours for as long as you'll have me. Use me, abuse me, whatever I'm yours."

Edge purred at that and began unzipping his jacket "than we will be each other's forever..."

Red's eye lights turned to hearts "of-of course."

Edge undressed Red and looked his bones over smiling

Red frowned curling into himself. "Sorry I'm not really the prettiest."

"You're beautiful" he said and went about kissing every bone... Every single one

Red grinned giggling and squirming. "Stop that tickles hehehehe." Blushing Red leaned forward kissing the bone he could see peeking out of Edge's shirt collar.

Edge shiver in pleasure "then don't say mean things about yourself

Red frowned flopping back. "I just don't see what you see. Maybe someday I will, but... Give me sometime. In the meantime how about you continue or should I continue?" Red poked his tongue out teasingly.

"My little vixen wants to play? Go ahead" he said

Red perked up "really?!"

Edge nodded and leaned against the headboard watching him with his ever keen eyes "go ahead"

Red beamed up to Edge giving him a quick kiss "Thank you! No one has ever let me take charge before." Grinning Red crawled between Edge's legs and started stripping him kissing and sucking on every bone that was revealed.

Edge purred as he was undressed and sighed in pleasure at the kisses and little sucks. so cute...

Red hummed nuzzling into Edge's ribs. So perfect. Pausing at Edge's belt Red looked up to Edge asking permission.

"You may continue" he said

Red blushed nodding. Unbuckling Edge's belt Red worked His pants off. Looking at the bones Red blinked before Grinning up to Edge. Creeping closer Red leaned down licking a long stipe up Edge's pubic symphysis.

Edge moaned pressing into the touch his magic swirling down there

Red chuckled continuing to lick at Edge's sensitive bones and rubbing his hands up his legs.

Edge's head rolled back and his cock form. It was large and red like his eyes

Red grinned snickering "wow you're a big boy heh."

"Can you handle me?" He asked sockets lidded smirking cockily

Red grinned up at him the challenge showing in his sockets "oh could I~" leaning up Red crawled up into his lap rubbing his bone against Edge's cock. "I could handle you all night long my perfect~"

"Then go for it my dear" he moaned rubbing his hips

Red gave a small moan summoning his ecto body. Flushed red magic forming from his neck to his ankles. Red large D sized breast rubbed against Edge's ribs. Reaching for Edge's hand he guided it to his slit. "You going to help me my perfect?"

Edge was awed by his ecto body even the pudge. he ran his hands over him till Red took it to his moist slit "of course sweetheart" he said running a finger over it before pressing it in slowly

Red groaned leaning heavily into Edge. His slit was wet and easily sucked up Edge's finger. Reaching down Red guided another in "heh don't hold out on me. I can handle it."

Edge moaned easily adding the second then the third. moving them in and out of the sucking slit he couldn't wait for his cock to be in him... All those nights masturbating while watching him sleep was now being rewarded with the real thing

Red moaned moving with Edge's fingers. "I-ah I think I can handle you. Now lets get you ready." Taking Edge's hand out of his slit Red guided it to Edge's own cock. Covering his hand Red guided in stroking the length to hardness.

Edge moaned as he stroked his own cock with Red's help and his free hand squeezed a breast lightly

Red gasped jolting slightly and looking at Edge's wayward hand. Snickering Red leaned up kissing him lightly "you like them?"

"I do..." He said kissing back he always disliked breasts due to all the women that throw themselves at him but on Red they were nice...

Red grinned "I'm glad. I was worried you wouldn't. I should have known better."

Edge kissed on before nibbling on the nipple

Red gasped giving a small moan. Leaning back Red pushed Edge against the headboard. Crawling closer Red lined up before easy down onto Edge's cock "let's start the main event~"

Edge liked how Red took control and said what he wanted. He gasped as his cock was being squished into that wonderfully tight slit and bucked up into him with a groan and took his hips in his hands

Red cried out clinging to Edge's ribs. "Ah you feel so good~ Edge please~"

Edge bounced him in his cock "please what sweetheart?"

Red moaned leaning into his chest. Rocking his hips with Edge's he whined "more~ perfect more~"

"Yes my love" he said flipping them and beginning to thrust harder

Red moaned gasping his eye lights hearts. Yes, Edge was perfect! Edge was hitting inside of him deliciously.

"My little Red... Going to fill you, make you mine forever"

Red groaned nodding into his chest "yes~ always yours~"

He growled and filled him cumming hard inside of him

Red moaned his slit clenching as Edge pumped him full. Red felt his magic shift as Edge's load filled it, shifting deeper and forming ovaries to hold Edge's release.

Edge kept thrusting "hmmm you are such a good cum dump for me... Is there anything you can't do?"

Red moaned his tongue lolling out. Gasping as Edge hit deep inside him causing a shiver to run through him. "Please~ I'm yours~"

"Such a good pet... " he praised and kissed him

Red sighed into the kiss. Yes, whatever Edge wanted he would do. Red was his. "Yes~ anything for you perfect~"

Edge aimed for his sweet spot eager to hear him scream for him

Red moaned crying out as Edge hit deep inside him. "Yes! Please!"

Edge gripped his hips hard surely they would bruise the magic and fragile bone beneath it but he would kiss it better later

Red groaned arching into Edge's thrust. It hurt but it felt so good. Moaning out his name Red clamped down around Edge as he hit deep inside. Cumming Red almost wanted to beg for Edge to pause and wait for him to become less sensitive, but he couldn't get it past his moans and cries

Edge kept going until he filled him once more

Red cried out as he was filled once more. His ecto body felt tight and full. his ovaries filled to the brim with cum. Red moaned giving small whines as he felt a small bulge appear along with cum leaking around Edge's large cock. He felt so sensitive his body shaking lightly.

"Was this a bit too much?" He asked

Red shook his head dazed.

"Sorry dear" he said and pulled out with a groan

Red moaned weakly gripping Edge as his body twitched with jolts of sensitivity.

"Hmmm I'll be more gentle next time"

Red hummed nodding slowly. "Was... Was I good?"

"You were amazing my dear. did you enjoy it?" He asked

Red nodded giving Edge a smile. "I did. I enjoyed it a lot. Though..."

"Though what?" He asked

Red blushed turning so he was looking at the bedsheets. "Um well. You did make quite a mess of me and... And I was wondering if... If we could fix that? You know with a bath or-or shower?"

"Hmmm a bath sounds lovely" he said getting up and going to his bathroom and running it before coming back and getting him

Red gave a small squeak as he was lifted. Shifting awkwardly in Edge's arms Red whined softly.

Edge took him to the hot bath and slowly lowered them into it. It smelled amazing it had oils and bubbles...

Red sighed leaning back into Edge's chest practically melting against him. "So nice... I don't know when was the last time I had a bath."

"You can have one whenever you want here"

Red nuzzled into Edge. "Not sure I would have time for this luxury whenever I want. It's a nice thought though." Red sighed closing his sockets. "This feels so much better. Sorry but the feeling of cum leaking out of my pussy is kind of gross. Not saying I don't love being stuffed full by you!"

"We could get you a plug and keep you full all the time" he teased rubbing his belly and pushing slightly washing his cum leak into the water

Red groaned arching slightly. "Stars this is why you are perfect."

"I am glad you think so..." He said and kissed his temple adoringly

Red grinned looking up to Edge. "I'm glad you think the same too. Now you gonna clean me up honey? Cause I'm probably going to fall asleep on you. Stars you wear me out, in the best way." Red gave him a wink and a smirk.

Edge nodded and pressed his tummy again and began cleaning him outside and in a bit loving how soft even his bones were

Red moaned quietly sinking into Edge's touch. Red looked down at where his ovaries rest under his magic. "Um... Edge do you think I'll get pregnant?"

Edge hummed "maybe... I think we need to be in heat? I was made in a lab I don't know how skeleton reproduction works" he admitted they were rare...

Red frowned nodding "I'll go down to the lab and talk to a doctor tomorrow." Red motion to his whole body "I won't be able to make all this disappear in the meantime... Is that okay?"

"I would like that..." He said rubbing his belly "would you like children?"

Red blushed giving a small shrug. "I've never thought about it before... Though I wouldn't be opposed to children with you."

Edge nodded and kissed him "good…"

"You want children?"

"If they are ours then sure." He said "though we may need to start using protection anyway."

Red nodded "yeah unless you are wanting me to start popping out skeletons like a rabbit monster."

Edge chuckled at the thought "doing the world a service."

Red snickered "not sure even your amazing sex could make popping out kid after kid sound appealing."

"True we will be careful then."

Red nodded leaning back into Edge with a yawn. "Yeah. Though snrk heheh we might have to look for extra large condoms if you keep blowing those size loads. Think any other size would burst! Hehehehe."

Edge chuckled "it's just pent up magic I am sure it would be less if I used it more"

Red blushed "oh. Heheh so this is going to become an often thing?"

"Oh yesss~"

Red flushed a bright pink "oh-oh okay. We might have to spice it up sometimes. I'm not sure my body can take it rough all the time. Heh your dad might start asking questions if I can't walk."

"Oh true..." He said "I'll be careful"

Red chuckled patting Edge's cheek "I'm sure you'll take great care of me love. You wanna head back to bed? Waters getting gross and cold."

[Rated M content ends here]

Edge nodded draining the tub and rinsed them off in the shower before drying off and wrapping Red like a burrito in a towel

Red hummed nuzzling the towel with a yawn.

Edge smiled and got them in bed and cuddled him

Red nuzzling into Edge's ribs clinging to them sleepily. "Loves ya Edge."

"Love you too my dearest" he said

Red hummed nuzzling him "so warm..."

Edge smiled and cuddled him they could dress tomorrow

Red blinked sleepily up to Edge. "Will you stay with me?"

"Of course..." He said kissing his forehead

Red hummed happily. Closing his sockets nuzzling into Edge falling asleep.

Edge held him feeling happy like a final piece of his life had fallen into place...

The End